VideoStudio :: Adjusting L / R Stereo Channel Volume
Jan 31, 2012
Is there a way to adjust left or right stereo volume separately? I recorded a live performance with vocals to left and music to right so I can have more control of the mixing levels. So far the only thing I can figure out is to import the same video file into the music track and duplicate the audio so that it plays left, and the video track plays the right.
I am using Corel Video Studio Pro x4 Ultimate with SP2 and I getting significantly lower audio volume in left channel for all stereo downmix streams. The problem is consistent regardless if I make an AVCHD video with background music, or create slide show form still images with music.
I want to eliminate any possible PC setup or installation issues and narrow down the problem to program itself. I have attached sample of stereo 1 KHz 0db test tone, which could be used for this test.
1. Open new project 2. Choose Settings --> Enable 5.1 Surround sound and Wide screen 16:9 3. Import to the library few pictures and 1KHz 0dB.wav 4. Place on the time line pictures (I used 5 sec duration for display and 1 sec cross-fade transition) 5. Add 1 KHz 0 dB.wav to the Music track 6. Select Share tab --> Create Video file --> Custom 7. Choose MPEG Transport Stream .m2ts 8. Select Options --> General 1920x1080 --> 29pfs --> upper field first 9 Select Compression --> Quality 100% --> Dolby Digital Audio --> 3/2 (L,C,R,SL, RL) --> 448 kbps --> OK 4. Name the file and save it. 5. Play rendered file on 2 speaker system (TV or PC)
Playing 5.1 surround sound movies on 2 speaker (i.e. stereo) system will likely force to play Stereo downmix stream only from 5.1 sound. You then should be able to observe that the left channel volume is reduced by -14 dB. (at least this is what I get) which causes significant stereo balance shift.The same test can be done with music files, but if you want to measure the volume drop, test tone is the best way to quantify it.
I have an image I want to edit. It is a png tileset for a game, with opaque icons with semi-transparent background (yep the result in game is just as annoying as it sounds).
I'm not satisfied with background and want to make it more transparent (or maybe completely transparent). How do I do that?
There are adjustment tools in PDN that can modify separate channels; AFAIK alpha is technically identical to color channels but these tools only let me edit RGB.
I am trying to export my 3D project as 3D (MVC) but I can't get VS to preserve the 5.1 sound. Either I get a 3D movie file with stereo sound or a movie with surround sound but then it's only 2D.
How to do this properly? I also tried creating a new movie template but it doesn't offer any 3D/MVC export option.
I captured video that is mono, and want to make it stereo? VS5 . I tried splitting the audio and trying to place it in another track which didn't work the closest I can get is to set it on 5.1 channel. But it doesn't quite sound correct in the right speaker.
My mic I'm using to record is a mono (single channel) and I find that no matter what I do in VSPX5, the audio to my video stays in mono. I've tried saving an audio file of the clip as mono or stereo. I've tried saving the video using different compressions as well. Still, the audio only comes out of one speaker.
I am using a JVC GY-HMZ1 stereo video camera with Videostudio 6X so my files don't need to be tagged 3D so my question is how can i add titles and effects and still retain 3D stereo in my final output?I am new to Videostudio 6X pro
I am using VSX3 and have a question about whether it is possible to mix/edit the audio track for the MTS files added to the project when the audio is 2ch stereo?
Basically what I want to know is how to remove or lessen voices that are close to the camera's mic, when I am really interested in keeping the audio of the subject I am focused/zoomed in on?
Case in point, my wife was filming my son's pre-k moving up ceremony and we have some priceless video of him singing up on the stage. But a portion of the soundtrack is ruined by her yelling at my mother-in-law that she is holding the point-n-shoot camera upside down and the ensuing conversation. In this case, editing the clip or adding music and fading out the clip audio won't cut it.
I've have saved a video/photo project that also has several audio tracks. These tracks all seem to be at different audio levels. Is there an easy way of adjusting them all so they will play at similar level ? Or do I have to go into each one and rely on my ears to get them to sound about the same?
I like part of a preset Title effect, but don't want all of the animation sequence to play.
The full animation of the preset Title effect is: Letters of text flies in from all different directions to form a static word and then letters fly off.
I would like to only have the letters of the text flying in and just remain on the screen. I've looked at customizing the filter (Zoom Motion) and altered / deleted key frames but cannot stop the text flying out. Is this possible, or is this too deep an operation for the program to handle?
I make family videos that have photos and video clips in the order taken. I then add a background music to the music track. I have always been able to lower background music inserted in the music track over the video clips, and then bringing the level back up after the video clip is over. With VS X6, this is not working any more. One hears the level of the music lower and the level comes back up but not at the places that I have done them. Most of the time I use the Smart Music, but I have seen this problem with other music.
I have been using the nine chapter thumbnail DVD menu template. I saw that the start position for each thumbnail could be manually adjusted. So, taking some time, I adjusted each of the nine thumbnails to a suitable frame of the corresponding clip. It worked fine as long as I burned the DVD immediately afterwards. However, if I closed the menu dialogue, all clips reverted to frame 1.
