After Effects :: Blending Mode (Multiply) Not Working?
Apr 3, 2013
I am working with CS6. I am attempting to add shadow to my text, which is a simple enough process. However, it doesn't appear as though my blending modes are working. Putting it on as a Multiply doesn't do anything to the solid shadow catcher. I have seen in the forum that some have had luck by changing the solid color, but this does not work for me.
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Feb 17, 2013
I have a PSD file that has a couple layers that are shadows and highlights for t-shirt textures. Then I have other layers that are the colors of the shirts, so I can swap the color out and it looks like the appropriate t-shirt color with the shirt textures and shadows. My ultimate goal is to export the shirt textures with no color background and keeping it a transparent png. I want to use this transparent image on a website that has color behind it and can change the color using html Divs.
The issue is when I turn off the lower layer colors of the shirt the image is not trasnparent it is white. The multiply layers don't stay transparent. Is there a way to export the multiply layers as transparent? Is there a way to remake the layers as a raster image, rather than using the layer blending modes?
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Mar 20, 2013
i just installed after effects and i can't seem to find the SCREEN(superposition) option in the blending mode.
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Aug 19, 2006
When I blend layers using multiply, and lower the opacity of the top layer (such as to compensate for too much flash), photoshop puts all these vertical lines on the image. The only time they are not visible is when opacity is set to 0% or 100% for the top layer.
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Oct 24, 2013
I am working on a project and i am surprised to find a strange multiply blend mode behavior. When i open a new blank document to try again the multiply behavior, all seems to work well.
Is it possible that the document i am working on became corrupted ? I work on a 2012 Macbook Pro Retina 15", Mac OS X 10.8.5 and Photoshop CC 14.1.2.
This is what i see :
- Normal blen mode.
- Multiply blend mode.
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Jun 12, 2013
In RGB documents, the 'Darken' transparency blend mode doesn't change colours, but only shows a colour if it is darker that the colour underneath it.
In CMYK documents, 'Darken' acts differently. It does the same thing as 'Multiply': it darkens the top colour based on the colour underneath. In CMYK mode, 'Darken' and 'Multiply' seem to do exactly the same thing.
How can I get an object in a CMYK document to do what 'Darken' does in an RGB document - only show if it has a darker value than the colour underneath?
(why does 'Darken' behave like 'Multiply' in CMYK mode? What's the point of having two different blend modes that do the same thing?)Here's Adobe's official description of Darken. This matches how it behaves in RGB, but not how it behaves in CMYK:
Selects the base or blend color—whichever is darker—as the resulting color. Areas lighter than the blend color are replaced. Areas darker than the blend color do not change.
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Jun 17, 2012
i want layer 1 to overlap layer 2 as if i had erased the white background on layer 1 but i want do it quickly eg by applying a layer style instead of using the magic eraser which can be unpredictable without using the lasso tool to restrict it.
what if the multiply blending mode was applied more intelligently: here's what i mean in pseudo ..IF at least one of the overlapping pixels in either layer is white..THEN apply multiply mode as normal ie multiply the pixel values and divide by 255.
IF neither of the pixels is white THEN only display the pixel in the uppermost layer (in this case layer 1).
i want to speed up the whole process by selecting multiple layers and applying a saved layer style or some other equally rapid method of making the white background transparent.I am not interested in solutions involving the magic eraser, layer masks or anything that can't be applied in one go . I have looked at the 'blend if' sliders in the layer style window but this needs per layer adjustment so is not a time saver and does not always give a smooth overlap anyway.
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Aug 18, 2012
When designing for the web, I often like to give text boxes a thin, 1-pixel stroke of a slightly darker color than the box itself. I've noticed that when using the Stroke layer style options, setting the position attribute to "Inside" and the blend mode to "Multiply" has the undesirable effect of multiplying the border color with the background, instead of multiplying the border color with the box color (see figure 1). This seems like a bug to me. The only way I have found to achieve the result I'm looking for is to create a duplicate shape above my box layer, set the fill to 0%, and then apply the stroke effect to that layer (see figure 2). Any way to accomplish this all in one layer? I know I could just set the blend mode to "Normal" and choose my darker color explicitly, but I want the layer style to be portable, so I can use it on boxes of any color and have the resulting stroke a darker shade of that color.I am currently using Photoshop CS4 on a Mac.
