I have got some problem with the UV map. I tried 2 method: use Flatten mapping on the whole object, and the other: separete the UV parts manual with Projection, and this work correct, but when i go far with the camera the UV shape will be visible. I want to use my model for a game and it will be more visible.
I have simple a 3D bottle shape created from about 16 points and I am trying to map a gif image on to it usning CS5. No matter what I have done (work from a new document, etc.) I always get the error message. I also receive this error when I attempt to map a jpg image on to the same shape. I have attempted this on three different Windows 7 machines running CS5 with the same result. When I try it with CS6 the program closes with a catastrophic error and no message. I do not receive this error using the default symbols. The gif and jpg images are imported and imbedded into the document and then moved to the symbols library.
If you open a 3d object is it possible to unwrap it to get the uv map? There is no uv map in the layers of an object I am working with. I am using cs5 extended.
I have a vector based illustration of 32 panels laid out, that make up the panels found on a football. I also have a 3d object of a 32 panel football. Is there a way of mapping the illustration onto the 3d object using Photoshop CC?
I've got a car that's been imported from Alias. Its been tessellated via showcase. I'm trying to UV map it as I need to apply some camouflage and it's not going so well. I get an extremely complex UV layout in the UV editor based on the original NURBS patch layout from Alias, needless to say its not very useable.
In the max scene you can see a spearfishing shaft, basically a very long in lenght cylinder.I properly map it as the checker texture that I apply shows, the problem is the lenght of the cylinder. As you can see in the photo, a screen shoot of max Unwrap UVW Modifier,(the uv islands are properly scaled with a correct proportion between them) if I scale them down to fit the UV space, in blue in the photo, blue arrow, because the lenght of the cylinder, I end up with very small islands. I did not scale them down jet to fit the UV space to show you my point.
I must scale them down to fit the UV space despite ending up with very small islands, losing a lot of definition, and most of the uv space hempty? how to correctly pack those UV island in the UV space? The problem is the lenght of the shaft that of curse I dont want cut down with seems.
I have created a 3d object to look like a coffee mate carton. I tried to post images on here but I keep getting an error.The art work that I want to put on my object consists of a number of elements which have been saved as a symbol. (image) However whenever I try to map it to my object nothing happens. I have used some of the system symbols and these work fine. I have also made a simple label of text only and this works fine. Is there a problem using more complex symbols in this way?
how do i completely flatten an object to determine its true dimensions. I have a door for a car lets say is 1 meter ,yet with the complexity of the curves and angle of the panels on the door if it was to be made completely flat it would be say 1.4 meters. I want to achieve something like the iron man pic but for the door. I tried sticking it in Autocad and converted to 2D but the measurements where of.
I've been using flatten for a long time and I just noticed that after flattening an objects sometimes it doesn't give you the exact shape of an object. Is there a reason why?
I am trying to write a simple (or at least I thought it was) code to flatten a 3d object into a 2d shape. For some reason after ACAD runs the lisp it recognizes the flatten command but it will not select all. this is what I have:
(defun c:fl () (command "flatten" "all") )
I have even tried the pick first command, to select all then run the flatten command but that still doesn't work.
Is it best to flatten my images once I get them completed or is it better to keep them in psd format with the layers intact. What are the pros and cons (other than file size of course).
Im putting up my first web page using PS to create the template, my problem though is how do I link things? I mean I get the template all set up and I have these nice words, but its a image how do I go in and link the words to well...links so that they can be put into the viewing window, which is another topic because I havent figured that one out yet either.
I need help in displacement mapping. My teacher wants us to take a unfurred animal and put fur on it. I have tried to follow the tutorial she gave us but involves text not objects.
Trying to spline map a chacker map onto a simple spline that has been converted to an edit poly using the Unwrap UVW modifier. Here is the process that I went through:
1) Draw line 2) Array a 2nd copy in the exact same place 3) Create radial thickness on the copy under 'Rendering' rollout. 4) Convert to editable poly 5) Apply checker map standard material 6) Add 'Unwrap UVW' modifier 7) Under 'Unwrap UVW' modifier select 'face' sub-object 8) Select 'Spline Mapping' (in 'Wrap' rollout) 9) In 'Spline Map Paramters' dialogue box select '- Pick Spline -' 10) Select original line.
The UVW gizmo should be tightly fitted to the object with the checker map nicely mapped following along the spline but instead I'm getting a huge UVW gizmo and horrible mapping (see first attachment).
The second attachment shows what I'm trying to achieve. Also.. it works fine when the spline is very large. Is this due to my system units being set to meters?
I have a problem with spline mapping function. I have a mesh imported from autocad and after I create a spline from mesh borders to use for mapping. I don't understand because the result are incomprehensible.
So I finally made my own alpha map to simple shapes look like strands of hair. Only problem is when I use Iray and I learn that it won't render the alpha and I'm left with a render of the original shapes. Is there anyway to work around this?
