I upgraded to X3 and it will happily load 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC files from a Pan HDC-HS700 just fine (and reports the details correctly but as PAL HDMV). As I play these back in native form on my HTPC (and they look stunning) I just want to EDIT them, then smart render them out in the same format.
This is where I seem to come unstuck, as if I choose "Create Video FIle --> Same as First Video Clip", X3 wants to pump it out as PAL, MPEG 720 x 576 @25fps! I can also not find or create a template that matches the specs of the format.
1) Can X3 handle 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC out of the box
2) Is there a "tweak" like old versions where you can expose additional CODEC settings to handle 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC
3) ....if not what alternative software does work with 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC (as Pana's bundled HD Writer is very limited)
I have started a new video project with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 in Photoshop CS6with a pixel aspect ratio set to square.. In the project I add a video to the timeline. The source video was created in QuickTime and exported at a 1920 x 1080 resolution MOV file. I have check both the source clip at the canvas siye and have confirmed that both are 1920 x 1080. However, when I import the video it takes up less than the entire frame. It appears that the video is being scaled down so that there is some white space to the right and below the video clip. See the image below.
In the past I have been able to import 1920x1080 video to a 1920x1080 project without a problem. I have 4 or 5 examples that have worked well.
I have just upgraded to VideoStudio Pro 5 (from 4) as 1080/50p editing is now available in the upgrade; I shoot my source footage on a Panasonic HS900. Whilst I will edit my footage at 50p I cannot, of course, create a video file to burn to a BD without losing image quality, with Blu Ray only accepting a 24 fps frame rate. I understand after editing my footage in 50p I will then need to re-encode the video file to back to 24 fps if I am to maintain full '1080' quality and I'm wondering which of the 'drop-down' video file templates I should be using to achieve this?
I cannot seem to find anything in FAQ that exactly 'hits the spot'.
Are the bigger 1080 files harder to work with or slower than 720? I have a Panasonic camera that takes 720 video and VideoStudio 4 seems to handle them pretty well.
I might be getting a Canon that can do 1080 for my upcoming honeymoon. Since DVDs go back down to 480i or whatever, does shooting in 1080 really add anything quality-wise when converting to back down to 480 DVD?
I don't have a blu-ray maker on my machine, but maybe someday so don't know if should shoot videos in 1080 or 720. So should I shoot 1080 just in case? Are the files a lot bigger?
All my clips are 1440 x 1080 but, for some reason, the Project Properties are 720 x 576.Don't see that as any problem providing I can select the higher quality settings when I go to create a Video File. And that's where the problem begins.If I go Share/Create Video File/Custom I can see the properties in the Save Options box are 720 x 576 and I can't change them.I've tried clicking on Options and looking under the Compression tab but my only options there are PAL DVD or NTSC DVD. I can't find any option that will let me get the file back to the original properties of 1440 x 1080.I'm NOT trying to create a DVD - just a high quality file that I can play back on my computer and on my HD TV.
I'm struggling to create a 1440 x 1080 mpeg 2 video file with a variable data rate.
The original HD footage is 1440 x 1080 but I can't find this option when I try to create a video file from my project. I am sure that I had many more options when rendering a video file in X2.
If I try using Create Video File/Same as Project Settings I can only get a 720 x 576 file. If I try using Create Video File/Same as First Video Clip it looks like it's doing the job but I think I'm getting a file with a fixed data rate of 25,000 kbps which is too much for playback on my Western Digital TV gizmo (whereas a variable data rate of 25,000 kbps would play okay). If I try Create Video File/Custom I can only get what I want by switching from mpeg2 to MPEG Transport-Stream Files (whatever they may be) but when I try playback on my Western Digital TV player I get the message "no audio channel" although the image is very good.
So how can I get a Video File the same as my original footage but with a variable data rate?
"VideoStudio® Pro X5 also supports the frame rates found in newer HD camcorders, so you can edit in 50 or 60fps mode, which is ideal for higher quality and slow motion sports effects in footage."
I use my 3 years old Panasonic HDC-TM300 (released in 2009) camera in 1080/50i (17Mbps) mode and I'm planning to upgrade it to one of the newest models HC-X900M/HC-X900/HC-X800 just released in 2012.
