AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Open DWG From Network Drive?

Feb 8, 2012

I am running AutoCAD MEP 2012. I am unable to open drawings that are stored on a network drive. I continue to get a "Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0X0000 Exception at f5bfaad0h"  and AutoCAD closes. If I copy that same file to the computer and make it local, it opens without any problem. All files local open just fine. Also, I am able to open the same drawing on the network from multiple other computers.

I have tried to repair AutoCAD and check all network settings on the computer, but everything appears correct.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Save R12 DXF Files To Network Drive

Apr 22, 2013

I have some AutoCAD 2013 users in our Fabrication department who are having problems saving R12 dxf files to a network location.  When they try to save they get a message that states "Unable to save to drawing N:Bend|5130Xfilename.dxf. Drawing saved to N:Bend|5130Xsav6A0D.tmp" (See attachment for actual message)

The temp file does not get saved either.  They can save R12 dxf files locally and to other network locations.  They are able to save 2013 dwg and dxf files with no issues.  This problem just affects R12 dxf files which they need for programming pressbrakes.

They can save to 2013 dxf files and then overwrite with R12.  After that they cannot save again and get the message again.

User workstations vary.

All are Dell Precision workstations and laptops

Windows 7 x64 with 16 GB of RAM

All are running Nvidia Quadro graphics cards with certified drivers

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Lightroom :: Cache Large RAW Files Imported From Network Drive On Local Drive?

Jul 5, 2012

I'm copying RAW files from a shoot onto my network RAID drive in a per-album folder, from where I then import into a new LR catalog (I'm using LR 4.1) on my Windows laptop for that album.
I'm finding that editing RAW files on a network drive from a wireless laptop is awfully slow (not to mention not being able to continue the work offline somewhere else), so I'd like to cache those files on my speedy SSD drive just until I'm done editing and exporting/publishing that album.
I back up my per-album catalog onto the network folder alongside the RAW files since that's my IT-managed master repository. When I'm done editing, I'd purge the cached files and just keep the catalog previews on my limited capacity SSD.
So, is there a way to tell LR to, for one/all files imported from a location (in my case a network folder), look in an alternate location for the identical files? Since I create per-album catalogs in per-album folders, there wouldn't be filename clashing. Either LR can provide this caching behavior on its own or I'd manually copy files from the network folder to a local folder and tell LR to look there first.
I don't really want to make copies of files into secondary folders within LR since then it's a hassle to merge edits on the cached copy to its master copy (I haven't done this, but I'd imagine so).

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AutoCAD .NET :: Config XML INI Share On Network Drive?

May 19, 2012

I want to have an application settings file stored centrally on a network drive. In the past I have used INI files, and for a Windows app would now use an app.exe.config XML file. My question is: what is the preferred technique for storing shared settings centrally for an AutoCAD .dll plug-in? It seems even for a full Windows app that the app.exe.config file can't be located on a network drive, but I could be mistaken. In any case that doesn't appear an option for a .dll plug-in. Everyone comments that INI files "are so 90s", but I can't see an alternative.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Suddenly Unable To Open 2012

Jan 10, 2012

when I try to open the program I get this message:

The application failed to initialize properly (Oxc0000034) Click on OK to terminate the application.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Open DWG Created In LT 2010?

Feb 6, 2013

The dwg is created in AutoCAD LT 2013. i am unble to open the dwg in AutoCAD 2013. Tried recover, wblocked it. Still does not work. Service pack is applied for AutoCAD 2013.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Get Dialog Boxes To Open

Mar 9, 2012

I have several lisp routines I have been using since Acad 2002 (with occasional minor revisions) for my title blocks that open up a dialog boxes. None of the lisps I have that should open up a dialog box are working in a fresh 2012 install. 

 The lisps work in 2010 but not in 2012. I searched through the boards and found some info but it hasn't worked (made sure ATTREQ & ATTDIA set to 1).

