VideoStudio :: Adjusting Music Clip Volume On Menu?

Feb 24, 2013

adjusting the music clip volume on a menu.....I see that you can adjust the duration and fadein/out but not a volume adjustment.

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VideoStudio :: Menu Background Music Volume

Sep 5, 2012

The Issue: adjusting the volume of a DVD menu background music (and only that), How to.

Problem statement: Running X5 pro. Preparing a DVD disk with an introduction and 6 clips, with one main menu. Having chosen the smartscene menu template to use, the items on the menu are adjusted (sometimes the menu item needs a simple name rather than the clip file name, and specifically the name/spelling on the menu item should match whatever is in the clip it relates to), and finally the Edit tab selected to choose a different music track for the menu. The option button here allows a variety of tweaks to the music - the music selection, fade in/out, duration etc, but NOT the volume of the music when played as the menu background.

The previewed end result has significantly (twice the volume at least) louder music that the remaining clips. Disconcerting to a viewer. Now, I know there is a normalise audio button at the final burn stage to (supposedly) even out the sound variations, but I've found an issue with that (separate post on this forum recently. The short term fix is to manually even the sound levels of clips out before burning the DVD with that normalise audio button OFF). That approach does not cover the sound level of the background music for the menu, which by default is rather loud, and with no apparent means of turning the volume of it down without impacting the rest of the disk.

Also noted in preview, there is a speaker symbol permitting volume control, but by experimentation that appears to manage the volume of everything, rather than just the menu.

The question: Is there a way of adjusting the menu music sound level ONLY?

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VideoStudio :: X6 - Adjusting Music Levels Over Sections Not Working

Aug 14, 2013

I make family videos that have photos and video clips in the order taken. I then add a background music to the music track. I have always been able to lower background music inserted in the music track over the video clips, and then bringing the level back up after the video clip is over. With VS X6, this is not working any more. One hears the level of the music lower and the level comes back up but not at the places that I have done them. Most of the time I use the Smart Music, but I have seen this problem with other music.

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VideoStudio :: Adjusting L / R Stereo Channel Volume

Jan 31, 2012

Is there a way to adjust left or right stereo volume separately? I recorded a live performance with vocals to left and music to right so I can have more control of the mixing levels. So far the only thing I can figure out is to import the same video file into the music track and duplicate the audio so that it plays left, and the video track plays the right.

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VideoStudio :: Raise And Lower Volume Of Music Track

Mar 20, 2011

In VSX4, when laying a background music track for a project, is it possible to raise and lower volume of sections of the track along a continuous track of music?

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Adjust Music Volume Level

Mar 12, 2011

When trying to lay a music track in my project from the Auto Music library, I am unable to adjust the level of that music. Prior to laying the track the volume control is grayed-out and unavailable.

After the track is laid and the volume control is available, it has no effect on the music level in the laid track.

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VideoStudio :: Main Menu Plays Movie As Well As Menu Clip?

May 27, 2013

Using VS X5 - Just making up a menu for my dvd im burning. Haven made a menu since using ..VS11+ I think it was.

All seems very very familar...similar etc and not asking it to do anything out of the ordinary which 11+ couldnt cope with ( just nowadays using all this AVCHD malaky etc )

Question -Main menu of my dvd - Why am I getting on my main menu page the begininings of my movie!!! I have my main menu setup ( bringing in a pre-made 30second clip on which I will put 'Press Play to watch movie' and/or 'chapter select'. ) When i preview my main menu page...I see the 30second clip i wanted but as it runs so too does my actual movie - at the same time.

I cant seem to find a button to ..basically..tell it not to play the movie as soon as you load the dvd but instead to wait until the 30 second main menu runs and automatically reruns etc until YOU decide to press the 'Play movie' button.

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VideoStudio :: No Sound From Clip Mode At Default 100% Volume

Dec 7, 2012

Is it by design that I cannot hear sound from videoclips played in "clip" mode when the volume is set to 100% ? I can hear the sound OK when the volume is changed to anything other than 100%, like 101% or 99%. By the way I can hear the sound OK when played in Project mode at 100%, just not in clip mode at 100%. This is very annoying as I need to change the volume of each clip to hear it. Product is VS-X5 digital purchase. video clips are from Leica Dlux-5 foto camera, which is basically a panasonic inside (avcdh lite 720p)

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VideoStudio :: Find Clip Audio Volume Control?

Apr 2, 2012

I've just bought VideoStudio Pro X4 and I want to mute the sound on my clips as I'm going to have music playing instead. On page 115 of the manual it says I will find the clip volume control in the Music and Voice tab. I have been all over the program interface and clicked on virtually everything but I cannot find a Music and Voice tab. In the end I had to split the audio for each clip and delete it. how to find the Clip audio volume control?

