AutoCad :: Differences Between Associative And Non-associative Hatch?
May 5, 2013What is the concept and differences between associative and non associative hatch, dimension etc?
View 7 RepliesWhat is the concept and differences between associative and non associative hatch, dimension etc?
View 7 RepliesIs there a way to set the drawing view to be associative or non-associative by default in my .idw template?
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot
Is there a way to set associative dimensions to be non-associative without exploding them?
I have a large drawing with a bucket load of dimensions. I did not realise until too late that my dimensions styles were set to be associative by default. Now whenever I alter the drawing such as breaking a polyline that a dimension is associated to the dimension sometimes goes haywire. If I select affected dimensions I can see in the properties window that the dimension is associative but the field is greyed out and I can't alter it.
Is there a global or per-object way to change this association? Exploding is not an option.
We have been having a problem with our leaders for the last few weeks. We are running Acad2009LT and Acad2009 full versions. Our leaders are becoming non-associative. I made a drawing yesterday and was the only one editing the drawing. I made some leaders with text. I know they were working fine because I had to move some text and the leaders went with it. This morning when I opened the drawing. Some, not all, of the leaders that I made yesterday have become non-associative. I made some new leaders and they are working properly. Other people in the office have been having the same issue. Nothing has changed on our systems. We have been using the same program since 2009.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy Computer just recently jusst got switched to a new server...
Somethings are just acting weird now, like my hatching...
All my old hatches that were associative are acting like one seltions like if i hatch a polyline now when i go to select that hatch it now selects the polyline as well.
This never happened before abd the only way to edit it now is to either make it in the properties not associative then i lose my boundary or just to explode it then i a ihave an exploded hatch...before i made it assoc. and i could just edit or select the hatch only i think its an option setting...
Switching the “hatch” to be “associative” gives “not applicable”!
I’m wondering why as I choose the “yes” for the “associative” property of the “hatch” then this gives “not applicable” as shown in the screenshot below
What might be the reason?
I have an associative hatch in a dynamic section bubble that updates as the arrow rotates around an ellipse.
Everything works fine until the block is scaled. The block is not annotative, and needs to be scaled to the drawing scale. Is this an autocad issue or am i doing something wrong?
I have surface associativity set to 0 but I keep getting surface associativity errors.
It is as if turning surface associativity is either not turning off, or is left on for some entities.
How to get rid of the surface associativity for good, like purging or something like that?
It seems that if it is still in operation it is adding extra size to the drawings...
When I pull a piece of text away from a dimension line, is there a way to make the associative line that appears an arc instead of a line?
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create C3D labels that are non-associative? That is, they do not adjust font size, etc., with changes in viewport scale.
C3D 2014
Where is the Associative Array Ribbon Tab? I want to put into my Contextual Tab States for when I select my arrays.
C3D 2014 SP1
W7x64; i7 8gb; Radeon HD 5700
Associative property of the dimension,I’m wondering if there is a way to “reassociate” the dimension without moving it.
For example, in the attached screenshots, the dimension is moved downward and then it aimed to re associate it with the object it measures. After the association the dimension is moved toward the object. What I wanted is to re associate the dimension to the object BUT to keep it at its current location.
is it possible to restore an associative link? I have a model that is being run by ilogic rules and everytime i run the model a invisible part in the assembly is still visible in de drawing. i can manually restore this by RM-->subassembly--> representation--> and then switch it to associative again, but i want it to just do it automatically.
ia also tried to do it with de following code but it doesn't seem to have effect.
''------------------------------------------------ThisApplication = InventorVb.ApplicationDim oDoc As Document = ThisDoc.DocumentDim oCompDef As Inventor.ComponentDefinition = oDoc.ComponentDefinitionDim oCompOcc As Inventor.ComponentOccurrenceFor Each oCompOcc in oCompDef.OccurrencesoCompOcc.SetDesignViewRepresentation("Default",True)NextRuleParametersOutput() ' use this before DocumentUpdateInventorVb.DocumentUpdate() ' Update now
it will run okay but the sub-assembly still doesn't switch to associative or it switches back after the update?
there must be a way to just simply put the associative link back on.
ps: in the .idw the associative link is enabled but the subassembly is missing his link to the main assembly.
I created several dimension styles to use in paper space. All of these work perfectly, and accurately if my dimassoc is set a 1. However I wanted these to be associative dimensions. When I change the dimassoc to 2, the associative dimensions aspect of this works, but the dimension text is multiplied by the scale factor for some reason.
For example, the dimensions should read 50' and now read 4800' when was scale factor is at 96 for 1/8" scale. How do I go about setting up my dimstyle to be associative and accurate? Typically I have several different scale viewports on each sheet in paper space, so I need multiple dimension styles.
i want to add some dimensions in paperspace. after creating some dimensions, if i double click on my viewport and move it around a bit, the dimensions in paperspace stay where they are. is there a way to get them to move with the drawing?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAre multileaders in 2011 not associative? I had to move a group of equipment off of a bulkhead to allow for insulation I did not know was there and when I went back to my layout, I had to reattach every arrowhead to its respective piece of equipment.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn the continuing persuit to learn Inventor, of this selection in the drawing view editor?I have noticed one thing. When it is checked it turns off the visibility of parts within an assembly view.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have custom pull down menus that I use for hatching. The reason I use this method instead of the tool pallet or the regular hatch toolbar is that I have quick access to multiple commonly used hatch patterns already set up with scales and directions and can pick multiple objects at once.
