AutoCAD 2013 :: Network Associative Evaluation Error
Jul 23, 2013
Run Autocad 2013 SP2 on windows 7 boxes.
Anyway, one of our cad operators is running into the following error when he opens a particular drawing or when he audits it:
Associative Network Evaluation Error
The object cannot be resolved or value limit has been exceeded.
Inconsistent associative objects may display geometry and grips incorrectly and update in unexpected ways when edited. You can undo to restore the associative object to its previous state.
From what he's described to me, it sounds as if he is building this from several separate files. At some point, things go nutty, and that error develops. When the file is loaded, things are out of position, etc.
No luck in getting that error to vanish. Told him to add the individual parts one at a time, and saving versions as he works so we can, hopefully, find what is breaking everything.
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Mar 13, 2013
Every time I open this drawing, I get this error message:"Inconsistent associative objects may display geometry and grips incorrectly and update in unespected ways when edited. You can undo to restore the associative object to its previous state."
I wonder if this is the result of one of the xref files from the civil, and what to "undo" to whatever "previous state" will prevent this popup window.
Previous searches on this error have brought up discussion of CIvil 3D grouped objects, but like I said, these are simply files we've referenced into our landscape base.
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Jan 9, 2014
I am working on a project and just about to issue set out data and am getting an Associative Network Evaluation Error.
How to track down which objects are affected and are not updating?
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Dec 12, 2013
Files stored using SAMBA shares NetgearReady NAS
Two sites connected via WAN
Users using Windows 7 -64bit with Architecture 2014
Mapped drives are used for both site to access NAS, but use different drive letters.
At one point working the projects, users starting getting fatal errors opening from the share. All attempts to get past this failed and I thought the drawing or base files were corrrupt. However, when the files are moved locally to workstation and opened without issue. The users in one office are now working off this files using UNC \serverproject...
The interesting thing, is that users in the other office have no issues dealing with these drawings using on the NAS. The only difference is the WAN and drive mapping letter. This is how they have always worked and never had this issue. The only other thing I will add is they upgraded from 2010 two months ago, but no problems with any other projects.
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Mar 4, 2013
Is there a way to set the drawing view to be associative or non-associative by default in my .idw template?
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot
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Apr 22, 2012
I have surface associativity set to 0 but I keep getting surface associativity errors.
It is as if turning surface associativity is either not turning off, or is left on for some entities.
How to get rid of the surface associativity for good, like purging or something like that?
It seems that if it is still in operation it is adding extra size to the drawings...
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Aug 20, 2009
Is there a way to set associative dimensions to be non-associative without exploding them?
I have a large drawing with a bucket load of dimensions. I did not realise until too late that my dimensions styles were set to be associative by default. Now whenever I alter the drawing such as breaking a polyline that a dimension is associated to the dimension sometimes goes haywire. If I select affected dimensions I can see in the properties window that the dimension is associative but the field is greyed out and I can't alter it.
Is there a global or per-object way to change this association? Exploding is not an option.
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May 5, 2013
What is the concept and differences between associative and non associative hatch, dimension etc?
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Mar 31, 2013
Associative property of the dimension,I’m wondering if there is a way to “reassociate” the dimension without moving it.
For example, in the attached screenshots, the dimension is moved downward and then it aimed to re associate it with the object it measures. After the association the dimension is moved toward the object. What I wanted is to re associate the dimension to the object BUT to keep it at its current location.
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Oct 17, 2013
I have custom pull down menus that I use for hatching. The reason I use this method instead of the tool pallet or the regular hatch toolbar is that I have quick access to multiple commonly used hatch patterns already set up with scales and directions and can pick multiple objects at once.
The only problem is I loose the associativity when stretching an object. It's Associative if I use the hatch command or the tool pallet. I had no problem with this method when using AutoCAD 2010. Is there some system variable setting that has changed?
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Dec 4, 2012
In Autocad 2013, Is it possible to erase somme items of a rectangular associative array. I have seen that we can replace an object with a different one.
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Aug 22, 2013
Trick to keeping objects aligned with a helix when using an associative path array? The animation below demonstrates the problem where I can't seem to keep the "treads" on a spiral stairs aligned with the center of the helix. (fewer objects accentuate the problem)
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Jul 20, 2012
We have been having a problem with our leaders for the last few weeks. We are running Acad2009LT and Acad2009 full versions. Our leaders are becoming non-associative. I made a drawing yesterday and was the only one editing the drawing. I made some leaders with text. I know they were working fine because I had to move some text and the leaders went with it. This morning when I opened the drawing. Some, not all, of the leaders that I made yesterday have become non-associative. I made some new leaders and they are working properly. Other people in the office have been having the same issue. Nothing has changed on our systems. We have been using the same program since 2009.
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May 22, 2012
We are having trouble with one of our C3D 2013 seats crashing (giving a fatal error) when trying to edit or do anything with a pipe network. The drawings work fine on other computers. I am trying to keep from having to remove and reinstall the software.
