3ds Max Animation :: Animate Cylinder Deforming Along A Path - Volume Select

Feb 22, 2012

Got a bit of a puzzle here, trying to animate a cylinder deforming along a path. Fairly standard stuff. Got the path deform fine, but now I need any of the vertices that enter this one area to be deleted. Volume select with a mesh object doesn't seem to work, as it will only select the vertices where the cylinder is before the path deform object. Is there any sort of work around/way to collapse the animation of the path deform? I know I could do snapshot if I only wanted one frame of it, but the cylinder moves along the path over 1500 frames.

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3ds Max Animation :: Animate Moving 180 Degrees Around Central Axis Remote From Cylinder

Oct 29, 2013

I have a cylindrical tube that I need to animate moving 180 degrees around a central axis remote from the cylinder.  I also want to create a circular motion locally for the cylindrical tube as it follows the 180 degree arc.I planned on creating the 180 degree rotation first and then the local circular motion second.
When I created the first motion I tried to use an object (another cylinder) as the transform centre for the rotation.  As soon as I click on "Auto-key" the "Use transform centre" option is greyed out.  I therefore moved the cylindrical tubes own pivot to the required position for centre of rotation.  After I created the 180 degree rotation I moved the pivot back so that I could create the local rotation.  At this point I find that the original motion has now changed to suit the new pivot point.
how I can get the "Use transform centre" option to work in this instance?

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3ds Max Animation :: Using Volume Select To Randomize Moving Objects?

Oct 25, 2012

Trying to figure out the best way to control the random movement of objects..

Imagine a row of 10 spheres, positioned right beside each other in one long orderly chain. I want to make these spheres move about randomly in space. A perfect way is to use a position and rotation noise controller on each one with a separate seed. Great no problem.

But I would like to animate the noise of the spheres as if I had a volume select over all of them together, so that all the spheres would not move and stay still until I animate or move the gizmo box of the volume select. So as the gizmo box leaves the sphere, the noise controllers would be activated.

I could place a soft selection to the volume select so that it would be a smooth transition between noise and calm.

Now I understand volume select only control vertices and noise controllers control the object in space so I dont think they would work with each other but IS there some other method that I am missing that I can use to achieve this result??

Win7 Pro 64bit
I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling
32 GB DDR3
NVidia Quadro 5000

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Maya Animation :: Motion Path - Best Way To Animate?

Sep 9, 2013

I'm currently working on a advertisement for a client and I need to creat a kind of ribbon to wrap around like a present. I thought what would be best would be making the ribbon and then using a motion path add it on but also I would add a gravity field to the ribbon so to moved more like a ribbon.

Also with the motion path I have made them and connected my ribbon and for some reason it doesn't move until the last frame and just snaps to that position?

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3ds Max Animation :: Animate Car To Follow Circular Path Performing Burnout

Oct 26, 2012

I am trying to animate a car to follow a circular path thus performing a burnout.

The problem that I'm having is:

1) when I push the car along the "Y axis" it's good up until the very end of the bend (after the first quarter of the first circle), then it just stops. and when I use the green, blue, red gizmo to get it around the bend, it pretty much skips to the overlapping path so it doesn't actually drive along the path.

2) I can make the back tyres rotate faster than the front tyres, however I'd like to keyframe the tyre rotation so it looks like a proper acceleration and burnout. How do I achieve this? The tyres rotation parameters' are wired up to the percentage of the path constraint of the position of the car rig (which is linked up to follow the path). So if it's possible I'd like to pretty much keyframe in different amounts of rotation ratio with some biezer effect so that the tyres can look like it accelerates into the burnout and then as it comes out of the burnout it gains grip again and goes back to having the same rotation speed as the front tyres. (once I learn how to achieve this to the front tyres then I could essentially apply the same effect to the front ones to make the animation look more realistic.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Create Responsive Motion Path Animation

Dec 13, 2013

I have an animate file that contains many animations and one motion path animation.  All animation elements of the animate file are responsive with the exception of the motion path animation which is not for some reason.  Why does the motion path animation not repsonsive even though it is L, T, W, H coordinates are set as percentages?

