Paint.NET :: Adjusting Alpha Channel Levels?
Mar 10, 2012
I have an image I want to edit. It is a png tileset for a game, with opaque icons with semi-transparent background (yep the result in game is just as annoying as it sounds).
I'm not satisfied with background and want to make it more transparent (or maybe completely transparent). How do I do that?
There are adjustment tools in PDN that can modify separate channels; AFAIK alpha is technically identical to color channels but these tools only let me edit RGB.
how to specify a layer as alpha mask either.
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May 2, 2013
I have a 3d render that has some semi transparent areas (shadows on matte objects) I want to get rid off. In AE a can simple adjust the alpha levels and set everything under 25 to be 0 for example.
In PS the entire alpha channel seems to be out of reach.. it's not in the Channels tab? I can add one but PS fills it with an B&W version of my RGB image.. What trick I'm a missing here?
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Jul 23, 2011
I take a lot of underwater pictures usually quite badly . I am looking for adjusting the color levels.
I am guessing I have to create layers to adjust them properly as just fiddling with the Red on the main image isn't really giving me great results.
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Dec 17, 2011
I found out that there is a way to show clipping areas in Photoshop when adjusting levels via an adjustment layer. While moving the slider, you hold down the ALT key.
I tried this in PSP X3 and it does not work. Any feature for seeing the clipping preview is available in Paint Shop Pro? It's a nice feature.
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Aug 16, 2012
I've seen instructions to use this but I'm not sure what its core purpose is and I can't seem to find a definition in the user manual, online or in this forum.
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Feb 12, 2013
How do I take say the black and white version of an image and use the final grey scale value as the alpha value for that pixel on the original? Is this possible to do easily?
If not, what's the hard way?
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Oct 23, 2013
Is v4.0 still promising color and alpha channel editing / masking?
I'm sure I read this in the roadmap feature list years ago, though I can't find the place to reference it. In fact this is my favorite anticipated feature for which I've been checking every month for the last five years!
I eagerly downloaded the 4.0alpha but see no sign of color channels to go with layers
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Feb 19, 2011
Is there anyway at this point in time to load a DDS file with alpha set to something other than 100%, alter the alpha channel, and save it back out again?
My situation is this. I'm currently working on a module for a game called Mount and Blade Warband and have created quite a few textures using and never had any issues previously with any textures I've created and saved as DDS. However recently I found a texture file that I need to replace with my own version which has it's alpha channel set to something other than 100%. It's used to blend with another texture to give an aged appearance to hair.
Now this texture when loaded into appears as a mostly transparent texture, which I cannot make any darker using the layer transparency slider which is set to maximum. i.e. The texture is loaded and displayed with transparency on, but the layer transparency slider in is set at maximum opacity as if there is no transparency -- so the only thing I can do is make it even more transparent rather than make it darker. So when I tried to make my replacement for this particular file I created my texture, set transparency for the layer to about 20%, then saved as a DDS file -- however when I load it into the BRF game editor it displays as a completely black texture, while the original file displays fine.
EDIT: Also does it actually create mipmaps when you ask it to when saving? I just noticed that my textures don't seem to have them.
I should point out that while I'm very experienced with programming, 2D etc. I'm pretty new to 3D programming (not that I'm doing so on this project of course -- thought it might be easier working out how to create 3D objects while using someone elses engine to start with) and 3D object creation -- so things like DDS texture formats still create a lot of head scratching.
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Feb 17, 2012
Can you choose the type of Alpha channel that Paint.NET saves? Premultiplied or non-premultiplied/straight?
Otherwise, what is the type of alpha channel that Paint.NET saves by default?
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Apr 9, 2011
In photoshop there is a tab beside the layers tab, that allows you to add a shaded alpha channel to a .dds file.
I need to add a black alpha channel to a .dds file.
I've tried every alpha pluggin I can find but cannot replicate this effect.
And if I open a .dds file created in photoshop with a black alpha channel it is completely invisible in
Why is it completely invisible in but not in photoshop?
How can I add a black alpha channel to a .dds file in
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Nov 18, 2013
If I have two images, one is a texture map and the other is a normal map, how do I essentially paste the normal map into the alpha channel?