I want to keep Iray, I can't give up that rendering power.But on the other hand I want to use hair without having to use anything that will eat at my computer's performance (so no hair and fur modifier or anything particle system unless it can be utilized easier)
I am looking to draw a large lake that I live on that has 14,000+ islands. I have started drawing small sections by bringing in high quality maps and tracing them using the spline command. Is there a faster way to trace the entire lake.
I want it to be all drawn with closed poly lines so that I am able to laser cut it and apply hatching. Other tracing programs in which I insert a image of the lake and it gives me the CAD format are very inaccurate and a pain to work with.
I found a solution to my objects being rendered incomplete by adjusting the perspective angle by a degree or two but this didn't solve my problem of the graphic map being incomplete.
Basically I'm making labels for different sized bottles (i.e. wine, beer and sake)the wine worked so far but for some reason this sake bottle's label wouldn't complete rendering.I dunno if it is because the side of the bottle is slightly angled or what but I cannot get it to complete the image map.
For quite a while I have been using the Photoshop HDR for initial processing of my HDR shots. My workflow is to "open in HDR Pro in Photoshop" from Lightroom. With LR 3.x and CS5 there was no problem - make the initial tonemapping settings in CS5, hit "OK", and save the resultant TIF back to lightroom for further processing.
With LR 4.1 I do the same thing, the files import into CS6 and the tonemapping window comes up, but after I hit OK in the tonemapping window, the resultant tonemapped TIF file is oversaturated(This still in CS6). It needs about 30 points of saturation reduction in LR to get it back to what it showed in the tonemapping window.
I have colour gamut set for Pro Photo RGB in both LR and PS. I can show some screen captures later.
I have the attributes and units I want mapped between the shp file and the import wizard but everthing still imports with default values. (like pipe size or elevation.)
The only thing that is correct is the location. I see a few people have reported this but there aren't any solutions.
I am using civil 3d ver 2011. I have been asked to do a mapping project that will be compatible with ESRI ArcGIS. THe project consists of mapping of waterlines. The only data collected will be waterlines, hydrants, valves. Attributes required would be Size, Depth, Material, NEZ. What is the best way to do this? I know that civil 3d has autocad map built in, but but am not sure how to assign the size, depth, etc to the entities.
I have connected to several raster images and they are displaying as required and I've saved this drawing. I've created a new drawing and when the previous drawing is xref'd in the images are not present.
I am a surveyor in a multi-disciplined office. There has been talk of working in 3d. I have had lots of issues with 3d line work on general projects
For example, when you bring all the points in at elevation, and draw lines between them, we have issues with line patterns and querying distances. How are others handling this, or is there a setting to turn off the z?
I am trying to use Photoshop to create some simple maps for a MUD. I want to create some different colored blocks to represent the rooms. Is there a way that I can create the "rooms" (blocks) and then use them in another drawing? In other words, can I define a shape and save it to be used later?
I am having some mapping difficulties with regards to applying a JPEG as a material map onto a surface material. Below are the details.
I have a surface model which was generated from topographical information. I have aerial photography of the area the topographical information is based on. The photography covers approximately 1000m2 area.
The topography area in contained within this area, it is in the upper right hand corner of the square photo. I have applied planar mapping to the surface . I resized the mapping area of the surface to suit the area that the photo covers (I created a boundary rectangle and adjusted the mapping size to suit). I created a customer material using the jpeg photo I applied it to the surface . The image scale is set to 1000 . All other settings remain as default settings.
The mapping displays over my model, but its on the wrong location, i.e. information contained within the jpeg that is out with the topographical area is appearing on the model. When I turn off tiling the mapping disappears from my model completely. I have read a few tutorials today and went back to basics on a few trials by creating blocks and applying the material and scaling it that way. All behave as anticipated. Apart from this.
How do you control texture mapping. Review the attached PDF for illustration on this problem.
My goal is to predictable create geometry in Revit that when a material is mapped to it the desired result will be achieved. My industry has a lot of objects created out of veneered wood, and solid wood forms. Revit is not giving me the texture mapping I am looking for.
We have numerous families to create, but the ugliness of the UVW mapping .......
I wanted to know how to create selections masks to use in Adobe Photoshop, or to render material colors with my UV layout.
For example, An architectural set may need blue and gray colors on certain pieces and I want to render the layout with these colors to make it easier to work in Photoshop. Or, in Photoshop I want to select the UV islands that make the certain pieces and apply an individual color instead of having to manually select it . Note, this model may be multiple objects unwrapped together but sharing the same Unwrap UVW modifier. My main goal is to have these base colors added and scratches, signs, etc. added via Photoshop.
lowpoly but their edges are not showing. The edges that im talking about is the one that makes the model blocky, or look really low poly. what technique shall i use ?