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3ds Max Animation :: Mesh Deforming Incorrectly When Skinned

Dec 28, 2011

I have a simple head rig that I am working with (chest, neck, and head bones) that I can't get to deform correctly. It is a very high poly model (tris) because I imported it in from Leonar3Do so the skinning was very basic.

Anyway, I linked the eyes to the head bone and when I move the head bone the eyes follow it correctly but the mesh deforms very slightly so as to keep the eyes from being lined up with their sockets. I can provide the file if need be.

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Maya Animation :: Cluster Deforming Object Which They Are Parented To

Jul 18, 2011

I'm having a deformation problem with clusters. Basically, the clusters are deforming the object which they are parented to. I've checked "relative" for each cluster under the attribute editor.

Regarding hierarchies, the above is the last iteration I have tried. Before that, I tried parenting the clusters to curves first then parenting the curves to a master control. The object was also parented to the master control.

I've tried maya default of grouping individual clusters first then parenting them to either the object or the master control, but the same results are achieved.

Please see the video below.

At one point the clusters were behaving as required, but I can't reproduce the results. I was going to animate the CVs, but parenting the curve to geometry or control presents problems of its own.

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Maya Animation :: Parented Objects Deforming On Rotation?

Feb 19, 2012

I used to be able to create quick a makeshift skeleton for things like robots by parenting the objects that make up the robot to each other hierarchically. But the past few times I've tried to do the same thing, the child objects deform in weird ways when I rotate the parent. I looked and found a few references to this in forums, but not a single solution. The idea of going through and setting up either a proper skeleton, or parenting everything to group objects seems unnecessarily complex and frustrating when there was a simple solution before.

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Maya Animation :: Rigging Cylinder To Bend In Arc?

Nov 28, 2010

So I'm trying to rig this arm to bend, but with more "bow" than "bend", if you get what i mean..

I thought I could create an IK handle, but at the moment it bends only at 1 joint. I would like it to bend further up the arm,in an arc shape.

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3ds Max Animation :: Moving Cylinder Along Imported Object

Apr 10, 2012

I am trying to use it to do something for school. I imported a 3d object from a dwg file and there is a channel that curves along it cut into that. I want to move a cylinder in this channel. I cannot seem to find anything that will allow me to make a spline that mirrors the edge of the object or to constrain the cylinder to the object.

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Maya Animation :: How To Create A Skeleton For Cylinder

Aug 27, 2010

how to create a skeleton for just a simple cylinder. I use the joint tool and create the joint in the end, in the middle, in the other end. I use the smooth bind to bind the skin with the skeleton, and then ik handle tool selecting the both end joints. But when i move the ik handle the object will not bend even though the skeleton is bending. I can only point the cylinder in the direction i want it.

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Maya Animation :: Morphing Cylinder Shape To Rectangular?

Nov 3, 2012

I am modeling a (simplified) human brain. I have used paint effects to draw its surface and afterwards I converted them to polygons ( Actually I used this tutorial URL.... ). Is there a possible way to convert these tube - like polygons to rectungular shapes? I want in a future step to make an animation where the brains topology transforms to walls and corridors.

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Photoshop :: Can't Select Stroke Path While Work Path Is Selected (CS6)

Aug 20, 2012

I'm trying to stroke my work path with a brush I tailored myself. now, when I create a workpath from my text layer and switch to my top layer to try and choose 'stroke path' the option is shaded out.

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Lightroom :: Volume Name Change Breaks Path?

Apr 6, 2012

Using the new LR4.
So since I updated to Light room 4 – I changed the name of the volume that all the pix were on. So the library has been upgraded (from LT3) but all the folders have the big “?” on them because the name of the original volume where the pix were stores is no longer there. I don’t want to go through every folder to locate the new location of the pictures (which actually is the same volume but the name changed) of that volume. How can I easily locate all the pictures for the library on the newly named volume? Without going through folder after folder and on and on to correct the path.

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3ds Max Animation :: Using Geometry As Atmospheric Gizmo For Volume Fog?

Sep 4, 2012

Is there a way to use geometry with mods (like ripples or waves for instance) as an atmospheric gizmo for volume fog?

I want to conform the shape of the gizmo to a animated geometry, instead of the rigid boxes and spheres.

Win7 Pro 64bit
I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling
32 GB DDR3
NVidia Quadro 5000

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Maya Animation :: Volume Preservation In Rigging?

