AutoCAD LT :: Changing Colour Of Text And Entities To Red In 2013?
Feb 15, 2013how do i change the text and entities from Black to Red after the WBlock has been inserted into a new drawing and exploded.
View 9 Replieshow do i change the text and entities from Black to Red after the WBlock has been inserted into a new drawing and exploded.
View 9 RepliesNeed to export to excel, just text entities from old drawing. Or convert to table, then export. As long as i can get the text to excel.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying 3d text for the 1st time in Photoshop Cs6 Extended. The problem is every time I create new text and and change the colour it's always showing up as black. Nothing I do seems to alter this.
View 10 Replies View Relatedhow to change the clour of the txt
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just started using X4 for the first time and what I'm trying to do is add text to the last frame of a gif. I got the text in and see where the colour changing tools are but for some reason even if I made everything red, the text colour still comes out completely different. It seems to be matching it to the colour scheme of the GIF itself. I just want to text to be red.
How do I get the text colour to just stay red?
I have a Block that represent a point and has an attribute in order to label the point that I am displaying. According to the scale I can change the size of the point itself but I am having problems changing the size of the Atribute in order to make the label readeble in the scale that I have in drawing. How is possible to chage the Text size of my attribute in the point block so I can read the labels easily?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy problem is that all of my dimensions and text have changed colour to white, with my by layer colour as an outline of the text, the arrows and lines still look correct however. I put the dimensions on a seperate layer and this seemed to happen after hiding this layer then later unhiding it. I have looked through the properties to change the colour unsuccessfully.
On another note, the monochrome print option does not work when creating a plot - it will still create it in colour. What can I do to sort these issues? It is fustrating as all I really need to do with this drawing is to export the it for a report and it looks messy!
I am missing entities when I try to pick on them.Not window, not crossing. Just trying to pick an entity. I usually select entities first before my command.
Is there a variable that might have changed? I played with PICKBOX & APERTURE but this doesn't change anything when I try to select something. I can have the entity in the box right next to the intersection of the crosshairs and instead of selecting the entity it starts to window.
I have a logitech m705 mouse w/ setpoint software ver 6.32.7 & driver ver 5.33.14 installed.
I'm looking for a way to tag entities (for example arc) in a DXF with an numeric ID of my choosing. I've been trying to understand the DXF reference and find examples of how to do it, but there is not much information available. My interpretation of the standard is that I'm allowed to do this:
Where 2000 is my application defined code and 13 is my numeric ID value. Is this correct use of application defined codes?
When I select more than 100 entities all of the grip points disappear. With ACAD 2002 there seemed to be no limit to the number of entities you could select without losing the grips, but with ACAD 2007 they started dissapearing though with '07 clicking "View" "Regen" would bring them back into view (unless you accidentally click on another entity). With ACAD 2013 if I go over 100 that's it. This is mostly a problem for me as I use the spacebar shortcuts extensively in creating and manipulating my drawings. I have found other ways to  to acomplish my needs such as using the move command but I have much successful history using my old methods and would like to continue with them.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAny method to export text to excel such that the text is editable within excel?
I have a column of text (each text line is an individual mtext entity) and I would like them to appear in a column format in excel where each mtext entity has it's own cell.
why the background colour changes when I'm dwg in 3D, it goes from the normal Charcoal to light brown and then to a mauve colour ? seems to be pretty random and a bit irritating. and then is it possible to turn it off so it just stays in the charcoal colour ?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI was writing code for my custom .net extension dll and one of the procedure involved therein was to replace the Text of MTEXT and DBTEXT entities with some predetermined Text String. I am using C#, AutoCAD 2012, and Visual Studio 2010. Here is the part of code wherein I am trying to replace the Text String of the MTEXT or DBTEXT entities.
 foreach (SelectedObject selectedObject in selectionSet) { Entity currentEntity = transaction.GetObject(selectedObject.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite, false) as Entity; if (currentEntity == null) { continue; } if (currentEntity.GetType() == typeof(MText)) { ((MText)currentEntity).Contents = textToCopy; } else { ((DBText)currentEntity).TextString = textToCopy; } } transaction.Commit();
 The issue is that the text of the MTEXT or DBTEXT is not getting replaced with the string I am trying to. I debugged the code and it correctly hits the setting of MText.Contents == "Some String" and also transaction.commit(). But the text of the MTEXT still remains to the old value. Is this the correct way of changing the text of MTEXT / DBTEXT  through the .Net API.
I've written a method that creates a block definition and inserts one instance the newly created block definition.  The block is comprised exclusively of lines and text entities.  When the method is completed, all entities appear correctly on my machine.
However, when other users try to run the routine on their machines, the lines appear correctly but the text entities all appear positioned at the block insertion's origen. Â And the other users must manually regen the drawing after the command is run to trigger the text entities to move (or appear to move) into their proper location.
 Though it wasn't necessary on my machine, I tried adding the following line as the last instruction in my command-method:
 But even that last line's programmatically-triggered regen didn't solve the text location issue for my users.  They still have to manually regen.
I also ensured that all (or most) of a test user's system variables were set to the same values that I use (via Express Tools export & import). Â But that didn't work either.