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Editing Volume Difference Between PROJECT And CLIP Play

Aug 16, 2012

I purchased VideoStudio X5 for HD editing of .MTS clips from my Panasonic HS700 video camera. I transfer the clips to my hard drive using explorer and then use the X5 program to bring them into the library and then to the timeline. Due to my volume problem I re-downloaded VSX5, reinstalled it and installed SP1 patch, updated my Video Card Driver to the latest, updated Direct X and made sure my Microsoft Updates are all up to date.

My Volume problem is, during the editing proces you use both the Project playback and also individual clip playback. Without any manual changes to clip volume, when I play an individual clip the volume is substatially higher than when I play the project over the same clip area. This is annoying to me and those nearby. Earlier versions of VS did not do this.

If I change the individual clip volume up or down from 100% then when I play either the project or individual clip the volume remains the same ( is no longer louder in clip mode).

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VideoStudio :: DVD Menu Template (Adjusting Start Position)

Mar 4, 2013

I have been using the nine chapter thumbnail DVD menu template. I saw that the start position for each thumbnail could be manually adjusted. So, taking some time, I adjusted each of the nine thumbnails to a suitable frame of the corresponding clip. It worked fine as long as I burned the DVD immediately afterwards. However, if I closed the menu dialogue, all clips reverted to frame 1.

Surely the positions should be saved as are all of the other edits one does to a menu. Not only was this frustrating, it means that one cannot go back and easily burn another DVD from the same project.

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VideoStudio :: Sound Volume On Blu-ray Menu

Sep 12, 2013

I have recently been burning my videos to Blu Ray disks using VS Ultimate X6. Once I have rendered my video project I select the "burn to disk" option and create chapter menus etc and apply a music soundtrack to the menu. I generally create a BDMV file so I can store a back up copy on my media centre. I then build and burn to Blu Ray disk using ImgBurn. All works like a treat however when I play the disk the menu audio is way too loud such that on one occasion it has overloaded my sound system and caused auto shut down. Is there any way to adjust / reduce the volume of the menu audio or normalise it to the rest of the audio on the disk. I have not had any similar issues in the past creating an .ISO file and then burning the DVD.

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VideoStudio :: Adjust Volume For Menu Templates?

Mar 7, 2011

In the burn stage, after picking a menu template, I cannot adjust the volume of the music for the template. I enter the preview screen and adjust the volume there, using the slider. When I preview the video the volume is where I set it. But when I burn the project the music is back to it's original level, which is very loud. I can select no music, and this works but i can't adjust the volume.

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VideoStudio :: X2 Motion Menu (don't Use First Clip)

Jul 3, 2011

Within a DVD menu I created a motion menu. However I don't want to have the first clip as introductory video for the motion menu. I unmarked the checkbox named "use first clip as introductory video and added, in the first page of the Share - DVD, the clip that must be played in the motion menu (moved the clip most left).

In the menu itself its now fine when nothing is selected, though when selecting the total video to play, the selected video file of the motion menu starts to play where the first video file (clip) must be played. I know that in the main menu I can select the first clip to play as well but that's exactly what I want to avoid..

I removed all chapters since I don't like to have a sub-menu. Just one overall main menu to play the total video, and in the DVD menu in the motion menu only, I want to see (and not select) the chosen clip.

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Premiere Pro :: Adjusting Speed Of A Clip Part Way Through?

Jan 12, 2014

I'm using Preimer Pro CC and I have a clip which is 1min long - I want the first 30sec to play at normal speed and the last 30sec at 200%. I can work out how to speed the whole clip up but not a portion of it.

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Premiere Pro :: Can't Change The Volume Of The Sound Over Time Within A Clip

Dec 16, 2013

I want to adjust the level of the sound within a clip. I take my pen tool and just add 2 keyframes a few seconds apart from eachother. I adjust the height of the last keyframe, but when I playback NOTHING happends. This is so annoying because it has always worked. I use Premiere Pro 5.5.

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VideoStudio :: Selecting Clip Goes To Front Of Clip?

Oct 11, 2011

When I select a clip, it then goes to the start of the clip, how can I sop this happening and the clip stays in the same position when selected.

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VideoStudio :: How To Keep Music Locked

Sep 5, 2012

I am syncing pictures , effects and video snippets to a song. Why is that when I ever I add a new set of pictures or effect, it moves my music as to make space for it despite using a different layer. Is there a way to lock the music in place as I add more photos and media?

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VideoStudio :: Capturing Music From CDs In Pro X3?

Apr 23, 2013

When we capture music from CD's in Pro X3, the last few seconds of the songs get cut off. Or the recording skips, cuts out a few seconds of the song right before the end, and then captures the end of the song. It's an intermittent problem with no rhyme nor reason that we can figure out as to which songs are being affected. But once a song has been captured and the end garbled, that same song will always be garbled no matter how many times we delete the recording and recapture it.

