3ds Max Modeling :: How To Change Topology Of Many Morph Targets
Feb 16, 2011
I have an object with about 10 morph targets and I've seen some issues with some shapes, which will need a few more edge loops around the mouth. Adding an edgeloop or any other topology edition to any of the targets or the original breaks the morpher animation.Is there a way to do this? Or to propagate the topology changes to all the morph targets?
how can I only morph partial sections of a morphing object? If I have a mesh sphere that morphs into like a stary blob shape, Is their a way to morph only 1 half of the sphere at a time as oppossed to the whole sphere? I thought you could limit the effect to only certain faces but that is not working. I only have 1 source sphere and one target stary blob morph to work with. I cant make others.I want to limit my morph effect to only certain faces or vertices on the sphere but I can get that to work.
I am always having a great problem while modeling knees and elbows. Some people say put three loops on knee and some people say put 5??.. If i put too many loops then it collapse while deforming and when i put less then it won't deform properly...
I just want to Know is there any effective topology technique for knees to deform naturally and which should look realistic while the character is on squatting positions.
I have sculpted several levels of detail on a face and have run into a issue.I have realized that I want to change the topology of the face.How do I go about doing this without losing all of the sculpted detail?
The attached assembly contains 3 parts modelled in slightly different ways. All parts fail when the dimension of 600 is changed to 200 in the Tool Part, probably because a different face comes into play...but it's the same body.
I just finished activating CS9.0 and have a few questions. I have never used photoshop before, and would like to start producing targets for smallbore rifle competitions. Problem is the targets have to be set up a certain way and I can't for the life of me figure out how to set circle diameters.
For instance. Most rifle scopes have 1/4 MOA incrememts in their adjustments 1 click at 100 yards adjusts the point of impact .250" so if your rifle is shooting 1" low and 1/2" right at 100 yards you would click your scope 4 clicks up, and 2 clicks left to get the bullet impact centered with your crosshairs.
I want to make an 8.5"x11" printable target like this
bullseye - .250" - Black 9 ring - .500" - white 8 ring - .750" - Black
so on and so forth till the 5 ring.
over that I would like to overlay a grid with .250" squares in it
at the bottom I would like a rectangle with text spaces labeled for - date, time, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, Rifle make/model. ammunition make/bullet weight group size, and a few other things.
how do i morph two faces into one face.. it is kind of like the pictures people do to predict how their babies would like if the two faces were combined.. a newbie...and i am just curious how it was done..so i can fool around a bit.
I am trying to detect overlaps between two different features. They are, at the core, shape files from a GIS system and we have AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009.
I have reviewed the steps to test for Topo within a feature but don't know how to test topo between two features. I need to test for and identify "Overlaps" between feature A and Feature B and when Feature A is "Not Entirely Within" Feature B.
I moved the folder where all the brushes and stuff into the overall gimp folder. Originally the folder with the brushes and stuff was in Documents Settings, however now after I moved it. My brushes don't work. How do I make it so that gimp targets the new location of the folder?
I put in building section targets and detail targets. When i opened it the next day some were missing from the drawing but the building section and detail views still exist. Where did the targets go/
I have two set of points with O.D. attached (points_1:data_1 and points_2:data_2). I want each point of the first set get the O.D. of the NEAREST point of the second set. Something like "point overlay". The problem is that AutoCAD Map can't overlay point topologies, and that makes sense, since entities don' t actually overlap.
I have successfully created and defined a topolgy in Map 3D using a Visual Lisp routine that I cobbled together from CREATE.LSP. What I'd really like to do is be able to access that data and create closed polylines and centroids without going through the menu interface. The only documentation that I've been able to find is the Mapping Commands section of the Help file.
I found several commands, but they rely on user input to work. I might be able to work around this by typing a dash before the command line to suppress dialog boxes except for the fact that MAPCLPLINE does not respond to this method.
I noticed in CREATE.LSP that there was a TPM_MTNBUILD command that (apparently) was used to build the topology. Are there similar commands that I just haven't found yet?
I want to take a map of a country and change the shape of it to fit exactly into another complex shape (e.g. a puddle of water, an animal outline, etc).
To be clear, in doing this I don't simply want to mask the original map image to "cut out" the chosen shape, I need to keep the entire map and distort its shape into the new shape. I'm also not talking about using displacement maps to "wrap" the map around a second object. I guess it's a "shape morph" I'm after, which leaves all the original content and just changes the boundaries.
I know I could use the warp tool, but this requires an incredible amount of time to manually change images to exactly fit a new complex shape. It also means every time I want a new shape it has to be manually done. Given that the warp grid only has 9 squares, this makes it even more difficult to get a good match to the new shape.
For example to choose a few points on the original to map to chosen points on the second shape, such that the software will then interpolate the points in between.