The stuff I am importing into (OpenSimulator) uses a single image to put texture and normal map information onto an object but so far I can't see anywhere to create the alpha channel.
I am not using the alpha channel for transparency, which seems to be a source of confusion (elsewhere). The thing is I CAN use it for that (transparency I mean) simply by making part of my image transparent (This is splendid by the way, and is yet another reason why I adore Paint.Net), this implies to me there are alpha channels or that the transparency thing is something different.
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Nov 2, 2011
Confirm that the alpha channel is not saving correctly for TGA files using PSPro X4?
1 Create an image with an alpha channel.
2 Save image as a TGA.
3 Close and re-open the TGA then load a selection from alpha channel.
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May 17, 2011
I was simply wondering the best means in Paint.Net to use a black and white image and use it as the alpha channel of my image, with white being opaque and black being fully transparent. I looked through the plugins on the site and didn't see anything that seemed to resemble what I was after.
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Jan 15, 2014
what I have been doing to work with transparency: bring up GIMP to add an alpha channel and set part of an image to transparent. Save and use in, for example, I wanted to create a M + W logo, and the result looked like this:I set the font to Engravers MT, put a red W on an image.Selected "All", copied to clipboard, then pasted to a new image.Vertically flipped the new image, making it an M, changed color to blue using Recolor tool. Saved it as PNG, closed image.Started GIMP, opened the blue M image.On GIMP menu, selected Layer --> Transparency --> Add Alpha ChannelUsed Fuzzy Select Tool to select the area outside the blue MHit delete key to remove color of fuzzy selection (converting it to transparent)Save image as PNG and exit GIMP.Back in, open the M image.Select All of Image, copy to clipboard.Paste into New Layer of W image.Adjust position of this transparent selection layer to achieve desired resutl as above.Save the completed image.I find GIMP to be very hard to work with, and prefer working with It would be so nice to be able to create an alpha channel and make a transparent area of an image inside of
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Apr 13, 2011
PDN is an amazing tool. The issue I'm having is that when I try to create a partially transparent texture for use in Unity 3D, I get a gray border inside of Unity that is not visible in It appears to be a well-known issue, and there are lots of instructions, video tutorials, etc. for how to deal with the problem when using Photoshop.
See the following post for more information: [URL] .....
The basic theme of the solution is that you need to create a "proper" alpha channel and not rely on the "checkered background" that exists in Photoshop. Is it possible to achieve the same thing with
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Jan 7, 2008
im trying to add an alpha layer or alpha channel to a bitmap and save in BMP format.
I am using Photoshop 6.
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Jul 23, 2005
can someone tell me the easiers way to make an alpha tga file? Photoshop 7 can done alpha when i save to tga 32 bits, but in CS we have to do it manually...
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Sep 5, 2013
any difference between alpha layer and alpha channel? I mean has to be right? I just don't know what exactly that would be if there is. I'm trying to figure out some more stable uses for computer graphics when building textures with alpha layer or alpha channels. So far I get a flicker from opengl bug when using alphas. So I'm wondering if I use Alpha layer and something with a solid color underneath the geometry if I could achieve a more stable result where alpha sorting. Possibly clearing it up where my alpha layered geometry stays on top vs bleeding through at times it seems.
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Feb 11, 2009
Using Photoshop CS3. I am trying to adjust the levels on a very simple bitonal scan from PDF. When I adjust them by going to, Image, adjustments, levels, the preview of it works and it shows what I want, but when I hit OK, it dissapears. If I go to Layers, New Adjustment Layer, Levels, it shows up fine until I save it.. I am trying to save it as a PDF file, and I am saving it with Adobe 6 (1.5) because of compatibility issues (so I've read), it should save layers. But its not saving. Or maybe it's not opening in my Adobe Acrobat? is there an update I need or something? Is there a step I am missing? is anyone else having this problem? Even so, the Level adjust should work regularly while in PS CS3.
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Jun 26, 2011
I've have saved a video/photo project that also has several audio tracks. These tracks all seem to be at different audio levels. Is there an easy way of adjusting them all so they will play at similar level ? Or do I have to go into each one and rely on my ears to get them to sound about the same?