Surely the positions should be saved as are all of the other edits one does to a menu. Not only was this frustrating, it means that one cannot go back and easily burn another DVD from the same project.
I have VS X2 and I want to put some photos into a video I'm making.
I have video from a Panasonic PV-GS200 which gives a 24 bit, 720x480 AVI file. I have the Project Properties set to:
NTSC drop frame (29.97 fps) Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 720 x 480, 4:3, 29.97 fps Lower Field First DV Video Encoder -- type 1
And the Preferences for Image set to "Keep aspect ratio".
I have a small handbook from Ulead (from 2004 when I purchased video gear) which says that the pixel aspect ratio of DV is rectangular whereas the pixels in my photos are square. And this difference will cause photographs to become distorted as those square photo pixels are stretched to become rectangular pixels in the video.
My question is: do I need to crop my photograph correctly before I insert it into the timeline in VS X2, or is there an option/feature within VS which will handle this transformation for me?
Here is how the book says to crop photos: for 720x480 NTSC-DV crop photos to 720x576 for 720x576 PAL-DV crop photos to 704x576
It further recommended using PNG file type for photos and to keep the image dimension (resolution) low, e.g. 720x576, in order to avoid artifacts in the video - only doubling the above crop dimensions if a pan & zoom filter are going to be employed. An image dimension of 720x576 seems really low to me but I am not used to working with video.
In my latest video, I have inserted several different music tracks but they vary in volume. Is there any way one can make all inserted tracks an identical (or similar) volume level?
I have a project with many clips. I am trying to change the volume on all of them to the same level. I tried shift click on the first clip and then the same on the last one to group them all. They group but I can't change the volume for all of it. Do I have to change volume separately on each clip?
If so, is there an easier way other than dragging the little markers up and down when I'm on the volume timeline?
I currently use VSP X4 and would like you to explain the tool(s) available to guarantee a good audio balance.
If we consider the 3 types of audio - the "Feature" audio, the "Ambience" audio and the "Effect" audio (like music or narration), how can I be sure they are as relevant & accurate to each other as possible?
An example.
I record someone talking on video, VSP assumes a 100 volume level for starters. I add a background music track and again it assumes a 100 volume level. Due to the nature of the MP3 or WAV file it is always louder so I reduce the volume however, sometimes when I produce a final DVD or video file, I wish I had have lowered the music track further or increased the person talking volume because the music has overpowered a bit much.
When I select Sound Mixer; Attribute; and hover over the clip volume meter, I notice 40% is displayed.
Q1/ Is this only using 40% worth of the original volume level? Q2/ What measures can I use in VSP x4 so that when a DVD is eventually played, there isn't a need to crank up the TV volume to hear good audio levels which then in turn introduces audio "noise" Q3/ I notice the audio meter is coloured and I suspect that touching the red signals mean distortion. How can I use this for overall best effect? Q4/ Should I be mixing audio levels using the "-36 to +12" slider or the clip volume in Q1?
I intend using tie-mics soon and I expect all audios I throw at my projects will need a careful balance
I am trying to understand how volume editing works. When I edit the volume, if I the volume slider control in attributes, it move the blue volume line up and down. If I edit in the timeline, if moves the brown line up and down. What is the difference in the blue and brown lines? When I play my projects, sometimes the blue lines seems to be setting the audio level and sometimes the brown line seems to be setting it.
Although I have used Ulead VideoStudio occasionally over a few years, with moderate success (as I am a complete beginner at video editing), one problem has occurred quite often, and I have not been able to find out how to correct it.
It is this: when I burn a DVD, then put the DVD into a DVD player attached to a TV set, the volume - set at a comfortable listening level on the TV ( in one case, the level is defined at 40) - is very uncomfortably loud, so much so that the TV volume needs to be reduced to 15-20 before it is tolerable.
Is there any way of controlling the volume during the DVD burn?
I found a post here that says the best way to increase the volume in a video is to normalize all clips individually. I tried that but for some reason my video would get all buggy with I split the clips into video and audio and then normalized the audio.
Buggy in the sense that at playback it would just stop as if stuck and wouldn't play. Then I tried creating a media file despite the fact but it would not do so.
Fast forward I am out of time for a project so I went to every clip and changed the audio percentage instead.
In sum, my question is, is there a way to increase the volume for the whole video before or after the mp4 output is created? Somehow the overall volume doesn't seem loud enough.
I have recently been burning my videos to Blu Ray disks using VS Ultimate X6. Once I have rendered my video project I select the "burn to disk" option and create chapter menus etc and apply a music soundtrack to the menu. I generally create a BDMV file so I can store a back up copy on my media centre. I then build and burn to Blu Ray disk using ImgBurn. All works like a treat however when I play the disk the menu audio is way too loud such that on one occasion it has overloaded my sound system and caused auto shut down. Is there any way to adjust / reduce the volume of the menu audio or normalise it to the rest of the audio on the disk. I have not had any similar issues in the past creating an .ISO file and then burning the DVD.
I am wondering if there is another method to control volume levels on the audio and voice over tracks. I am thinking particularly about a method to easily (automatically) reduce the volume of the background music when a voiceover starts and raising it again after the voiceover is finished.
