I tried to load/insert a specific window style through use of the design palette but couldn't find the right type within the generic window styles that came with the software. I needed an 8 Blade x 150 glass Louvre Blades Window with a few standard openings currently used in our industry. In fact I needed to design several standards of these which I did but saved them as blocks with the dwg extensions.
In fact I really desire a way to design one that would be possible to be integrated into the styles drawing in the default location (C:/Program Data/Autodesk/ACA 2013/enu/Styles/Metric/Window Styles (Metric).dwg.
I understand that these default styles can easily be loaded into design palettes, entered into constructed walls and modified to certain specs in the appropriate dialogue boxes.
How do I get my dimension styles, door styles, window styles, etc. from Architectural 2011 to 2012? I migrated but I don't see where it brought my styles over.
I have created a custom set of construction callout to use with the Multileaders.
I dont know if its just a Monday or what, but where are the blocks stored??? I mapped their location in the work support path and I inserted the blocks into the drawing but when I go to select them from the "Select Custom Content Block" drop down they are not in there???
Where are these block files coming from? How do I map my autocad to bring up these blocks?
I know the possibility of a plot style just disappearing is slim to none, but I have this user that constantly claims her plot styles have "disappeared".
When I check them, the entire "Plot Style" folder is gone. One day it's there the next it's gone.
She also has this problem with the DWG to PDF print option. It was there, now it's gone. She claims she isn't deleting anything. I will get them back on her PC and a few months later they will be gone.
She is a contract worker who also spends time at her office off site. I am not sure what version of AutoCAD she is using. I manage an AutoCAD group of about 20 users and none have this problem.
When I want to establish a new annotative text style, and I'm in the Text Styles dialog box, in the "Size" box, why will it not let me enter a Paper Text Height of 3/32"??? Every time I try it defaults to either 1/16" or 1/8". I have checked the Annotative box.
I'm working on getting my autocad groove back, and I'm not sure how to get my plotted output to look right. Specifically, how to plot b/w instead of colors, and how to control lineweights. BTW, I seem to have ctb files, but they don't show up in the styles when I go to plot.
How to group wall types together when scheduling a drawing?
I have multiple wall types within a drawing but scheduling produces multiple entries per type depending on length, only grouping them together when lengths are identical. All I need is a total length per wall type within the drawing.
I am currently using Autocad Architecture 2010 and would like to change the rendering options if possible. I have drawn something and can view it in realistic style, but when I render it, the lighting comes into play and everything looks too light. What I would like to know is how could I render my drawing in realistic view so that the rendering reflects what is on my screen in model space? Or realistic sketchy view for that matter?
I'm new to this company and still learning the ropes on there standards and how they do things. I have a floor plan and when I was cleaning it up, I noticed some extraneous linetypes and text styles. Being the good drafter that I am, I tried to clean it up, but to no avail. I even tried to make a new file, but when I copy clipped it in, it brings in the extra linetypes and text styles. Ran audit, but didn't find anything unusual. I even deleted everything but can't seem to purge out the extra linetypes and text styles. How to remove them? see attached for the drawing file. running autocad architecture 2012 on windows 7 64 bit machine. and the files was originally created in revit, that was converted out.
In ACA2008 there seems to be a maximum of 10 Cell Styles allowed in a Table Style? When I try to make a new 11th style, one of the existing 10 styles gets supplanted by the new style.
I would like to preface this post by stating, for the purposes of this message, that I have absolutely no understanding of the workings of AutoCAD. I have looked at many forum discussions concerning my issue and I am simply unable to understand the terminology and/or concepts being described.
I recently purchased a new computer for my office. Accordingly, I needed to install AutoCAD on this new machine. All of the machines in my office are running AutoCAD 2011. However, after addressing some licensing issues with AutoDesk, I received a license and installer for AutoCAD 2012. Everything was installed correctly (as far as I understand) and the program itself is working fine. The problem I am running into involves the text style for the files I open:
For files saved on AutoCAD 2011, the text style used is Arial. Simple; no custom fonts. However, when I open that same file in AutoCAD 2012, the text style for the entire file has changed to Franklin Gothic Book. (Note that all files are accessible from all computers in the office through a network drive)
That is my only understanding of the situation. As I mentioned earlier I have very little understanding of the workings of AutoCAD. I have had this problem for almost a week now and I am no closer to understand this issue, much less solving it.
