I have been trying to figure out the best way to replicate lane striping in 3ds Max. I am using survey data, so I would like the striping to match exactly.
Can this be done using viewport canvas? I've tried some tests, but the texture seems to "shift", and is also lower in quality/resolution than I care for.
I am looking to use this on stretches of roadway that are between 500ft-1500ft in length...
I have Adobe Photoshop Elements 7. My PC runs Windows 7 Professional (64 bit). For years, I have produced high quality prints with my Epson Stylus Photo R280 printer. Not so recently.  The printer began depositing a colored stripe at the top and bottom of my photos (portrait orientation). And, horizontal streaking began appearing evenly spaced from top to bottom.  I called Epson tech support. The techie put me through many troubleshooting steps. The nozzle check pattern was fine, so she had me print using Photoshop Elements 7 and using Windows Picture Viewer. Both prints had the same issues - horizontal striping from top to bottom and wider stripes at the top of the page and bottom. She concluded that the problem is Elements!  how Elements 7 could be the culprit and what I can do to fix it. I love the printer and Elements but I cannot continue throwing money at paper and ink to test the printer.
Superelevation curve criteria specifies axis of rotation but the assembly does not contain pivots.Â
okay i got this Before , just when i wanted to change in the Super Elevation Wizard , to outside lane rotation , i recently used AOR type , but yet no luck. also in my profile the super elevation the Cross slop Band : i always no matter what a rotation about center line.
I've used the OverlayWidenMatchSlope1 subassembly to widen a new travel lane using the existing carriageway crossfall  then I try to create another lane using the same assemble following the same slope but the insert point always starts on the existing ground rather the new levels from the first new widening lane.
I tried to import the Lane Toward Crown subassembly to my Lanes tab, but the import function looks for *.pkt files and all I have in the Stock Subassemblies folder are *.vb files.
Im using civil 3d UKIE 64bit, having a serious problem with adding a lane widening to an offset alignment. It is a straight alignment approx 200m length, but when i enter the parameters that is asked, at the end it says no solution!
I create Curb Return Fillet assembly with shoulder in SAC , but now i have problem with targeting , when i giving two targets it takes only first target and ignores second,  could you check attached assembly and drawing ?
I have an "ultimate" profile that has be set for a proposed roadway the first 1500' of the roadway will be constructed at this final profile while the last 900' will be constructed for an interim design not at the full depth pavement. So my typical for the final is 9.25 inch of pavement over 14" of stone and the interim is 4" over the same 14" of stone when we transition from the 4" to the 9.25" we are using a 20:1 taper the question is how to model this taper condition and have you had any success.
In my corridor I have used superelevation. Â In a horizontal curve which has a cross slope of 4.5%, I have an intersection. Â To allow for a smoother ride through a few lanes in the intersection I want to change the cross slope from 4.5% to 1%. Â I was planning on doing this by using a Outside Lane Elevation Method of a Profile. Â However, it appears that my super has precedence over my profile. Â Is there are way to make this work?
 I'm attempting to use the Superelevation tool on an interchange.  I have 4, 1-lane ramps that I need to apply superelevation to.  The three issues I have (so far) are:
In the Calculate Superelvation Wizard...
1. In Roadway Type, I don't know what to choose, I'm leading toward Undivided Crowned (center Baseline ) because my assembly (as of right now) is set up as an undivided crowned roadway (with the crown on the west travel lane edge). Which Roadway Type I should choose (for a 1-lane Ramp with different shoulder widths?)
2. Â Moving on to the the Lanes category doesn't matters. Â I uncheck symmetric Roadway, hoping I can choose "0" for the number of lanes on the Left, or at least put the lane width down to "0" but can't do either. Â I uncheck the Symmetric Roadway and it still makes everything symmetric (it acts as though it is still checked?) I only want to show a single 15' lane. Â (I even tried to use undivided planar, and put both lanes at 7.5'each, but then I still have shoulder issues...)
