VideoStudio :: X4 - Can't Create DVD Video File In Widescreen
Aug 23, 2011
I just upgraded to the X4. I never had this problem with the X3. I use a hitachi camcorder and the clips it produces are mpeg. The settings I use on the X4 are the default settings. When I place the clips on the timeline, they show up as 16:9. When I press play, they are still in 16:9 format.
However, when I create a video file using option DVD 16:9, I get the following problem. While the clip is playing, it will start as 16:9 then change to 4:3 and then back to 16:9 again and so on.
Is there a setting that I'm supposed to change. This never happened with the X3.
I have used on and off MovieFactory for a number of years and have been well pleased. It's simple to use and doesn't require a degree in software use to make effective DVD's playable in all DVD players.I shoot my footage with a Panasonic NV-MX300 3 CCD camcorder, which although a few years old now, can hold it's own with lower end so called HD Camcorders
My method of creating a DVD has been to capture the footage using a third-party Video editor and then importing it's export into Movie Factory and then work from there.
I have recently upgraded my version of MovieFactory 6 Plus to VideoStudio Pro X4 as this seems to better support the creation of HD BluRay discs. No I don't have the Power Pack Plug-in with my version of MovieFactory but thought that upgrading would better suit my needs.I have created, successfully a 35Gb .AVI file using my third-party NLE and it's properties are as follows: -
Stream 0
Type: Video Codec: DV Video (dvsd) Resolution: 720x576 Frame rate: 25
Stream 1
Type: Audio Codec: PCM S16 LE (araw) Channels: Stereo Sample rate: 48000 Hz Bits per sample: 16
My original DV footage was roughly this too. It was shot in Widescreen although the sound was recorded in 32000 Hz stereo. When I import the video into either MF 6 or VS Pro 4 the playback is in a squashed 4:3 aspect Ratio and no matter how I alter the preferences or Project Settings, before or after importing the .AVI file, it refuses to play back in widescreen.When the exported file plays in VLC Player or Windows Media Player, it plays back correctly.
I own the video cebtric site [URL] which is judo related and i have over 5000 videos in stanrdard and h.d. quality. I want to resolve the issue below so i can buy the product and use it without problems. I download the trial version of video studio x5..tried to export my recorded video in the size 640x360 but this wasn't option at all. I am wondering how i can do that.. When i insert a .mp4 video the option ''same as project'' is on and when i make convrsion the result is ok like the original. When i record a video and try to export ''same as project'' the option is off and i can't do my wishing size 640x360.
I have this .avi file that I imported from a mini-DV tape through 1394 cable onto my computer. I opened this video file in the program, and I want to extract the audio file from it, but the "create sound file" command is unclickable. What should I do to get the audio extracted from my avi video file?
I am using Video Studio Pro X2 to work with standard definition 16:9 .avi files captured from a mini dv camera. Normally when I finish a project I just create a video file using the Same As Project Settings option to create a .avi file with no compression for playback on my PC.
I tried using the youtube uploader and was shocked how poor the video quality was...In the past I have experimented with creating a video file for youtube but my video's always appeared to be jumpy and miss frames once uploaded and took a long time to load, I read somewhere once to save the video as a HD .wmv file which did improve the picture quality a lot but didn't solve the missing frames or the long load time.
How to create a video file for youtube using Video Studio X2?
I have 50 inch 1080p TV and a media player that can play almost any format. I have VideoStudio X3 and a decent core2 PC running XP. I have a few 1 hour each video files that I captured from my sony SD camcorder few years back using Firewire. These video files are like 25GB each and not high def.
Now I have edited some of these video files but I am not sure what is the best format to use when creating video file to watch it on my HDTV. I don't need to burn disks or re-edit the files once I am done editing one time.
I have tried custom MPEG2 with 8000 bit rate and 100% quality and it looks okay but grainy on my HDTV. I tried avchd/Blu-ray and they look much smoother on HDTV however they are a bit soft and dull in colors and not as sharp as custom mpeg2.
There are so many formats like DVD mpeg2/AVCHD/HDV/Blu-ray with mpeg2 or h.264 and videostudio help did not do a good job explaining them So I would hope experts here would guide me what best quality format should I pick for these SD videos so that they look nice on my HDTV. Would picking aspect ration to 16:9 make any difference for these sd video?
I am sure when I buy an HD camcorder I would have better options to keep picture quality great.
All my clips are 1440 x 1080 but, for some reason, the Project Properties are 720 x 576.Don't see that as any problem providing I can select the higher quality settings when I go to create a Video File. And that's where the problem begins.If I go Share/Create Video File/Custom I can see the properties in the Save Options box are 720 x 576 and I can't change them.I've tried clicking on Options and looking under the Compression tab but my only options there are PAL DVD or NTSC DVD. I can't find any option that will let me get the file back to the original properties of 1440 x 1080.I'm NOT trying to create a DVD - just a high quality file that I can play back on my computer and on my HD TV.
I have some pairs of left and right videos that plays fine on 3D player that combine both files to 3D output. How do I edit the pair to one side by side video with videoStudio 5 pro?
I shoot with a Zi8 in 720p mode. I import the file (MOV) and work on it in VSP X4 - no problem. I see the preview window in full widescreen (no black bars). I have tried every possible option to get an FLV file out of X4 without the black bars and it's no use.
Here is a screen shot of my X4 preview, side-by-side with what I see on the web. [URL]
I also get the black bars when I view the FLV file on my desktop using Wimpy FLV player: [URL]
Nature of the problem: Following the recommended procedure, I get to the phase where you created a video file. However when I go to preview the file, its badly pixelated.
