VideoStudio :: Get Full HD 1080 Option For YouTube On Version 3

Nov 1, 2010

how can i get the full hd 1080 option for youtube on vs3

i have a full 1080i camera and yet when i want to upload this hd version to you tube it only offers up to 720 in vs3

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VideoStudio :: 1080 Versus 720 Video In Version 4 Or 5?

May 30, 2012

Are the bigger 1080 files harder to work with or slower than 720? I have a Panasonic camera that takes 720 video and VideoStudio 4 seems to handle them pretty well.

I might be getting a Canon that can do 1080 for my upcoming honeymoon. Since DVDs go back down to 480i or whatever, does shooting in 1080 really add anything quality-wise when converting to back down to 480 DVD?

I don't have a blu-ray maker on my machine, but maybe someday so don't know if should shoot videos in 1080 or 720. So should I shoot 1080 just in case? Are the files a lot bigger?

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VideoStudio :: Edit 1080 / 50p Mts Then Export Into The Same 1080/50p Mts

Mar 23, 2012

Here is an extract from the Corel web site:

"VideoStudio® Pro X5 also supports the frame rates found in newer HD camcorders, so you can edit in 50 or 60fps mode, which is ideal for higher quality and slow motion sports effects in footage."

I use my 3 years old Panasonic HDC-TM300 (released in 2009) camera in 1080/50i (17Mbps) mode and I'm planning to upgrade it to one of the newest models HC-X900M/HC-X900/HC-X800 just released in 2012.

These brand new cameras can be used in 1080/50p mode (28Mbps) which results in beautiful footage and their Image Stabilization is almost perfect.
Previous models like HDC-TM700 (released in 2010) or HDC-TM900 (released in 2011) are also able to shoot in 1080/50p by the way.

Somehow the video editor software manufacturers are in a big delay however I know that 1080/50p (AVCHD Version 2.0) was standardized only in July 2011.

My question is the following: is it possible with X5 to edit 1080/50p .mts video files then to export them into the same 1080/50p .mts format without any downgrading?

The only modification is just the editing work should be.

Editing and exporting are two different things, but this is the key issue.

Other vendors claim that their product (eg. AVID, Vegas Pro 10) is able to edit 1080/50p but nobody mentions whether is it also possible to export these edited videos into the original .mts 1080/50p format or not?

PS: if it is not possible then the 1080/50p is useless due to the necessary quality decreasing! maybe this is the reason why the camera producers still keep in their brand new models the "good old" 1080/50i mode...,but what is the technical reason of missing this 1080/50p .mts output format, only the delay in software development?

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Premiere Pro :: How To Make Full Screen Upload To YouTube

Feb 24, 2014

I shoot in 16:9 on the canon t3i, however when I upload my videos to YouTube there is a black bar on the left and right. The canon team said there should be a setting in premiere to make my videos full screen.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Camtasia Studio 8 And Full-screen Videos For YouTube

Mar 4, 2013

I want to make some tutorial videos and post them to youtube but my initial results are NOT good.  If I make a high-res video and then select HD mode on youtube it looks pretty good but then the video stops for prolonged delays.  My guess is some sort of background processing going on at youtube.

Will full screen captures and playback on youtube be possible?

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VideoStudio :: X3 - Editing 1080 / 50p Video

Oct 14, 2010

I upgraded to X3 and it will happily load 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC files from a Pan HDC-HS700 just fine (and reports the details correctly but as PAL HDMV). As I play these back in native form on my HTPC (and they look stunning) I just want to EDIT them, then smart render them out in the same format.

This is where I seem to come unstuck, as if I choose "Create Video FIle --> Same as First Video Clip", X3 wants to pump it out as PAL, MPEG 720 x 576 @25fps! I can also not find or create a template that matches the specs of the format.

1) Can X3 handle 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC out of the box
2) Is there a "tweak" like old versions where you can expose additional CODEC settings to handle 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC
3) ....if not what alternative software does work with 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC (as Pana's bundled HD Writer is very limited)

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VideoStudio :: Converting MTS To WMV HD 1080 30p (16x9)?

Jan 19, 2013

I am having issues converting AVCHD Video (.MTS) videos to WMV HD 1080 30p. (16x9) When I try to use this default option the final result never comes out 16x9 widescreen. The original is 16x9 widescreen. (In the settings tab it is checked to be 16x9).Now if I use the WMV HD 720p, it will be 16x9 widescreen (using same original video).

I am pretty sure this did work fine when I first installed this software, but something has changed...and I know I have not touched any settings at all.

