3ds Max :: Texture Is Not Sticking To Planet

Mar 1, 2011

I am having issues with the Material editor in 3ds max design 2011. I am creating a solar system as a school project. My planets follow a circle spline. I put textures on the planets in material editor to resemble the planet texture. My problem is, the texture is not sticking to the planet. The sphere itself follows the circle spline and makes 1 complete rotation around the circle spline in 87 frames and the sphere spins 2 complete times showing all sides of the sphere as it follows the spline. However, when i render it, I see the same side of the texture on the sphere on every frame.

Apon opening the zip File, look for the planet called Mercury. While toying with the timeline, you will notice that the planet follows the spline around the sun, as well as spins on its Z axis. But in the render, the planet does not move on its Z axis. It follows the spline, but does not spin like it does while in the design stage.solarsystem2.zip

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3ds Max Modeling :: Applying Planet Surface Texture To Geosphere

Feb 10, 2014

I am having a problem applying a planet surface texture to a geosphere.The problem occurs both with and without UVW mapping and it is the first time I have experienced it.(I'm assuming it is something that has been ticked somewhere that I cannot find)
The planet surface texture is a flat space view map. Usually when I apply images like these to spheres it perfectly wraps however this time it is confining the image to one "corner" of the sphere.

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3ds Max :: How To Have A Planet Continuously Spin Around

Jan 28, 2013

I have been trying to get a planet to just spin continuously around - which I can do with a timeline animation - unfortunately the animation starts slowly at the beginning and slows down at the end - even if I loop it.

How do you get it to smoothly rotate forever without speeding up and slowing down. Someone mentioned using the graph editor - but as I said I am new to this.

Is there a tutorial for this sort of thing. I have done a lot of googling without any success.

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Photoshop :: City Lights For New Planet

Apr 17, 2012

I am currently designing a new map for a planet i am designing, however i want to add some city lights to it so in the dark, it looks like it is actually populated, much like most pictures of the earth, showing both the light and dark side (because of my post count i can't insert a link to an image but hopefully you get what i mean) .

At the moment i don't have any lights, how do i get this effect.

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Photoshop :: Planet Ready To Explode

Jan 16, 2006

I am trying to get the effect of a planet getting to close to the sun,ready to explode.
I've seen many tutorial about exploding planet, but I want to make the effect
second before it explode.

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GIMP :: How To Create Rotating Planet

Aug 5, 2011

I've tried to create a rotating Planet for my program ( the rotation itself is fine... but it feels like the image is moving left inside a circle frame ) . I was told I need to add depth, bump so to say. I've tried to add a bit of bumpmap with gimp

Filter-> Map -> Bumpmap . Azimuth = 134, Elevation = 46, Depth = 15, Waterlevel = 87, Ambient = 57 .

But it does not feel round... I'm obviously no expert at Gimp. What should I do with the following image to make it feel more round, the center should feel like it's higher...and the corners should feel like they are going around to the back.

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3ds Max :: Creating Glow Around Planet Earth

Jun 29, 2011

I am using 2012 and rendering with Mentalray. Any procedure that would allow one to create the atmospheric glow that is present in photos of the Earth from space. Usually the glow is just seen on the horizon line. If I tried to create a volume light out of an omni, it would tend to wash out the globe. any links to a more photo-realistic unwrapped Earth textures than those that I was able to Google up.

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Paint.NET :: Creation Of A City Planet

Feb 11, 2012

I've taken some time to follow some tutorials and I think I've become pretty decent at making planets over all. However, I decided to try and create a city planet, but I don't know exactly how to execute it.

By city planet, I mean something that looks like Coruscation from Star Wars. I've tried making circular and ovular patters, but they don't turn out right when I render the 3d effect. Also, the texture just doesn't seem to come out as smooth as the one in the picture.

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Photoshop :: Crater-text Effect On Planet?

Mar 29, 2006

I would like to have the letter X so that it kind of looks like it was stamped onto the planet surface. I would like it to stand out, but still look as if it is a giant red crater across the entire surface.

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Photoshop :: Making A Convincing Planet (earth Etc.)

Jun 3, 2005

how to make a planet that looks like the earth.. i know how to make a kind of "evil" looking planet.. but it would be super sweet to be able to make The Earth

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GIMP :: Merge Images To Make One Map Of Planet Surfaces

Nov 4, 2012

I've downloaded some texture maps of Earth and Mars that consist of a number of JPG images that are all 1024 pixels square. What I want to do, and I've tried and failed so far, is to combine the separate images to make one big map of the planet surfaces. I assume this will be possible by tiling the images.

