AutoCAD Architecture :: Changing Polygon Colour Or Linetype
Apr 1, 2009
I'm currently trialling ACA 2010 in our office. In previous releases we used AEC Polygons as hatch and boundary objects for say concrete footing as an example.
Without the properties toolbar, how would I go about changing the linetype or colour of the aec polygon, I don't want to change the layer or a style based override I just want to assign a new colour to an object as the style base is set to 'byblock'. The properties for changing linetype, scale and colour aren't in the properties palette either.
Is this a bug or is there a correct workflow I must assume from now on?
I've made a shape (attached image) and am trying to find a way to use it for a linetype. However, I'd like to have the left and right "blocks" filled (hatch or whatever) so that when used repeatetively in a linetype, the filled and open spaces will alternate. I may change it to be only 2 blocks or 4 - haven't decided yet.
I've made linetypes with simple line shapes, but never one like this.
I have exported the 3 polygons through the Map Drafting ribbon --> Export and then brought it back into CAD. This gave me 3 adjacent filled polygons (3 seperate objects) and I don't know how to show it as one shape entity, much less without the middle fill.
Is there another way I can accomplish this without the use of shapes?
Civil 3D 2012 Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 Dell Precision T3400 (Q9550 @ 2.83 GHz) 8GB RAM Nvidia Quadro GTX 650 Ti BOOST
I've been asked to produce a user defined linetype with a continuous line as its base and with a letter "X" at specific intervals. That's ok, but the kick is that the line should be one colour and the "X" in a different colour.
I suggested creating a block for the "X" and using measure to place the blocks on the line, but that is unacceptable. There will be a lot of lines and these will be at some point deleted/replaced and the "X" blocks would still be there. It would be possible to place all the "X"s for one line in a group so they could be deleted as a group, but in a relatively small drawing there will be several hundred of these lines and in a large drawing perhaps a couple of thousand.
As far as I'm aware in a custom linetype all the elements are the same colour.
I have several drawings in which I want to use a line type (centrex2) at a specific scale. The scale setting is exactly the same in all the drawings but in some the line type is coming out at different scales, all larger, but not the same or to a set factor. All the entities in question are poly lines (2d).
I have checked in all drawings that:  global scale factor and current object scale in the line type manager are the same (1.0)drawing units are the same (unitless)‘use paper space units for scaling’ is always deselected line type generation is always enabled.
I have loaded an insulation linetype and I needed to make the ltscale of that line .194 in the linetype manager so that it would fit in my 3.5" walls.I would like my insulation linetype to always be drawn at .194 ltscale. All of my other lines/linetypes I would like to stay at 1.00
When I changed the linetype scale of the insulation to .194 every other ltscale went with it. Is it possible to change one ltscale independently of all your other linetypes?
I have been trying to use my ERASE command in order to use a window polygon but I'm not getting the results in need. This is what happens....
I type in ERASE, then WP and from there I select my polygon shape and the items I want deleted. I don't join the last endpoint of the window with the first point I just hit ENTER twice but nothing happens.
I realize I am probably using ACA against the way it is meant to be used, but is there a way to get back the linetype and lineweight menus that are on the classic view toolbars but not the ribbon? I just upgraded to 2012 and decided to bite the bullet and just use the ribbon, but it's really just not working out. Unfortunately I only have ACA yet am doing non-architecture work so really need to be able to modify lines without creating a different layer for each type.
I'm drawing a gas line (the one that says gas throughout the length of the line) and i can't seem to scale the text 'gas' properly, it seems that it is all squashing up and i cant make out what it says. I've tried ltscale, psltscale and the actual linetype scale of the line to no avail. I'm sure this is a simple problem, i just cant work it out.
I need a wall fill pattern that displays as a hidden other words, like a polyline with a global width of 5" with a hidden linetype. Is this possible with an AEC wall?Â
This is obviously a commonly used drafting standard for fire-rated walls or other wall types, so I'm sure it has been addressed by Autodesk, I just cant figure out how to get the wall type.