Lets say, I have an Extrude feature built on a Rectangle as Sketch Profile. Is it possible to programmatically edit that Sketch, add one line in the middle dividing the Rectangle and replay the Extrude, so that I get Rectangular solid and a Partition surface in between?
This was not possible as a user, but programmatically if its allowed to turn ON some Non-Manifold flag and allow this. If allowed, this probably may not be a single Extrude feature doing both Solid and Surface, but could split into 2 Extrudes.
I have created an object (Tube012) that i am trying to use as a rotational control mechanism / rig to move some vertices (morphed spline 012) through a series of progressive morph targets.
i have created morph targets that work as key framed morphs but when i change these to progressive morphs and try to drive with an expression nothing is happening.
The work i am doing is largely based on the great work of Ruramuq and Harvey from the thread "Rigging a wave (3D's Max)" Not sure why. I have file from Ruramuq and have tried to replicate his technique. Everything works well in his file so all i need to do is replicate. The answer is in here but i cant tell what the difference is between his and mine.
I'm not a regular user of civils but have created corridors with regions and road edges in previous version to 2013 with no problems.
Now trying to create a simple corridor in 2013 and when I try to set targets I get the message "no targets found in the script".What does this mean and is there something wrong with my template file?
i've got a pretty long corridor and usually when i open the drawing i have to reattach some of the targets alignments and profiles to get the sections looking correct. pita. is there a way to lock the targets or do i just have to be diligent in assigning the targets?
I am trying to get an assembly to work but having no luck. I have a 4' side walk with a (boulevard that varies in slope and distance from the back of curb) on the right side. (The sidewalk is existing and will be put back in the same place) I have an alignment and profile for the inside edge of sidewalk. (The inside edge of the sidewalk is the point I want to target). I have tried different targets and assemblies but get get anything to do what I need. Any way on assemblies and getting them to work in the sections?
Auto cad map 2011...unhanded exception error occurs when I create a large (2500+) polygon topology. In fact, initially I only use acad point for centroids to minimize complexity, until I know the map is clean.. Later, when a topology is assured, I bring in attributes as the centroids. I am only using four layers. Have been doing this for five years...always used acad map 2006 and had no issues. Have had the same problem with all releases after 2008, and was hoping this would be the moment..but it's still the same. Incidentally...I even moved to a 64 bit box,6 gigs of ram and 64 bit 2011version of acad map in the hope that this would go away.. How I regret giving up version 2006.
I have a simple object that I want to morph between the original and a smaller version of the same thing.
I made two copies "start" and "finish". I then selected the original part and then Create/Compound objects/Morph. Under "Pick targets" I ticked "Copy" and then selected the first target ("start") and the second target ("finish") ready to set animation keys.
When I select the first target the original part moves randomly to another position in the scene. If I change the pivot point of the object it changes where it moves to but still moves it somewhere else in the scene?
If I move the original part back to the correct location the animation still has incorrect movement?
Consider this simple document with 2 layers and an adjustment layer:
Note the eyedropper targets. They read as expected:
Now, observe what happens when I click my adjustment layer (this is a new Levels adjustment that has NOT YET BEEN TOUCHED - so there should be NO CHANGE)
It doesn't matter whether the adjustment layer or its layer mask are selected, the results are the same. Here are my eyedropper settings:
Proof Colors is off. I can't think of any other setting to play with. This looks like a pretty huge bug to me, and it's not something I remember from earlier versions.
I have an issue with the skin morph modifier. I have morphed the bend in the knee and fixed the crease behind the knee on the left leg. When I tried to mirror it over to the right leg, it goes crazy. I found out that the morph preview verts on the left leg are not staying on the model as the should be when I bend the knee. The model is perfectly symmetrical so the offset doesn't need to be changed and the mirror threshold doesn't seem to be doing anything to work.
skinMorph1: Both leg straight skinMorph2: left leg bent with verts off of the model skinMorph3: right leg bent with mirrored verts from left leg
What I'm attempting to do is export a Skin and Morph based rig to test out in Unity. The bone and morph targets come into Unity but the actual morph animation didn't. I checked the controllers responsible and it appears that the curves driven by the Reaction Manager don't get baked when exporting to .fbx.
Now I suppose I can bake them myself to something .fbx understands before export but I can't seem to find a way to simply take the animation curves for the morph channels and bake it down.
I really would like to get Morph Targets working in Unity but this silly problem is preventing me from doing so.
I can make a small subassembly that can vary it's deltaX and deltaY based on a 3d polyline (or alignment / profile) in the drawing. However the subassembly does not get put in with default perameters outside of the areas where the targets exist.
I have been trying to come up with a decision tree to tell the subasembly to use default values where there are no targets to use, but I have not been able to find the correct syntax that works for those true/false decisions. My VB language knowledge is clearly lacking.....
Looking for small .pkt file to show how it is done?