Here is one the lisps in question:

(defun c:title(/ archl sqftl filel datel salel namel builderl planl subdivision1l subdivision2l plana planb year month day rb1 rb2 rb3 insp1)
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
(command "attdia" "0")
(command "-osnap" "none")
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "tools.dcl"))
 I have tried changing the attdia value to 1 in the lisp but the result is the same. The command fails at the same spot:

Command: TITLE attdia Enter new value for ATTDIA <1>: 0
Command: -osnap Enter list of object snap modes: none
Command: nil 

If I use -insert I can get the blocks to run by typing all the information at the command line but I want my dialog boxes back!

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Open A Closed Polyline

May 14, 2009

I drew a very complicated 2-D plot this afternoon. The most majority of the plot is composed of different straight lines, arcs. Then I used the polyline function to join them together to form a closed single polyline (Modify->object->polyline).

Later on I want to change something in part of the polyline. Then I used the 'pedit' again, I chose 'open'. But the whole polyline won't break into its original segments. I tried through all the menus, just cannot find the right tool for this purpose.

Does it mean I have to start over from scratch to redraw the whole plot?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Opening Dwg From Network Drive By Other Map Users (Map Cache)

Mar 4, 2011

Map 3d 2011.User A connects to SDE using FDO and creates a dwg containing Mastermap data and other shape files held in SDE.User A saves Map 3D dwg on network drive that all users can access where all acad dwgs, docs etc. for that project are stored.

User B who is working on the same project at another PC tries to open the Map 3D dwg created by user A from the shared network drive but gets a "Failed to open FDO connection" error and cannot open the dwg.

Is this because Map 3D caches all data from SDE on the local drive of the PC on which the dwg was created?Is there a way around this to allow both users to access the same drawings?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Revcloud - Unable To Open Dialog Box Message

Sep 18, 2013

when I invoke the Revcloud command and type "O" for options, I get a message box that says "Unable to open dialog box", if I close that message box I'm able to draw cloud lines in my drawing but I have no control of the cloud since I can not access the options dialog box.

My Revcloud was working fine last week.

why I'm getting the "Unable to open dialog box" message?

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Copy Network / Server Profile Into Local Drive

Jan 20, 2012

I am using Autocad 2008. I lost all my icons when opened a drawing after disconnected my workstation off my domain network and trying to use it locally in my local drive.

in order words, How can I copy my network/server profile into my local drive so that I can run Autocad from my local drive ?(My Autocad Software is loaded in my local drive).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Open This Drawing / It Contains Incorrect Or Corrupted Information

Jun 6, 2012

(Running AutoCAD 2010 on Win 7, Core i7, 8 GB RAM. All AutoCAD 2010 service packs are up-to-date)

I have a drawing file that keeps giving me this message when I try to open it :

"Unable to open this drawing.It contains incorrect or or corrupted information.The RECOVER command may be able to restore undamaged material from this drawing."

When I recover the file I sometimes get a message that 1 error was fixed, sometimes no errors were detected. Either way, when I close it, and try re-opening (whether or not I SAVE it first), I get the same message. I have tried RECOVERALL, AUDIT, AECTOACAD (those AEC objects can be a problem) and tried changing the AutoCAD version it saves to (eg 2007). None of this works. I also discovered that if I WBLOCK the entire drawing it fixes it for ONE reopen, but becomes corrupted if I save it. This drawing is used as a 'template' (not a .dwt, just a "starting point") for other drawings, so the corruption is spreading.......

I am upgrading to a newr version of AutoCAD soon (hopefully that will fix it?), but this is really slowing down produciton in the meantime....

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Photoshop :: Unable To Designate Internal Drive As Scratch Disc (non Boot Drive)?

Aug 10, 2012

1) I'm unable to designate an internal drive as a scratch disc (non boot drive). Drive is clean, empty, I've chkdsk'd, permissions set to full, I can read and write files on it, and I'm able to designate it as scratch for Illustrator but PS6 doesn't like it. Says I don't have access.
2) I upgraded to PS6 extended (cloud) and after a week it now hangs during startup at loading Nik Color Efex Pro 4 plugin. Hangs for about 3 minutes before continuing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Double Click - Can't Close / Open Drawing In Recovery

Sep 25, 2012

The user is running Autocad 2010, and she was able to perform this function last week.  Nothing has changed, and a system reboot did not correct the issue. 