Properties of your source files: All are clips from unprotected DVDs and play fine when captured.
What devices are involved and their mode of connection: Direct from computer's DVD player/recorder.
Project Settings: As listed under recommended procedure.
Output format: Mpeg to be burned to DVD.
PAL or NTSC: NTSC Error Codes (if any): None System information: AMD 64 3500+ w/ Dual SLi 7800 GTs and 2 GB of RAM.
I suspect that its a setting somewhere that has been changed because on a prototype I made using some of the same clips it worked fine. Then just stopped and started pixelating out of the blue.
In VS X4 Create Video File there are several AVCHD settings.what the difference is between AVCHD 1440 x 1080P and AVCHD 1440 x 1080 ?With and without "P"?
I couldn't create DVD disk, or, couldn't create video file either. It would go to about 99% & then hang the system for hours (until stopped with Task Manager).
I had installed all of the updates, including SP2. I've uninstalled today & I will re-install in the next day or so to see if it works.
I've acquired the Corel Video Studio Pro x4 recently, and across an unplesant problem shortly after instalation. The "create video file" makes the program crash every time i press it.
When first making the video in Edit mode, is there any way to see the final output size before or after selecting Create Video File before the file is created.
If I choose Create Disk it will show the output size.
If not what would the maximum running time be for DVD output?
I've just completed my first project and when I attempt to create a video file for hard disk output I'm unsure what option I should select from the drop down box that gives me the highest quality without re-rendering the video.
My AVCHD 50p original files are according to the file properties in VSP -
PAL HDMV H.264 Video 24bits, 1920/1080, 16.9 50.000 frames/sec Variable bit rate (max.26000 kbps) Dolby Digital Audio 48000 Hz, 5.1 channels 384 kbps
So it looks like I need to select AVCHD 1920x1080 50p however in the properties for that file creation, the video bitrate is max 20000 kbps (my video 24.7) and audio is only 2.0 (my audio 5.1). I really would like to retain the 5.1 audio and my higher video bitrate.
Also when I view the project properties the video is shown as 1024 x 576.
PAL double (50 fps) Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 1024 x 576, 50 fps Frame-based Uncompressed PCM, 48.000 kHz, 16 bits, 5.1 Channels
I downloaded a trial copy of the Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 Ultra. Every time I click on the Create Video File button the program crashes. I get a message that the program must exit. Every time I try this, it crashes.
I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:
I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.
As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.
as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!
I have run into a roadblock -- I am having trouble authoring my DVD. I have watched the tutorials and read (and re-read) the User Guide.
I used my Canon HF S200 to shoot video of family reunions. It is about 2 1/2 hours long and I have about 32 chapters. I am ready to burn a DVD. but my chapters weren't appearing in the DVD Preview.
Further investigation showed that my project is 10.01 GBs and that my DVD only has 4.38 GB usable space.
It doesn't make sense to me. I rent Hollywood movies all the time that are nearly 3 hours long -- and those are certainly much more detailed than my little video.
I really don't want to split this project into 3 DVDs == that would be stupid.
How can I adjust settings so that my DVD fits -- and all of my Chapters appear in the DVD Preview prior to burning? I would like wide screen setting.
I have video studio 7 SE DVD. When I capture edit and share my file and burn it to DVD, the picture looks fat and stretched whenplayed on a widescreen TV.
I have played around with some of the properties and setting on the program but everything I do has the same effect.
I can have the TV set to 4.3 and the picture is fine but of course I have the black bars on each side.
Is there a way to have it show correctly on the widescreen TV without affecting the quality?
I dont mind if it cut some of the picture out as in top and bottom, I just want to keep the picture the right ratio without stretching it to fit.
My video camera I am using is a DV cam. I think it might be half the problem as it records in 4.3 format and is playing on a 16.9 TV.
I've recently changed from PC to Laptop and reinstalled Videostudio x4.
On my last PC (which was considerably older and less capable) while using the stop-motion editor, I could capture in upto 1280 x 720 resolution using my Microsoft Lifecam 5000 HD - however now with the same camera after the reinstall the highest resolution on the drop-down menu is 640 x 480 which obviously isnt widescreen or anywhere near in terms of resolution.
One thing which could be related is that on this laptop I have two lots of "program files" - "Progam Files" and "Program Files (x86)". The program itself is installed on the x86 section but when VS is searching for sample videos or overlays etc they've all needed relinking as its attempting to find them in the normal "Program Files" folder - could the resolution problem be a similar relinking issue?
Aspect ratio I am putting togeter a slideshow of photos I want it to be widescreen!
I have gone into settings/preferences/edit in the section for image I have "Keep Aspect Ratio"
After selecting some images dropping them into the timeline if I put them in the main track (top) the Aspect Ratio is keeped Now if I put the same images in any overlay track the Aspect Ratio is changed! Is there a way to have the Aspect Ratio keep when putting images in a overlay track or do I have to manually set Keep Aspect Ratio?
My video properties are 16:9, but VSX4 isn't letting me change them. And there's no splash screen to start with.
How do I change it? I just spent weeks going through all of my photos and putting the 4:3 on backgrounds to make them all 16:9. My video is already at 16:9.
I am trying to CREATE A VIDEO FILE in X6. The video files are in AVI format (taken from DSLR). When I do try to create a video file I get the error message:
I do not get this error in X4. Further, it seems I don't get this error message in all AVI files. Some are ok, others aren't. very strange indeed.
Im getting myself in a mess with this one, i need to have a picture as the background With two videos running one in the blue section & one in the red!
Is there a easy way to do this? or will i have to make two mask one for each video? if so how would i make them?