AutoCAD 2013 :: Scale When Printing From PDF

Nov 14, 2013

So if I am in a layout page and I plot the sheet directly to our printer the drawing comes out to scale.However if I plot to PDF using DWG to PDF.pc3, and then print to printer it is always slightly smaller around 10% to 15% smaller.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Scale Command Message - Extremely Small Scale Factor Ignored

Apr 13, 2012

I have just updated to Autocad 2013. While working on existing drawings (previously created in V2012), I am having issues with the SCALE command.  Most times, but not always, when I add a line or block, with a base point on an existing line or object and try to scale it, I get an "extremely small scale factor ignored" message, although I did not get a chance to enter a scale factor.  While it appears most times, but not always, if I draw a new line in empty space on that same drawing, I am able to use the SCALE command without problems.  I also have the same issue when trying to scale an existing line or block, most times but not always.

Here is a copy of the command line while I am trying to make it work:

Command: l
Specify first point:
Specify next point or [Undo]: 100
Specify next point or [Undo]:

Command: sc
Select objects: 1 found
Select objects:
Specify base point:
Specify scale factor or [Copy/Reference]:
Extremely small scale factor ignored.

Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found, 2 total
Select objects:
Specify base point:
Specify scale factor or [Copy/Reference]:
Extremely small scale factor ignored.

If you notice, it does not give me the chance to enter a scale factor.  As soon as I pick the base point, it skips over to the error message, yet displays the scale factor prompt with a blank factor.  I'm experiencing this issue on various files (not all but most), so I don't think it is a corrupt file. Why I get this and if I can correct it?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Scale Of Drawing Field Versus Scale Of Object

Jun 27, 2013

When I open a new drawing in my AutoCAD 2013 that I just recently installed last week, I encounter a problem that I am not familiar with from previus versions of AutoCAD I have worked on.  First of all, the units default to decimal, and I want them to default to architectural, with feet and inches.  I have to type UNITS in the command line every time I open a new drawing in order to adjust this.  I have AutoCAD for Architecture 2012 on another computer, and the program automatically defaults to architectural units upon opening up.  Just to let you know, the program I am having this difficulty  with is part of a package called Autodesk Building Design Suite 2013.  I was under the impression that it included AutoCAd for Architecture, but I think it has only standard AutoCAD.

The scale of the objects I draw vs. the scale of the drawing field is very out of proportion.  What I mean is, when I open a new drawing and draw a 30' -0" line, the line appears so long on the screen that I cannot see the whole object, even if I zoom out to the maximum.  I should be able to see the object in it's entirety.  In fact, when I draw a line that is only 12" long, even when the zoom is all the way out, the line looks huge in length.  I have tried adjusting the units to the architectural/inches setting of course, and I have tried adjusting the scale in model space from 1:1 to 1/4'=1'-0", but nothing is working.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Blocks Insert At Large Scale In 2014 - Correct Scale In 2012

Nov 22, 2013

I am trying to insert a block into a file in Acad 2014 and it comes in too large.  If I insert the same block into the same file using Acad 2012 it comes in at the correct scale.  Doesn't seem to matter if insunits is 0 or 1, or insunitsdefsource or insunitsdeftarget are also 0 or 1.

There must be some variable or variables I'm missing.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Block To Scale Based On Plot Scale?

Apr 19, 2013

I have a block that i would like to scale based on the plot scale when plotting.

We set up our drawings full size and occasionally we want to plot them at half size. We do this by setting the plot scale to 1:2 (custom) in the plotting dialog. We have a few blocks that we want to print at the same size on paper, essentially become twice as big.

Is there is a way to fix the size or just set a few scale states and have them automatically adjust based on the plot scale (not drawing/annotative scale)?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Viewport Scale List - Zooms With Each Scale

Sep 6, 2013

AutoCAD 2013 2D - when scrolling the viewport scale list, the viewport zooms with each scale instantly.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Change Global Scale Factor Or Current Object Scale In Specific Paper Space

Apr 10, 2013

I have trouble figuring out dash lines. If i change global scale factor or current object scale in a spedific paper space,

the other page will be affected...

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AutoCad 2D :: Printing Out Of Scale?

Oct 2, 2012

I just found out that the last couple of drawings I have produced/worked on all have incorrect dimensions on them. I have spent a couple hours scouring the internet and cannot find any fixes.

