AutoCAD 2010 :: Are Multileaders In 2011 Not Associative
Mar 20, 2013
Are multileaders in 2011 not associative? I had to move a group of equipment off of a bulkhead to allow for insulation I did not know was there and when I went back to my layout, I had to reattach every arrowhead to its respective piece of equipment.
Is there a way to set associative dimensions to be non-associative without exploding them?
I have a large drawing with a bucket load of dimensions. I did not realise until too late that my dimensions styles were set to be associative by default. Now whenever I alter the drawing such as breaking a polyline that a dimension is associated to the dimension sometimes goes haywire. If I select affected dimensions I can see in the properties window that the dimension is associative but the field is greyed out and I can't alter it.
Is there a global or per-object way to change this association? Exploding is not an option.
Is there a way to select multiple multileaders and change the text to the same thing in all of them? (Like a block with attributes, where you can simply change the attribute in the properties box).
This would save so much time instead of going to each one of them, double click, edit text, "tab", "enter"...
Attempting to hatch (walls, in this case). This screenshot is just after I enter the Hatch command...... And this is what happens when I click inside the wall to be hatched. This is the exact same sceen, one mouse click later:
... This seems to be my green text somehow suddenly expanding in size. This then prevents the hatch from being properly applied. THe green text is all annotative, seems to be MLeader, and also happens when I have an MLeader with a block / attirbute (ie, in the first image I have a "W6" block in a diamond multileader.
To avoid this I have been usind Layiso / Layuniso but this takes time & doesn't automatically 'cut out' the hatch if there is text in the way.
I am in no way an expert in ACAD.We are experiencing "random" problems where we have a multileader with left justified text and the leader extension option turned on. There is probable a common trait with all the offending leaders but we are yet to see it.
Basically, with some leaders, the landing length is being set to a negative value. We have only noticed this since we turned on the extend leader to text option. The result of this is that the leader lines can sometimes cross through the text. Sometimes we fix them, then they revert to a negative value again when we close the drawing.
We can, of course, uncheck the extension option in the drawing and the problem appears to go away. However, we have unchecked this option in our templates now, but when we open a new drawing based on the updated templates, the option is checked again.
I have some mulitleaders in paperspace that lost their associativity with objects in model space. _dimreassociate will work with to reattach a leader arrowhead to a model object but the command doesn't work with multileaders. Is there another way to do this or do I have to redraw the multileaders?
Switching the “hatch” to be “associative” gives “not applicable”!
I’m wondering why as I choose the “yes” for the “associative” property of the “hatch” then this gives “not applicable” as shown in the screenshot below
We have been having a problem with our leaders for the last few weeks. We are running Acad2009LT and Acad2009 full versions. Our leaders are becoming non-associative. I made a drawing yesterday and was the only one editing the drawing. I made some leaders with text. I know they were working fine because I had to move some text and the leaders went with it. This morning when I opened the drawing. Some, not all, of the leaders that I made yesterday have become non-associative. I made some new leaders and they are working properly. Other people in the office have been having the same issue. Nothing has changed on our systems. We have been using the same program since 2009.
So I just recieved drawings from a contractor and they placed all the multileaders and details on the paper space but when I go to change the model space things are no longer pointing at the right spot.
What I am trying to do is copy them into model space but.... when I use crtl-c from paper, crtl-v to model it doesn't scale properly.
Our company just upgraded to AutoCad 2011. We get files from our clients that exports their files from revit. It seems that Autocad 2011 slows down when reading this files (cursor will have a second or two delay).
I downloaded the installer for AutoCAD 2012 and when I went to install it, it told me I can't because there are already AutoCAD applications on my mac. So I ran the uninstaller for 2011, and it's still giving me the same message.
I recently just installed Autocad 2012, using a student licence obtained from the autodesk website. I entered my serial number and product key, and it said that it was suceesfully installed. It even launched, however now when I launch Autocad 2012 the start up screen appears, it says its initialzing, it loads then nothing appears on my screen or even my taskbar, I'm running Windows 7 professional 32 bit.
