3ds Max :: Backburner 2012 Render Times Seem Slower Than 2008 Version
Aug 19, 2011
The issue that I am seeing is that BB 2012 is slower at rendering than BB 2008.
1. The server hardware is the same with no other changes other than upgrading to BB 2012. I uninstalled 2008.1 prior to the upgrade.
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Aug 31, 2012
I have a strange problem with Max 2012. Scanline renderer is 10 times slower than 3ds max 2009. Why is that? All the settings are the same. Also, the rendered frame window is very slow too - when I pan around there is a horrible delay/stuttering whereas in Max 2009 I can pan around in real time.
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May 31, 2013
I have a Comp, which admittidely is a render nightmare, with 64 instances of a the same video each 1 frame ahead of the next. So it's very RAM hungry and something of a balancing act between the number of CPUs and how much RAM each is allowed (but generally allowing 3GB per process and 1 less CPU than suggested)
The thing that is killing me though is the RAM Preview is going almost 3x faster than a normal render. Even when the normal render destination is an SSD and compression is None. otherwise exact same settings i.e. 100%, best quality.
The really interesting part is that when doing a MP RAM preview the CPU usage (as viewed in activity monitor) is a solid wall of green but when I do a standard MP render the CPU useage is fluctuating wildly. I've tried various dififerent MP options (all maintaining a safe RAM overhead for the sysytem) with very little difference in performance.
MacPRO 2x 2.26 QuadCore, OSX10.8.3, 32GB RAM, Proavio RAID for source, internal SSD for destination.
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Aug 20, 2012
Bridge and Photoshop CS6 have been locking up after installing as part of Creative Cloud. I thought CS6 was suppossed to run faster than CS5. I am a PC user, running Windows 7 with 16 GB of Memory and I& proccessor.
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Feb 21, 2014
I've been tethering to Capture One with a Phase Back then having Lightroom Autoimport the files which works well. The biggest problem I have is that when I want to check focus as I go along and I zoom in on the files in loupe view Lightroom is really slow at rendering up the image. It seems to get slower as the catalogue fills up until it just wont do it. Then if I quit Lightroom and restart its better for a while then slows down again.
Both applications are running on the same Macbook Pro with The latest OSX.
However looking through the files in Capture One they zoom up in size with hardly any delay. I understand that Lightroom has to render a larger preview which is taking the time but surely Capture One has to do this too but doesn't seem to need to take anywhere near as much time to do it. In the case of Capture One it seems to be able to zoom into files that it hasn't previously loaded so there must not be a pre existing preview there.
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Apr 8, 2011
I just tested some of my scenes from Max 2011 in 2012, and rendering is in average about 30% slower than in 2011.
I am attaching pictures for reference. It is obvious that they are 100% identical, there is no difference quality wise, but a significant difference performance wise. I will add some more result comparisons on more complex scenes to confirm the problem once they finish rendering. I am willing to provide my scenes to Autodesk if interested to solve this issue ASAP.
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Nov 14, 2012
Is it possible to use backburner to net render in autocad 2013?
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Mar 22, 2011
I got a few render boxes, the older ones (mix of XP and win7) are generally fine.The new machines however fall over (crash with `unhandled exception`) while network rendering through backburner. This has the effect that 3dsMax `hangs` i.e waits for you to remote login and click `cclose program` (this may be a windows message though)This effectively removes the machine friom render slave mode as it hangs until max is manually closed.
Either i need to find out why they`re crashing and stop it or a way to make max crash and auto shut down/reboot max/backburner or even a machine restart would do.
(again, the error is ridiculously vague. windows 7 64bit is up to date as is max2011).i just checked and it`s windows thats crashed, asking to sened info to microsoft.
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Dec 10, 2012
I have been using Max 2012 with Backburner 2013 without a problem for the last 8 months. I have just finished a project so I thought I would test the same project that works fine on 2012 on 2013.
On the render server everything works fine. On all the render nodes I get the following error
Application Load error 3ds max adapter error 3ds max process no response
3ds max 2013 is installed on all the render nodes.
