3ds Max Modeling :: Lofting With 3 Splines In 3 Dimensions?
Oct 15, 2013
I have 3 scientific waveforms, made into splines , from X,Y and Z data. Basically 3 long wiggly lines.
I wish to visualise the data by modulating a spheres surface in 3 dimensions so that the X data creates wave on the surface of the sphere running along the x-axis , the Y data along the Y axis and the Z along the Z axis. All the data (splines) will interfere and modulate with each other across the surface.
I have spent a couple of days looking at nurbs and lofting but cannot even get close to this. They all only allow splines in 2 dimensions to interact and nurbs cannot cope with the data volume anyway.
ps i can obviously extrude the 1d data or lathe the data but each only makes 1 or 2d surface interaction. The attatched pic is each one of the data splines made into a sphere using a 180 bend and lathe. This isnt exactly how id ideally have it. I need all three joined into one shape.
I have spent some time over the last few days attempting to create a boat hull by lofting sections along a line representing the center line of the hull, but I'm not having much luck. The shape that is created appears to be rotated some weird way, and I just can't seem to get a handle on what is going on. The section splines were created in the Front view, the path was created in the Top view. The section shapes were then placed in the Left view to correspond to their location along the hull.
My question is this: where can I find a tutorial that deals with boat hulls and lofting specifically, or failing that.
It's new to me the loft compound object, and I found it a little cumbersome.Provided the shape objects have the same amount of vertices, the loft should do its business, is it?
Basically I am following a tutorial which says that when you create a loft from a path and two shapes, the loft should still be linked to the shapes, so if you resize one, the loft would change, but that is not happening for me. I am using 2014 so I don't know if this feature has changed, or if you access it in a different way?
I am working on a drawing with a lot of splines. I need to dimension the curves to some rational dimensions which means I need to convert the splines to arcs. Is there away to do that?
I'm trying to create a surface between 2 splines. See attached image. I normally do this in AutoCAD very easily but I I'm playing around with the Max modeling tools.
I have tried drawing a spline between them and using loft. But the loft surface does not go between the two splines.
I have tried drawing a spline between them, converted them to nurbs and tried a number of the nurb surface options such as 2 rail and ruled. But they both create a surface but the surface does not go the full length of the splines.
Is there a way (script possibly) to break multiple splines to individual spline objects? More specifically i want to find a quick way, when i have many splines (attached together) to make each spline (spline element) a separate spline (such as selecting it and detaching it). Unfortunately the "explode" command breaks each segment and not spline to an individual object, while selecting and detaching each one is not an option since i have to deal with hundreds or thousands of splines (produces by hair & fur).
is there any way to convert a bunch of splines into a poly? Its going to be a city, the shape is given. I need it as a poly, now its just a bunch of splines.
Was wondering if there is a way or a plugin for 3dsmax to use splines or nurb curves to create "Jura"-like line patters- the exact thick and thin line formation you would see on a dollar bill. To create curves, and contours, around text and shapes.
Win7 Pro 64bit I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling ASUS P9X79 32 GB DDR3 NVidia Quadro 5000 3TB WD
I am trying to make 1 object out of 3 closed splines. I am a max user and this command is called Attach inside max. I am presently learning Maya as my new job require the rigging to be done inside Maya and instead of exporting my controllers aswell learn how to do it in Maya...
I have a few splines where I have set a radial thickness, to render them as pipes.
I scaled them, and now the thickness values are no longer correct for any scaled line. Lofting or sweeping a circle shape along them makes no difference, as if the lines themself bear the scaling information.
If I create a new line, everything is ok. Is there a way to reset a line?
If I have imported a large multi-spline object, is there a way to bust it up into separate splines easily -- without having to detach each one individually?
what determines the way the surface is created when lofting. I am creating a shape and a path but i cant seem to get them surface to follow the path. It always gets creating in a different axis. Is there a way to control that?
Here is an image it should be following the line i made
Im trying to make a 3d model of a site in AutoCAD and it seems lofting between some contours is impossible, this is driving me insane, first it told me there was a U and V derivative problem so i loft the surfaces that i could but now there is a gap where it refuses to loft and i cannot create a surface in that gap using network or blend or pach.
I have to do a lot of lofting to create 3D shapes. The more the 2D sections are complicated, the more times takes for AutoCad to find a solution (even in a powerful computer). Beside that, I use Guide splines to create the exact shape I want. For this I have to wait two times, first Autocad find its own solution, then the solution with my Guides. Is there a way to make AutoCad loft by default with Guides, such that it doesn't ask for Guides after the initial loft, but immediately at the beginning.
I'm trying to make a simple race track for my uni project. I've created the track's path using lines and arcs, and attached them all together into one single path.
I'm then trying to extrude the track geometry (a simple rectangle) along the path of the track (see the bottom image).
I'm following a tutorial that says to select the line, then under compound objects select loft. Then under creation method I should chose "Get shape" and select the rectangle, however I'm unable to click on "get shape", the option is greyed out.
I'm trying to loft a base for a light fixture. It's narrowest at the top and bottom, and its widest point is in the middle. classic design.
Can I upload a pdf? I assume if it's available to everyone via a search engine, wouldn't it be ok to upload it? Any thoughts?
I digress. I'm trying to look at the circles from the side, so they form horizontal lines. I thought they'd be easier to offset a distance to.
I tried changing my views around to achieve that effect, but to no avail. UCS is World view. Or View.