Nov 13, 2010

What is Volume Preservation in Rigging.

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3ds Max Animation :: IK Spline Train Animation On A Path

May 9, 2012

I'm trying to use the spline IK system to animate a linked 'train' on a path.

There are 4 segments which are joined with a universal coupling. I can only get one segment to actually follow the path, as the others don't follow at all. I've attached my example file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Extrude A Horizontal Small Cylinder Across A Vertical Big Cylinder

Nov 11, 2012

In inventor 2013 I want to extrude  a horizontal circle on surface of a bigger vertical hollow cylinder. but what i did it enters into cylinder, and i only want to extrude it on external surface.

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3ds Max Animation :: Animate A Bow On A Violin

Feb 4, 2012

I gotta make a short sequence of an invisible violinist playing the violin. Now I could just do it easy and move the bow back and forth, but I'd like it to be more real and have the bow tilt as well. As its moved and tilted, essentially the pivot point changes all the time.

What should I look into?

Windows 7
Max 2010 SP1 32/64
Max 2012 32/64
Intel Quad-core
8Gb ram

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Window / Animation Has Gone - How To Animate

Jun 21, 2012

I can't work out how to animate 2 simple images in Photoshop Extended CS6. Window/Animation has gone in Photoshop CS6. I don't want video, but the Timeline won't let me use the images. Nor can I drag anything. If I click the little right hand arrow in timeline there is nothing there like before. For example, I used to be able to click Make frames from layers in the old version. There does not seem to be a way to do that now.

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3ds Max Animation :: Animate Chair With Dummy

Jan 10, 2012

I would like to animate the chair with 1 dummy and just have the casters follow and rotate when the body of the chair rotates , instead of keying the casters individually. Is this possible with constraints?

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3ds Max Animation :: Animate Multiple Objects As One

Aug 29, 2013

I'm trying to create an animation of a group of objects being assembled, then being placed in a box. once i've assembled each object, how can I move / rotate all objects simultaneously as if one complete object?
When I try the attach command, it removes all previous animation on each individual object.

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3ds Max Animation :: Animate Mimic With Texture

Oct 29, 2013

Here is attached link of what I want to create.


I need that my character's eyes and mouth will be from animated texture.

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3ds Max Animation :: Best Way To Animate Individual Tiles

Feb 15, 2012

I am looking to animate the process of tiles flipping into a scene individually. I have 3000 of them and have no clue how to make this efficient other than indivitually rotating each one

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Add Animation To Muse

Apr 17, 2014

How do I add animation to Muse?  I wish to bring a png file into an existing background.

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Edge Animate CC :: Delete After Animation?

Oct 20, 2013

I create a child symbol on the stage animate it and store the varible in the window
var infoscreen = sym.createChildSymbol("_01", "stage");
window.infoscreen = infoscreen;
I put a Btn_inside the symbol and want to delete it. But first -  I want to fade out the symbol. I dont know how to do this. So the animation has to be complete before delete, but how?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Speed Up Animation From Js

Apr 14, 2013

Is there a way to speed up animation? For example I have 5 sec animation. I want to play it normally (5sec) and play it reverse for 2 sec.

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InDesign :: Animate Actual Path Not Objects

Mar 2, 2014

How can I animate the actual path, NOT objects on a path. I am trying to animate on screen as if someone is writing text. Or spelling their name out. I can't figure this out. How to do this using indesign?

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Edge Animate CC :: Cannot Select Text In SVG File

Oct 17, 2013

I have an SVG file with text inside, if I open the file in the browser I can select the text, but when I import the file to Edge Animate and then exported as html I lose the ability to select the text with the web browser.

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Maya Animation :: Animate With Audio File?

Dec 2, 2012

I have a custom spectroscope built from polygons that I would like to animate by linking to an audio file. I have downloaded the 'bonus tools' plugin (for the 'create audio wave node' function) as well as the 'as_audioAnimator' script but I just cant make it work. I can key the poly to the output of the audio file using the 'as_audioAnimator' script, but all that does is move the polygon based on the total output volume. I need to be able to filter the audio file into differnt frequencies (just like a spectrogram) so that for each frame I have multiple outputs which I can key to my objects.

[URL] ......

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