My dimensions all work, and add up to what I am drawing, but when I print the sheet everything is out of scale. I have attached a simple drawing as an example. I drew a 190mm line and printed it 1:100. When I measure the line it comes to just over 4.8mm.


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AutoCad :: Printing To Scale

Nov 16, 2010

I work for a demolition company and and trying to print off site plans, sent to us by clients (which are drawn in CAD, but sent to us as pdf's), to scale on an A1 printer.

The documents being sent to us are supposedly to scale @A1. I have tried printing both in adobe and bluebeam but both programmes seem to lose accuracy and consistency between drawings.

What is the easiest and cheapest way of measuring, then printing pdfs to an accurate scale.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Not Printing Quite To Scale?

Jan 20, 2012

I am having an issue printing to scale. When I print my drawings, the scale is about 4" over 100' out of scale (short) All of the settings are correct for plotting. This happens whether we print directly or to a pdf first. I know it is not just the plotter as I have tried three different printers with the same result.  Also, I know it is not AutoCad as we are having the same issue printing from Microstation.  I

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AutoCad :: A4 HP Printer Not Printing To Scale?

Jun 27, 2012

We have a number of printers in our office, an A3, an A1 plotter and an A4 printer.

After printing off the same drawing to the A3 and the A4 yesterday, I realised the A4 printer is printing around 95% of the size it should be printing.

I don't even know where to start fixing this problem; the user manual for the HP Officejet Pro 8000 Enterprise [I know!] doesn't even reference scale at all. It could be an issue with CAD linking to the printer my computer linking to the printer the printer My colleagues are having the same issue, so it's not just my computer or settings.

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AutoCad 2D :: DWG Converted To PDF Then PDF Not Printing To Scale

Jun 18, 2012

My client needs an a3 drawing I drew converted into a PDF so he can print the PDF off to the correct scale.

I created the pdf in autocad 2012 to A3 size and a scale of 1:1. I emailed the PDF to my client who now says that the PDF is not to the correct scale when he prints it, I instructed him to select the 'actual size' option he then said it cut off the drawing at either end of the drawing. He getting very angry now. He wants to be able to open the PDF press print and it to print out to scale.

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AutoCad :: Setup For Printing On A0 At Correct Scale

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to convert a hand drawn paper plan of our house into Autocad so that I can tweak it. I'm not bad at drawing things in autocad, but how to set it up properly for the file to be printed out in a shop on A0 at the correct scale. Either some info on how to set it up, or a template file that is already setup would be great.

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AutoCad :: Printing PDF At Non-scale - Edge Of Title Block Gets Cut Off

Jul 22, 2011

After creating a pdf.... when printing that pdf at non scale, the edge of the title block gets cut off. how can I fix that in adobe still using non scale format.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2013 Viewport Scale Control?

Dec 28, 2012

My units are set to decimal. In acad 2004, the dropdown list showed options like 1"=50'    In 2013, it shows options like 1/32"=1'-0"   How can I get it to display such as 1"=50' like before?

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Photoshop :: Printing To Scale

Mar 11, 2009

I've drawn some maps in photoshop 7 and i want to print them out so 1 square on the map will come out of the printer as 1 inch.

I understand terminology but i dont' have a lot of experience with photoshop.

way to go about measuring up 1 square on screen so that it prints out 1 inch.

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Revit :: Printing To Scale

Apr 1, 2008

When I print in revit - at scale - 100% Zoom, I check it with an architecture scale and its off. For example, 25' - 0" in the revit file measured with a scale on paper is 23 ' 10". etc... Is it a revit issue, or a printer driver issue?

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Revit :: Printing Sheets To Scale In Arch D

Jul 9, 2013

I am using the student version of Revit and have desparately been trying to create a document that would print to scale. I use PDF creator to convert Revit to pdf, but it always comes messed up by an inch or so...insted of 4.6, it prints 4.75 (or the other way around). I tried formating my title block in many different ways, including deleting the outer lines. Nothing works. There is no Arch D format in the family of titleblocks. I am a complete beginner, just started using Revit a couple months ago, with no knowledge of CAD or anything similar. When I look at the PDF creator page of my doc, it shows that the doc has been properly sized, but when the print place prints it out, it is off by 1" or so.
How do I format my sheet so it prints to scale in format 24" X36"?

