VideoStudio :: Reducing Audio Level Globally For Clips Or Music?
Apr 13, 2011
How can I reduce the audio volume for all the clips in the project? The original sound from the video clips is just ambient noise. I want to reduce it all by the same amount throughout the project, so that the music I put on the music track will be easier to hear, with the ambient noise being only a soft background. I can't find any control that lets me change the volume for all clips at once, and the documentation isn't very clear.
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Sep 15, 2012
When I go to render a video that is composed of video clips and an .mp3 music file, I'd like to get the finished file into as big of a file as I can. In order to do that, I select the MPEG-4 option. The good news is it typically will result in an approx file size of 250MB for a 2 1/2 minute video, versus 170MB for any other file extension. The bad news is the audio is full of pops and noise. The audio remains fine with any other option other than MPEG-4.
I've tried numerous ways to 'reconstruct' the file...using different audio file extensions (it seems to prefer .wma files but there is a noticeable drop in clarity), rendering the video only then adding the audio file and rendering again...nothing works. I've also tried to modify the rendering options in each video selection that Corel offers (this is in the window that pops up asking for the file name just before you render it), but the audio never gets better.
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Jan 24, 2012
why my audio level in my clips diminishes when imported into X4? The level is fine when the un-edited clip is viewed in Windows Media Player but is significantly lower in X4 when viewed in "Clip Mode" and even lower in "Project Mode".
I've raised the audio level as high as 500% but it's just not the same level and quality as actually recorded.
I've attached the properties from a short clip.
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Feb 14, 2011
I have several movie clips I want to turn the volume down to the same level. I don´t want to do it one clip at a time. When I select multiple clips, the sound level bar turns gray and I can´t change the level.
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Oct 5, 2012
In the past using VS10+ I noticed an issue importing sound and music clips. I did import them into my project from my music folder without any problems. The issue is when I deleted the sound and music clip from my folder it disappeared from my video project and I would have to get the clip back into my music folder and keep it in there until I burned a DVD. Is this routine for VS?
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Aug 9, 2012
I transferred from 8mm film to video and am now editing them in VideoStudio4. I have a bunch of clips that are now edited in my timeline and I want to merge (combine) them so I can add music with the appropriate length for the three clips combined. Is there a way to merge the three clips into one?
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Mar 12, 2011
When trying to lay a music track in my project from the Auto Music library, I am unable to adjust the level of that music. Prior to laying the track the volume control is grayed-out and unavailable.
After the track is laid and the volume control is available, it has no effect on the music level in the laid track.
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Oct 4, 2011
I want to create video clips on top of my bands music. I load the music track just fine. Now I have 10 or so video clips that need to be inserted in certain places on the timeline to be sync'd with the music. But everytime you bring a clip into the video row it automatically locks to the last clip entered. Why can't you place the clips of the artists playing, in the correct place in the timeline? Also isn't there a way to display the audio track as a waveform?
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Feb 17, 2012
Some of my music video clips cannot be loaded in VS4. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason - some of these were converted to my own "5.1 mix" (6 channel audio) using another editor, others are 2 channel audio. They're all 29.97 fps. Bitrates and resolutions vary greatly. Clip lengths are anywhere from 2 minutes minimum to about 5 minutes max. All the files do play in Media Player and Nero, and they stream (without transcoding) to tv thru LG BD player. Other files created/edited exactly the same way can be loaded into VS4. After creation all were run through DIVX Plus Converter for upload to YouTube and I (like a dummy) accidentally deleted the wrong files after upload.
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Sep 30, 2013
I am using VS4. Is there a way to equalize audio music tracks? I know that there is a "normalize audio " option just prior to burning but that is for videos only. For whatever reason the last two videos I have made have varying audio volumes on different music.
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Mar 6, 2013
I just got done installing the Corel Videostudio Pro x6, I am trying to import my own personal music-audio file into the music track, however when I do the system crashes or another way of saying it, a window pops open saying Corel has stop working. This same problem happen with the x5 Pro version. I notice that the pre-loaded audio files in Corel are files of I need to convert my MP3s into MPEG-1 in order for this to work?
I have a few converting tools but none of them can convert MP3s into MPEG-1..
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Nov 28, 2011
The audio level controls seem to bottom out before the sound has zeroed creating audio leakage from tracks set to minimum. -36db is not zero. It would sure be nice to fade out an audio track and have it be silent.
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Oct 5, 2011
Have just started working on VS and discovered a strange issue. I can put a piece of video in the clip window to mark in/out points and it plays fine. When I drag it to the timeline and play as a clip, there is no audio!
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Aug 27, 2013
I am a long time Pinnacle Studio user trying out the demo for VS6 Pro. Is there a way to adjust the volume at a point in the project so that the audio to the right follows the volume setting, including all the clips to the right of the edit point? I like to bring down the audio for a good portion of the project then bring it back up etc. It would be very time consuming to have to do this for each clip.
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Jun 5, 2011
What are best practices to perform audio normalization between clips in VideoStudio? Can VideoStudio ProX3 display a visual of wave form from a sound track in order to do audio normalization between clips?
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Jan 15, 2012
I'd like to fade the audio from 100% to 50% over a period of time as opposed to a hard cut in volume. Any trick for doing this smoothly (besides cutting it into 50 individual chunks and manually doing it)?
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Jun 26, 2011
I've have saved a video/photo project that also has several audio tracks. These tracks all seem to be at different audio levels. Is there an easy way of adjusting them all so they will play at similar level ? Or do I have to go into each one and rely on my ears to get them to sound about the same?
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Mar 1, 2011
I am currently trying out Corel VideoStudio Pro X4,when i insert different clips into the timeline, as the project plays the audio doesn't start instantly, and there's almost like a 1sec delay before the audio appears.
