AutoCAD Inventor :: Evaluation Like HoleTable

Aug 25, 2011

In a part or assembly i want to find all holes. i can access all the holeFeatures, but if the user has copied or mirrored the feature, the hole itself is not in the list..i have found this code

            Dim oDoc As PartDocument
            oDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument
            Dim oDef As PartComponentDefinition
            oDef = oDoc.ComponentDefinition

In a drawing i can place a holeTable with all the holes inside.What is the right access to reach also those holes, which do not come directly from the HoleFeature.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Function Evaluation - Rounding To Nearest Whole Number

Mar 14, 2012

One of the users on mCADForums discovered this bug.

"I have a value of 3516.41mm and I want to round it to the nearest whole number.

I have tried to use the round command and it seems to round up to the nearest 10 so 3516.41mm would round up to 3520mm. So how do I get would I go about rounding to the nearest whole number?"

I suspect this is due to Inventor's internal units being cm.  However as we specific "a" to be in mm and "b" to be in mm this should not be happening. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Associative Network Evaluation Error?

Jan 9, 2014

I am working on a project and just about to issue set out data and am getting an Associative Network Evaluation Error.

How to track down which objects are affected and are not updating?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Approach A Full Evaluation Design

Nov 18, 2013

i have a site which has a mound in the middle, and quite a few drainage swales running downhill from it, radiating in all directions. i want to calculate a rough estimate of how much fill is required to fill in all those swales (roughly). picture that the existing ridgeline "noses" will be left as is, and the valleys in between are the ones that I want to fill in. the project boundary (toe of slope) is the elevation that I want to hold.

i tried grading tools, and corridors as well, but could not come up with a good way to do this. what I ended up doing is i laid out some feature lines that follow the existing ridgelines down the hill (the banks of the swales), then created a feature line of the project boundary (draped on EG), and a feature line at the top of the mound as the highest elevation, created a TIN from those feature lines so that it triangulates across the swales, and then ran a volume comparison. not the best way i know, but could not think of a better way at that moment.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Network Associative Evaluation Error

Jul 23, 2013

Run Autocad 2013 SP2 on windows 7 boxes.

Anyway, one of our cad operators is running into the following error when he opens a particular drawing or when he audits it:

Associative Network Evaluation Error

     The object cannot be resolved or value limit has been exceeded.

     Inconsistent associative objects may display geometry and grips incorrectly and update in unexpected ways when edited.  You can undo to restore the associative object to its previous state.

From what he's described to me, it sounds as if he is building this from several separate files.  At some point, things go nutty, and that error develops.  When the file is loaded, things are out of position, etc.

No luck in getting that error to vanish. Told him to add the individual parts one at a time, and saving versions as he works so we can, hopefully, find what is breaking everything.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Associative Network Evaluation Error

Mar 13, 2013

Every time I open this drawing, I get this error message:"Inconsistent associative objects may display geometry and grips incorrectly and update in unespected ways when edited. You can undo to restore the associative object to its previous state."

I wonder if this is the result of one of the xref files from the civil, and what to "undo" to whatever "previous state" will prevent this popup window.

Previous searches on this error have brought up discussion of CIvil 3D grouped objects, but like I said, these are simply files we've referenced into our landscape base.

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Photoshop :: Trial Expired Without Evaluation?

Feb 10, 2013

I couldn't find a topic like this, I find the forums still a bit confusing. I am a student and I wanted to try Photoshop CS6, downloaded and installed the trial quite some time ago now and have not used it and the trial already expired. Is there any way to set it back, so I can actually try it out?

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VideoStudio :: Evaluation - Animation Of Text

Jul 1, 2011

I'm currently evaluating the product. I like most of what I see, but I do have one major issue - animation of text. You can't use the transitions on the text because they effect the entire screen, not just the text, blacking out the main video. The text animations only have a few types that allow entry and exits. Which mean that the text can pop-up, but only disappear at the end. This seems to be a major oversite in an otherwise stellar product. I use pinicle now, which is nowhere near as nice in most aspects, but in pinicle I can slide text on and curl off or any other combo I choose. Way better.