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Lightroom :: 5.3 - Can't Import To Network Drive

Dec 13, 2013

Since upgrading to 5.3, I have been having issues importing files to my NAS. I have tried a variety of ways of connecting it to the computer (through a wifi router and directly over ethernet, using SMB and AFP protocols) and I keep running into the same issue: LR works on it for a while, then tells me that all files are unsupported or damaged. Sometimes, one manages to get through and is imported correctly, but that's it.
The files are valid, Photo Mechanic imports them without problems. LR import the files correctly to the internal drive of the computer.
The main machine is a 27" iMac running OS X 10.9. The NAS is a Synology DS411j running the latest DSM (4.3).

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Lightroom :: 5 Catalogs On Network Drive

Jun 16, 2013

is it possible to work with the catalogs in version 5 on a networkdrive?

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Photoshop :: Use Network Drive As Scratch Disk?

Nov 19, 2012

Is it possible to use a network drive as a scratch disk? I have very little space left on my only internal drive and don't want to have to purchase a drive just to connect to my PC for a couple projects.

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Photoshop Elements :: Put Catalog On Network Drive?

Feb 25, 2014

Or am I going to run into trouble storing the catalog on a network drive?

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Lightroom :: Moving Catalog To Network Drive?

Dec 12, 2011

I have my complete catalog of Lightroom 3.5 currently on my harddisc of my PC (windows 7). I want to move this catalog to a network based RAID disc and work from there. I've exported my catalog to the networkdisc but how do I tell Lightroom to use that catalog instead of the one on my local drive?

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Lightroom :: Catalog Back-up On Network Drive?

Sep 27, 2011

I am working on a group of about 20,000 pictures. It is the stored photos of multiple users on a network drive.  My job is to organize the pictures in LR. When I am done, several users will be sharing the catalog.  The workflow the group wants to use involves downloading the catalog from a shared site on the network to their desktop. The users would then upload the latest catalog back to the network when they are finished.  They are used to the communication this involves and share other work this way.
I am working from my home computer. (The VPN was too slow) I have the pictures at home on a portable external drive. The catalog is on my internal drive.  When I have a section done, I export it as a catalog onto the external drive. I import it to the latest version of the master catalog on a desktop at work.  The work computer security does not allow me to directly work from my portable external drive so I have to copy and past the import catalog on to the desktop before I import it. When I import it to the master catalog, I move the pictures to the network drive.
My main question is can the users back-up the catalog on the network drive? As part of their workflow, they would automatically back-up the catalog to the network. The next users would then download the back-up to their desktop to use.  Once a week, we would clear old back-ups.
Also, are we losing information from the catalog when we copy it back and forth?
I am losing print presets (and import presets) as I test this. When I test the process on two computers at home, this does not happen.  I wonder if it is the work computer security?  Part of my workflow is to create a pdf contact sheet to send to the user. I use the form pdf wizard to make it interactive so the user can fill in whether to discard the picture and identify people/add text. I e-mail them the contact sheet. They e-mail it back completed.  The preset can be recreated but it is tempermental.  I want something I can leave for the users.

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After Effects :: Can't Export Media To A Network Drive

Apr 23, 2013

I have a MacPro 5,1 OS10.7.5 with CS6 and I can not export my media to a network drive. Media is stored on a local drive. System writes okay but will not export. I have another system with 10.6.6. CS5 and it works well.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Convert Standalone Installation Of 2010 To Network?

Jan 28, 2010

How to convert standalone installation of AutoCAD 2010 to network one without uninstalling the existing standlone version.