The only problem is I loose the associativity when stretching an object. It's Associative if I use the hatch command or the tool pallet. I had no problem with this method when using AutoCAD 2010. Is there some system variable setting that has changed?
The assembly in the attached files was working fine in 2011, then for some reason it stopped updating. So I opened and saved in 2012 and it still doesnt update.
Open the assembly, edit the extrusion in Copy Surface Master and change the distance to 500. You can see that the copied faces do not update in the other parts, but there are no error warnings.
I logged with my VAR and they said use derive instead and closed the ticket. Sure derive is another way but copy object with associativity should work so this is my way of bringing to autodesks attention.
I am working on a project and just about to issue set out data and am getting an Associative Network Evaluation Error.
How to track down which objects are affected and are not updating?
I am trying to create a fixture, and there are many components that need to be bolted on. Rather than measuring each and every hole on many different pieces, I tried editing the components that parts will bolt to and did this:
I used Copy Object to copied mating surfaces of components that will bolt on, and made sure that the Associative box was checkedI started a new Sketch, and projected the object's surface into the sketchI created a Hole feature based on the sketch with projected edges from the copied objectWhen I moved the (Copy Object) part in the assembly, the cross part association failed, and the result is seen in the attached picture- the holes do not line up with the copied surface. When the error came up, a solution was to make the feature Associative.
In another test, not moving the part but simply changing the geometry the second part feature updated properly.
Inventor 2013 (SP2 Update 2), Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), SP1, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000, Vault Basic 2013
I have an .idw of an assembly. I originally made a sub assembly invisible in the .iam and create a new base view. The invisible assembly is not there as I would expect. If I turn the visisbility back on in the .iam the part is now visible in the .idw even thogh I have cleared the "Associtave" box. No matter what I do, I can't clear the assembly out of the .idw even if I go back to the .iam and make it invisible again. This used to work in previous releases.
Atuodesk Inverntor 2011
I am a beginner in autocad. What is the difference between annotative and associative text?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to un check this associativity thru VBA
' Create Derived Assembly Definition for the file Filename
Dim oDerivedAssem As DerivedAssemblyDefinition
Set oDerivedAssem = oPartCompDef.ReferenceComponents. _
oDerivedAssem. ?
Config :: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30 GHz, 16.0 GB, 64bit win7
Inventor 2013 and Vault Basic 2013
I have a Block (elevation of a typ. door) that has attributes on it, Door Number and Room Name. The door needs to be hatched so I put an associative hatch in, which works fine in block editor. When I type different names and numbers the hatch boundaries resize accordingly.
My problem is when I close block editor and reinsert the block (or ATTSYNC) and edit the names and numbers, the hatch does not resize the boundaries of the new text.
I used the options dialog to make new dimensions associative. However, when I open some older drawings the checkbox is empty. Is this option stored with each drawing? If so, is there a way to change this setting for multiple drawings at once?
View 2 Replies View RelatedRun Autocad 2013 SP2 on windows 7 boxes.
Anyway, one of our cad operators is running into the following error when he opens a particular drawing or when he audits it:
Associative Network Evaluation Error
The object cannot be resolved or value limit has been exceeded.
Inconsistent associative objects may display geometry and grips incorrectly and update in unexpected ways when edited. You can undo to restore the associative object to its previous state.
From what he's described to me, it sounds as if he is building this from several separate files. At some point, things go nutty, and that error develops. When the file is loaded, things are out of position, etc.
No luck in getting that error to vanish. Told him to add the individual parts one at a time, and saving versions as he works so we can, hopefully, find what is breaking everything.
Every time I open this drawing, I get this error message:"Inconsistent associative objects may display geometry and grips incorrectly and update in unespected ways when edited. You can undo to restore the associative object to its previous state."
I wonder if this is the result of one of the xref files from the civil, and what to "undo" to whatever "previous state" will prevent this popup window.
Previous searches on this error have brought up discussion of CIvil 3D grouped objects, but like I said, these are simply files we've referenced into our landscape base.
Here is the code snippet from my program, I am trying to build a associative list from two regular lists in the while loop. Does ""append " or "cons" only work for simple lists? Given attributeNameList attributeValTypeList which are always of the same length
(setq listCntr 0)
(while (<= listCntr (length attributeNameList))
(setq attrTagTypeAssnList (append attrTagTypeAssnList (list ((nth listCntr attributeNameList) (nth listCntr attributeValTypeList))) ))
(setq listCntr (1+ listCntr)
How can I dynamically build the association list.
My plan is to edit an Associative array entity Programmatically and I don't know where to start.
Why can't I cast a DBobject to AssocArray ?
something like this?
Dim myarray As AssocArray = TryCast(mydbobj, AssocArray)
Why TypeOf dbobject is BlockReference ?
In Autocad 2013, Is it possible to erase somme items of a rectangular associative array. I have seen that we can replace an object with a different one.
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