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Lightroom :: Limited Viewing In Filmstrip - No Editing And Evaluation Information

Aug 15, 2013

In Lightroom, there are no editing and evaluation information within the filmstrip display more although the display options are all selected.
In the Grid view, the ratings are e.g. visible.
For better understanding here is a screenshot:

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Space Evaluation / XLS Template Also Reading Space Property Set Data?

Feb 1, 2012

after discovering zones and the space evaluation tool I wonder whether it is possible to customise the XLS output further by also reading out information from a property set attached to the space?

The office standard is to have a property set attached to each space that defines a room number (which is the level ID plus a number, say G-01), the area and the space name.

We used to simply schedule the areas with a schedule table. That only gives us net rooms, no subtotals per department (or say per flat) and no grandtotal.So we got as far as using zones grouping the spaces in each flat.

Now I need an area schedule XLT template that also displays the room number from the space's property set and the schedule grouped in a fashion that I get subtotals per flat (=my zones) in another column and a grandtotal.Playing with the Space evaluation tool I seem to only ever get Room/ zone names and their areas.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Inventor Hole Table - Mixed Units - Description Cell

Dec 18, 2013

Is there a way in the description field of an Inventor hole table to have mixed units?   Some hole sizes at fractions, some at 2 plc, and others at 3 places.

Inventor Pro 2013 or 14

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Get Inventor 2013 Show A Custom Iproperty Correct

Jun 18, 2012

I can't get Inventor 2013 show a custom iproperty correct.My iLogic rule is this: 

iProperties.Value("Custom", "myvol")=volume = iProperties.Volume

But the custom iProperty is a Yes or No.Had no problem with this in Inventor 2011.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Design Copy - Error Copying A File / Inventor Crashes

Nov 5, 2013

I'm trying to use iLogic Design Copy to copy an assembly and all its associated parts to another directory. The assembly contains content center parts. Inventor warns me that the destination file of one of the CC parts (and 18 others) will be overwritten. When I go ahead and copy anyway, the copying process stops at that specific CC part. The Design Copy Progress dialog box states there is an error copying that CC part. When I close the Design Copy Progress dialog box, Inventor crashes.

The error copying the CC part: I'm allowed to use content center parts in iLogic Design Copied stuff, right? I searched some related topics and I'm under the impression that Inventor keeps the CC parts in its own directory and shouldn't be trying to overwrite them.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler - Using It To Get Non-Inventor Files From Vault

Nov 18, 2011

We are trying to get task scheduler to automatically download certain files from the Vault. Templates and Styles. The templates work great, but there is no way to specify any filetypes other than Inventor filetypes. Am I missing something? Is there a way to specify non-inventor filetypes?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Inventor Material Library Not Found?

Jun 15, 2012

Can't seem to locate the Inventor Material Library....under Default in Projects, the Inventor Material Library is highlighted in Red.  Where I need to browse to inorder to locate it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Best CPU To Use For Inventor Between I7 And Dual Xeon System

May 16, 2012

Upgrading to a new computer.

1. What is the best CPU to use for Inventor between the i7 and the a Dual Xeon System

2. Would 32GB of memory easily cover all modelling such as assemblies?

3. Any advantage of having 2 x SSD instaed of 1 x SSD

4. Looking at the Nvidia GTX690 graphics card....this should be a good card

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Making STP Files Without Inventor

Nov 15, 2011

Is there a program that can make stp files from our inventor models? Our purchasing department wants to do this task for our vendors and they don't want in have a full version of Inventor to do it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodesk Inventor - TDSetup

Jan 18, 2013

So I installed TD Inventor Professional 30-Day free trial and I downloaded the installer and went through the download of the installer process and it made an autodesk inventor folder on my desktop. I click on it and it takes me into the C drive under the autodesk file Inventor 2012 TestDrive and has an Application called TDSetup. Once I click on it it does a load wheel then nothing happens.

