AutoCAD 2010 :: Convert Standalone Installation Of 2010 To Network?
Jan 28, 2010How to convert standalone installation of AutoCAD 2010 to network one without uninstalling the existing standlone version.
View 9 RepliesHow to convert standalone installation of AutoCAD 2010 to network one without uninstalling the existing standlone version.
View 9 RepliesI have a couple of floating licenses for an old inventor series 11 product. The license server is down and I need to change these licenses back to standalone licenses. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling as standalone but it will not let me activate the software with the serial numbers on the back of the packaging.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using AutoCAD Mechanical 2010 and received a .DXF file that contains 'solid' objects. Unfortunately the next tool in my workflow doesn't understand 'solids' only polylines (and a few other basic shapes like circles, lines, etc). Is there some way to convert the object in AutoCAD?
I tried the 'boundary' command but when it asks to 'Pick Points' and I click inside the solid, it always gives the error 'Valid hatch boundary not found'.
What am I missing here?
I'm developing on a W7 64bit machine using VS2010 and AutoCAD 2010. Using COM, I've converted a VBA application into an .exe that runs but it is very slow (much slower then the 32bit VBA code used to run). Since we produce a lot of DXFs out of our 3D application, we want the conversion to be automated (hence, no more running inside of AutoCAD).
The current version just references the AutoCAD 2010 Type Library and the AutoCADObjectdbx COMs.For each DXF, the code does the following:
1. Adds new layers
2. Loops thru all entites (currently using a selectionset)
a. Changes the entity's layer based on a collection key and it's linetype to "bylayer"
b. For PolyLines and LWPolyLines, sets the constantwidth to 0
c. For all Text, changes the style to "SIMPLEX", the Scalefactor to 0.7 and looks for a special text value which indicates the drawing scale ("dscale").
3. Sets the drawing's DIMSCALE and LTSCALE to a multiple of the "dscale"
4. Scales all entities by "dscale"
5. Purges All
6. Zoomextents()
7. Saves the drawing as a *.dwg file
8. Closes the drawing
9. Logs some statistics on each file converted.
It seems as most of the time is spent in Step 2. I can obviously do steps 2,3 & 4 by reading/modifying the DXF as a text file very fast. But I would rather keep all the processing inside of AutoCAD.So here are my questions(based on using COM):
1. What additional references do I need work directly with the drawing's database?
2. Are the NET transaction examples under this category valid when going through COM?
I've zipped and attached the current project (VS2010 project) for possible reference
The installation process presented an error during the stage of FARO LS 1.1.406.58.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently moved a user to a new PC and setup AutoCAD 2011 after resetting the license through the helpdesk. All works well, however when the user opens her drawings created in the old installation, all the fonts are too big and possibly the wrong type. There are other installations in the office which open the same files/drawings and the fonts/tect appears perfect.
So the question is, how do I transfer the settings from an existing installation, or better yet, how do I specifiy the default font for all drawings?
wizard installation error on visual studio 2010
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am facing problem for installing AutoCad 2011.I am getting this type of error
installation failed
autocad 2011
failed - fatal error during installation
After a recent installation of updates I now have the drawing network path being plotted on every drawing and plotter used. How can I disable this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe are a small company with two PCs - 1 laptop and a server. We are having problems using xref drawings across the network. The laptop is mapped to the Z drive and the reference file is on the server (D drive). Each time we open a drawing on the laptop (Z drive) the xref files which is saved on the server (D drive) cannot be seen. We reattached the file and it works fine until we closed and reopen the drawing. When the drawing is opened on the laptop the xref is not loaded on the screen. However, the file extension can be seen but no drawing is visible.
In summary how can we tell get the laptop to permanently reference xref files saved on the server without them dropping out?
I want to display the network server name automatically (preferably using a diesel expression).
I currently use diesel expressions to show the saved path and drawing name, but since we have a multitude of servers I'd like to show the server name as well. At the minute it just shows the network map name, i.e. N:, but I'd like to prefix that with the actual serve name, i.e. SERV-FILE-1 (or something like that).
