Xara :: Create Line That Starts One Point Then It Moves 90 Degrees?
Aug 19, 2011
Im trying to create a line that starts a one point then it moves 90 degrees one direction then 90Deg in another direction so i get like a maze effect. When i use the line tool and draw a line holding down i think SHIFT to make it 90deg when i let go to finish the line and then try and draw on the end of the line i cannot! It just gives me a grab handle for the end of the line but i want to continue drawing the line adding to it so to speak.
I want to make a lintype where line starts with a point and ends with the point and in between is continuous line. Space from points to line should be 1 or 0.5 units depending on the scale I want to plot my drawing in.
I didn't want to migrate to Pro 6 when it was released, I was stuck with Xtreme Pro 5 (5.x something) for years. I got myself Designer Pro 7 some days ago and it's much faster, so decided to give it a try.
I've designed tons of things with the product family and I have my habits. OK, some things are different here, most can be customized, it's just a bit annoying/frustrating process, but anyway. Thing I cannot modify (nor can find registry hack for it, I already had to tackle registry for end line selection blobs, that's crazy) is following: for the way I design, I really have need for constant use of zero width line.
Know about zero width line, I've been using successfully for ages and when doing freehand drawing, it's much easier for me to have zero width, then convert it to what's necessary (or create shapes out of it).
However, if I put it to 0, and I start new freehand line, it goes to 0.5pt by default. I can start line at 0.5pt, then get it down to 0, and it works, as long as it's the same line. However, as soon as new line is needed, it reverts back to 0.5pt. If I select 0.1 (manually) or even 0.01 or whatever, it does work. But not with zero. Any chances to modify that, either in Xara or in registry?
I like the antialiased lines, for my own reasons and makes it easier for me to design.
I have been practicing using a older book(copyright 1990) and it has some decent exercises in it. I was able to do this one but it seems I can"t find the proper way to do this..First drawing a line a certain distance..ortho on,click the first point anywhere,move curser to the left and click again. that gives me a line at 180 degrees at what ever length..Line command again starting at the second point of the first line..after clicking that point,I type in @2.38<150 that gives me a line2.38 long at 150 degrees..now how do i make a third line relative to the second line so that the angle is 75 degrees and a certain length..the picture shows what I am trying to draw..using the polar cordinates you get an angle based off the UCS( which is set at world) when you try to draw the third line ..that makes the angle between line 2 an 3 not the angle that I want..To make the drawing,I rotated the ucs -30 degrees..But there has to be a better way than that..
I know that I can animate using basics animation feature un Xara. Any way to create an animation showing every line drawn. Like in this exemple : [URL] I could record xara using screencast software but maybe there is a way to do it in automaticaly in Xara one the drawing have been made or maybe a software in wich I can import svg file to animate the lines.
I am trying to create a workplane by a point and a line. I can do this maually, but have not been able to reproduce this in code.
BTW: I realize I can create a fixed workplane by using the point, the edge, and an edge perpendicular to the edge, but I cannot have this as a fixed workplane.
I have written code for the user to select a point on the curve.I need to trace the point along the curve at certain intervals.How do i calculate the direction in which the point moves along the path.Im not using the GetPointOnCurve asit doesnt suit my requirement.
I think this issue started with SP2. I don't remember having these issues in SP1 and earlier.
Create some COGO points at varying elevations.Start a new feature line.Use "node" object snap and pick your first cogo pointIt does not pick up the elevation of the point (it used to)Now draw feature line segments to a few more cogo points entering the elevation each time.It does not pick up the elevation of the point (it used to)Now switch to Arc mode and snap to a few more cogo points.It does correctly picks up the elevation of the cogo points (like it used to)R.K. McSwain | CADpanacea | twitter | Cadalyst tips/code
The above image shows my problem. All have the same zig zag effect setting, but due to inconsistent anchor point spacing there is inconsistent waviness. Is there a way to make a wavy line that is not a distortion based on anchor point distances? I'd like all my wavy lines to look nice and consistent like this:
The only reason they're so consistent is the absolute setting has been used but these lines are all straight and have only 2 anchor points, start and finish, hence the wave is consistent. It's harder when the lines are curvy and have a different number and spacing of anchor points.
Is there a way to convert decimal degrees to a point id? I have tried inputting the decimal degrees in as point but land no where close to the coordinate it should.
Sometimes I have MLeader text without Mleaders (ie, I remove the leader arm using MLEADEREDIT). Then when I go to edit this 'floating note', the base point moves:
In this screenshot, I've just finished editing the text. Note that I added in the diagonal line at the current insertion point of the Mleader text (top right):
Then, after I click outside the Mleader box, the text moves:
THis happens only with right-aligned MLeaders, and keeps happening, ie if I edit this text again and close it again, it will move again.