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Jun 28, 2013
I have a major error currently affecting my work that I need to resolve ASAP. I'm using C3D 2012 64 bit with Windows 7. I have multiple model drawings that I have created pipe networks and view frame groups in, and using those model drawings I have created plan and profile sheets from the view frames. I created data shortcuts of all my pipe networks and referenced the pipe networks into my sheet drawings. In the sheet drawings I drew the network parts into the profiles, and everything displayed exactly as it was supposed to. No issues at all.
Now fast forward about a month. Out of the blue one day I open one of my sheet drawings to perform some edits and notice that the pipes that were previously displayed in the profile views showing inside and outside walls with the centerline turned off now show up as a simple line. I haven't changed any settings at all. I looked at the properties of the pipes, and they seem to have all ignored their asigned diameters- the pipe data in the referenced network now assumes all inverts & crowns are the same elevation as the centerline.
Long story short, I have gone so far as to completely reinstall the program and restart the drawings, but the more I edit the oringal network the worse the problem gets. Now all of my structures are attaching themselves to the surface profile instead of the pipes, and the entire network gets put onto my current layer rather than the layers I assign in the Create Pipe Network Reference dialog box.
It happens to any drawing I try to open on this network- even ones created by third parties that I haven't edited. And the problem resides in the drawing because anyone I send the drawings to has the same problem. It will even crash the entire program sometimes when they try to open my drawings.
Civil 3D 2012 SP3 - Windows 7 64 bit - Intel Core i3-2120 - 8 GB Memory
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Aug 14, 2013
We're an IT company that installed a new NAS for all the data in a architectural office.They are using AutoCad 2011 / 2012 / 2013LT / Revit 2011
Since we installed the new NAS and copied all the data from the old one, opening and saving files takes too long. Sometimes the files hang while regenerating. Saving can take up to more then 4 minutes.
Other applications, for example photoshop, work fine. Copying files from the local disk to the network drive, even moren than 100MB works fine.All computers have windows 7 and the NAS is from Synologie.We tried reinstalling AutoCad but that doesn't solve the problem.We tried setting the savefidelity to 0 but that doesn't solve the problem.
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Jul 17, 2013
We keep things like fonts, plot styles, templates, custom menu on one of our network drives. I have noticed that we are losing these paths (in our options) quite frequently. I have checked profiles and workspaces and all seem to be correct. Is this a network issue? If our network drops connection, will these paths just go away?
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Jan 7, 2013
I seem to not be able to add a folder that is on our network for content explorer all I see is my computers folders not the servers folder. Is there away to add them? I've tried to drag and drop and it says cant find or have access to warning.
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Nov 20, 2013
Using the Pressure Pipe Network in Civil3D 2013? I just recently began developing an Apputenace library for all the parts we use that were not included with the program. I have run into a few big issues that could prevent our firm from using this potentially useful tool. One issue, does the PPN posses the ability to create structures like manholes? This could be a really break point for using it to do a sewer line. Another, how well does it interact with multiple surfaces? If I have two surfaces butted up to one another how to a get a PPN from point A on surface 1 to point B on surface 2 and have that PPN respond at the correct bury depth while creating the correct fittings? As I experiment more this this tool I feel as if there are way more questions about what it can and can't do compared to what a regular pipe network does.
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Dec 11, 2012
When a pipe network is referenced into a drawing in Civil 3D 2013 there is an option to set the layer for the pipes and structures. After the layer is set, the parts go onto these layers until the network is syncronized. After the network is synronized the parts revert back to whatever layer is set in the object layers in the drawing settings.
Civil 3D 2013 SP1
HP z400 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU W3520 @ 2.66 GHz
NVIDIA Quadro FX 580
Windows 7 64bit
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Sep 15, 2011
Sometimes i get this error, when i send a new network job..3ds max Job Assignment Dialog
Error submitting job to manager.251 0 No group to list...Then i try to send it again and it works.
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Aug 25, 2011
In a part or assembly i want to find all holes. i can access all the holeFeatures, but if the user has copied or mirrored the feature, the hole itself is not in the list..i have found this code
Dim oDoc As PartDocument
oDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument
Dim oDef As PartComponentDefinition
oDef = oDoc.ComponentDefinition
In a drawing i can place a holeTable with all the holes inside.What is the right access to reach also those holes, which do not come directly from the HoleFeature.
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Apr 11, 2012
I've been really excited to know Pressure Network modelling is finally coming to Civil 3D with 2013 release. However I've got no clue why any pipe data won't display in Profile View.This makes absolutely no sense in pressure network profiling since you can't output any pipe data to profile view tables. Note pipe data outputs great for regular Pipe Network profile views.
Another thing I'm disappointed in is no ability to output Uphill Tangent and Downhill Tangent for pressure network pipes. Both values are given in Vertical Geometry Band type. Thus they are being obtaned from Profile but not Pressure Network Pipe data. Since in Pressure Networks it's only a couple of pipes that are being curved to match surface line it's impossibe to get Tangets. Sure you can duplicate surface profile and get required data using Vertical Geometry Band type. But it make no sence since it's too much hustle.
I'm quite sure I'm missing something here. Probably there's a way to add required data styles to Band types? Or modify Label styles Contents data sources?
