AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Import Mechanical Desktop 2009 Files Into Inventor 2012
Sep 23, 2013how to import Mechanical Desktop 2009 files into Inventor 2012
View 1 Replieshow to import Mechanical Desktop 2009 files into Inventor 2012
View 1 RepliesCan Mechanical Desktop 2009 be installed with Inventor 2013?
View 5 Replies View Related.My Inventor2009 keep crashing everytime i'm trying to traslate/import Mech. Desktop2009 files....Windows7 is my os platform. Done all latest SP both for Inventor & Mech Desktop.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I start the subject application, I experience delay in opening the program & error as attached appars on sreen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with some step files I recieved from a vendor for an assembly. Basically what is happening is I download the step file. Then bring it into Mechanical Desktop. When brought into Mechanical desktop, it is downloaded in metric where my entire assembly is in standard/english format. What I did when I had Inventor 2011 is bring the step file into inventor, go to document settings and switch the unit to inch from mm. Then save the step file and when I brought it into Mechanical desktop it was in the correct unit and scale.
Now with 2012 Inventor, when I bring the step file in, it is automatically in english/standard format. So I save the step file out and try to open it in Mechanical desktop only to have the file back into mm and 25.4x the actual size it should be.
how to save the step file out like in 2011 to make sure the unit is saved in the correct format. This is extremely aggrevating and waste of time. I would have had the part reverse engineered by now if i quit trying to use the vendors standard step files.
This problem doesn't only happen with a certain vendor's drawings either, it goes for all step files I have recieved since getting Inventor2012.
can you open inventor pro 2012 files on inventor pro 2009?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe need to be able to open MDT 2008 3D drawings in Autodesk Mechanical 2013.
I also would like to know if there is a way to convert a lot of files? (like using a batch or something similar)
I am using inventor 2012 and am trying to import my MDT(2002) drawings but when I try the translation process I receive an error message that says Mechanical Desktop must be installed. I currently of both Inventor and MDT installed and both operate correctly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to Translate the model from Mechanical Desktopt in Inventor 2014.
Program requires installed mechanical desktop.
How to tranalate without having mechanical desktop?
I have a drawing that was sent to me using Autodesk inventor 8 but I want to add it to a drawing I have already started in Mechanical Desktop 2004 is there any way to export the drawing into a format that can be opened by Mechanical Desktop 2004?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to import my MDT 2009 (SP3) files into Inventor 2012 (SP1) but I get the error in the subject line.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen the senior engineer at our company opens my acad drawings all of the text justification is off.
I'm using acad 2009 mech and saving as to 2007.
He is using 2007 LT?
how to get the FEA box to appear in the ribbon in Mechanical Destop?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhat is the risk Migrating Inventor 2009 files to Inventor 2012?
Do i have to migrate the Inventor 2009 files to 2010 and up to 2012?
I am trying to import a ProE created STP or STEP file of a solid model into 2012. STP does not seem to be an option under format types. AutoCAD Mechanical 2012 seems to import the file just fine and it looks and act like a solid. I saved the file out in dwg format. When I try to import the dwg file into Inventor or just open it, a "styles conflict" dialog box comes up even though the dwg file being imported and the ipt file being used are the standard versions that come with the programs. If I click OK an idw file opens displaying a blank sheet. Then Inventor acts like it is done with the task.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwe have Inventor prof 2012 lisc copy ,now we recd 2013 upgrade copy , as per discusswith local service provider of Autodesk need to uninstall whole 2012 and reload fresh 2013. i copied contenet center folder on other location and reload fresh Inventor 2013.when i installed it it is obserbed that content center libraries don't have standards which contents in Inventor 2012. To open our old projects we need this standards, the procedure to import this content center libraries from 2012 to 2013.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOnes every three years we have an upgrade of Inventor. In a few months we have an upgrade from Inventor Proffessionel 2009 to Inventor Prof. 2012. Since we often use special materials in our design process we also create/add the new material in the material database. So here's the question; is it possible to copy the material database (special mades) from Inv Pro 2009 to Inv Pro 2012? It would save us a lot of work!
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan you save files for 2012 in 2013? I have the ability to upgrade to 2013 while others at my company are not able to, since they were not put on the subscription service. If I upgrade will they still be able to open my files or can I back save to a previous version? I know I can save it as different file type, like .iges or .step, then use feature recognition. But I need them to have full editability to sketches and features.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWe recently updated all of our software at my company from 2010 architectural desktop to 2013 autocad. We do a lot of architectural work where we use the "wall" functions to draw our floorplans. I have noticed that the walls are disappearing on some files and not on others. Or we will only be able to see the outside line of the wall, but not the interior, which results in an undesirable appearance to the floorplans.