I find the existing process of capturing a volume node fiddly and, for me, a bit hit and miss.
I've VideoStudio x5 and I try to delete volume control points from my clip in the Sound Mixer. Tooltip says "Delete this control by dragging outside the clip" but it doesn't work.
why I'm having trouble with VSX5 Pro's "Sound Mixer?" It isn't working, and I don't know if my issue is one that has been reported already, or not. In my timeline (under 'voice track') I have an audio file which I separated from the main video file. The main video file is now 'muted' so that only my voice track plays the sounds. Note: I copied the same voice track and pasted 3 copies of it only to lengthen the overall playtime, but they are each on the same voice track.
The problem I'm having is that the volume adjustment settings don't work. After selecting the first segment on my voice track, I then move the slider up to maximum volume (from level 0 to 12), and then I right-click on it to save it as "default," but it ALWAYS jumps back to volume level zero (0)! It does the same thing even if I don't "right-click" and save it. The setting never stays where I want it to. What else can I do to increase the volume of the sounds on my 3 segments in my voice track, and have them stay at level 12?
EDITED: Also, is there some way I can save/export my "voice track" to an external sound file and/or convert it into a different sound format? I haven't seen a way to do that.
In the burn stage, after picking a menu template, I cannot adjust the volume of the music for the template. I enter the preview screen and adjust the volume there, using the slider. When I preview the video the volume is where I set it. But when I burn the project the music is back to it's original level, which is very loud. I can select no music, and this works but i can't adjust the volume.
I made a 4 minute video comprising 25 clips including background audio and an accompanying "Auto Music" Music track.At present the background sound of the kiteboarding video is too loud and overpowers the music.
How to I reduce the volume of the entire 4 minute video track in a single procedure? If I open Sound Mixer I only see a way to adjust individual points in each of the 25 individual clips. So changing it this way would involve a ridiculous amount of work. Ideally I would like to simultaneously reduce the background water action sound to about 25% of current lever for the entire video track. Then perhaps go back in and bump it up again in one two two spots to accentuate things. I can select the entire video track with shift/enter but then most of the menus are greyed out. Also tried splitting audio from video but it only does it for one clip at a time. Surely there is an easier way?
Background: I am new to videostudio after deciding Adobe Elements which came with my HP laptop is too complex for what I want. All I want is a simple video editing package. So that I can take kiteboarding video from a GoPro, cut it down to something worth watching and adding non copyright background sound. I can then put it on my iPad or share it to friends via youtube. So I am trialling VideoStudio X6 which seems to fit the bill. Dealing with the audio is the only bugbear I have and I want to work it out before I buy it. I cannot believe it can be so complicate to bump the background audio volume down a few notches.
The Issue: adjusting the volume of a DVD menu background music (and only that), How to.
Problem statement: Running X5 pro. Preparing a DVD disk with an introduction and 6 clips, with one main menu. Having chosen the smartscene menu template to use, the items on the menu are adjusted (sometimes the menu item needs a simple name rather than the clip file name, and specifically the name/spelling on the menu item should match whatever is in the clip it relates to), and finally the Edit tab selected to choose a different music track for the menu. The option button here allows a variety of tweaks to the music - the music selection, fade in/out, duration etc, but NOT the volume of the music when played as the menu background.
The previewed end result has significantly (twice the volume at least) louder music that the remaining clips. Disconcerting to a viewer. Now, I know there is a normalise audio button at the final burn stage to (supposedly) even out the sound variations, but I've found an issue with that (separate post on this forum recently. The short term fix is to manually even the sound levels of clips out before burning the DVD with that normalise audio button OFF). That approach does not cover the sound level of the background music for the menu, which by default is rather loud, and with no apparent means of turning the volume of it down without impacting the rest of the disk.
Also noted in preview, there is a speaker symbol permitting volume control, but by experimentation that appears to manage the volume of everything, rather than just the menu.
The question: Is there a way of adjusting the menu music sound level ONLY?
I have been using VS since version 9 and I seem to get the same thing on each version. After I have completed the project and burn to DVD the audio track seems too loud. I don't seem to notice it playing back the file (computer speakers aren't much chop) but once in the DVD player you always have to quickly turn down the volume once it starts playing. There is no static or distortion its just too loud. I now go into every song I input on the audo track and lower the levels. And it only appears to be the music. Audio in the video clips comes out at normal levels and does not need adjusting. If anything I have to boost the video clip audio because it's too low. The songs I import are directly from CD's or MP3's from my music folder.
Its not a real problem as I can fix by constantly lowering each song but is there a way to set the preference to lower the output on the audio tracks? That is to see the level automatically set below the 0 line when music is added. Or is it something in the burn proceedure in MF7?
I recently bought X4 and noticed that you can't loop/repeat some files using the 'repeat' button. The volume button also seems to appear for some and not all files. Is there something I'm missing here or is this a file compatibility issue?
I am creating a "year in review" for a local fire company. I am trying to set up Video Studio Pro X5 so that when there is audio in the video clips the background music lowers in volume so that I don't drown out the audio in the video. How do I do this?