I'm really getting tired of problems going from 1 version to the next. how much time goes into testing new versions each year. I would gladly have less upgrades but upgrades that work
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Jan 31, 2013
I am working with the animation sequence where I have a video file linked to the object (camera moving through the room showing a TV screen on the wall with a move playing on the TV screen, the movie is linked .mov file). When I make the rendering using the BB everything works fine if I just use one server (the one where I have the main max installation, where all the maps and linked items are located). As soon as I try to use other BB servers in the network I get the error message referring to the linked .mov file. I have the Include Maps ticked in the Network Job Assignment window and if I change .mov video file to static image like. jpg the network rendering works without problems. How and where the .mov video should be set to get the BB network rendering to work correctly in distributed rendering.
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Feb 14, 2013
Video Post to Backburner network render hangs on next frame..I use Max’s Video Post to setup my render sequences to submit them to backburner. There are a couple issues with video post but not as bad as the one I have now. Each time I setup a render and submit it to backburner the first frame assigned to each system will render fine but then the servers get hung-up “waiting for frame” and consume ALL of the available RAM. Of course if I don’t do network render, the video post runs without a hitch. That of course defeats the purpose of having a render farm that video post SHOULD be able to use. And also, if I go through the ‘render’ dialog box, and do network rendering, I can get each series of frames done as well but it’s not as clean and orderly as with video post.
Oddly enough, in Max 2009, all of this worked just fine. Ever since they (autodesk) fixed (broke) backburner in 2012 video post has never been the same. Since I am a lowly low budget animator, video post was a bonus in 2009 for having everything in one bundle for mixing and matching multiple views and inputs with overlays for production. It was great! One could set it and forget it overnight and in the AM all that was left was compile the images to sequenced avi. Alas, that has been somewhat limited now in that you can only render the views that are active, so max of 4 views or cameras (if this has changed for others pls let me know). Annoying especially if you forget to have a single camera active and set the render and it then hangs on it… no visual error saying such and such is missing just dumb blank screen (sometimes).
Another oddity, after saving a video post layout, if I open that file on a secondary system for edits, the video post will have blanks for file outputs. I’ll then have to re-point the outputs to be able to use the limited video post functionality. A pain and can deal with it but still, the outputs are all on networked drives (all mapped to same drive letter etc) and ever if I direct it straight through the network they go blank; i.e. \serversharediretoryoutputs
I’m attaching a simple ‘teapot race’ max file that exhibits the same problem of the video post on render fails just in case it’s a file setup issue.Also find below the log file outputs of a system during the aforementioned hanging render sequence. , I was running the debug and the log shows max hanging on the ‘waiting for frame’ then eventually dumps the job, reloads, does 1 frame, then hangs again for 10-15mins.
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Jun 13, 2012
Planning on moving to 2013 from 2009, but I want 2009 working during the migrations period...
How to get 3DS MAX 2009 working with backburner 2013.
The Backburner manager dosn't seem to load any 2009 render plugins, I've upgraded the current node with the latest Service pack/hot fix for 2009, which adressed the an compability issue with backburner 2012. Isn't BB 2012 also using the new "render adapters"?
Tried everything... reinstalls, regedit checks, AppData cleans and so on...
Took a "while" just to get BB 2013 running at all, until I found a way to disable IPv6 via the helper service.
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Feb 24, 2011
I have just built a new workstation and I am trying to make sure that I have the optimal settings in Max and the NVIDIA control panel to reduce my rendering times. How to configure optimal set-up for the following workstation. I have tried using both metalray and the advantage pack iray renders. However, when I use the iray it just keeps rendering forever and still looks very noisy or granulated.
