GIMP :: Merge Images To Make One Map Of Planet Surfaces

Nov 4, 2012

I've downloaded some texture maps of Earth and Mars that consist of a number of JPG images that are all 1024 pixels square. What I want to do, and I've tried and failed so far, is to combine the separate images to make one big map of the planet surfaces. I assume this will be possible by tiling the images.

I've had a google around but can't find any tutorials related to combining sections of a map together.

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GIMP :: Merge Two Images As A Layer

Jul 19, 2013

Is it possible to merge two images, each as a layer into an image file?

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GIMP :: How To Create Rotating Planet

Aug 5, 2011

I've tried to create a rotating Planet for my program ( the rotation itself is fine... but it feels like the image is moving left inside a circle frame ) . I was told I need to add depth, bump so to say. I've tried to add a bit of bumpmap with gimp

Filter-> Map -> Bumpmap . Azimuth = 134, Elevation = 46, Depth = 15, Waterlevel = 87, Ambient = 57 .

But it does not feel round... I'm obviously no expert at Gimp. What should I do with the following image to make it feel more round, the center should feel like it's higher...and the corners should feel like they are going around to the back.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Shape Merge On Complex Surfaces

Sep 27, 2012

I have a topo map in max, and I'm trying to raise and sink parts of it to make sidewalks and parking lots. My thought was to import line objects from dwg files, shape merge them onto the terrain, change the material number, then extrude. The problem is that shape merge doesn't maintain the correct shape.

I've made sure that I'm in orthographic mode, looking straight down on the surface, but anywhere there's a curve it messes things up. Circles become irregular ellipses. Arcs become more convex or concave. Where I'm shape merging two different objects at different times, objects that had lined up, the curves are now different and they either overlap or no longer touch.

I'm assuming that it's because my terrain mesh is too complex, but I'm not sure how to get around that.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Merge Two Or More Adjacent / Overlapping Surfaces Into Single Surface?

Jun 5, 2012

Is it possible to merge two or more adjascent / overlapping surfaces into a single surface?Is it possible to "Delete" multiple surfaces in one go?

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GIMP :: How To Make Images Look Older

Feb 22, 2012

Just downloaded the latest GiMP for Windows 7 and I have a question.

I would like to make images look like they came from a website in the 90s. How can I go about doing this?

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GIMP :: Make Color Book Images

Jun 15, 2012

A way to make color book images out of a color photo. Want to keep clean solid lines so it is clear but when I do it, the image always comes out distorted and fuzzy.

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GIMP :: How To Make Images HD (high Definition)

Jul 24, 2013

how can I make my images HD (high definition) in Gimp? like there are HD TVs I want to make my images have an HD look to it. I know it is possible to convert SD to HD because I've seen old sports games that were played before HD TVs were invented and the game was converted into HD. although it is not the same as if it was originally recorded in HD

whether the image looks like a SD to HD conversion or looks pure HD, it doesn't really matter to me...

how to I make my images look HD?

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GIMP :: How To Make Repetitive Actions On Images

Aug 23, 2013

I have repetitive actions i need to make on images they all constant for example i have :

100 images with size 100X100. what i need to do on each one :

1. scale to 75x75
2. export as png ( with the same name )
3. close the original without saving

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GIMP :: How To Make Simple Animation With JPG Images

Mar 3, 2013

I have one picture of my office building and one picture of an airplane . I want to make the airplane fly and crash into the building and explode. If it's possible to make it in GIMP, how can i do it?

More importantly - how is this technique called? jpg animation? I'm new to graphic editing and don't even know how to name certain things or techniques, so i need some keywords for further research.

I'm also have adobe premiere elements, would this application be useful in creating such projects from pure jpg images?

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GIMP :: Pixelation Occurs When Make Images Smaller?

Jul 11, 2011

I am making an image smaller (from 1200 pixels wide to 700), and no matter what I try it always turns out pixelated. I hate it! I just want the size of the image to get smaller without compromising the quality of said image. Here's what I've tried:

- Saving to different formats before resizing (TIF, PNG, etc)

- Changing the X and Y resolution from 150, to 300, even 900 before resizing. It seems to have no effect.