I am trying to save road centerlines with labels to an AutoCAD drawing. On the Output Tab I click Save Current Map to AutoCAD. When I open the AutoCAD drawing I created each letter in the label is a seperate text entity. Like Main St is not one entity, it is 6 different text entities.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am running AutoCAD 2012 Electrical. The source wiring diagrams I am working with have attributed blocks all over the drawing. For my purposes, I dont need to export the data, but I do need to change the drawing. When I use "Burst" or "Explode Attributes to Text" in the Express Tools menu, it does change the attributes to text. However, it throws all the data that is in in the attribute all over the face of the drawing. This is extremely time consuming to delete them as some are micro small text.Â
I need a command that will explode the attributes to text, turning the blocks into entities, as if there are no blocks at all.
I'm currently trialling ACA 2010 in our office. In previous releases we used AEC Polygons as hatch and boundary objects for say concrete footing as an example.
Without the properties toolbar, how would I go about changing the linetype or colour of the aec polygon, I don't want to change the layer or a style based override I just want to assign a new colour to an object as the style base is set to 'byblock'. The properties for changing linetype, scale and colour aren't in the properties palette either.
Is this a bug or is there a correct workflow I must assume from now on?
I want to section my assemblies to show some internal detail, but sometimes it is hard to tell what is part of the cut and what isn't.
Is it possible to colour the sectioned area red instead of having it look like a slice through a block on concrete?
By the way, this is in the model environment, not the drawing environment.
Windows 7 Pro (X64)
Intel(R) core (TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
16.0 GB RAM
Nvidia Quadro 600
Autodesk Inventor 2013 Professional Ultimate Design Suite
I am currently using Architecture 2012. When I go to draw a line or an object like a wall or door I can select the colour from properties before I draw the object. The object will then come out that colour.
However if I need to change that colour at a later point, but how to do this?
The problem:At our office we have created a large amount of custom 3d walls (mainly by modifying existing ones) and in the walls we have overriden the material colour in plan view from the default 11 (peachy/corally colour) to green/red etc. Now when we xref the drawing with the walls in it some drawings retain those colours while others show the walls with the default colour 11. Since it is the exact same drawing on our server being xrefed I assume its an option somewhere that I am missing.
I am running Cad Architecture 2011.
I am in Application options and am changing the background colour of the screen, hiding the grid lines, ticking the autoproject on sketch creation etc...changing the settings to how I like them. Apply them, model something, open Inventor 2011 the next day and all of the settings have gone back to what they were..
View 4 Replies View Relatedis it possible to change the colour of all elements in a pattern without changing the ipt file?
I have an assembly that has 4 rectangular patterns that can have any number of elements, sometimes the customer will ask for coating to be applied, in this case i only want to change the colour at the assembly level only.
Trying to change the color of a layer in a viewport (different than the default layer color (i.e. model layer color)). Objects are set to bylayer. Â Changing the VP color in the layer dialog brings up the color dialog, select a different color, click OK and the VP Color DOESN"T change in the layer dialog. It stays at its previous color. Â Occurs on several machines.
View 9 Replies View Relatedway to change a persons eye colour without just using a paint brush, because it obviously doesnt look right or natural,
View 2 Replies View RelatedI saw a Photoshop of a car the otherday where somene completely changed the colour of the car and kept all of the variations in shade and refelection. I have tried changing the Hue of a picture,
View 2 Replies View Relatedfirstly, need to change the colour of an animal's eye. If I change the saturation on the image then the eye changes to my desired colour but I was wondering how I just keep the eyes that colour and not the rest of the image?
Second, It's a white cat and I need to change it's fur to black. I know this has something to do with duplicating the layer, pressing Ctrl+Backspace somewhere (i think) and painting over the fur,
The Lady in this photo was wearing a reddish jacket and I need to change it to blue, or any colour really, I tried the hue/sat layer method and brushing it in but the problem is (if you look hard or zoom a bit) is that her friends hands, and possibly her own neck, have reflections of the jacket on their skin..
Everything is possible.... I just don't know how?
I have a single colour pendant (blue) and would like to make a red, green and silver version. What is the best tool to do this with?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIm trying to get the photo with the black background, to have a blue background, similar to one shown. Is there a way of achieving this in photoshop?
View 14 Replies View RelatedTo change a colour or to recolour an object i would normally use hue/saturation slider.
but in this instant i want to change the colour of and image to a colour code = d8d7d3
The original colour is d8d7d4 and i want to change it to d8d7d3. I can use fill etc but everyattempt so far has left the edge looking naff. i want to keep the sharpness but by just replacing the image colour! theres probably been numerous emails like this before but i cant follow them or its for a different approach, the feathered edge.
Is there a way to change the background layer colour once you've started a document?
When I first created my document (in PS CS2, if that makes a difference) it automatically set my background colour as sepia, instead of white.
I'm now working on a painting and just realised that I can't use white; PS is calling this sepia colour white, and I can't get anything lighter.
Is there a way to fix this? I've done it on a few pictures now and I don't want to have to start everything over.
I've just tried making a new document with a white background layer and the same thing still happens! What is this?! I'm sure this can't be right! I'm on some sort of sepia scale; I can't even do grays. *desperate*