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Sep 9, 2013
He wants me to take an image (Its just a square image) and have it start in the center of the screen, and as it scales down and moves to one of the bottom corners (I've already got that part done) the image multiplies and creates a seamless circular/oval band in 3D space. He also wants this done with another image, but for this other image (also simply a square) to create a sphere as it multiplies.
Is there an easier way to do this, or am I going to have to place, manipulate and animate each individual copy of the square image to create a solid band?
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Feb 12, 2014
The official documentation on this mode is frustratingly vague: "This is short for "exclusive OR", which is an advanced blending mode that is primarily used for image analysis and not for drawing or image composition." Thing is, I do personally use it to make art. I think if I knew what exactly it did, I could more easily create images that have eye-pleasing results when blended together using xor.
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Jan 23, 2013
I'm using Photoshop CS6 on a Mac (OS X 10.8.2), and I've run into a wierd problem I've never seen before. I'm creating a seperate layer over a photo, and filling that layer with 50% gray. I then set that layer's blending mode to Overlay. When things are working correctly (and they always have in the past) setting the 50% gray layer to Overlay should render that layer invisible, and it should have no visual effect on the photo underneath.
Suddenly this is not the case, and it looks like the grayscale in the photo beneath the gray layer is much brighter. What's really weird is that I tried to recreate this problem on a couple of other pic files, and the Overlay blending mode works fine there! So the problem seems to be only with this one file. Changing the file from CMYK to RGB seems to lessen the effect, but it's still present.
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Jul 15, 2008
I have 2 layers styles applied to a shape in Photoshop CS3:
1. Drop shadow with a soft light blending mode.
2. Colour fill with a multiply blending mode.
This shape is on a transparent canvas so I can export it without a background.
If I convert the shape to a smart object it seems to change the appearance of the shadows and the fill to as if they were set to the default "Normal" blending mode. I also get this problem when I export for web and if i merge layers together.
Can someone please tell me how to preserve the blending modes of the layers as this seems an odd thing for Photoshop to do.
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Apr 19, 2009
I recently had to make the move from CS4 on Mac OS 10.5.6 to CS4 x64 on Vista.
I opened a file and worked on it with no problems on the new CS4 x64 setup. It also saved multiple times throughout with no apparent problems.
When I have tried to reopen the file on the same CS4 x64 Vista setup I get the following errors in this order:
This document contains unknown data which will be discarded to keep layers editable. To preserve the original appearance instead, choose Flatten to load composite data as a flattened image.
Options - Keep Layers, Cancel, Flatten
(If I choose Flatten I get this error: Could not complete your request because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered)
I choose Keep Layers -->
The file uses an unsupported blending mode. Substitute normal mode?
Options - OK, Cancel, Flatten
(If I choose Flatten: Could not complete your request because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered)
I choose OK -->
encountered reading layer
"Shape 1 copy 220"
because of a program error.
I choose OK -->
Some groupes were found corrupted and repaired.
OK -->
Could not complete your request because the file is not compatible with this version of Photoshop.
OK -->
And the file has closed itself.
I cannot open this file on either CS4 on the mac or CS4 x64 on the PC.
As a side note, this particular file is a personal blog design I've been working with on and off for several months so I can't be 100% sure, but I don't believe I have a layer called 'Shape 1 copy 220' as I surely would remember copying a layer 220 times.
Of course, it is annoying that I lost maybe 4 hours work (I have a backup of the original file), but my main concern is this happening again - especially with commercial work. Can anyone shed any light on known issues between Mac and PC versions of CS4?
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Dec 6, 2008
I have two images on two layers, the one which is on the top has a blending mode set to it (hard light for example) and opacity at about 70%.
What I would like to do, is to save that image (which is on the top) so, that every time I combine those two images, I would get the same result. (By combining I mean applying those images on top of each other outside of photoshop.)
The opacity is not a problem - I can save the image as 32 bit bmp (8 bit alpha channel right?)
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Jul 29, 2009
I've been working on an image where I have multiple layers and different blending modes assigned. When I assign a multiply blending mode for example it takes the white background out of one of my images. When I place the image in indesign the blending mode is no longer applied and the white background is on the image.
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Oct 23, 2013
I searched on [URL]... for "dodge burn", and the first two links that came up pointed me to a post entitled "Faking Soft Brushes and the Blur/Dodge/Burn Tool." Maybe I'm not reading it correctly, but it seems that to use that technique you need to use three layers and the Clone Stamp tool. But why not just use the technique described here
where you create a 50% gray (hex 808080) layer, change the Blending mode to Overlay, lower the Transparency-Alpha of the Primary or Secondary color way down (depending on whether you are burning or dodging), and paint on the new layer? Is the other technique better?
