Inventor Pro 2012.I am opening some SolidWorks 2011 SLDPRT files to make them into Inventor part files.The models come in fine. When I try to produce a IDW I can Dimension all the geometry but can not call out and holes/threads. I am using Win 7 64 bit, all the latest service packs for Inventor and Windows.
I have include a snipe screen of the Open file dialogue box and the selected options.
Running X4 under Win7 and it always goes back to the last file I was working on when I go to the Open dialogue. It insists on going to the Libraries Directory on my C: drive and 99% of my files are stored on my H: drive. Sometimes it's easy to get out of, other times I can't back up at all. Is there someway to gte the Open dialogue to simply go to My Computer instead?
Upgraded to 2.8 with total deletion of the Gimp folder to try to address this.
File / Open Recent works fine.
File / New etc same all good...
File / Open has a problem.
Once that window opens the product is hung.
There is no window to type the file name in, and I cannot click on any of the disk drive names.
I must admit that I have a good number of network and usb as well as physical drives. I do not think that any have changed names, but it seems clear that something like a path change is responsible?
Everything has been working fine but I have recently installed two new extension panels - Fundy Image Brander and Tych Panel. When either of these scripts require you to input a file to open via the Open File dialogue box, everything hangs for 2-3 minutes. The mouse and keyboard do not lock and you can open up other windows which work fine. The open file dialogue just hangs (not just on selecting an individual image but selecting a drive or folder). If you call up the Task Manager and End Photoshop as a task a dialogue box pops up with the message "The system cannot end this program because it is waiting for a response from you."
Photoshop otherwise works well. It's just when the extension panel requires you to input a file to open.
so i recently started taking an architect autocad class. our first project was nothing special but for some reason whenever i save it on my removeable usb after working on it at home, it wont open on the schools computer. it doesnt open as the specific file i wanted, but instead it opens up a blank file named drawing1.dwg. the file name does not even come up at the top of the screen.
I want to create an AutoCAD point clound (.pcg) from a FARO laser scan file (.fls). When I go through the steps in AutoCAD Mechanical 2013, I get the following error (see attached file for screen shot):
Progress....... Failure! - Fail to open scan file. Complete, 0 point cloud created, 1 failed.
Suddenly today my open dialogue box has reverted to an old-fashioned looking small thing about 7" x 4 1/2" which only shows 7 files at a time. Always before I got a nice big Windows Explorer style box nearly filing the screen. I'm running Windows 7 and Inventor 2011. Is there a switch somewhere to revert to the 'old' type box and that's got switched somehow?
is it possible to Zoom and Pan whilst I have a title box open.I work for a company that has installed its own toolbar and and attribute box's to be filled out. My issue is that I need to zoom into various parts of the drawing to be able to fill out all the boxes.
Currently I have to close the dialogue box down every time I want to move the drawing to a specific area.If there was a command or setting that I could use to be able to keep the box open and move the drawing at the same time.
if i try and to open a new file or save as a current file, the windows box does not open. the command line does populate asking for file name, etc, but obviously is very tedious to navigate windows folders with a command line!
any obvious changes that would prevent windows folder dialogue box not to open?
I've recently been sent an IGS file via a secure file transfer site. Accessed the site, downloaded the file no problem but can't open it in ACad.
I've been advised to use the IMPORT command but this hasn't worked either, just provides me with the pop up saying only V7 & V8 are supported, see screen shot below.
Do I need to purchase a specific piece of software (plug in) to allow me to open the file?
When opening the a .dwg file in autodesk I am prompted with a message telling me that this DWG file was saved by an application that was not developed or licenced by Autodesk. What would you like to do? I say continue opening the drawing. Next the drawing opens but another message appear Proxy Information.
The drawing you have opened or referenced contain custom objects created by an unavailable Object ARX application. You do not need the original application to display proxy representations of objects that were saved in the drawing. However, many manufacturers including Autodesk, provide object enablers that also allow you to edit these custom objects. Visit the AutoCAD Object Enabler assistant web page to locate Autodesk object enablers or contact the software publisher about object enablers for other applications.
I believe the drawing has come from a Pro E environment. The file has been attached.
When ever I open a drawing from the file menu or open file icon, the preview pane is missing from the dialogue box. I is there if i use file new or when I insert a block of file. Please see attached screen print.
AutoCAD insists on stacking fractions. I've tried everything I can think of to get the Auto Stack dialogue box to come up, but sometime I must have checked the "do not show me this again" box. I can't figure out how to reset the default to horizontal fractions.
In AutoCAD 2010, the UCS Icon settings dialogue window has a 'Cone' setting for displaying coned arrows at the end point of each axis. This 'cone' setting has been removed from 2011-2014. What logical reason why this was removed and is it possible there is a hidden setting to bring it back in 2014?
I am a contractor that does work for several different companies. When these companies send me their dwg file I have no problem opening them up to edit them, but once I complete my edits and email the file back to them they are telling me that their autocad crashes while trying to open the drawing or the whole computer itself. Most recently I only made a very minor edit to their dwg which was editing two areas of text and still crashes their computer when I send it back. I am using Autocad lt 2013, while they are using autocad 2010. I backsaved the file as well was purged the drawing after I was finished and still no luck. Also I noticed on another job after doing very minor edits, once I saved the new version the file file sized multiplied like ten thousand times its size.
i got for a project some files (in the pic below) wich i actually can use for an 3D model ( geodate's). Problem is, i dont know how i can use/open them to generate an 3D Model. How to figure out which programm I can use this files or how i can use them in AutoCAD?
When I open a file in Inventor 2013 I get the error message "cannot open XML file" for 20 or more files.(See attachment) This has only been an issue since 2013 was installed. What do I need to do to correct this?
I'm using Autocad 2013, and the Open File Dialog Box has disappeared. Every time I try to open a drawing, it defaults to the command line. I have the same error with Image Attach. It's only my user. Other Users on the computer do not have this issue. Settings to change it.
Iused DXFOUT as below to reduce file size. It works well so I want to create a script for that.
Type DXFOUT to export to DXF file.Open the newly created DXF file and run PURGE > ALL, -PURGE > REGAPPS and AUDIT. SaveAs the DXF file back into a DWG file.
The problem is when we use dxfout, it will export to a DXF file but still open DWG file. It means we have to open that DXF file to fix. Cannot use 1 script to do that.
I try this script to save as to dxf, save as will open that DXF automatically and continue with purge, audit but the file size not change.
saveas dxf 16
-purge r
n audit y saveas 2007
I think the problem is the different between saveas and export.
I have installed 237 MB offline help setup for AutoCAD 2013. But I am unable to access the offline help dialogue box in contents form.
I am attaching the image of Microstation help dialogue box in content form, I need same help dialogue box in contents form for AutoCAD too so that I can self-learn AutoCAD.
I am using Autocad2014. I have had issues with two windows7 64bit machines where using the file open dialogue (network file) has an 8 second delay to open the file. If I open using recent documents(in cad) or windows file explorer to open them, there is no delay. Moving the file to the local machine stops the delay, but removing XREF's did not.