3. Â Move to the Shoulder Control. Â Why doesn't it give me the option to do different shoulder widths? Â On ramps it is very common (at least in Wisconsin) to have an 8ft shoulder on the right and a 4ft shoulder on the left. Â How can I type in 2 different shoulder widths.
I watched the cul-de-sac placewhere and I seem to missing some functionality shown. Specifically the ability to link a transition lane to an alignment and profile via corridor properties>logical name>no width shown as the placewhere shows?
I have an assembly that contains a basic lane tranisition with a retaining wall next to the road. I have created an alignment for the lane transition to follow but the wall stays in the same place. Shouldn't the wall move with the lane transition? The sub assembly are inserted connecting each other. what am I missing?
I scanned a photo I have of an Elvis impersonator and made this image, but I need to have the image at 300 dpi instead of the 72 dpi that I originally saved. So, I rescanned the image at the desired resolution and size, but I can't seem to remember how I got it to look like this.
I been trying to get the outline as in the above image, but i just cant get it right. I tried adding a Stroke, but every time i get smooth edges, instead of getting them like the above image. Is there a way how to get the outline around the numbers to look exactly the same?
When I select text in photoshop cs4, it seems to invert just the luminance (forgive me if my terminology is incorrect). That is to say, it doesn't change the color of stuff in the background, but it does invert whether it's light or dark. I've added an example to this post, the top text is selected and the bottom is not. I like the way the top selection looks and frequently would like to be able to do exactly this, and apply it to whole images. What's happening when you select text, is there a specific name for this effect, and how can I replicate it?
I drew a part that has a 1/4" male npt on it. How do i replicate the npt in inventor. Its not a hole so i have tried that, is there an external thread generator other then "thread" ?
How to replicate the background of this picture. The concrete/wall texture is easy but the multicolor vignette is a little harder . Also the text is just 3dified in Photoshop right?
How the effects in these pictures can be replicated and possibly tell me or provide me with a PSD? These are some blood work for walls using in a game, due to the color burn and dark blend these look very realistic in this game :
Replicate.zip - ZIP for all the images
Hud_Splat_3.bmp - The best effect of them all is in this image.
replicate the filters and effects used on this photo? Obviously I know the subject matter has been cut and pasted as a new layer but I want to recreate the vintage style feel about it.what process has been done to background.
With autumn looming Id like to get some nice outdoor shots in the woods of my friends and family and then duplicate this filter style.
i've been driving myself to the edge of crazy over the past few hours trying to replicate this effect. i'm by no means a photoshop expert (obviously), but have used it for the past few years. still, i'm stuck at this and maybe it's really easy to solve. the effect i'm talking about is the following:
note how on the left side of the graphic, the item seems perfectly even with the background, yet on the right side it's "standing out" as if it was a sticker i have no problems achieving the background effect, but i'm stuck at how to get this effect done. i've tried rotating the graphic, twisting it, distorting it, but i can't seem to be able to replicate the effect correctly.
I'm trying to replicate the type effect (upper arc and lower arc combined) that's shown in the example below in Illustrator. So far, my attempts haven't been fruitful. The example might be hand-drawn and there might not be a way to do it in illustrator.
For some reason I cant seem to target an offset alignment layout profile with my corridor lane assembly. I can target the existing the existing groundprofile with the same  offset alignment, but the layout profile when targetted does not change the lane in my cross sections. I can do this with civil 3d 2010, but not 2012. I have tried other lane sub-assemblies and it doesn't make a difference.
I made this image a while ago and I can't remember quite how I did it. What I can remember is that I used rendering clouds and adding noise, channels, and changing the color at some point. I did most of it from this video: [URL].... Â But I didn't do everything from it, I tweaked something, it may have been the lighting rendering. Â The reason I want to recreate this is because I need a version of it in higher quality. It's supposed to have a rock texture look to it, and I made it look golden. Â how to replicate this.