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VideoStudio :: Panasonic HD 1080/50p - Editing And BD Burning

Jul 25, 2012

I have just upgraded to VideoStudio Pro 5 (from 4) as 1080/50p editing is now available in the upgrade; I shoot my source footage on a Panasonic HS900. Whilst I will edit my footage at 50p I cannot, of course, create a video file to burn to a BD without losing image quality, with Blu Ray only accepting a 24 fps frame rate. I understand after editing my footage in 50p I will then need to re-encode the video file to back to 24 fps if I am to maintain full '1080' quality and I'm wondering which of the 'drop-down' video file templates I should be using to achieve this?

I cannot seem to find anything in FAQ that exactly 'hits the spot'.

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VideoStudio :: Can't Create Video File 1440 X 1080

Dec 1, 2010

All my clips are 1440 x 1080 but, for some reason, the Project Properties are 720 x 576.Don't see that as any problem providing I can select the higher quality settings when I go to create a Video File. And that's where the problem begins.If I go Share/Create Video File/Custom I can see the properties in the Save Options box are 720 x 576 and I can't change them.I've tried clicking on Options and looking under the Compression tab but my only options there are PAL DVD or NTSC DVD. I can't find any option that will let me get the file back to the original properties of 1440 x 1080.I'm NOT trying to create a DVD - just a high quality file that I can play back on my computer and on my HD TV.

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VideoStudio :: Creating 1440 X 1080 MPEG2 Video File In X4

Apr 28, 2011

I'm struggling to create a 1440 x 1080 mpeg 2 video file with a variable data rate.

The original HD footage is 1440 x 1080 but I can't find this option when I try to create a video file from my project. I am sure that I had many more options when rendering a video file in X2.

If I try using Create Video File/Same as Project Settings I can only get a 720 x 576 file.
If I try using Create Video File/Same as First Video Clip it looks like it's doing the job but I think I'm getting a file with a fixed data rate of 25,000 kbps which is too much for playback on my Western Digital TV gizmo (whereas a variable data rate of 25,000 kbps would play okay).
If I try Create Video File/Custom I can only get what I want by switching from mpeg2 to MPEG Transport-Stream Files (whatever they may be) but when I try playback on my Western Digital TV player I get the message "no audio channel" although the image is very good.

So how can I get a Video File the same as my original footage but with a variable data rate?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X5 Uploading To YouTube

Jul 4, 2012

I been trying to Upload a video to YouTube and it keep messing with the sound every time or the video would be all choppy. Is it Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 or YouTube messing with the video. I am using the up-loader that is installed in the program . it used to work but now it mess up a lot of times.

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VideoStudio :: X4 Logging On YouTube?

Jul 25, 2011

I have a clip and want to load to youtube. VideoStudio starts and setp 1 is login to youtube. Tells me The login requested a user name or password not recognized. I have manually just logged on to Youtube with the same username and password. No problems.

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VideoStudio :: X3 - Can't Upload To YouTube

Dec 23, 2010

Right at the end of it being uploaded I get this message

<?xml version= ‘1.0’

The video is only 3:45, so it doesn't exceed 10 minutes, I uploaded videos successfully when I had the trial version and whenever I try to upload it to youtube on the purchased version, it gives me the error above, and does not put the video on youtube, what is the problem?

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VideoStudio :: X5 - YouTube Upload Limit

Mar 26, 2012

I'm now running X5, I must say it is much faster. However, when I try to upload to youtube there is a 15 minute limit and the only option I have is to let it clip the video to 15 minutes or cancel (i.e. I can't render the video and then cancel the upload and do it manually because it CLIPPED the output to 15 minutes)

So, I try to create a template to use for Create Video File so it will match my other uploads. I can't set the frame width and height. Without a template the Create Video File, mp4 etc... the default is 1920x... In the Make Movie Template the highest I can set it is 720x... the custom size is greyed out. I don't understand (and maybe I don't know) why I can't set the video parameters to anything I want them to be. Why is 720x the highest available...

In X5... Is there a way to turn off the 15 minute limit? Is there a way to HACK and turn off the limit? Is there a way to create the videos and set the settings where I want them so they match my previous uploads?

Note, the "cancel the upload after file created" trick no longer works. If you think I can create a template, why I can't set the parameters.

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VideoStudio :: PRO X4 And Extended Upload To YouTube?

Sep 15, 2011

My YouTube-account is upgradet for files ut to 20gb, and naturally longer than 15min. But my Corel VideoStudio PRO x4 does not want me to automaticly upload longer files than 15 minutes.

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VideoStudio :: X6 - Blurry YouTube Videos

Oct 1, 2013

I'm using Corel videostudio Ultimate X6 and regularly record live bands, upload them to youtube after I convert them to a MP4 format using videostudio. A few months ago one of the venues installed a set of quick flashing lights, now my videos look blocky and you can't even make out their faces.