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Revit :: Printing A Model File To Scale

Aug 3, 2012

Can you print a model file to scale without setting up a view with a scale?  Like in Autocad, you could print the model space to a certain scale within the page setup manager.  Does revit have anything like that?  Or do I have to set up a sheet view prior to printing anything?
running revit architecture 2011.

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Revit :: Architecture Not Printing Documents To Scale

Aug 13, 2013

I just recently noticed that when I print documents from Revit Architecture, they are printing smaller than the scale size they are set to. I verified with a couple of different scale settings against a good old fashioned scale ruler. It seems to be consistently incorrect. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Printing From 2013 To PDF?

Jul 19, 2012

I just came across this problem in this version of Autocad 2013. I am trying to print my company logo into a PDF from autocad 2013 and it does but when i go open the PDF file it has lines all over it nothing is solid like the dwg file. i done this in all other versions of Autocad and it printed find to PDF and everythig was solid with no lines all over the PDF.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Export To PDF In Right Scale

Jul 14, 2013

I have a drawings with drawer frame (margins left are 25 mm and rifgt, top and bot margins are 5 mm). I don't know how to export them in pdf in right scale. I always got cut off edges or i see outer line.Drawing example is in attachment i need to print it in a3 paper. Explain me whole process converting drawings to pdf on my drawing.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: CTB File In Different Scale

Jun 25, 2013

Relating to the printing, could i have a question which i posted in printing box but no response.

Question : Could we use 1 ctb file for all drawings or need to create separate ctb files up to drawing scale?

E.g. we create ctb file for 1:100 but when we use that for details 1:10, 1:5 it's quite light.

We can use scale line weight?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Scale Vertically Only?

Dec 16, 2013

Is there a way in cad 13 to scale vertically only? 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Insert Scale Bar?

Aug 22, 2013

Is it possible to insert a scale bar? I have searched all over but the only instruction I got was to click insert scale bar in the annotation pallette, but no such thing exists. Surely this should be easy enough?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Annotation Scale

May 19, 2012

I am using AutoCAD 2013 and need to set my viewport scale to 1"=50'.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Dimension And Lines Scale

Oct 7, 2012

when I draw a shape and add a dimension to it, the text and the numerical and the arrows of the dimension are small, so I have to increase the text height manually

how can I make it automatically scale itself?

also similiar thing with the lines, I tried putting a dashed center line on a shape, it looks solid but when I zoom it it does not.

how can I solve this?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Arc Offset By Distance And Scale?

Jun 24, 2013

I am trying to find a routine that will allow me to offset an arc by a distance and to a scale.

The offest command is very limited as to how far I am able to offset without the boject completely vanishing. 

I am trying to make a flat pattern from a cone or something close to it. The routines and programs that I have found do not quite accomplish this very accuratll. They are always off on the upper and lower arcs and on the distance between the arcs. Tho this would not completely sovle my problem, it would allow me to get the distance between the top and bottom correct.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Plotting Layouts To Scale?

Sep 25, 2012

when i go to preview plot after selecting D size, scale isn't correct. how do i change to correct scale for plotting after i've scaled each view in paper space. please see attached drawing.

Any good free tutorial online about viewports and plotting from them and to get correct scale?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Scale A Viewport With Different X And Y Values?

Aug 13, 2013

Is it possible to scale a viewport with different X and Y values? Kind of like inserting a block with different X and Y values.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Plotting To PDF With Correct Scale

Mar 13, 2013

I've got a question about plotting to a measurable PDF with the correct scale.

Currently, if you plot to PDF (ARCH full bleed D 24x36 paper size) using 1:1 scale of the Layout area (including viewport, title block, etc) you get a nice PDF of the appropriate plan which would print to paper at the correct scale (1/16" = 1' 0'). If you set the plot scale to 1/16" = 1' 0' then preview/plot it then it appears completely tiny (like 2% of the page size), in the bottom left corner.

However, I want to make the PDF measurable. At the moment, if you do this using a 1:1 plot, the default numbers given by the measure tool are way out of proportion (a 29' dimension in the drawing is measured as 48,294 with no units). To get it to give accurate measurements, you have to tell Reader/Acrobat to ignore document scaling in preferences, then "Change Scale Ratio" to the appropriate scale ratio (0.625 in = 1 ft). This means you can measure to scale in Reader or Acrobat BUT these options disappear once you close Reader/Acrobat. 

creating measurable PDFs from Autocad plots?

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