I can't seem to find a solution and I just installed DirectX.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Touch Screens And Inventor

Dec 3, 2012

Inventor on a touch screen style PC, and if so... does it work?  This hardware looks like it would be fun to work with, but I don't know if it's quite there yet for CAD work. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Set Off Trim Inventor

Mar 7, 2013

How to set off the trim inventor does when one dimensions cross another one?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: DWG To STP

Jan 7, 2013

we modeled prototypes of trains (locomotives) in 3dsMax, these models will be used to produce molds and thumbnails of these, you must give the producer STP files, max does not export these files, and we have exported in various formats supported by some programs if exported STP, eg Inventor, we have exported files are STL, oBJ and DWG, so far so good, all save the parts or layers without problem.

The problem comes when exporting from Inventor to STP, nothing happens, the STP file is as if you were empty, there is nothing ..

I have attached the DWG file, if possible, have 17 CAD models for export to STP. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add New UOM In BOM?

Nov 8, 2012

I would like to know how can i create or add an UOM. (for example : 25 per box) in my BOM.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: From Ipt To Dxf

Aug 24, 2011

I'm new to inventor, used it to design a computer case of my own, so now that I got all of my parts in ipt I need to convert them to dxf in 1:1 scale.

What is the easiest way to do that? I found some info here [URL]... but in the Environments tab I don't have any ''AEC Exchange''.

Oh and another thing, after sketching all my parts I ''deleted'' the dimensions from the view, so is there any way I can make them show up in that dxf because I will have to send the dxf's to someone who will laser cut the parts, so dimensions have to be shown of course, or do I have to add them one by one?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changes To Cm Instead Of Mm?

Dec 6, 2011

Using Inventor 2012 Premium, this problem didn't exist in 2011.

When I click "I"->New(small arrow)->Part. All dimensions are in cm.

If I instead click "I"->New and choose the Part template all dimensions are in mm, as it should. I have two .ipt-templates (standard (mm) and sheet metal (mm))

My college went through all templates we have and no one uses cm.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set Miter Gap 0 Mm

Jun 30, 2013

How to set miter gap 0 mm in Inventor 2014...?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting To DWG / DXF

Jun 25, 2012

I need to export some of my files directly to a dxf format, or failing that dwg.  There is no such extension available to me in either "Save As" or "Export". 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Extend Red Peg

Dec 3, 2013

`How can I extend the red "peg" in the attached model, by 8 mm either side? (I created it as a sweep)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Rows To BOM?

Oct 26, 2011

I am trying to create excel files out of BOM for an assembly that contains a step file from customer. 

That step file is a subassembly that contains several files. 

So now my issue is if i could modify the BOM so that i add several rows. Basically i need to add in bom  rows that are pointing to inexistent parts. Besides creating a subassembly and add there several empy parts is there any other way?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert 2D DXF To 3D

Feb 4, 2013

im wondering if it is possible to convert a 2D dxf to 3D in 2012 inventor? I couldnt do after I downloaded the updates for 2D to 3D conversion. I wonder if such a conversion is only available for 2D DWG files

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AutoCAD Inventor :: BIM Exchange

Oct 23, 2012

I am using 2013 inventor and revit. I am trying to use this BIM exchange in inventor and I am try to by creating a simple part/family with a couple of different sizes in a table. Everything looks good in inventor as far as the table having different size and when I activate one it changes the part. When I export I am going to tools, BIM exchange, hitting export and away she goes. There is only one export button and everything is pretty simple to understand. So inventor as far as I know, is good.

Now when I bring it into revit as the ASDK format from export with BIM exchange as I am getting is the model with whatever view happens to be active. I am not getting the table nor the parameters I set up for manually changing the family.

I have done some research and noticed that in previous verisons you needed to export the table in inventor after that model, but I am not seeing that option anywhere. 

So my question is, am I missing something and you can no longer export parametric parts from inventor to revit, or is there another set I am missing either in the inventor setup or the import into revit? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Where To Get Templates

Mar 9, 2013

I've opened up Inventor 2013 and clicked 'new' but no templates have come up. I went to my templates file in my documents and there wasn't any there. Where can I get the templates?

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