These brand new cameras can be used in 1080/50p mode (28Mbps) which results in beautiful footage and their Image Stabilization is almost perfect. Previous models like HDC-TM700 (released in 2010) or HDC-TM900 (released in 2011) are also able to shoot in 1080/50p by the way.
Somehow the video editor software manufacturers are in a big delay however I know that 1080/50p (AVCHD Version 2.0) was standardized only in July 2011.
My question is the following: is it possible with X5 to edit 1080/50p .mts video files then to export them into the same 1080/50p .mts format without any downgrading?
The only modification is just the editing work should be.
Editing and exporting are two different things, but this is the key issue.
Other vendors claim that their product (eg. AVID, Vegas Pro 10) is able to edit 1080/50p but nobody mentions whether is it also possible to export these edited videos into the original .mts 1080/50p format or not?
PS: if it is not possible then the 1080/50p is useless due to the necessary quality decreasing! maybe this is the reason why the camera producers still keep in their brand new models the "good old" 1080/50i mode...,but what is the technical reason of missing this 1080/50p .mts output format, only the delay in software development?
Can it actually be done? If I so much as drop 3D file onto the timeline and tag it as 3D (SBS L-R in my case), I get the "... lost 3D attributes..." message when I try to create a 3D file. I tried tagging a 2D file as 3D for S&Gs and got the same result. In case it matters, the files are in .avi format (and even rendering a 2D version of these makes a jumpy video, but I digress...).
I'm new to video editing and am using video studio Pro X3, everytime I edit some video or want to use a clip. The trimmed video always flashes the first frame at the start and finish of the trimmed clip. Also when I add a subtitle or text in the time line, that first frame flashes by at the beginning and end of of the text. This is very annoying and doesn't look very good in the project. How can I remove this first frame and how do I prevent it in the first place??
I am using Video Studio x2 and I am trying to edit video from my HD camcorder. The video that I am trying to edit is in MPEG4 format and at a rate of 30fps at 1280x720. I have tried to change the properties within Videostudio but when I try to watch it or do anything else, the programme crashes and I have to start again. In the past I have to down grade the format to DVD, and then it works, but at a cost. Does VSx2 support this format or do I have to upgrade the programme to support HD editing? I am using a Laptop with a intel core 2 prossessor and a 1024mb Nvidia Geforce graphic card, which I feel should be enough.
While using X3, on a Vista 32 bit, 2.1 ghz dual core, 3gb ram, a 7600GT card -- while editing HD video, I get a lot stuttering during playback in edit mode -- often the sound stumbles too, all of which makes it hard to see how my work is progressing.
Checking the task manager, the memory is only about 50% used and processor doesn't appear taxed, so question is, why is this happening and what can I do about it.
probably isn't an X4 issue exactly, but when i'm done editing a video file in X4, i'll close the file and insert the next video file to edit. when i go into windows explorer to delete the first file i just finished editing, it won't let me delete it because it says it's currently in use. How to delete it without having to close down X4 to do so?
I have Windows 7 and every time I put a song in the project and play it, no sound comes along. It just stays still and after a few seconds goes to the end of the sound file.
Also, whenever I edit a video that has sound, when I play the project, the sound comes all wrong in the part of the edited video. If I did nothing in other videos of the same project, the sound comes good from them. It happens with x2 and with x3.
I am using VS 10 and I have successfully captured all the video needed for this project (DV format). My project is an interview where I used 2 cameras during the recording session. On one camera I used a microphone and I want to use that audio throughout the project for consistency. At the beginning of the session I recorded a timer from my laptop screen to better sync the video during editing.
I placed one camera video on the video track and the other on the overlay #1 track. I moved the overlay clip so it matched the frame of the timer on the video track. The 2 tracks synched up perfectly. How to cut back and forth from the second camera. I extracted the video track audio to the audio track thinking I could just cut the video track and the overlay track and slide the overlay track up to the video track. But, it won’t let me cut the overlay track. By the way, while not an expert,I am also not a first time user with the software as I have made a number of projects over the years.
If the Pro X3 Service Pack includes dealing with AVCHD Lite video files?