When I try to open any of the Hydraflow extensions, I get the following message: "Installation error Invalid installation. Program ending." I ran a repair from Windows, but get the same result. How to successfully open/use any of these Hydraflow components in 2010?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am running AutoCAD MEP 2012. I am unable to open drawings that are stored on a network drive. I continue to get a "Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0X0000 Exception at f5bfaad0h" and AutoCAD closes. If I copy that same file to the computer and make it local, it opens without any problem. All files local open just fine. Also, I am able to open the same drawing on the network from multiple other computers.
I have tried to repair AutoCAD and check all network settings on the computer, but everything appears correct.
I've installed the LM Tools license manager on a network server to distribute out floating license of AutoCAD 2010. The network license currently has 5 floating licenses for AutoCAD 2010. When I try and install the AutoCAD 2010 software on a client machine and go under "Install Tools and Utilities" I expect to see a choice for the Network License Activation Utility. Unfortunately all I get is the options to install the License Manager (LM Tools), CAD Manager Tools, and SAMreport-Lite. Nothing indicating an Activation Utility.
I may just be very oblivious but I'm not sure how to activate the program with the license server when I can't install the utility to do so. Am I missing a step somewhere? I have a feeling the answer is very obvious but I unfortunately can't see it. The SN and Product Key are entered correctly and should reflect the type of license(s) they are.
We have all of our job files stored on our network. If you open a sheetset from one of those network folders, it will open normally, you can view and scroll thru it normally, but the second you select / right click anything, it locks up cad (grey screen) and shows us the hourglass for 3-6 minutes, and then allows you to work with it, but with a 10-20 second delay on anything you try to do. If you copy the same job folder to the C Drive, and re-open the sheetset, it operates perfectly. Running a constant ping to our server returns a <0ms return with no lost packets.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCurrently, we have 3 stand alone license's and are wanting to reinstall AutoCAD 2012 for a network for various reasons. I uninstalled and installed the tools/utilities for a network license file however I just have our 3 stand alone licenses. Can I not use them in a file to be distributed by the server?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy autocad 2012 installation runs slower when I have the network cable plugged in. This is very obvious when I run lisp commands.
I have a standalone installation with a drawing on a local drive, also SP1 is installed.
Is there a way for xrefs to stay attached to a drawing file when using Dropbox as a network? All files are saved to the dropbox which is loaded on both computers that need to access the files. If I do work and save an xref in a file that is then opened by someone else on a different computer, the xref is not loaded and has to be re-routed. Is there a way to avoid having to reroute xrefs everytime someone different opens the file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have cad but I don't know how to convert from DWG into DWF Can I do it or do I need to buy a converter program ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can I make something convert to an AEC object?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best way to convert a dwf to a dwg? If there is no AutoDesk app, what's the best one by others?
I know about inserting as an OLE and we are trying that.
How can I convert a DWF into a DWG?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs this possible to convert a 2010 DWG to R13 DWG using AutoCAD 2012 or do I need a convertor?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWe are looking for a SVG to DXF file converter windows library which can be integrated into our application. The DXF files generated, should be able to be imported in EDA tools like (Altium,MentorGraphics)
We would like to know which tool can be used and the price, licensing terms as well. If there is a demo version of the library available to test it?
Does Auto-Cad '11 has the capability to convert dwg file to pdf?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI need to find a program that can convert a Tiff file to a Cad File(DWG or DXF). what program I could use to do this ?
I've Googled for a few programs but they all seen to do the same thing use the file as Xref in the file and copy this to CAD.
I am in need of flattened 2D line views of the sides and top of the model shown in the attached 3D file. So far, I have found and tried the FLATSHOT command, but...
"There are no solids or surfaces that can be projected."
So apparently, I'm dealing with the kind of 3D model that FLATSHOT was not intended for. How I can quickly get flattened 2D views of this without eating up my entire workday?
Is there a method to convert a DWG to Visio?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to convert a PDF file to a DWG? With edit-able lines?
I have a PDF file I need to add a few lines to and there is no DWG. Even If I could draw over it, the thing is it HAS to be to scale.
I've been doing some looking and can't find anything. It looks like you can't do it but is there a way to convert a 3D .dwg to an .rvt file?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to convert old DGN files to DWG's. When I import the dgn it wants the new exref path. for these I do not have the path so I have to hit cancel. Can I turn that off so I don't get the dialog box? I turned off the demand load xrefs thing but it didn't change anything.
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