Never had this issue when running past versions of Autocad but every time i try and hatch using 'pick internal points' the program crashes. "FATAL ERROR - Out of memory - shutting down" message comes up every time. Hatching by selecting an object works fine but most of time this option is unusable.
2.66ghz 3.25gb ram windows xp 32 bit NVIDIA Quadro FX 570
i have atocad 2011 installed on my computer (64 bit), a HP Pavilion p6370nl desktop pc, and also have a new videocart: nvidea gt 640, but if start atocad, it starts, and close then. what to do? i already have reinstalled it and also repaired it so...
Our structural firm is using 2011, and our office has received drawings that came out of 2014 twice in the past week (from separate arch clients). In both instances, we back-converted using DWG TrueView 2014, but upon opening in ACAD, none of the walls were showing up (although they do appear in the preview). One of my other drafters dealt with it the first time, and got it resolved, although I didn't get specifics on how. Naturally, the second time it happened, she was out, so I am seeing if the architect can back-save to 2010 on their end and send the file.
While waiting on that, I tried QSelect in the offending file, and in the list of items that comes up, there was, amid the usual Text, Line, Pline, Block, etc., something called ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY. I selected all (nothing was visible, however--usually you see grips at least when you QSelect things), then exploded, and the walls showed up.
I have had somewhat similar odd behavior from drawings coming from I think ADT (do they still make ADT?), where things like walls, doors and windows come in as something block-like (I think AEC OBJECTS?), and we have to explode them in order to control color and visibility of their constituent parts. Perhaps this is something similar?
At any rate, this seems like something that either shouldn't be happening, or that has a more obvious fix than having to qselect and explode invisible things to get them to show up.
We are using AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD 2012 on the same drawings. It is slowing the drawings down in AutoCAD 2011. There is at least one person that only has AutoCAD 2012 on their machine.
One of the computers that have AutoCad installed will not load all the way. It will start to show the welcome screen and the it will freeze. Looking on the internet that you go into task manager and kill the process called WSCommCntr, but it is not appearing in the task manager.
Originally the pc was on XP SP2 and with .Net 3.5. I updated both to the latest version. I have reinstalled AutoCad and I am still getting the issue. All hardware checks passed.
Also the issue sounds just like the one here URL.... , but I uninstalled the .Net Framework and reinstalled version 3.5 SP1. That did not work so I uninstalled that and put on 3.5. This still is not working.
Is there a way to make the cross hairs default to the inverse of the color under them (e.g. black when over white, blue when over yellow, cyan when over red, etc.)? I remember that it did this in previous versions, but I can't find a setting for it in 2011.
i am using Window Vista, and i'm using my AutoCad 2011 for almost a year and a half now but this past week i cannot open it any any more for some errors;
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: AppHangB1 Application Name: acad.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 4dbf99e8 Hang Signature: b33a Hang Type: 0 OS Version: 6.0.6002.
I created a number of 3D blocks to be inserted into a 3D model of a building. I created the blocks in a separate drawing first; i defined them locally, then, when i had them the way i wanted them, I used "wblock" to save all of these blocks to a folder.
I then opened the 3D building model and tried to insert one of my new blocks. I repeatedly get the following:
I have tried repairing my installation of autocad with no improvement.
i tried opening the drawing of the block itself, copying it, and pasting it via the "copybase" command into the other drawing with the same result.
Occasionally, autocad will ask me if i'd like to debug the program (and visual studio opens) -- it mentions a "StackOverflowException" within acad.exe, and also mentioned "windowsbase.dll".
I am using windows 7 pro x64 and autocad 2011.
CPU: intel i7
Graphics: NVidia GeForce GTS 250
8GB DDR3 ram
The autocad error-reporting dialog never gets launched as it is forced to close before this point.
A co-worker tells me when he opens a drawing then minimizes it and then opens a new drawing to fiddle around with, when he closes it and doesn't save and returns to the first drawing, when he runs commands he gets "No Null Object" errors. He can click OK or whatever on the error messages and continue, but they constantly fly in his face.
He's running AutoCAD 2011 Maps 3D x32 on Windows 7 x64.