When using grips to move a multileader source block with the attachment defined as insertion point (the insertion point being the center of the source block) the grip point moves off of the block if the move is to the left of the multileaders end point. When the drawing is reopened the blocks move from where they were placed to the off insertion point grips. A screen shots jpg and a drawing file are attached
I am looking to make a brush that I can use for cartooning in CS6 that starts out thin, gets thicker with pressure (I have a cintiq), and ends in a thin line.
Is there any way to change the format of Lat/Long in a C3D point list display from degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal degrees? I have looked pretty hard, but can't find anything. The geodetic calculator only does one item at a time, I think. Any plug-ins out there? I suppose this could be on a wish list as well.
I am using R2012.and have ended up manipulating point values in Excel-not a quick way of going about it.
Please see the attached drawing. It's for a conveyor system, and the idea is that when you insert the block, you could then select the size of the conveyor and the angle of the turn (straight sections are another block).
What is suppose to happen is, when you insert the block, you stretch the conveyor to the size desired, and the rest of the block should scale to match. Then you select the angle of "turn", and you're good to go.
I got it all to work except... when you stretch the line out, everything scales, but the line doesn't stay in place and just stretch to the left, it moves, which leaves a gap where the conveyor should be.
Lets say there is a line across my screen and I want to draw another line snapped to it and 90 degrees to it. How? Without measuring the angle of the first line, which is not at zero or 90 degrees. In 12 years I've never known this
when i started typing on my GIF image, the little guide, the line that blinks on and off to show your position is all the way on the left not the right. So when i would type the line moves to the left and pushes the words to the right.
I have a marker on a cross section that was projected from a short feature line that I created from a 3DPolyline. If I move the cross section (they never come in correctly, right?), the feature line moves too. If I use a 3Dpoly, this doesn't happen. Only went to the feature line because for some reason, when I went to Project Multiple, the 3Dpolys weren't picked up.
Now I wondering if I've moved feature lines on other projects where I have moved the sections. Could be a real problem. Most of those, though, had a mix of feature lines and 3Dpolys, so they would only be partially messed up! Hopefully, I moved the sections before doing the projection.
I'm not able to locate the function that moves the vertices of a object squarely on the zero-line.
Basically I am modeling a half a head and using symmetry mod for the other half. I just want a clean half model with all the verts line up at the mid-line.
Win7 Pro 64bit I7 3680 6 core 12MB cache w Corsair H80 liquid cooling ASUS P9X79 32 GB DDR3 NVidia Quadro 5000 3TB WD
I am new Inventor user (2014 version) trying to get up to speed on best practices and the most efficient work flows. I find myself designing individual parts that start off as base AISC shapes (angles, square tubes, rectangular tubes, etc.). These are parts that start off as base extrusions that then have multiple machining operations performed on them. In most cases, the parts are stand along parts that aren't involved in any type of frame.
In these cases, I generally sketch the profile from scratch using my AISC book and then extrude. I'm sure this is silly. Frame generator already has the profile data built in- so why am I sketching these profiles from scratch? But using frame generator in an assembly environment to make a single member part seems silly to me also. Why should there be an assembly file at all? I just want a single part that starts off as some length of some standard profile. Using frame generator in an assembly environment seems like overkill.
What is the best practice for starting off a part with some length of a standard ANSI, ISO, or other profile?
How do I get the export parcel ananlysis to show degrees minutes and seconds instead of the default decimal degreees. My direction settings are set to DMS, but I can't see where to change arc deltas...
I'm trying to draw a plan of my house in Autocad 2009 but I seem to be endlessly using trim and extend because I can't easily select the points that I want with osnap. Eg. imagine I have a box, and I want to start drawing another box inside it that has each side as 10 units smaller than the corresponding side on the outer box.
Step 1 - I draw a small line from the top left corner of the big box using the endpoint snap, typing in "5" for the length.
Step 2 - I then do the same at right angles to the first line to get me to the starting point of the inner box. This always leaves me with 2 small lines to remember to delete.
Step 3 - Then in order to draw the top line of the inner box I end up drawing to a random length because I can't say "draw until 5 units away from the right hand side of the big box", then I end up trimming it later once I've repeated steps 1,2 and 3 for the next side of the inner box.
I know in my example above I could have scaled the box down or something but that's not what I'm getting at. I really want a way of selecting line start and end points that are a known position away from an existing point.