Photoshop :: Make A Layer Selection Include Its Blending Effects?
Sep 1, 2013
For creating masks I'll often select all visible pixels in a layer (cmd+click the layer) but if the layer has any blending effects, e.g. a stroke or drop shadow, then this won't be included in the selection. Is it possible to include these in the selection?
How to make the Getfiled dialog box taller to include more of the file selection area? Where to change number of lines displayed.  The code is not in the Acad.dcl
Like the Acad.dcl one can edit the width of edit text window: See edit_width = 80;
I have an inner shadow on a picture. What I would like to do is take that inner shadow and make it its own layer so i can use the same shadow to put over different pictures on a website.
I'm almost certain this hotkey existed:.. but I cant find it!  Extend the selected layer to the last layer of that comp?  Currently I have to select the layer.  then scroll....... all..... the.... way..... down to the end of my layers.. then shift + click. to select I have a repetative task of shifting things around.. and is becoming difficult.
I have a composition made up of 3 layers. Two text layers and one vector shape as an AI file. I would like the shape to spin on the Y axis (which requires 3d to be selected) - but when I select the 3D checkbox on the shape layer, the entire composition (text included) rotates 90 on the X axis. So effectively selecting 3D makes the whole composition flat so the starting point is altered.
I recently watched a video of an artist working and I swear it looks like he made a lasso selection on a smart object layer, dragged the selection, and instantly created a new layer of the selection alone. He did this successively to sample parts of an image for later usage. I can't figure out for the life of me how he was doing it and I can't find anywhere that PS has this ability.
For one, lassoing an area of a smart object doesn't allow me to duplicate that selection, PS acts like I want to duplicate the entire image, if I hold down the ALT key. Also, if I try to make a duplicate of a selection with a non-smart object layer I can duplicate the selection via dragging by holding ALT, but the duplicate is still on the same layer as the original object, which is NOT what I want. I know how to use copy/paste.
Hi guys, I have been using CS2 since its release but I didn’t discover this small nuance until yesterday, and needless to say it unnerved me quite a bit. In PS7 I used to use a trick to achieve a certain effect in some of my designs, making a pattern or single-color image on one layer, ctrl-clicking that layer to make it a selection, and then using that selection to delete other parts of my image. I liked this method as it allowed for me to save the particular selection, and always have that layer available to go back to in case of future use. Since I haven’t done graphic work in a while (mostly digital painting at the moment) I didn’t realize this change was made, either that, or I don’t know how to achieve a similar ends using CS2 that I did with PS7. If anyone understands what I’m asking, and can offer a bit of assistance it would be much appreciated, I am doing a menu layout and design for a local day-spa and I was hoping to do something interesting with their preexisting logo.
I am installing the programs on my new 64 bits computer , which runs windows 8 in a language which is not english.At the very beginning of the setup I noticed that it detected the language of sist. op. and that it would install cs6 in such language.Â
If I install cs6 I will have all menus , tools and resources in other language and it will be very cumbersome to work with it.Perhaps with the best of the intention to make people feel comfortable with their own language you have made it this way.But there are several other guys like me that want it IN ENGLISH. As a long time user of photoshop I never worked in other language than english and I will never do it.
It looks like it is a new trend to detect the op sistem language , I have had the same problem with Nero Platinum 12 , and others.Is there a way to install Cs6 in English ?
I'm a bit lost on why AE is doing this. Â I create a null object and make it a 3d layer. I rotate it 90 degrees on the Y axis and then start rotation the X, and Z axis and they do the exact same thing. whats the deal?
How do I make a selection of ALL the yellow on the Meatball building and make it a deeper yellow the way it has been done in the attached photographs: Â BEFORE Â AFTERÂ
Someone suggested playing with the Color Range: Select/Color Range and then use the lasso tool plus the option button to delete what you don't need. But that's not working for me. Â And in the next photo, what is/how do you achieve the blended effect on the area that is the where you would more obviously see that this is made-up of two photos? It's a blending mode right? Which one?
In PS CS4 In my layers palette, I used to be able to have an effect (ex. drop shadow) on a layer & drag that effect onto another layer so the layers would have the exact same effect. In CS4 when I drag an effect, I lose that effect from that layer & it is put on the layer I dragged it to only. It will not let me copy it anymore. Is there some key I should be holding down now? I am wondering what else I will be running into with CS4. Maybe that wizard will pop out & yell at me.