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VideoStudio :: Background Music Too Loud?

Aug 23, 2013

As I am testing more functionalities (and finishing up a video, obviously), I am trying to add a background music. For now, I used one that came with VS. I am reducing the Clip volume to 3 (I think that is 3%) and it is still too loud. If I move it down to 2, it is inaudible. Is there another adjustment somewhere? I really cannot have a background music compete with the narration!

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VideoStudio :: Auto Music Greyed Out

Dec 17, 2012

Just upgraded from X4 to X5, and it seems something is wrong. When I click the Auto Music icon, all options are greyed out.

Okay, it's been over six months since I last used VSX4, but I don't remember having to do anything special to use Auto Music.

Computer is: Dell XPS 8300
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Motherboard - Dell Inc. 0Y2MRG
Graphics - AMD Radeon HD 6450
OS - Windows 8 Pro

I have uninstalled/reinstalled several times, and have installed VSX5 SP1.

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VideoStudio :: X3 - Looping Music Tracks?

Jan 22, 2013

I have Videostudio Pro X3 and how to loop a music track? I have a 25 second long music clip but need it to stretch out for 2-3 minutes.

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VideoStudio :: Separate Music From Speech In 5.1?

Jan 8, 2012

is there a way to separate music from speech and SFX? I want to keep the music out ONLY, so I can re-write it.

I understand 5.1 has 5 channels, so are the speech & SFX separated from the music?

By the way, it's enough to have only ONE channel with ONE type of sound (i.e. music), because then I can extract it and reverse-phase it to (partially) cancel out it's equivalent from the master audio track. It's not perfect but enough.

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VideoStudio :: Fading Music In The Project?

Feb 25, 2013

I have assembled a project and shortened the sound track in the last segment. How exactly can I fade out that last segment only?

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VideoStudio :: Sound FX And Music Clips?

Oct 5, 2012

In the past using VS10+ I noticed an issue importing sound and music clips. I did import them into my project from my music folder without any problems. The issue is when I deleted the sound and music clip from my folder it disappeared from my video project and I would have to get the clip back into my music folder and keep it in there until I burned a DVD. Is this routine for VS?

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VideoStudio :: Lip Syncing / Music Off After Burning DVD?

Dec 18, 2013

Am I doing something wrong when setting up the menu and rendering a DVD? Everything sounds perfect/ lines up when I view it in my timeline but after it is burned to a DVD the sound is off by 2-3 seconds. It's only a 15 min video.

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VideoStudio :: Create Multilayer Music

Oct 3, 2013

I been searching around but other than going to the smart sound website and buying their software I do not know of any other sound software which allows me to create multilayer music for video studio. Additionally it does not appear that their software contains a plugin for Corel videostudio. So what are my options concerning creating custom music for videostudio?

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VideoStudio :: Turn Off Auto Music

Nov 2, 2013

I hit Automusic in X5 pro. It came on and now I can't get it to go away. Didn't mean to get it going but there seems to be no way to turn it off and get rid of the trak. Do I have to reedit this whole video starting again. There must be a way, but I just can't seem to find how to turn it off.

I even uninstalled automusic from the computer - no luck. there is a little brown line begins at 3 seconds and runs just over the video track. Is this automusic or something else?

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VideoStudio :: DVD Without Backgrounds Titles And Music

Oct 20, 2011

As a newbie hopping to put video with my still images I started out by making a DVD of a video of a boat followed by the same boat after Mercali processing. Video were fine and Mercali worked as it says. How do you get a plain DVD without one of the fancy backgrounds that the program makes you chose to start the DVD which need titles and without horrible music that came from nowhere? I cannot find how to make a video with nothing at the start that goes straight into the video you have made. All I want is how to make a DVD of my videos (I can put the title on top of the video at the start) that you put into a DVD player that self starts or at worst needs you to press play on the remote control.

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VideoStudio :: Music Track Is Not Rendered

Apr 26, 2013

I must have turn off a switch somewhere, after rendering a project I found the music track is not included. I can hear the music track in edit and preview. But after render the project, the audio attached with the video is ok except no music.

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VideoStudio :: X3 DV To DVD - Convert With No Background Music?

Dec 3, 2011

I have VideoStudio X3 Pro and just want to convert all my DV tapes to DVD - no background music, no fancy themes, just conversion with a menu and 15 minute automatic chapter breaks (or scene breaks using the X3 scene detection).

The only way I can test the themes provided in X3 to see if they have background music is to burn a tape to DVD. That just isn't very efficient.

how I can do this, which theme to use, or a way to adjust the theme before it burns?

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