I've had a google around but can't find any tutorials related to combining sections of a map together.

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3ds Max :: Grid Colours Not Sticking?

May 29, 2012

It's not remembering my Customize User Interface->Colors->Grids: Set by Intensity value.


I had to manually add the following line to MaxStartUI.clrx just above the very last line:

<GridInfo gridIntensity="56" whiteOrigin="0" useGridColor="0" />

First it was adding that line but with different (random?) values for gridIntensity, then it wasn't adding that line at all, even when I explicitly saved the settings after I altered them.

Something is wrong, I don't know how a professional company can let things like this happen.

My icons go bad sometimes too, some of them get greyed out and look disabled even though they aren't. It's lame.

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Photoshop :: Hex Codes Aren't Sticking

Oct 17, 2013

I want to put a particular hex code in an object. When I paste the hex code in the color picker of my object it changes to the color I want. After I choose another object and then go back to the particular object with my hex code its a different hex code but the colors look similar.

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Photoshop :: Color Spaces Not Sticking?

Apr 4, 2012

I have a layered file, the color space assigned to it is sRGB. I save a png file via Save For Web, tick the option to convert export to sRGB. All looks good in the save for web 2-up preview. But when I open the new png file, it's color profile is set to Adobe RGB, and the color space looks off—not like it did in the SFW preview.
Details: My default color space is Adobe RGB. Sync'd across all CS5 apps. I have the option ticked to warn me on profile mismatches when opening a file. So far so good.
So it seems like my Working Space color (Adobe RGB) is overriding SFW settings as well as my document color space settings

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Revit :: Parameter Group Not Sticking?

Feb 19, 2014

I have set 2 parameters in the Family Editor so they 'Group Under' Dimensions, yet when I load into a project (that the family object has been deleted out of via the Project Browser), I find instead they are Grouped under 'Other'.
One of the offending objects attached.
I've done this 2 ways, once by opening within Revit the Family Editor, making the change and then loading back into the file, only to find nothing has changed, and also then by again opening up in the family editor from Revit to find ditto; and separately by opening up the file directly in Explorer and then loading into the open project.
Not an enormous problem, just annoying as I want to group Dimensions parameters naturally enough under Dimensions!

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AutoCad 2D :: Rectangle Sticking To Polyline

Jun 28, 2011

Just downloaded autoCAD2012 and am going through some of the new features.

I drew an arc polyline and then drew a rectangle, I then moved the rectangle to sit on the line. Once I move it here it seems to stick to the arc line, so if i move the rectangle, where the line is hitting the shape drags along with it.

I would prefer it not to stick for the time being.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Save Format Not Sticking?

Jan 17, 2013

Seems that the Save format keeps getting changed back to 2010 in AutoCAD 2013. We set the Save Preferences to save as 2013 in the Options > Open & Save > File Save: Save As box to 2013. 

It seems that if you open an older version of AutoCAD, say v2010, then the next time you want to save a drawing (not necessarily the drawing you just opened, but another one you are working on) even if it was already in v2013, it gets saved back to v2010.  And when you go back into the options dialog, it now is set to save everything as v2010.  This wouldn't be so annoying if it didn't take 30 seconds to save the drawing as a v2010 drawing. There is a substantial difference in the time it takes to save a drawing to v2010 when using AutoCAD 2013.

Is there a way to make it stick to saving as a v2013 format?

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AutoCad :: Lines Sticking When Try To Extend Or Move

Dec 9, 2012

Whenever I try to extend or even move lines or shapes, it also moves the line it's connected to.

So I have a line attached to a rectangle. I select the singular line only, and I try and lengthen it, and when I do the rectangle also moves with the line of the amount I extended it. How do I turn this off? I was able to cope with it for a bit when it first started but now it's just downright annoying.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Points Or Lines Sticking To Each Other

Sep 15, 2013

[URL] When I use a point on an existing geometry as reference to place a new line or shape, I get a strange result when attemting to move either geometry.

As you can see in the video the two shapes will BOTH move when only ONE is selected.  

Also, it seems that the shape/ lines that are not selected but still move are anchored somewhow which causes distortion.  


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AutoCad :: Permanently Sticking Points In A Line?

Feb 22, 2011

I draw a line then use divide command to put some points with equal distance in this line. some points will then are created on this line but when i move the line, the points do not move. I am wondering if these points can permanently stick to the line so that if i change the position of the line, the position of the points will also change.