Running one Intel 5650 overclocked to 3.4 GHz
EVGA SR-2 Classified MB
(2) Nvidia Quadro 4000 cards
(2) Crucial 128GB SSD (Raid 0) This is my boot drive
(2) 1 TB WD Caviar Black (Raid 0) for storage
(1) 1 TB WD Caviar Black for backa-up
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May 12, 2011
I have scene that I uses videopost glow, when I try to render from videopost to BB Max2012 starts and render the first frame, then hangs so I need to turn the power off.But I just render the same scene localy it works just fine.With my old installtion 2011 this was working just fine, and if I render from the standard render to BB it works, it´s only when render from videopost.
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Oct 25, 2012
I'm running VSP x5 and have made a 90min film with my AVCHD 1920x1080 files. I'll be making some SD discs and HD discs. There wasn't a lot of enhancements to the footage except for several clips that needed a few filters put in. The Project Settings are MPEG Standard Definition dimensions.
When I edit my project, I always observe the Smart Proxy Queue manager, wait until everything coverts, and I get very good smooth action in editing. (probably a solution to many of the problems that needlessly occur elsewhere in the forum).
However rendering takes AGES and AGES (reached 40% after 4hrs). The box is checked "Perform Smart Render". Why is it when I've already waiting for files to be downsized when I first added the clips to the timeline....can I not take advantage of these and save time?
What else can I do to speed up render time?
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Apr 16, 2014
i have a certain tv-promo-project where i have to render several comps which all include the same amount of text and just a hand full of additional graphic elements, e.g. a lensflare and a glowing line which separats the text blocks.
The text of the specific promo-comps are read out of a "main text comp" by expressions. The expression is as follows:
txt = comp("Master Textkomposition").layer("Textebene").text.sourceText;
The rendertimes of the project are constantly slowing down as the render queue and the process goes on. The first comp takes about 8 Minutes to render (it is only 10 sec long) and the second already 20 min, where the third comp reaches like 2 hours of render time. I also recognized that even the preview in the timeline is really slow, although the used effects are usually not that performance heavy.
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Sep 16, 2013
Static network, static IP address on fixed machine. Stable install been used every day for over 2 years. Come in this morning and backburner server fails to launch. Network functional as usual, checked all the usual culprits and no joy. Reinstalling SP4 now to see if that repairs links.
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Nov 21, 2012
we have a dilema regarding Backburner 2013:
I work at a studio and we want to buy new servers and we want to purchase Windows Server 2012 wich, from what we read is based on Windows 8 architecture. We read BackBurner 2013's specification and Windows 8 didn't appear as supported.
Our question is: If we buy Windows Server 2012 Enterprise for the render farm will it work with Backburner 2013 without any problem?
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May 11, 2011
How to connect to SQL Server 2008 r2 by using Map 3D 2012? I can't to make it. It prompts the message "Invalid connection". I used the IP as the service name of map 3d.
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Nov 15, 2013
I have recently upgraded to ver 2012 from ver 2000. I have numerous macros that were written for the older version that I need to utilize in ver 2012. I manually recreated them in the new version by typing in the commands from ver 2000. As I expected I am getting errors when I try to run these macros in Ver 2012. The mlayer command, for example, does not work. I am pretty sure I need to use the -layer command and have tried this but I still get errors. While I am relatively proficient in ver 2000 I am having some trouble finding commands in ver 2012 that match the old version. Below is an example of a macro from ver 2000 as well as my attempt to rewrite it in ver 2012.
^C^C(mlayer "notes" "cyan" nil) -insert;B6;insert;;;;$S=NUMB0
my rewrite:
^C^C(-layer;m;"notes" "cyan" nil) -insert;B6;insert;;;;$S=NUMB0
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Aug 13, 2013
Is there a program available to convert newer Autocad files to older versions? I have a 2012 file that I want to read in 2008.
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Aug 23, 2012
I have a user who will be moving to a new Windows 7 computer, for which I have installed AutoCad Civil 3D 2012. They would like it so that all of their settings and preferences are copied over from their current version of AutoCad Civili 3D 2008. Currently the user has windows XP professional.
how to do this as I am unfamiliar with AutoCad.
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Oct 19, 2011
How can I migrate my custom settings from AutoCad LT 2008 to AutoCad LT 2012?
