AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Access Offline Help Dialogue Box In Content Form
Jun 13, 2012
I have installed 237 MB offline help setup for AutoCAD 2013. But I am unable to access the offline help dialogue box in contents form.
I am attaching the image of Microstation help dialogue box in content form, I need same help dialogue box in contents form for AutoCAD too so that I can self-learn AutoCAD.
how to access offline help dialogue box, which contains in the form of contents so that I can learn AutoCAD systematically? I have AutoCAD 2013 & I have installed 237 MB offline help setup too.
When selecting the render video command, a progress bar appears stating "Initializing Video Export", and gets most of the way done but then freezes. At this point a dialogue pops up saying that "Required software extensions are missing" and that if one presses okay it will direct to the PACE website where an installer can be downloaded. But this dialogue then proceeds to freeze as well. The little circle of death spins forever in front of it and neither button may be pressed. Went to the PACE website and looked at their anti-piracy "tools" and it all seemed rather weird. Anyway, what is the way past this empasse?
I have an older late 2008 macbook pro with OS 10.8.3, running Photoshop CS6.
Is there a faster way to create figure prefix i.e form excel spreadsheet or access.
I have one tip also. When you modify the figure database "C:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2013enuSurvey" by using notepad and you add "*" after each figure it will connect during linework codes that much the prefix code and will exclude the integer, EPN1 and EPN2 will be treated as EPN
For a while now whenever I open a new assembly the default is place from content centre, I use the drop-down and select place.
Today I needed place from content centre and it just doesn't come up.
It is loaded/automatic in the addins.
If I open my projects, in the bottom right corner where I would usually click to acess my installed libraries, I click but it does nothing!
I also noticed studio and BIM are greyed out, but I have started to play with Showcase so not really a problem. I need to set up a read/write library soon, so it's going to be a problem.
Why is access to the Content Center only available in the Assembly Environment?
Surely I can't be the only one that could benefit from access to the library when creating a single tube or beam or angle bracket the part environment.
When I press the "sign in" button, either from the menu or icon in the lower right hand of the main screen, nothing happens. Normally a dialog box would open and allow one to login, but not the case for me any more.
It's installed but when I look at DVD templates I only get several choices and it's trying to download the templates - I thought the content disk contained many does one access that content?
AutoCAD insists on stacking fractions. I've tried everything I can think of to get the Auto Stack dialogue box to come up, but sometime I must have checked the "do not show me this again" box. I can't figure out how to reset the default to horizontal fractions.
In AutoCAD 2010, the UCS Icon settings dialogue window has a 'Cone' setting for displaying coned arrows at the end point of each axis. This 'cone' setting has been removed from 2011-2014. What logical reason why this was removed and is it possible there is a hidden setting to bring it back in 2014?
When I search in content explorer it work just fine but when I click on a drawing to open it acts like its opening but right at the end it says Error Decrypting Data and wont open I've tried to look for a solution and I cant find anything.
I am seeking to simplify some of our drawings and want to make some forms or tables that has a click check or radio button. Is this possible in any way using Autocad and/or using the Visual Basic and Visual LISP add ons?
If it is possible what I seek is something similar to what is shown in the attached picture. Ideally I would be able to group the boxes together and set up something so it will only allow one of them to be checked, same thing for Mixed Occupancy, Construction Types, etc. If that is not possible via any means at a minimum I would like to be able to just click on the box to check or uncheck it.
If there is some way to make it as a block with attributes I can handle that as well.
I am using inventor 2013 and have a very large assembly consisting of many sub assemblies and I want to perform a FEA on it. I went to the tutorials to see where to find it and it said it is under "Environments" on my ribbon. However, I can't find it anywhere. How do I access it?
I am trying to add labels everywhere on my drawing to show the properties of my objects i.e. lines. (But the thing is, I need static text). This is because I need to be able to "distort" the drawing for legibility purposes but retaining the label information. This is a common drafting task in surveying. Solution A - add the labels and then convert then into text. (I don't think Autocad allows this) Solution B - add the mtext via script, but so far I am stuck on the text editor.
Here's what I have done so far. mtext 100,100 <-- I'll need to come up with some calculation to automatically place the text in the middle of the line. j mc r 96d08'27" 130,100 "186° 08' 27""" <-- how to you add the content of the mtext object?
I have re-installed the content center. we do not use the vault even though i had to install the basic to install the content center see attached for my file settings for the content center.
I made my first installation of Autocad 2013 on this computer. Unfortunately the quick access toolbar appears whitened as you can see in the attached picture.
Installed Autocad 2013 a while back worked smoothly until yesterday since when it does not open cannot create new files and at the same time cannot open any existing ones
I have a Lenovo Z570 i5 2nd generation processor, 8gb ram , 500gb hd, 2gb nvidia geforce with cuda integrated graphic card, genuine windows 7 home premium 64 bit
i have tried repairing the installation from control panel, and re-installing it again but to no use..Looked it up on the internet and downloaded the service pack and installed it but to no use again !!