Photoshop :: CS6 - Window / Animation Has Gone - How To Animate
Jun 21, 2012
I can't work out how to animate 2 simple images in Photoshop Extended CS6. Window/Animation has gone in Photoshop CS6. I don't want video, but the Timeline won't let me use the images. Nor can I drag anything. If I click the little right hand arrow in timeline there is nothing there like before. For example, I used to be able to click Make frames from layers in the old version. There does not seem to be a way to do that now.
What I want to do is insert this link into a blog post (that's not a problem), but I want it to open in a new window AND I want that window to be of a custom size (the size of the stage of my annimation). The best way I can describe this, would be like a pop-up window.
I am trying to colourise a video, so I open the animation window, open a colour layer, and colour the scene. When I drag the 'Current Time Indicator', the video moves, but the colour layer (naturally) doesn't. What I do is shorten the green line on the animation window for the colour layer, duplicate the layer, re-position it on the animation window, and so on for all the frames.
What I would like to know is, is there an easier way to do this? Is there anyway I can do this without using so many layers, or edit the one colour layer, and have changes on one frame, but not on the other, with the same layer being used?
Adobe instituted the dynamic brushes in CS5 and I'm fine with that. What I'm not fine with is not being able to hide that pop window that's supposed to aid you with knowing how the stylus is positioned in space. It's annoying. I want to hide it, or at least make it smaller.
I do like the brush icon at the tip though and how it changes shape based on angle.
I gotta make a short sequence of an invisible violinist playing the violin. Now I could just do it easy and move the bow back and forth, but I'd like it to be more real and have the bow tilt as well. As its moved and tilted, essentially the pivot point changes all the time.
What should I look into?
Windows 7 Max 2010 SP1 32/64 Max 2012 32/64 Intel Quad-core 8Gb ram
I have built a slider that includes three different links (one for each slide) that need to open in the parent window. When I apply the Action using Open URL and target the parent window they still open in a new window.
Is there a way to configure the action to target the parent window when an Edge Animate object is placed into an index file?
I would like to animate the chair with 1 dummy and just have the casters follow and rotate when the body of the chair rotates , instead of keying the casters individually. Is this possible with constraints?
I'm trying to create an animation of a group of objects being assembled, then being placed in a box. once i've assembled each object, how can I move / rotate all objects simultaneously as if one complete object?
When I try the attach command, it removes all previous animation on each individual object.
I am looking to animate the process of tiles flipping into a scene individually. I have 3000 of them and have no clue how to make this efficient other than indivitually rotating each one
I create a child symbol on the stage animate it and store the varible in the window
var infoscreen = sym.createChildSymbol("_01", "stage"); window.infoscreen = infoscreen;
I put a Btn_inside the symbol and want to delete it. But first - I want to fade out the symbol. I dont know how to do this. So the animation has to be complete before delete, but how?
i'm working on a site that i'd like to automatically scale to fit the browser window, without any scrolling and while preserving its aspect ratio.
my client is very particular about the design & does not want the width & height of the images & text to change like they do in a responsive site- he just wants the site to scale to fit in a browser window.
I have a custom spectroscope built from polygons that I would like to animate by linking to an audio file. I have downloaded the 'bonus tools' plugin (for the 'create audio wave node' function) as well as the 'as_audioAnimator' script but I just cant make it work. I can key the poly to the output of the audio file using the 'as_audioAnimator' script, but all that does is move the polygon based on the total output volume. I need to be able to filter the audio file into differnt frequencies (just like a spectrogram) so that for each frame I have multiple outputs which I can key to my objects.
All are made and animation banner, when I did it the text and graphic was animating, when I came back to it after being saved the other day it is now a static banner.
way to animate the 'steps' parameter of a spline such as text? The effect I am trying to achieve is have the wireframe of a mesh (extruded text) get more detailed. I have tried subdivide but it is not the same.
Trying to animate an scene with a boxing match, and Im trying to figure out how to make the character deformation happen without using reactor if at all possible.. example everytime a punch is landed I want the character skin to deform from the other character's mesh(make sense). but if I can make this happen from viewport instead of relying on reactor it.
I have a cube shape and i want to move it and rotate it. I have water inside the cube. When i animate the cube I d like the water to animate like real fluid with dynamics. Can i do that without using an external plugin?
I have created three files that animate ribbons flowing through a space. I need to merge them into one file to animate. The problem that I am having is that when I try to move the object the different ribbons start skewing and going in all crazy directions. Is there a way to move the object and it maintain it's values and not morph around?
I am trying to animate a custom rig with a mocap file, I did some research and found that I could use "retargeting" for this, but couldn't find good info on how to do it. I also found that I could just add a biped and apply the .bip mocap file to it, then using constraints between my custom bones rig and the biped i could I could animate my rig. So i am trying to do that, it kinda works, but I have some problems with the arms, as shown on this image:
What I did is I used Orientation Constraints from my rig to the biped on all the bones, and a Position Constraint on the pelvis bone. As you can see the arms on my rig are behind the back on that frame of the animation, but in the biped the arms are in front of the body.
What could be causing this and how can I fix it? This is the .max file im using (2014 version - 2013 version - 2012 version - 2011 version)
I'm currently working on a advertisement for a client and I need to creat a kind of ribbon to wrap around like a present. I thought what would be best would be making the ribbon and then using a motion path add it on but also I would add a gravity field to the ribbon so to moved more like a ribbon.
Also with the motion path I have made them and connected my ribbon and for some reason it doesn't move until the last frame and just snaps to that position?
I need to animate the hide and unhide of a set of objects, I know I can use the visibility track to do this, but I have two issues with this, one, this will not hide it from the view while animating or looking at it in wireframe, which makes it difficult since I'm doing some previz and I need the object gone from the wireframe view... Two, there is an object (I bought them) that refuses to take the visibility track coming from the master object, and it does not have its own one, so I don't have a clue why it ignores it.
Also know that I can suddenly move the object out of the camera view, but was trying to see if there was something a bit more elegant than this, a script to animate the hide and unhide of a groped object would be the ideal thing, but searching the web for it didn't return anything useful.
I am modelling a Domestic Pump with tubes hanging out of them (I've made the model of the pump itself already), the tubes themselves is what I want to animate.
how to make the tubes using the Line Tool and increasing the thickness which would result a nice long tube However my problem is, is that how do I get to have the Line (or Spline?) directly attached to a certain point on my Domestic Pump model to make it look like it's part of it and moves along with it (and not having to keyframe it's movement precisely and all the time)? in addition, to animate it afterwards as well without it being detached from it.
If any of you are having difficulty imagining what I'm talking about, think of it as a Hoover (Vacuum Cleaner) with a Hose Pipe that needs to move freely through the use of a