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Capture YouTube Videos?

Feb 8, 2013

I am using Video Studio X4. if I can capture You Tube videos for future viewing off line. I am a fairly new user and really need some detailed instructions if it can be done. There are some really informative tutorials regarding my husband's GPS unit and other gadgets but we don't always have access to an internet connection.

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VideoStudio :: Import From DVD Or YouTube For Editing

Jan 14, 2012

How do I upload existing movies from DVD or youtube into the program for editing. When I follow the instructions it says "No valid content." Is it protected?

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VideoStudio :: How To Change YouTube Setting On X5

Jan 5, 2013

I can only upload 15 minute videos on Video studio x5. I cant find anywhere on the internet on how to change my login settings so I can upload past the 15 mark. I am verified from youtube to upload longer videos. Im getting sick of waisting my time saving it as a WMV and then going to youtube to upload it that way. My upload speed is slow enough already

So, How do you change youtube settings on Corel Videostudio Pro x5?

Picture wise,How can I not get this error when uploading to youtube?

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VideoStudio :: Recommended Settings For YouTube?

Jan 21, 2011

I just finished building my first "serious" (i.e., with lots of clips, titles, sound track, etc.) video for YouTube. It runs about 7 minutes.

I used Video Studio 8 to develop the project. I tried rendering it in the .avi format with no compression, and ended up with something that runs slowly and has the audio badly out of synch. The file size, of course, is huge.

What format and settings are recommended for a project that is going to be put on YouTube? (I would like to use 640 x 480 if possible. That's the size used to build the project).

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VideoStudio :: Pro X3 Fails On Upload To YouTube?

Nov 21, 2010

I am getting an application error when I try to upload to Youtube. It fails at the end of the upload process. I cant copy the error, see attachment for message.

Windows 7 x64
Asus Mb-P7P55D-E
4gb ram
1TB hd
Nvidia 9600

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VideoStudio :: YouTube Upload Limit?

Aug 3, 2011

How to override the 15 min limit while export to youtube ? My account does not have 15 min limit so why the corel application forces me that limit


i cannot find other settings to make so good video "1280 * 720" 25 frames etc that are used when clicking youtube button.

Want semi-HD (not full-hd) but it would nice to be able to adjust the bit rate so that the size is under 2gb

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Encode YouTube Videos

Apr 27, 2013

I am trying to create a video clip from FRAPS movies for uploading on YouTube. There seems to be absolutely no way to encode the video in HD. Either the encoding is extremely slow ans hangs at 4% without any further progress, I end up with a 2.5Gb file or I have to give up on HD and encode in 480p. Each and every format I try blocks the resolution at 720p or makes all options grayed out, not allowing, e.g., to change resolution, compression settings, etc. All MPEG profiles lead to 480p. All HDV profiles are super slow and/or result in 2.5Gb files. The QuickTime profile I tried would not compress the audio at all.

So it seems I have to produce a huge file with VideoStudio and process it with another encoder, which is just a painful nonsense that will degrade the quality of my output! I also tried the YouTube output, seemed to work, but trimmed down my video to 15 minutes. BUT WHY??? YouTube CAN accept videos longer than 15 minutes! Moreover, after all these futile attempts, the program crashes or hangs on me! I just don't know what to do next.

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VideoStudio :: Can't Get Clear Enough Images When Posting To YouTube

Aug 20, 2013

I just purchased x6. Here's what I'm trying to do...

I am a composer and I want to create "score perusal" videos of my music which I will upload to YouTube and embed on my website. I compose using a software notation program called Finale. There are two "views" in Finale:

1. Page view: the score looks just like an actual score with pages numbers, the notes, words, etc. showing one page at a time

2. Scroll view where the score is laid out horizontally.

In either view, I can "play" the score while a green line follows the music, turning pages (in page view) or scrolling horizontally (in scroll view). I can also "print" the pages as PDFs (but not as images).

Here's what I've tried in VSx6:

1. Using Screen Capture, I recorded the score as it scrolled across the screen. I put that Screen Capture in the video track and then imported the audio into the music track and synced it up. In VSx6 when I played it back using "project," the score looks bad (fuzzy). If I play back only the scrolling score (iow, no audio) it looks good (not razor sharp but legible), however, it can't afford to lose any sharpness or it will become too fuzzy. I have read on this forum that I should ignore such the quality before the movie is created (rendered?) and that all be well when saved as a movie.

2. From Finale I exported each page as a PDF (that my only choice). Concerted the PDFs to .png files. I tried normal and high quality. The higher quality (larger) the png file, the worse it looked in VS. Using a movie template, I put the .png files in as "pictures" (pages) and then, again, I synced the music.