In my xref drawing I changed the linetype of a swing to be hidden. After changing it in the xref and saving I go to my plot file and the swing is still continuous. Visretain is set to 1. The swing changes on all other drawing files except one.
why the background colour changes when I'm dwg in 3D, it goes from the normal Charcoal to light brown and then to a mauve colour ? seems to be pretty random and a bit irritating. and then is it possible to turn it off so it just stays in the charcoal colour ?
Relatively new to the software, I am completely and utterly confused as to how to set up colours and lineweights for plotting. At the moment I have a titlebox template which prints as desired (black borders and colour logo), but when it comes to plotting views that are in the sheet file, they always print in black and white. I think I need to start from scratch here....
- Do I set colours in the view drawing or in the sheet file? What about overrides?Â
- How do i set up my plot styles?
- What ctb or stb should I use for printing geometry in black and white with only several lines in colour as required.
I am currently using Architecture 2012. When I go to draw a line or an object like a wall or door I can select the colour from properties before I draw the object. The object will then come out that colour.
However if I need to change that colour at a later point, but how to do this?
The problem:At our office we have created a large amount of custom 3d walls (mainly by modifying existing ones) and in the walls we have overriden the material colour in plan view from the default 11 (peachy/corally colour) to green/red etc. Now when we xref the drawing with the walls in it some drawings retain those colours while others show the walls with the default colour 11. Since it is the exact same drawing on our server being xrefed I assume its an option somewhere that I am missing.
I am in Application options and am changing the background colour of the screen, hiding the grid lines, ticking the autoproject on sketch creation etc...changing the settings to how I like them. Apply them, model something, open Inventor 2011 the next day and all of the settings have gone back to what they were..
is it possible to change the colour of all elements in a pattern without changing the ipt file?
I have an assembly that has 4 rectangular patterns that can have any number of elements, sometimes the customer will ask for coating to be applied, in this case i only want to change the colour at the assembly level only.
I'm trying to send a set of drawings for my consultant. They will be using it as a background for their mechanical and electrical drawings and they only need the 2d information. They want to be able to explode them and remove any items they don't need before switching all the layer colours to grey.
When they get the drawings and explode them the doors and walls explode onto the correct layer but the colour of those object and lines are now set to the actual color of the layer rather than colour "bylayer". The line actually take on the colour of the layer in the properties dialogue box. Therefore when they change the colour of the layer to grey the doors remain 'red'.
I would like the doors/walls to stay on their respective layers...AND their colour to be BYLAYER when exploded.
I saw a Photoshop of a car the otherday where somene completely changed the colour of the car and kept all of the variations in shade and refelection. I have tried changing the Hue of a picture,
firstly, need to change the colour of an animal's eye. If I change the saturation on the image then the eye changes to my desired colour but I was wondering how I just keep the eyes that colour and not the rest of the image?
Second, It's a white cat and I need to change it's fur to black. I know this has something to do with duplicating the layer, pressing Ctrl+Backspace somewhere (i think) and painting over the fur,
How make changing in my operational system that I had chosen. I clicked on 32 mbit but know I want to have 64 mbit. I didn't install software yet, it is still waiting to install.
I'm trying 3d text for the 1st time in Photoshop Cs6 Extended. The problem is every time I create new text and and change the colour it's always showing up as black. Nothing I do seems to alter this.
The Lady in this photo was wearing a reddish jacket and I need to change it to blue, or any colour really, I tried the hue/sat layer method and brushing it in but the problem is (if you look hard or zoom a bit) is that her friends hands, and possibly her own neck, have reflections of the jacket on their skin..
To change a colour or to recolour an object i would normally use hue/saturation slider.
but in this instant i want to change the colour of and image to a colour code = d8d7d3
The original colour is d8d7d4 and i want to change it to d8d7d3. I can use fill etc but everyattempt so far has left the edge looking naff. i want to keep the sharpness but by just replacing the image colour! theres probably been numerous emails like this before but i cant follow them or its for a different approach, the feathered edge.