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Jan 8, 2014
In a project i'm working on I have two large jpegs with a small zoom scaling effect. Going from 100 to 103 percent.
I've noticed that both Adobe Media Encoder and Premiere Pro experience a heavy slow down in render time as soon as the jpegs have to be rendered. Not only does the render speed almost come to a halt, the complete system lags very heavy, even the mouse cursor won't respond well.
This happens when i have GPU acceleration enabled and when i do a 2 pass H264 encoding. When I have the GPU acceleration disabled the render goes very smooth, and doesn't seem to slow down...
The jpeg is 4023 x 2677, and 6,97 MB large.
Scaling the jpeg down to about 1920x1080 in Photoshop and put that one in the timeline made the render go a lot faster.
I understand that a large picture takes a bit more time to be rendered, but we're talking about a 10minute render whit the large jpeg file and a 2 minute render with the jpeg resized. The total time of the two jpegs in the video is 5 seconds in a 3 minutes video. So, that made me think that the render times are exponentially long.
Is this considered normal, I can't remember having such big differences in CS5.
My system:
Premiere Pro CC (latest)
i7 4930K
2xGTX480Footage and project on a Raid0 disk
Previews/Cache on a Raid0 diskSystem and Premiere on SSD
Render to a single 7200 rpm drive.
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Sep 24, 2012
I have drawings that were made in AutoCAD Architecture 2008 that when opened in AutoCAD Architecture 2012, the 0-width walls in the drawing don't show up anymore. The only solution I found was to change the Base Height in the properties of the wall (which I accessed by choosing the zdiagnostics display setting) to 10' instead of the standard 1/2" that we normally use.
I'm guessing it has to do with the wall styles as they were transferred from out 2008 to our 2012 template.
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May 31, 2013
tool palettes from a directory called ACAD2008 to ACAD2012. Tool palettes can't find the associated blocks because the support path still points to the ACAD200 Directory.
Is there a way to "globally" change the associated path? There are too many blocks to think about changing each one manually.
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Jun 28, 2012
When I cut, and copy an image to the clipboard and then paste the image into a new, blank page, it pastes the image multiple times (about 20) on the one page. How can I revert to it pasting just one image?
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May 31, 2013
I tried to render with FG and GI in Softimage 2014 , But I can not render ,Now what should I do to active the essential part of Mental Ray ? Final Gather and Global Illumination ?
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Sep 22, 2011
I've never used this feature in the reflect/refract maps before but I'm following a few different tutorials and for whatever reason the last step where I "pick object and render maps" doesn't show a prompt, render anything, or do anything but select the object that I wanted to render the cubic map from.
Just thought I'd ask before I start installing old versions of max to try it out there.
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Nov 17, 2012
I was just doing a bunch of test renders and playing with lights when a weird render turned up out of nowhere that is sort of a transparent red and black? This happened yesterday, but it actually crashed maya. This time around, it didn't crash, but I'm unable to save my scene. This is the log for the error:
file -f -save -options "v=0" -type "mayaAscii";
// Warning: Could not save file "/var/folders/lw/y5yl1nl11cl9plpn2gsdrvg80000gn/T/tempUIFileHSDZdN". //
// Error: swatches file open failed
/Users/Undeadmau5/Documents/maya/projects/PRM/scenes/.mayaSwatches/PRM_WK4_AllMaps.ma.swatches //
// Error: Could not save file "/Users/Undeadmau5/Documents/maya/projects/PRM/scenes/PRM_WK4_AllMaps.ma". //
// Error: Cannot find procedure "mayaFileOptions". //
// Error: Cannot find procedure "mayaFileOptions". //
Also attached is an image of the render.
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Sep 23, 2011
When I save a render as PNG and then open it in Photoshop, it doesn't have the alpha channel, just R,G & B channels. The PNG Configuration Setup when saving the image has of course Alpha channel box checked, but is not available when I open the file in Photoshop.
Note: I was able to do this in 2008 version.
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