I've tried saving the above in about every format available but seem clear enough, especially once they get uploaded to youtube.

I know there are many parameters. The two most important things are size, that is, I want the score to go from top to bottom of the frame since the notes are small, and of course, clarity... crisp as possible.

-Do I want 60p/50 editing checked under "Settings"? I can't see what it does.

-I assume I want 4:3 ratio since these are portrait pages?? (If I have 16:9 unchecked, does that mean 4:3 becomes the default?)

-In screen capture, does a higher quality monitor make a clearer picture, or does it not matter?

-In YouTube I note that one has to click the gear and then select 1080p. If Auto is set then it seems to play at 720p? I've only come close to what I need by setting it to 1080p but I fear many will not even know that setting is there.

Bottom, line, is it possible to get a clear enough image on YouTube or is this just not doable? I haven't tried printing (in ink) the score then scanning the pages and loading them into a movie. Is that a better option perhaps?

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VideoStudio :: Create A Video File For YouTube

Jan 25, 2011

I am using Video Studio Pro X2 to work with standard definition 16:9 .avi files captured from a mini dv camera.
Normally when I finish a project I just create a video file using the Same As Project Settings option to create a .avi file with no compression for playback on my PC.

I tried using the youtube uploader and was shocked how poor the video quality was...In the past I have experimented with creating a video file for youtube but my video's always appeared to be jumpy and miss frames once uploaded and took a long time to load, I read somewhere once to save the video as a HD .wmv file which did improve the picture quality a lot but didn't solve the missing frames or the long load time.

How to create a video file for youtube using Video Studio X2?

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VideoStudio :: Upload AVI Video Files To YouTube

Apr 19, 2011

I've got some AVIs to upload to YouTube. Thing is doesn't X2 have a function to allow you to upload video files from there? It's got the YouTube icon but for the life of me I can't get it to recognize my files.

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VideoStudio :: Upload To YouTube Failed Due To Connection Error

Oct 2, 2013

On the newest addition of Corel VideoStudio, I've been trying to upload a video to youtube (a 30 second one). Everytime, right before it's finished uploading on Corel I get the error message 'Upload failed due to a connection error. Please check your connection and try again'. I've tried uploading it to 4Mpeg-HD and MPEG-4. I've tried converting the video to various different files (Avi 750x576, MP4 704x480, etc). My computer's internet is perfectly fine and extremely fast, without any lag. I'm hoping to upload the video through Corel only because, despite my fast internet, I waited over ten minutes on a manual upload for the same video on youtube and after those ten minutes were up it was still at only 4%.

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VideoStudio :: Upload Project To YouTube - Not Supported File?

Jan 2, 2012

ok i am trying to upload a project to youtube and it says that it isn't a supported file. so i went online to look for a file converter and didnt find any that worked. how can i convert it from .vps to something i can upload on youtube/face book?

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VideoStudio :: Error Message When Uploading Into YouTube Directly From Pro X3

Feb 7, 2012

I'm trying to upload a video into YouTube straight from my Video Studio ProX3. Was able to do it successfully with a video just 2 days ago but for some reason, doing a different video (same videocam & format) it's giving me this error message "The entity name must immediately follow the ',&' in the entity reference". And it won't upload or let me proceed. I have no clue what this means, i tried redoing it and changing the video file name and no luck.

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VideoStudio :: Project Settings For YouTube From AVCHD Files

May 14, 2013

My camera films in AVCHD 1080, 25fps. I currently use VideoStudeo x6. i have been using it for a while and when i export for youtube videos, i find its only quality video when you change the youtube video to HD. Is there a way to set the video, so its still crisp and clear at 360p/480p, as i find its always distorted at these levels, although the footage is amazing in hd. What are the exact project properties i should set and the file export settings.

I am fully aware of the settings for youtube, however is it because iam filming in AVCHd i cant get that clean crisp look at lower levels on youtube? as the best setting for youtube are mpeg files. for reference please check this video i did: [URL]......

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Photoshop :: Why Does Imported 1920 X 1080 Video Not Fill Frame In 1920 X 1080 Video Project

Nov 20, 2012

I have started a new video project with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 in Photoshop CS6with a pixel aspect ratio set to square..  In the project I add a video to the timeline.  The source video was created in QuickTime and exported at a 1920 x 1080 resolution MOV file.  I have check both the source clip at the canvas siye and have confirmed that both are 1920 x 1080.  However, when I import the video it takes up less than the entire frame.  It appears that the video is being scaled down so that there is some white space to the right and below the video clip.  See the image below. 
In the past I have been able to import 1920x1080 video to a 1920x1080 project without a problem.   I have 4 or 5 examples that have worked well. 

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