One of the images in the .pdf, is of the appearance I'm after in a front view. So that way, I could do an offset distance of one inch, but as things stand now, that wouldn't work either.
It wouldn't work in this view projection, I think was what the wording was; or close to it.
The only view I was able to do any offsets in was the Top view IIRC, but that just gave me a bunch of concentric circles with no height. At least they were offset.
I want to loft the surface, made of polylines.The problem is that, when I select all the splines, and then do Draw-> Modeling -> Loft then I chose the "Cross-section only", this what kind of message I get in command box:
The selected entities are not valid.
Here the .dwg file with the mentioned splines in it:
Basically we are trying to make a 3D plate (in this case a 2" thick piece of steel) and have a 3D hollow shape inside. Its split into Top and bottom, as shown as the below picture.
top View (plate 1).jpg
I have tried the loft command (which I just learned off within the past hour or so) and it indeed works. But I wish to use its as the opposite, where the middle is hollow and the rest is a solid object.
Side View (plate 1).jpg
I have tried the loft command (which I just learned off within the past hour or so) and it indeed works. But for the life of me does not know how to get it as one big object with the middle shape hollow. Am i missing a step or is it another command completely?
Also, once the object has been created, I want to split the object on its X axis mulitple times, almost like an exploded view. Each split will have its own set of top and bottom orifices which will represent multiple plates.
Is there a way to do that? Also is there a way to gain and separate the top and bottoms of these newly split plates?
Here is the drawing file as well to work on -> 3D-MK1.dwg
In previous autocad version that supported Lofting, i was always able to create a solid loft.
With 2013 the loft command seems to divide its abilities depending on what type of profiles are selected.
When selecting a closed polyline profile, loft produces a solid. Works fine.
When selecting a region or solid face loft produces only a surface.
The work i am trying to do at the moment involves irregular sections and/created from existing solids.
I could trace the profile and make a polyline, but each profile contains an ellipse, and you cant trace an ellipse.
Where i used to be able to select the ends of the existing solids and create a solid loft,
I now have to produce a section twice (gives you a region), loft the regions, convert the regions to surfaces (because the produced surface doesn't have and faces), union the surface and then convert to solids
Instead of 1 command there are now 6.
I tried turning of the assiciativity (surfaceassociativity 0) hoping that it had some sort of influence but to no avail.
There was no issue with 2010 and 2012 and i have just installed all 2013 products.
I have a lot of work to do and have to produce 3dsolids.
I am working on creating a male mold for a canoe. I first designed the cross sections for the canoe and then began converting them to the mold cross sections. When I try to loft the cross sections I have converted so far, they all loft as I intended until I get to the rear of the canoe (sketch 8). The issue typically arises in gunwale section (the part that appears to be a notch in the sides). Everytime I loft, one of the gunwales splits/twists in an undesired fashion (in the image below the right gunwale is incorrectly twisted).
I do not understand why this is happening for a few reason:
1. The canoe cross sections lofted as planned, and I only added simple boxy shapes to those cross sections.
2. Each cross section is symmetrical (or at least from what I can tell they are).
3. The cross sections that are lofting improperly all have the same number of segments and are in very similar shapes.
I have attached the file of the cross sections and another file of an improper loft.
Coming from Sketch up to real big boy tools. I watched the tutorial videos and tried poking around a bit for this specific answer but came up a bit short.
What I'm trying to do is loft a face to a point. Easy enough. I've got my point established on an offset work plane, and I can just loft to that, however, I get nothing but straight lines. (First attachment)
An example of the ideal outcome in SketchUp is the second attachment.
I'm having the most difficulty trying to draw the curves along which I want the face to be lofted because, even as I sketch along my 2D plane, I can't snap the endpoints of my arcs to the endpoints of the face (or the point to which they'll all connect).
If you can create a solid by lofting between two section, in this case they are 3d polylines, along a given path. The path is at the top of the sections. Using the loft command I have to key in the PO ( point ) option several times to get the path option to show then when I select the path it gets treated as another section. See attached.
Successfully drawn a eggshape for tabletop using 3 ellipse and arcs and converted these into polylines but having trouble converting them all into 1 polyline for lofting.
i used to do a lot of spline extracting from geometry, mostly to use sweep modifier to modeling. But i usualy got a problem when i do that, some of the splines are "flipped" (or reversed), causing a problem in sweep geometry. In attached image, i extracted the splines from the faces below, and when i apllied the sweep, some of the splines get a different result. I tried to collapse the spline, reverse, flip the geometry normals, reset xform, create another spline and attach the extracted one, and nothing solved the problem. What i usualy do is to detach part of the spline and apply the modifier twice.
I have recently decided to restart on an older project, made in some older software long ago, a somewhat simple racetrack.
I decided to load this model into 3DS, and modify it to add several alterations and some heavy modifications. In order to retain it's original shape. I had decided to convert it to a Spline. According to my plans, this was the best solution, apparently.
And that's where the issue settles in. Due to the fact that the model was triangulated, when I selected the "Select Edges" and "Convert to editable Spline", the model became a skeleton of it's former self, and when you delete the un needed vertices the remaining spline consists of many un connected points, thus making Path deform and Sweeping impossible.
I cannot weld the vertices together, every attempt made thus far had been un productive, the vertices remain un connected and un usable.The spline in question can be viewed in the attachment.
I am looking for a way to deform an object using splines, i know you could do it with a path constraint but i dont want it to travel along a path i just want to be able to deform it with a spline,