I have created a video on After Effects. The original duration was 1:02 (as long as the video), but the client requested to add one more layer so I added at the end. Â At this part the music stops and you just see the text layer. Â I previewed it on After Effects and everything was looking perfect. Â I opened the 'Adobe Media Encoder' in order to render the composition. The exported file though stops when the music stops! @1:02! Â I have tried to figure out if there was a problem with the settings, but I wasn't able to find anything.
Applying an effect, such as a blur, to a blend seems to disable the "Smooth Color" option. I can use "Specified Steps" or "Specified Distance" to correct the look of the blend, but I am just curious as to why this happens with "Smooth Color."
I have got a job to take school pictures where I will offer 3 portrait shots and 2 class shots for selection and I am looking for an easy way to add contact thumbnails onto a sheet that also contains a price list and order form as well as other details etc.
I have around 350 of these to do and have made up a sheet that contains all the other details as a PDF and as a In Design Master sheet and as a jpg file.
I am predominately a photographer and know little InDesign except what I have taught myself but not much. How to automate it and save me a whole load of time?
I am recently having a lot of fun after I discovered the power of blending. So here is my "protocol": I create two similar shapes, I make sure that they have a colored stroke, I use the blender, then I modify the path with the pencil, and I get this kind of results  I am quite happy with this, because of the fake 3D effect that it generates. I kind of understand that the "3D- shading" effect comes from the stroke color. However, this method has its limitations because:
- it only works with a stroke
- it gives different aspects depending of the number of steps. Â Is there any way to smooth the effect created by the strokes to avoid the segmentation seen of the picture above? Â Ideally, the best tool would be some kind of "extrude+blend on free path" tool, but it doesn't seem to exist in Illustrator yet...
I am working with CS6. I am attempting to add shadow to my text, which is a simple enough process. However, it doesn't appear as though my blending modes are working. Putting it on as a Multiply doesn't do anything to the solid shadow catcher. I have seen in the forum that some have had luck by changing the solid color, but this does not work for me.
I have been continually annoyed, when creating a vector mask-heavy document, with trying to select vector mask points by dragging a rectangle only to find that it instead selects a layer higher up which has a larger vector mask. Â The only workaround is to manually select the points of my mask or to drag a rectangle from outside the canvas, meaning I have to zoom out or scroll to the edge - sometimes annoying if I am zoomed in quite far. Â I know that the move tool can be set to automatically select a layer, depending on what part of the image is clicked, but why is there not an option to turn this off for vector editing?
I have used Photoshop for years, but never in the capacity. I'm trying to blend layers together and then have the ability to save the top layer with the effects as its own layer. I'm sure that is not too clear so I have attached a screen shot.
Basically, have a B/W raster as a layer. Then I placed a smart object from Adobe Illustrator (a bunch of line vectors) on top of the raster. I then used my layers panel with a Screen option and I get the effect that I want. Where the line crosses a light area on the background it becomes light, and where it crosses a dark area it becomes dark (See Screenshot). Now what I want to be able to do is save my line layer as PSD document and not have the background layer on there.
If I flatten the layers, I obviously get the background layer. If I turn off the background layer, then I loose my screen effect.
This may be an easy fix, or impossible. I'm not sure.
I have 5 images [in PSCS2] I want to subtly blend. I dont have the skills [yet] to get it right. I know how to make a layer mask, the eraser, how to use the lasso with feathering etc but I just cant get it right. What i want is to have one image dissolve [progressive transparency] into the next, not just a bland erasing of the sections, which is all i seem to be able to do.
I've attached 2 frames - one with the original images unprocessed and my attempt at merging in frame 2. I'm nothappy with it. I want some of the images to be moved closer together and have much more partial transparency smoothly merging these images....
I've selected the right place for the question. I'm working on a vector image and feel myself confused about layer blending options. When I resize the file, the Blending settings for layers get disturb causing poor effects.
So I have created some text in Photoshop on top of a dark grunge type background, using various blending options. Now I want to change the background of the image, but I want the text to retain its look. Is there some way to freeze the text layer and its blending options so that I can change the background while keeping the text's look the same? Â Here is the Photoshop file:Â
[URL]...... Â And here is the font used, if you don't have it:Â
My LT 2012 for Mac does not show a tool for "display all layers" in the layer pallet. Â I've fished around for some option to add this tool or expand the upper row of existing tools, but can't seem to find it. Â Does this feature exist in LT for Mac? Â If so, any guidance on how to make this tool active? Â Right now, I have to select all layers in the panel and then click the display button of one to change all selected, but I notice in tutorials for Windows based versions there is an icon for this function.