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May 27, 2012
I was looking at a Photoshop tutorial, it's for building a galaxy and mostly works for gimp, but there was a mention of "layer blending mode to colour." I was wondering what the equivalent is in gimp, or even if there is one.
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Mar 17, 2013
Simply adds the two components. But this is only correct if there is no transparency involved.
Once there is transparency involved, it gets more complex. So, what is the math behind the linear dodge blending mode if the top layer has semi-transparent pixels (=alpha less than 1)?
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Aug 27, 2011
I have a high-res image of a model of a ship that I'm looking to put on top of a seascape image. The pictures below are a lot smaller and cropped then actual.
Here is a crop of the image of the ship, luckily it's on a plain background and nothing more complicated: After much trial and error, Fluid Mask did a decent job and I'm on the fence about saying useable:
However, this is a thought I had when scrolling through blending modes on the ship's layer. Here it is on Multiply:
Obviously it's too dark, but in terms of the edges on the small details like the ropes, it looks great. I got thinking about somehow automating Photoshop to recognize wherever a pixel is different from the background layer below it, Photoshop would be able to tell where the image is and where the background is, since Multiply removes any white but leaves other colors (albeit darker).
I don't know how this would be done if it's possible at all, I'm guessing with some sort of code made into a plugin or something.
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Nov 12, 2012
I have Windows 8, and Photoshop CS6. All of my blending modes work, except for Screen. I don't know why it doesn't, but I do use it somewhat frequently, and it's really holding me back at this point.
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Jul 3, 2013
I see that the new default blending mode when you create a Group From Layers is Pass Through. I will never use this configuration, and would prefer to set my default to Normal.
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Nov 11, 2013
How to set my eyedropper tool so that it picks up the result from several layers objects with transparency or different blending modes.
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Jan 14, 2013
Applying an effect, such as a blur, to a blend seems to disable the "Smooth Color" option. I can use "Specified Steps" or "Specified Distance" to correct the look of the blend, but I am just curious as to why this happens with "Smooth Color."
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Sep 4, 2013
I want to set the blending mode on a 3D layer so that I remove the layer but keep the shadows. How do I do this?
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Sep 26, 2013
In CS6 I created a clipping mask with an image above a type layer, and when I lower the opacity of the image layer, it starts turning the color of the text green? Why is this?
1. How could I lower the opacity of the image inside the text?
2. The same thing happens when I try to change the blending of the clipping mask with the text layer beneath it. Why is turning green?
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May 31, 2011
Which type of the blending mode is supported by layers that use the Fill With Neutral Color option?
A. Normal
B. Dissolve
C. Luminosity
D. None of the above
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Jun 16, 2009
In PS CS4 In my layers palette, I used to be able to have an effect (ex. drop shadow) on a layer & drag that effect onto another layer so the layers would have the exact same effect. In CS4 when I drag an effect, I lose that effect from that layer & it is put on the layer I dragged it to only. It will not let me copy it anymore. Is there some key I should be holding down now? I am wondering what else I will be running into with CS4. Maybe that wizard will pop out & yell at me.
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Feb 27, 2014
I am recently having a lot of fun after I discovered the power of blending. So here is my "protocol": I create two similar shapes, I make sure that they have a colored stroke, I use the blender, then I modify the path with the pencil, and I get this kind of results
I am quite happy with this, because of the fake 3D effect that it generates. I kind of understand that the "3D- shading" effect comes from the stroke color. However, this method has its limitations because:
- it only works with a stroke
- it gives different aspects depending of the number of steps.
Is there any way to smooth the effect created by the strokes to avoid the segmentation seen of the picture above?
Ideally, the best tool would be some kind of "extrude+blend on free path" tool, but it doesn't seem to exist in Illustrator yet...
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Sep 1, 2013
For creating masks I'll often select all visible pixels in a layer (cmd+click the layer) but if the layer has any blending effects, e.g. a stroke or drop shadow, then this won't be included in the selection. Is it possible to include these in the selection?
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Jan 18, 2013
i am working in cs6 and starting to frustrate more and more, tried everything and nothing seems to work. Layer blending modes just seems to stop working at one moment, or at certain layers, i dont know. I have two layers one on top of other, and when i set blending mode on top layer everything just goes white.
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Sep 26, 2013
In PHotoshop CC, my blending options are not working at all. A window comes up with the message "Could not complete your reequest because of a program error. "
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