AutoCAD 2013 :: PublishToWeb PNG Is Not Filling Up Whole Image
Nov 11, 2012
I'm trying to plot my dwg to a PNG file using the PublishToWeb PNG.pc3 plotter but it will not use the whole image size for my output. To the right where is a white vertical line that's not used, very annoying. I'm using a custom page size but that size has the exact dimension (1280x720) as the selected window.
I have also tried the PublishToWeb JPG.pc3 plotter with the same result and I have also tried it with AutoCAD 2011 with the same result.
I'm attaching my test DWG, it's a black rectangle with a solid hatch, and the resulting PNG file. I also attach my settings from the plot dialog.
Today while teaching AutoCAD Publish to Web features / wizard in Release 2012 the resulting published Web Site is NOT allowing the iDropper to function. The iDropper is visible below each of the drawings and the folder for the PTW is sitting on the local drive. When the iDrop icon is selected a NOT AVAILABLE icon image appears as if the function is dead in the water.
I have a picture of a house with the sidewalk at the bottom. I am trying to fill the remainder of my enlarged canvas with "sidewalk". I know there has to be a way, but I can't figure it out!
I did try single row & single column marquee, but it gives me a striped pattern - not the exact sidewalk that the pic ends with.
My image is in grayscale though it's recognised as RGB. It contains structures in white which I would like to fill with a colour. So basically, I'd like for all the white in the image to show up as e.g. red.
How do I do that? I'm guessing it must be possible to have a red layer and somehow this will then fill the white, but I'm getting confused with background and foreground filling options and I don't know which transparency options I have to choose.
I'm having an issue with my poly lines. they aren't filling in. And its only in one drawings. Even if I do a solid it comes in not tilled in. I tried doing the fillmode but that didnt work. I tried the shademode but that didnt work either. I'm not sure what else to try.
1 Do I create feature lines at toe , then vertical between the toe and the cliff , then use the grading & elev.editor 2 Once I obtain the infill surface l, how rotate or orient the model w/ rocks so this photo 3 is draped over it.?
Is there a way I can fill the gaps in this surface? The surface is a combination of four pasted surfaces with boundaries set so they dont overlap on each other and create a mess.. I can't have these holes/slivers in it because SiteVision wont accept it. So basically is there a command that will fill the gaps in for me?
I just tried to do a solid hatch I was filling some walls in plan. No matter how hard I tried it wouldn't let me do it. I didn't get any message asking if I had closed boundry etc. I have tried again a few times and no good. I rebooted computer, just in case, but still no good. I was doing solid hatching just the other day and am doing nothing different.
creating infill at the grading example from the civil 3d tutorial "filling holes in a grading" (grading-6.dwg) failes when selecting the area to fill. The command finshes whithout changing the model. There is no diamond symbol displayed.
i know i have gotten images transparent before with autocad, maybe it was 2012, but i finally conviced my boss to get me a copy of 2013 with raster design (we used 2007) and it will let me fade images but not let me go transparent. because this was one of the main features and reasons i gave him for upgrading.
When I use the "attach" command in order to attach an external image lets say in TIFF format which is around 8.7mb the image quality in Autocad is greatly reduced. Is there anything I can do for that?
I have a strange thing going on where image frames show up when I plot to PDF. I have set the image frame variable to 2. There is no issue when using a local printer or using print preview for said printer. When plotting or previewing using any of the PDF drivers image frames appear around my title block logos.
I have a block that has an image attached as a logo. The block is unexplodable and when I use block edit, it does not recognize the item, in other words, you can not select it. How can I delete this item or how do I explode an unexplodable block?
I am working in AutoCAD Civil 3D as AutoCAD 2013. I have a drawing that has three images loaded in the drawing. 1 is a .jpg and 2 are .bmp's. When i click the save icon, type save, type save as, type qs i get the attached pop up. It says it wants to delete one of the .bmp images.
I am having some problem with plotting Raster image.
From time to time I need to use raster image as a background such as the example in the attachment. Here you can see that the raster image is only plotting half of the image.
I've got a issue with working with images. I draw furniture full scale and sometimes it necessary to hard draw and scan the drawing and then attached the image in autocad and trace over the image in AutoCAD 2013. everything is fine until I attach the image, then it freezes with every move that I try to make. The images are around 700 kbs in size. Is there anything I can do or change some kind of setting?? btw. version 2004 doesn't have this problem.
I'm running windows 7 pro Dell XPS M1710 4 gb memory
I just installed 2013 on my pc yesterday. The first task I was given was to import a Google Earth image into AutoCAD to try to get some dimensions on a house for an exhibit. I open Google Earth and set my location to import, then I go to the Render tab, select Set Location, I click Import the current location from Google Earth, click Continue, then i get an error message saying Class not registered.
What is the AutoCAD command within AutoCAD 2013 for inserting image files produced in .JPG format as company logos onto an A1 drawing border for use in AutoCAD.
sometimes i like to insert image into a Dwg. In 2012 i use to drag and drop the image from the source folder to autocad screen then i had the insert instructions, scale, position etc.
But i can't drag and drop images anymore in 2013, i have to use _imageattach icon to open the open manager then select an image.
Is there a way to reactivate the drag and drop feature in 2013 ? Must be a Variable to autorise that.
We have recently upgraded several seats in our office to the Building Design Suite 2013 ... AutoCAD 2013, Revit 2013, etc.
We regularly use screen-shot .bmp images from a map site to do our location maps ... and .bmp images for a rendering on the cover sheet. Once the images are edited, cropped / etc. as we want, using a photo program, then saved to the project folder, we insert them to the CAD file. We use the GRIPS to dynamically adjust the image size, snapping to line work.
Problem: There are no GRIPS.
We have found that the SketchBook Designer add-on, part of the suite of programs in the upgrade, is apparently the problem. If we disable that add-on, then the grips once again are there and work as they should.
I am posting this here so that the powers-that-be at AutoDesk will hopefully add this item to their list of glitches that need to be resolved.
I'm looking to use Inventor Studio to render a model, using an image sphere (e.g. Stuttgart Courtyard) as the background.
I cannot find the installed location for these images, so even if it is the active view, Inventor will not allow me to render it, and I cannot manually select the file as my image sphere.
Also, are additional such image spheres available for download?