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Aug 14, 2013
I make family videos that have photos and video clips in the order taken. I then add a background music to the music track. I have always been able to lower background music inserted in the music track over the video clips, and then bringing the level back up after the video clip is over. With VS X6, this is not working any more. One hears the level of the music lower and the level comes back up but not at the places that I have done them. Most of the time I use the Smart Music, but I have seen this problem with other music.
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Jan 31, 2012
Is there a way to adjust left or right stereo volume separately? I recorded a live performance with vocals to left and music to right so I can have more control of the mixing levels. So far the only thing I can figure out is to import the same video file into the music track and duplicate the audio so that it plays left, and the video track plays the right.
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Aug 6, 2012
How do you create a perfect alpha from this image, channels don't work, selections don't work either very well. I haven't done something like this for a while, so maybe it's a brain fart, who knows
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Mar 22, 2013
In CS3 I use a Dust & Scratches filter on a layer in a high resolution (3200+ppi) 16bpc image, then traditionally change the layer blend mode to Difference, make a duplicate of a channel which has the clearest information of where the filtered changes were made, and use levels to increase the contrast on a copy of that channel. Occasionally I get this result though - the Levels adjustment preview shows spots clearly, but clicking OK results in something very different from the preview. This only seems to happen occasionally.and result looks like this:
As the purpose of the channel is to make a mask, the result isn't as good as I'd like. I assumed that the problem might have been the grey starting colour of the channel, so I pushed the 0 up to 9 in an attempt to get a uniform K value of 100% on the darkest areas, and then ran a second Levels adjustment to make the white spots brighter. The second levels adjustment resulted in pretty much the same result as above, again, not what was shown in the preview. I also assumed that it may be down to numbers and that levels is occasionally too limited to deal with all the shades of grey on a 16 bit channel. Probably wrongly as this normally works exactly as required.
This only happens occasionally, and isn't that big a deal - I can quite happily go and use a Curve instead. I'm just wondering why the preview in the adjustment window is different from the actual result. The fact that it only happens on some of my images is what concerns me - purging all beforehand does not make any to get accurate results in the preview? Is the preview using a different method to show the results? Unfortunately I won't have a copy of CS6 to try this on until a couple of weeks from now, so not sure the best way for someone to try and replicate it on newer versions.
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Jun 12, 2013
There is a touchscreen monitor in my car.It allows custom background wallpapers to be loaded via USB.The touchscreen automatically adds what would appear to be about a 25% alpha black layer in FRONT of the image so the touchscreen controls and icons are clearly visible.The problem is, I don't know what values I'm supposed to adjust on my image in order to get it to look the same way it does on my computer screen.Would you adjust the brightness? Contrast?Or is this simply not possible because the ~25% alpha black tint is placed OVER the wallpaper?
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Oct 25, 2013
I have created an alignment and long section and over layed my assembly to produce the corridor through my alignment. However it is standard practice in the UK to show the channel levels on a long section.
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Feb 12, 2004
What's alpha channel & how to use it?
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Apr 30, 2004
what is an alpha channel and how do i access it?
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Jul 28, 2006
I have created two masks with channels to use on an image. Now I want to combine the two channel masks into one to use. I made a new layer in channels of the composite masks which gave me an Alpha channel. The Alpha channels show the solid black paint lines where I filled in the selection voids. These solid lines affected the adjustment layers so I ended up doing some erasing at 50%. Not the shortest workflow direction. How can I combine two channel masks (selections) into a common selection and save as a new Channel?
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Nov 25, 2004
I created an alpha channel with marquee tool on a colored backgound, by using "select > save selection", the alpha channel appeared at the bottom of the channel palette. I know the white part should represents transparency and the black part is opaque. But when I import this into the Adobe premiere6.5, the thing is reversed, I have to use "alpha channel" plus "reverse" option to get what I want - see through the "white" part. I heard there is an option in the photoshop with which you can define whether you want "white" is transparent,black is opaque or vice versa,
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Oct 1, 2005
I have an image that I want to have an alpha channel even though it isn't used at all. Even if I save the image with transparency flag in "Save for web" (as PNG), Photoshop doesn't include the alpha channel with image because it's not been used. Is there a way I can overcome this (other than adding a single transparent pixel to image or using another program)?
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