- Changing the interpolation from cubic to the others (the others ones all look worse)

I am at a loss! I am using "image/scale image" to resize, by the way. And the original image was a 1200-wide TIF. I don't see why I'm not able to increase the number of pixels while making the image smaller to maintain the integrity of the original image.

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GIMP :: Joining 2 Images To Make Bigger Image

Jul 3, 2013

I want to join 2 images together to make a bigger image, the easiest way to explain it is, say 1 image is 10cm x 5cm and the other is 18cm X 7cm and I want to put both together to make a new image 14cm X 10cm. They need resizing too.

Image A
Image B

Join (NOT merge) them like this;


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AutoCad 3D :: How To Make A Solid From Various Surfaces

Jul 9, 2012

I need to know how to make a solid from various surfaces. For example, making an exploded box back into a solid. I can't simply loft the surfaces because the problem I'm working on is far more complex-- it is a submarine defined by surfaces, but I need it all to be one solid.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Symmetrical Surfaces

Feb 27, 2013

I want to make symmetric surface i.e. golf ball with dimples. I found that I can do them by using revolve cut but how can I set them symmetrically on whole spherical surface.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Part From Surfaces

Jun 25, 2013

I'm trying to make a solid part from the attached file. I tried sculpting the part but only the sides of the bracket become solids.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Combine Two Surfaces To Make One?

Oct 2, 2012

I'm trying to combine two surfaces to make one.  I saw lots of people saying create new surface and paste the two in the new surface.  Is there a way to create a copy besides doing the copy base, because that keeps causing my AutoCAD to error.  

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3ds Max Modeling :: Smoothing Surfaces To Make Terrain Look More Natural

Sep 22, 2011

I often work with Civil Engineers and I use line work from Civil programs such as 3D Civil and Bentley MX. These programs give me splines (see image 1). I trace over the lines to create poly surfaces which may end up being grass or concrete etc (see image 2)

I don't use the terrain command because the command is not always suitable. The lines I import often have gaps or other issues thats why I find it faster to trace over the lines to create my poly surfaces.

But if you look at image 2 it's very blocky. I would like to smooth between these surface to make the terrain look more natural. I have played with turbosmooth and meshsmooth but sometimes they screw up the surface or don't work at all.

How I could make my surfaces more natural and less blocky.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Make Collection Of Surfaces Into Single Solid Object

May 5, 2013

I'm working on a project, and I need to make this collection of surfaces into a single solid object.  I tried using sculpt, and after a few hours of trying to find the leak, I have failed.  not watertight.

Also, I need to get this thing to a cnc mill, and they keep asking me for 2d drawings, dimensions, and tolerances.  I assumed the 3d file would be good enough. How to make a file ready for a cnc, and how to make 2d drawings without putting 600 measurements all over the image? Every time I try to do a 2d object, the whole thing is a mess.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make 5/8" Sheet Metal Piece With Surfaces Shown?

Feb 21, 2012

I am using IV 2010.  I am trying to make a 5/8" sheet metal piece with the surfaces shown. I have tried to thicken the surfaces but do not get the results I am looking for. After the surfaces are thickened I need them to be able to lay flat with flat pattern command. 

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Photoshop :: How To Merge Two Different Images

Aug 20, 2013

I am starting to learn Photoshop. How to merge two different images in Photoshop?


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Photoshop :: How To Merge Two Images

Apr 16, 2012

I'm trying to merge two images in PS CS5 on a mac. They're the same size and everything, but when I try dragging the image across no new layer gets created. When I create a layer and try dragging that I get a message saying the destination file can't accept it.

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Photoshop :: How To Merge Two Images HDR ...

Jul 19, 2008

I have two photo images (from one raw file, one adjust for the foreground, the other under expose to recover the sky):

The rock:

The sky:

(I actually use Linear Burn layer blend mode to get the rock totally black).