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Illustrator :: Blend Tool Isn't Sticking To Its Shape

Sep 22, 2012

I have been having issues with using the blend tool on my object. If you look at the picture, I had one outer shape that was what I wanted shaded and a thinner shape that runs inside the other. It blends perfectly fine everywhere except at the bottom. I don't know how to explain it or what went wrong but I can't figure out how to make the blend fit inside the shape.

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Lightroom :: Spot Healing Brush Sticking?

Jun 6, 2012

Spot healing brush "sticking"?
Basically, a substantial portion of the time I hit "Q" I do not get the circle for spot heal.  The cursor disappears and I cannot see anything.  However, the tool is working, but I can't see its size.  If I turn it off and back on I get the crosshairs and thus I can click and hide spots, but I can't see when I grow/shrink it, and I can't see when I move it.
I've seen this with all of the Lightroom 4.1 versions (RC1, RC2, and now GM) on OS X 10.7.4.  This is on a Mac Pro with ATI graphics.

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Photoshop :: Create Blue Glow / Light Rays Around Image Of Planet Earth

Apr 11, 2011

I'm trying to create a "blue glow/light rays" around an image of the planet Earth and I can't just seem to make it look realistic like this image here:

How to do this technique? You can find a planet earth image by searching for NASA BLUE MARBLE and it's free.

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Illustrator :: Skew Object - Free Transform Not Sticking

Jul 30, 2013

I am trying to "skew" an object. I use the Free Transform tool, then click and hold on a handle, then hold down Control, and drag the handle where I want it. This works fine. BUT the second I let go of either the mouse or the Control button, it pops back to its original location/shape. How do I make the transformation "stick"? I'm sure I'm being really dense and missing something very simple.

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Photoshop :: Elephant Skin/cement Texture [Filter>Texture>Craquelure...]

Apr 17, 2007

How does one create a texture similar to this?

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Photoshop :: Generate Some (around 6-8) Texture Files Within Original Texture File

Nov 5, 2012

For my 3D scene, I have to use a texture file on the floor. If I use the only file, than it looks really boring and below par. What I want is, I want to generate some (around 6-8) texture files within the original texture file - so the colors of all the texture files remain same but only the texture varies.Likewise there are more than 500 texture files and I just can't do them manually. Is there any way out to do this in Photoshop?

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Paint.NET :: Cracks On Ground Texture That Show Lava Texture

Mar 4, 2012

I have a lava texture and a ground texture. I'd like to be able to make some cracks on the ground texture that would show through the lava texture below it. Something like a cracked mud look. I would be using this for a game I'm making form some terrain textures. Are there any plugins that would aid in making these transparent cracks and perhaps even add depth to the cracks?

I guess a spider web where the spider was on crack would be something I'm looking for. Similar to the following image:

Lava Ground

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Errors In CS5 / Ctrl Key Sticking And Failing To Work

Mar 3, 2012

I'm using PS CS5 extended on two different systems and having the same problem. My right control key is often getting stuck on - even though the key is not physically stuck. Occasionally it also just seems to stop working, as does the right alt key. It only affects Photoshop, and I can fix it by quitting and restarting. This happens on a Vista 64 system  and my Windows 7 laptop. They have two different keyboards, obviously, and I think two different drivers. I use custom keyboard shortcuts for a few things, but reverting to default did not seem to work that I could tell.
my keyboard acting up until I got the laptop and started having the problem there too.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Custom User Profile Settings Not Sticking

Jul 2, 2012

We loaded up C3D 2013 a month or so ago.  I exported my user profile (Options>Profiles>Export) from C3D 2012 and loaded it into 2013.  Now the profile will not stay loaded.  I have to reload it every time I startup C3D.  It also doesn't hold my view cube settings or my panes.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Geometry From Part Sticking 20 Or 30 Feet Out Into Space?

Oct 17, 2011

Having problems with parts of their model not showing up after going through the AEC exchange to the adsk file then open it up in Revit architecture?  Or some wild geometry from a part sticking out 20 or 30 feet out into space?  It seems that if you create a part one way it doesn't do well in the conversion process while creating the same part another way or a different sequence it's ok with it.  (using Inventor 2011 and viewing in Revit 2012)

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Programme Running Very Slowly Sticking On Commands And Error Saving

Feb 21, 2013

AutoCad sticking on commands like copy selection and move tool, It is running very slow and when saving it says there is no system memory, although my Computer has pleanty of memory (the local disk has over 200GB space)

PC has correct specification for AutoCad 13, and I have never had problems until this morning-

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