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Photoshop :: Cannot Save Files To Network Drive Using PSD Format

Mar 13, 2013

Am seeing an issue with Photoshop7 , cannot save files to a network drive using .psd format..It says Disk space full, though there is more than 1TB of space available on the network drive..This happens when tryingto save file in .psd format using Save as option within photoshop.There is no issue in saving the same file locally and copying it fom local drive to network drive..OS is windows 7.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Font Navigator Not Finding Network Drive

Jul 28, 2011

So we have three computers hooked up here, all running off a main terabyte drive where all the fonts are stored. Bitstream, X3, and X5 are on all the computers. Bitstream works on 2 out of the 3, but on this one when I go to the drop down list in the Font Navigator I only get the option for the Local C and DVD drive. I can log on to the "Network" version of the terabyte drive, but once I get in it asks me for a password when the drive has not set up to be password protected. I have installed service pack 1 and 2 for X3 + the Bitstream patch. I'm running Windows 7.

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Lightroom :: Import Images From Network Hard Drive In 4?

Oct 22, 2013

How can I import images from a network hard drive in LR 4?  I am not finding it as an option.

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Photoshop :: Network / External Drive With (Users) In Path Breaks?

Mar 21, 2013

I'm on a mac and I'm trying to run the photoshop script "Layer Comps to Files" - which works fine .... UNLESS I'm connected to an SMB network drive with "users" in the path.
NOTE: I am not trying to save to the network drive!
NOTE: Each test I'm doing is exactly the same (other than which network drive is connected)
NOTE: Just having the network drive connected with "Users" in the path messes things up!
Script does NOT run if I have an SMB drive connected with "Users" in the path, e.g.: [URL]...As soon as I disconnect the SMB drive (I don't even have to close photoshop) the script runs perfectly fine.The script also runs FINE with other SMB network drives withOUT "users" in the path, e.g.:[URL]...
I found this thread from 2010 (which has never been resolved but is inconveniently read-only now) has the same issue with CS4 and it still isn't fixed in CS6:[URL]...

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VideoStudio :: File Size Limited To 2GB On Mapped Network Drive?

May 25, 2012

When I render a large file with the output going to a mapped drive the output is cut into multiple files that are 2GB in size.

If I do it to a local disk it doesn't do this - it created the 13GB file, which I then have to copy to my network drive.

how to remove this limitation on network drives?

I am using 64 bit windows 7 and a NetApp NAS...

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Photoshop Elements :: Watch Folder Does Not Work With Network Drive

Aug 31, 2012

I was trying to import my photos into the Organizer (PSE10) and noticed that it didn't accept a network drive as a watched folder.

My family stores all photos on a shares NAS drive and I would like to use it with PSE10.

Currently, I can only use PSE10 with the photos I import on my local machine, but I cant organize the rest of the pictures.
Is there a way to trick PSE to add a network drive to the organizer ?

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Photoshop Elements :: Moving Part Of Catalog To Network Drive

May 8, 2013

I have a catalog of 13k+ photos that I'm trying to clean up. I'm using Elements 7, I have purchased Elements 11, and am planning to install it soon. Part of my photos are physically located on my hard drive, and part are on a network drive mapped as J:.  Elements finds these photos on J: but I don't think that the Elements Catalog is aware that J: is a network drive/removable drive. It looks for them every time I open Elements, making the program very slow to start up.

Should I use the "move to removable drive" to move these photos? How will Elements treat these photos that have been sent to a removable disk? Will I still be able to see thumbnails of the photos and search through my tags for them? If I copy my photos to a new drive, but still call that drive J: will Elements be able to find them? And finally, if I perform this "move to removable disk" task, should I do it now with Elements 7 or update to Elements 11 first?

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AutoCad :: Unable To Save Across Network?

Jul 11, 2012

I am currently using Acad 07 on Windows 7. I save my drawings to another pc on our network. Yesterday said pc was updated to windows 7 and now I am unable to save. I get an error message reading:- Unable to save drawing Location/file name.dwg, drawing saved to drawing/filename.tmp. What is a .tmp? I can save the files on my computer then move them over but it isn't ideal

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Move Entire Photo Collection From C To Network Drive

Oct 2, 2012

I want to move my entire photo collection from the 'C' Drive to a network drive that I recently installed.   As a followup, I also want to access (add, enhance etc.) the same collection then with a laptop that also has Photoshop Elements V10 installed. 

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