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Aug 13, 2013
I installed the Network License Manager in a Windows 2008 Server ( I installed theNLM using the CD of AutoCAD 2013). The AutoCAD 2013 works fine in the clientmachines, but the 2011 and 2012 version don´t. In the page of Autodesk, on ManageSerial Numbers, I can see the Serial Number for 2011, 2012 and 2013 Suites. Why theAutoCAD 2011/2012 don´t work in the client machines? Note: in the 2011/2012 versionappears the message " A valid license could not be obtained by the network licensemanager. If you are still unable to access a license, contact your systemadministrator. Error [-96.7.11001] ".
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Apr 22, 2013
I have some AutoCAD 2013 users in our Fabrication department who are having problems saving R12 dxf files to a network location. When they try to save they get a message that states "Unable to save to drawing N:Bend|5130Xfilename.dxf. Drawing saved to N:Bend|5130Xsav6A0D.tmp" (See attachment for actual message)
The temp file does not get saved either. They can save R12 dxf files locally and to other network locations. They are able to save 2013 dwg and dxf files with no issues. This problem just affects R12 dxf files which they need for programming pressbrakes.
They can save to 2013 dxf files and then overwrite with R12. After that they cannot save again and get the message again.
User workstations vary.
All are Dell Precision workstations and laptops
Windows 7 x64 with 16 GB of RAM
All are running Nvidia Quadro graphics cards with certified drivers
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Aug 5, 2013
I cannot get my program to print to any of our network printers. I am using Autocad 2013 LT with FusionWare and Windows 7 on a Macpro OSX Lion. This started being a problem a few weeks ago and the only way I can get anything printed is to make a pdf and and then print the pdf from Acrobat.
Today I brought in a HP 940c printer from home and connected it to my desktop printer. I spent an hour uninstalling and installing the drivers. I can now print from Acrobat on both the PC and Mac sides of the computer, but when I try it from Autocad I get Error_Printing in the HP printer window. No info as to what the error might be. I tried this several times, tried renaming the file with a shorter name but since the driver puts in the entire path that was a futile gesture.
So I have confirmed that the printer is functioning correctly, just not with Autocad. I realize that i do have a working workaround but it is tedius and unnecessay to keep making all those pdfs.
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Mar 4, 2013
At our school we've got a 60 seat network license for AutoCAD 2013. It is controlled by flexlm. Now, one of our teacher, who travels a lot, needs one of the licenses permanently on his notebook.
Can I extract one of the 60 licenses from the flexlm manager and transfer it permanently to the notebook? If yes, is there a special software for it or is there a documentation, a "how-to"?
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Aug 31, 2012
I was rolling out 2013 in one of our offices during the brief time SP1 was available. I went ahead and included SP1 in the office's network deployment (using the append option) and installed on all the machines in that office. Now that SP1 has proven to to be a problem, is there any way to uninstall the SP without having to do a complete uninstall and reinstall at each machine? Tried checking thru control panel (with and without "show updates" turned on), but the SP does not appear in the list to uninstall separately.
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Jul 19, 2013
I have files that contain only XREFs, some have up to 20. When I try to use etransmit to share these files, the paths are still looking for the network and not the contents of the zip file.They are all Overlays Full path
I swear that it worked before but I cannot replicate it.I cannot share the zipped file with anyone not connected to our network as all references are lost.
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Nov 18, 2013
i have a site which has a mound in the middle, and quite a few drainage swales running downhill from it, radiating in all directions. i want to calculate a rough estimate of how much fill is required to fill in all those swales (roughly). picture that the existing ridgeline "noses" will be left as is, and the valleys in between are the ones that I want to fill in. the project boundary (toe of slope) is the elevation that I want to hold.
i tried grading tools, and corridors as well, but could not come up with a good way to do this. what I ended up doing is i laid out some feature lines that follow the existing ridgelines down the hill (the banks of the swales), then created a feature line of the project boundary (draped on EG), and a feature line at the top of the mound as the highest elevation, created a TIN from those feature lines so that it triangulates across the swales, and then ran a volume comparison. not the best way i know, but could not think of a better way at that moment.
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Jan 8, 2013
I use a Windows 7 64 bit Dell at home and at work. Both have Photoshop CS6 (not extended). This week when I saved files at home using file compatiblity (since co-workers in my office are on CS 5.1) and FTPed them from home to the work network I ran into all sorts of issues.
5.1 users reported getting all sorts of errors including...The document contains unknown data which will be discarded to keep layers editable... and another one about missing "color books"
I read about cross version problems with shapes with the new CS6 vector strokes applied. Sure enough, when I sent CS 5.1 co-workers small test files by email they could open all of them but the one with the shape with CS6 vector stroke. So I went back to the larger PSDs and removed the strokes from any shapes, but the office still could not open the files.
I too, even though on the same CS6 product get an error "There was a problem reading the layer data. Read the composite data instead?" If I click to do so I get another error "Could not complete your request because the file is not compatible with this version of Photoshop" which is simply not true wince both are CS6
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