It says "...the update provides: Updated camera support – broadened MPEG-4 capabilities add support for additional cameras, including selected cameras from Flip, Canon and more "
Just bought a Panasonic Lumix DMC-Zs7 wich shoots AVCHS Lite HD video and a lesser quality .MOV files as well. I wanna know if Prox3 can deal with these before I upgrade!! I have Prox2 right now.
I am trying to produce a DVD for private use only from a recording of a free-to-air TV one-off program. The program was recorded by my PVR set-top box that we use to convert the digital (HD, I *think*!) signal for our old analog TVs.
After quite a lot of work - due more to my lack of expertise than anyhting else - I have a VideoStudio project that seems to play quite nicely on the PC.
However, when I burn a DVD, the result is very jerky and flickery - to me, it seems as if the frame speed is too slow.
On one attempt, I noticed that the final .VOB file was only about 2GB - 51 minutes of video - and I decided to try increasing the video bitrate (I think that's what it was). The new .VOB file was a little over 4GB, so I expected the quality to be better.
Not so! In fact (without being able to play the two DVDs at the same time) I think it might be even worse at the higher bitrate.
I am editing a video using VS X3 and am using both AVCHD 1080i and AVCHD lite 720p clips.
What would be the best format to retain quality when I render as a file and then copy onto a USB stick to play on my Bluray player? My player seems able to read most formats.
I just downloaded the trial version of this software (Video Studio X5 Pro) to try it before I buy it. I am importing RAW and AVI footage capture from a program called DXtory. I am recording those videos with three audio tracks, one track covers the sound of the video game being played, one track covers my microphone input, and the last track covers the sound that comes through my teamspeak server.
When I import a video into Corel am I able to separately edit each audio track? IE change the volume of one input but not the other?
I am having issues converting AVCHD Video (.MTS) videos to WMV HD 1080 30p. (16x9) When I try to use this default option the final result never comes out 16x9 widescreen. The original is 16x9 widescreen. (In the settings tab it is checked to be 16x9).Now if I use the WMV HD 720p, it will be 16x9 widescreen (using same original video).
I am pretty sure this did work fine when I first installed this software, but something has changed...and I know I have not touched any settings at all.
I see that I have to enable Ripple Editing to lock my titles with the video track before adding more scenes, but I can't seem to find where to do this.
In VideoStudio 6, how does one connect the voice track to the video during the editing process?
My specific issue is that I have to go back and edit material sometimes that precedes the voice track I already have laid down, but when the time frame of the material after my new edit I have to go back and drag the voice track to the proper location. I would like to be able to permanently "attach" the voice track to the specific video clip and have it follow that clip as it is moved, time wise, during the editing process.
Is there a means to make this happen?
PS - I realize there is a work around way - just publish each clip and then rebuild the final project but that is NOT what I want to do.
I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:
I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.
As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.
as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!
I have a LIVE show recorded and I want to add Video Filters in various places within a single 4 minute video. Do I need to cut up my video to segments to add filters too or can I apply them to different spots in a single video?
I have several hours of video aerials shot with a JVC GY-HM750U camera. The camera creates a .MOV video file. Great looking stuff but I have some lens dirt showing up in everything. I upgraded from CS5 to CS6 because I saw a tutorial demonstrating how to use smart layers and the dust and scratches filter to get rid of the problem. Still working on the best settings for the filter to best take care of the problem.
But when I exported a test clip in an H.264 or QuickTime format, both rendered files only played part way through then the image froze but the progress bar in the player kept moving. The image changed abruptly to somewhere down the clip and then ended. I also edit all other video in FCP6. When I import the .MOV file into FCP it behaves the same.
I am trying to make some first steps with the video editing in Photoshop cs6 but I cant make past stage one....getting a file to open properly.
I shot some video on my Panasonic gf1. Its a .mov file. When I look at it in bridge, or open it in PS cs6 it only gives sounds but no image. I have updated Photoshop today.
So I guess I have some settings wrong. Maybe I had wrong settings in my camera. What to do? I can watch the video's with windows media player.
I am using an iMac,OS 10.7.5, Lion. When editing video with PS CS 6, how do I get the "safe zone" grids for text and action to show on the image, either stills or video?