Now How to merge these two image together? I try putting the rock image on top and the sky image on bottom, manually selecting the white sky in the rock image and deleting it to show the sky in the layer below. But I end up with halo around the edge of the sky like this:

The closest I get is Different layer blend mode: the rock is correct but the sky gets inverse. What is the trick to get the two merged and not get halo?

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Photoshop :: Merge Two Images

Jul 2, 2008

I created a composite image using several of my photos. I work using levels and I had one image each on its own level. I needed to merge two images to create the effect that they were one - a running stream was one (a sort of earth tone tint) and a small waterfall cascading over some rocks was the other (a more warmer orange-ish tint). I thought I used a level merge command but when the two levels were merged, the coloring on the images matched (the earth tone tint)! I can't for the life of me remember what I did! I've tried auto-blend but the top image just disappears and photomerge doesn't look familiar.

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Photoshop :: How To Merge Two Images Together

Feb 15, 2006

what i have are two images the first image is of me sitting in a chair, this picture has been taken agaist a white background

the second image is just some grass and sky

what i want to happern is overlay me in the chair on the grass how do i extract just me sitting in the chair to put over the grass.

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Photoshop :: Merge To HDR - How To Make It Work?

Dec 1, 2008

Merge to HDR worked once on the CS4 sample files but no more. Photoshop gets through the Merge to HDR dialog on the sample jpegs (or my own jpegs) but throws the following error when creating the HDR image:

Error 54: uncaught JavaScript exception: Error #.
Line: 168
-> throw err;

If Merge to HDR is chosen on DNG images from Lightroom 2.1 or Bridge CS4, Photoshop again gets to the Merge to HDR dialog but when creating the HDR image seems to throw it away with no resulting error. Photoshop just stares blankly with no image open.

And resetting the Photoshop preferences of course has no effect on this.

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Photoshop :: Try To Make Merge Visible Available

Jun 5, 2009

I am fairly new to more than the basic elements of photoshop. I am using 'Actions' to create a e-book cover and had my design created but when I pressed finalise iget the error box - The command Merge Visible is not available with two boxes continue or stop Clicking on either box produces no results.

My query how do I cure this please, I also notice that in the layer detail menu all but the background layer have disappeared. I have taken back steps and re-entered layers with the same result. Forgive my ignorance I am a silver haired surfer who was told it was easy to create e-book covers in photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Photomerge Will Not Merge All Three Images

Jan 29, 2013

I just took three images of a sunset so that I could create a panorama image. When I use photomerge in photoshop cs6, only two images merge together and the third image is left by itself. I overlapped each image a sufficient amount but I still can't merge the third image.

Here is a screenshot of the end result. Am I not overlapping enough, or is there something I am doing wrong?

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Photoshop :: Merge Two Images Into One Smooth?

Oct 1, 2012

i am trying to merge the two images into one smooth one here in photoshop, but cant seem to do it

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Photoshop :: Merge Multiple Images

Aug 29, 2011

For my work, I use a microscope that scans a slide to take an image. It takes around 20 photos and creates a single image, but each one is still clearly visible as an individual image within the overall one, due to shadowing etc. and imperfect alignment of the images. Is there a way to correct this across the whole image, at least to remove the shadowing if not the alignment?

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Photoshop :: Photomerge Will Not Merge 5 Images Of Top Row

Aug 15, 2012

I shot landscape images for a panorama of 4 rows with 6 images in each row.  The first image on the top row includes the top of a tree, but the other 5 images only has sky.  Photomerge will not merge the 5 images of the top row because it only has sky in the image.  I can merge the bottom 4 rows without a problem and can include the first image on the top row, but not the others.

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Photoshop :: How To Superimpose/merge Two Images

Jul 11, 2006

I attempted to search but didn't find much on the topic. I'm using Photoshop 7.0, I believe. I did find a tutorial for 5.5 on the 'net somewhere, but it didn't seem to help as some of the exact commands/tools may have changed.

Anyway I'm attempting to superimpose 2 images (same pixel size) that I have used layer properties to make semi-transparent, and I'd like to copy/paste one of them into the other one, and then make it so that you can see both, as they are both transparent ....

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