I have also run across these error messages when opening the files, I dont know if they are related or not:
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address E43AA180h"
"Unhandled exception C0000005 (access violation reading 0xffffffff) at address D41218AEh"
Finally, we updated to 2013 Inventor Professional (64 bit).
Now I have some problems when I run the rule which I created in 2009 (32 bit).
First one is:I created a rule which is suppressed. I need run it when I save files. The problem is: after I moved to 2013, and when I puch SAVE button, my rule cannot be run.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 (64 Bit) SP2
Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645
12.0 GB Memory
I thought I'd share a little discovery we made here yesterday. Before we upgraded to Inventor 2013, there was a lot of fuss and hesitation due to 2013 not having the AMDT import wizard functionality. This lack of functionality was also confirmed by our VAR.
I can confirm that Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 DOES have the usual Mechanical Desktop import wizard.
I can also confirm that it still doesn't bring in extruded text :-)
I've attached a collection of screenshots as proof.
I have a user that is getting what appears to be streaks on his drawings.
The video card has the latest driver.
I ask how often this happens and he states:
Almost every time I have a large 3d drawing ..or multi 3d drawings open (which is often the case)
It is possible to save from AutoCAD 2012 Mechanical back to REGULAR AutoCAD 2006 Lite? I am updating files on my computer with 2012 Mechanical but have to email them back to the original computer (which only has AutoCAD Lite) to print them out. I wouldn't think it would matter if the save format is AutoCAD Mechanical 2006 as long as it is still a .dwg file, correct?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have code that works just fine in AutoCad 2010 (just plain ol' AutoCad), but will not run completely in AutoCad Mechanical 2012. The code will draw lines, arcs, circle, plines, etc. as well as insert blocks. The command to insert the block has the entire block path so I don't have to rely on setting that up for everyone.
In AutoCad Mechanical only the blocks show up. No lines, arcs or anything else is drawn. I do not use a command method (like in LiSP) to create those objects, I create them through the block table and block table records.
What do I have to do to get my code to run in AutoCad Mechanical 2012?
A dwg obtained and developed from autocad 2009 was opened with autocad LT 2012 but could not display on the LAYOUT, although it does show on the MODEL.
I have tried to SAVE AS using the 2012 Autocad LT, but the drawing still wont display on the LAYOUT.
I go back and forth between older drawings in 2009 a lot while my current drawings are in Civil 3d 2012. Is there a way to copy linework from a Civil 3D drawing into my 2009 drawing easily. I used to be able to copy and paste between drawings but that doesn't work between these versions. Right now I have to wblock out the linework and open that new drawing and save as 2004 then import it into the old drawing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI work with a national company that creates criteria drawings for new projects. They recently changed to the 2012 version but they save it down to 2007. There has not been an issue with opening files with my 2009 version until recently. All of the computers in our office are unable to open these new files, although they claim nothing has changed. My CAD will pop up a fatal error and shut down whenever I attempt to open the new files. I downloaded the 2013 trial version and saved the file down to the older version, but that does not work either. Newer versions do not seem to be affected by the files, just my 2009 version. I tried creating a new file in 2013 and saved down to 2007 format. When I try to open it 2009 there is no issue. besides purchasing a new version of AutoCAD?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe've just started using ACA 2012 and have noticed when importing files created in ACA 2009 that structural members do not display properly. We use the structural column or beam to represent a rainwater or soil pipe and are expecting to see a cut through at the cut plane and nothing else however we are getting a couple of lines that represent the crank in the pipe and I cannot turn them off. I'm sure that a setting has been introduced somewhere however after two weeks of looking I am still in the dark.
I've attached a file created in ACA 2009 that displays the problem in ACA 2012
We just upgraded to AutoCAD 2012 Architectural suite, With previous versions of AutoCAD we would be able to import groups using the customize pallets dialogue and Right click to import or export palette groups. These options seem to be missing.
How to lisp the function, where I'm trying to ultimately go with this anyway.
how to import the iges file in autocad mechanical 2011? [URL]
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am the only one using C3D 2012 in our office and the other users are complaining that they cannot insert blocks or paste clipboard content into drawings that I have saved from C3D 2012. This is true whether I use "C3D as AutoCAD" or the full C3D functionality. I understand that the newer C3D objects are not compatible with the older version but to my knowledge there are no C3D objects included in the drawings in question.
C3D 2009 users can wblock the drawing contents from the Model tab and each Layout tab, and reassemble those parts. Then they are able to insert blocks and paste content again. It is a very inconvenient solution and we only use it when the situation is critical. It also breaks sheet view linkage to our Sheet Sets when we do the wblock fix.
I've asked the others to try using Design Center or Windows paste (CTRL+V) and see if that works the next time they encounter the problem. I don't have C3D 2009 installed or I would have tested these ideas already. The others will not install C3D 2012 and so far the owner's will not force them to.