I'm trying to set up Annotative Text styles in my Xref base drawing, so that I can alter the Annotative Text Scale in paperspace of my titlesheet drawings.
Is it possible to create the Annotative Text styles in an xref and amend these on a titlesheet when said xref has been imported?
I've checked the "Help" section of AutoCad but it all seems to relate to creating Annotative Styles within a single drawing.
I have a customize form to use in AutoCAD. If I minimize the form, I can not see it anymore in the AutoCAD application tray. I want to minimize my form and later restore it after editing in .dwg file.
I use a custom picture style when shooting to get a flat look for post editing. In Lightroom 5, under Camera calibration, which profile do i select to use MY CUSTOM picture style: adobe standard, camera faithful, camera landscape, camera neutral , camera portrait, camera standard?
AA 2012 - The REFEDIT window is missing, which means I cannot add a subtract objects while editing a block, I can save and close the block by Right Clicking menu, but the window is nowhere to be found!
In AutoCAD Architecture 2012: when we insert standard windows in the wall, we usually get a wall break. After changing window size to small (2’ high), this wall break disappears in the plan, but still have it on isometric or perspective view.
I have two windows that are above my cut plane (far above) but still insists on displaying in plan view. This of course ruins my plan drawing so I need to fix it. I have tried several different 'Object Display' options but none have worked so far.
I don't understand - I thought default was for them not to disappear when above cut plane?
Sometimes when we place a window in a wall we can grab the grip and stretch it to any size we want. Other times the only sizes we can use are the standard sizes. I know how to add a standard size but how can we make it to where you can just strectch it to any size we want?
I am having a lag problem when quickly zooming in or using the selection window quickly. When quickly picking a window from left to right the first pick point lags and I would select some thing else. Iam using Cad 2012. Is there a command setting that has changed from Cad 2011 to 2012 ??
How to reposition window within wall? i have a window put into my basement wall with footing as shown. unfortunately, the window aligns on the symmetry line of footing itself (as i believe the footing is taken as the overall wall thickness). i want the window to be aligned on the wall/cavity thickness only.
i prefer to have it default in this window or wall style rather than playing around with anchors and other ,,reposition tools'' for each and single window in my basement plan.
I opened a view drawing where I had placed the window tags and many of them had moved either X or Y from where they had been placed. When I say moved, I don't mean a little. Some of them moved 540 FEET! What would cause that?
how to create a custom bullet using the bullet character style and configure it as needed. The issue I have is that I can't edit or delete a custom bullet character style once it is created. When I create a custom character style, it doesn't preview so I'm sort of guessing on things like baseline or vertical shift and things like that, so it is trial and error and then I end up with a bunch of extraneous character styles. What I really want to do is edit an existing one - is there a way to do this and I'm just missing it? And if not, can I at least delete the extra character styles?
Within Photoshop(CS5extended) there's an option to view Styles I have some original Shapes I have created and also downloaded not too many but I would like to have them added to the window drop-down menu at top similar to styles. Is this even possible, for the life of me I can't find a way to do it
I'm having a problem with my properties window or floating palette. When I select an object, such as a "line", my properties palette refreshes itself for about 3 seconds. When I hit esc, or deselect the line, it takes another 3 seconds to refresh itself. You can even see the properties palette start at the top and go blank as it travels downward. Very slow process, I can not get anything done. IF I close my properties palette, it does not have the delay, but I can not work without it. When I reboot, it works fine for about 5-6 selections, then jams back up.
ACA 2012 sp1 with Win 7 Pro 64bit sp1 Intel i7 hex 3.0 16 gb ram Nvidia Quadro 4000