I seen that there was audio fade in/out options, which can be set to 1-999 (but no 0)
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Mar 14, 2013
I've been using WMM for all my productions and have had problems currently. With the importing of clips, audio and burning of DVD's. When I first started making home movies I dabbled in the VideoStudio Pro x3 and thought it was too complicated. Now I'm wanting something more and have decided to try and use it.
So here's the question. I notice that I do not have the Burn option on my menu. Again this program came on the computer when I purchased in 2011. I'm running an HP Laptop with Windows 7 premium vista if that sounds correct. Not too savy on computers but learn as I go. Wondering if this program is a scaled down version of the StudioVideo Pro x3 and have to add that feature somehow.
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Feb 24, 2011
I have purchase VideoStudio Pro X4 and in the sound library there are only 2 sound clips to choose from!
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Jul 24, 2011
I'm still struggling with getting this long ago purchased and registered version working properly on my XP Media Edition, installed on an 4 year old Toshiba laptop with an external NAS hard drive. (Additional future system details to be provided as is necessary.)
I had no problems with the previous version 10 on this system, or version 11 on another system, but the X2 version has been a long outstanding headache in attempting to reach a working status. I'd be more than willing to again upgrade, but only if I had assurances that I wouldn't have to reset the clock. My editing needs are very basic, so additional enhancements offer no benefit beyond bug fixes and patches.
Corel's technical support eventually resolved one frustrating X2 operational problem in setting up a separate VSP user profile with all working files, not just the program files, needing to reside on the local drive, not the NAS. (That's something that should be documented properly somewhere, if not already in this forum as I extensively searched at that time for a reference and found none.)
My current problem is that audio coming out on burned DVD's is very faint. The input is occurring with a .mpg video file and it's enclosed audio voice track.
I have tried the volume control without success, plus the mute function. The problem is that the sound level is not muted, just very faint as to be almost unheard even when played back on the DVD player at maximum volume.
I have tried extracting that .mpg audio track in VSP, saving it in both .mpa and .wav formats, then reinserting into the time line, but the result is the same. It's still very faint. However, if I use one of the sample .mpa audio files found in VSP it burns through to a DVD in the normal manner. This works, even when accompanied by the video audio which still comes out so faintly.
The volume level plays normally in VSP and VLC from the raw file, as well as from the burned DVD. It's when the burned DVD is placed in a regular DVD player that the problem shows up. I've used the same input file source for editing and burning in VS 10 and 11 with no similar problems.
I've searched the web, this bulletin board and consulted with a movie editing professional before posting this message. I'll be continuing my exploratory approaches, first with another entirely video input source and also with another DVD player, plus anything else that comes to mind but my options are becoming limited.
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Jul 8, 2011
I'm running VideoStudio X2...
Let's say that there is several seconds of a dog barking in one of my clips. The dog bark is a bit faint, so I need to boost the audio level of the dog barking. Can this be done?
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Sep 22, 2011
I am using VideoStudio v11. I have a long section of video which is of someone making a speech. I want to insert some cut-aways into the sequence, whilst obviously retaining the audio running sequence.
I have split the audio from the video track, but I can't seem to figure out how to remove a section of the video and replace it exactly with a cut-away section of video. I need to keep the video and audio in sync. Maybe I am going about it wrong and don't need to split the audio off - but then how would I insert just a clip of video without disturbing the audio.
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Aug 21, 2011
I have a project with dozens of clips. Is there any way to mute or split audio for all or multiple clips rather than doing it for one clip at a time?
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Mar 5, 2014
I've been working the last 6 months with 4 GH2s and ran into some strange troubles when initially importing them to the timeline. 2 hour shots are divided into 6 or 7 different files, and when brought into PP the first clips audio was assigned to all the other remaining clips. This was pretty strange, but I fixed it by using TSmuxer. It was added time in the workflow/set up, but in the end I could produce;
The latest update of PPCC now combines the entire 2 hours of footage into each of the 7 files being imported. So it is importing 2 hours of footage 7 times for each camera. The conforming is taking forever! For 4 cameras it's conforming 14 hours of footage each, when it should literally be a 7th of that.
It is taking up large amounts of time and disk space.
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Dec 29, 2012
I cannot get music onto the audio line in Elements 7 something to do with "Codecs", I have recently changed my computer, it does have the latest Flash Player installed.
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Sep 16, 2012
When creating slideshows in Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0 I do not get any audio/music in the .pdf file.
I can get audio in preview and if I create a .wmv file but not in the .pdf file.
I have tried to add the document as a trusted document in the preferences.
I have tried with Adobe reader 7.0, 9 and X. Nothing works.
Note: My music is longer than the slideshow since I would like music during the whole slideshow. It is one music file. I run on a PC, Windows XP, service pack 3.
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Dec 3, 2013
audio clips, usually less than 20 seconds, are now being cut off at the last few seconds of the clip. Can't figure out wny it is happening or how to correct it. If I select Edit, Play Original, I can hear the full clip.
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Mar 24, 2014
I have a synced three camera project that I have almost finished editing. I want to select the last video clip in my sequence and roll it back, while keeping the audio in place. The idea is to fade the picture to black while the synced audio continues as credits roll over black. However, I cannot find a way to select video only on the clips at the beginning and end of the sequence. I can select and separate any video clip in the middle of the sequence, but not the clips at the ends. I must be missing some keystroke. How do I do it?
I am noe to Premiere Pro and am using version CC.
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Apr 30, 2013
How is the best way to keep sync with clips that have audio. In Premiere for example, when a clip contains audio it handles both video and audio as a single thing until I explicitly unlink them. But in Smoke, even with the option Select linked, which as far as I can tell it only works for selecting and activate that little arrow (do not remember the name of the function) in the tracks table, keeps all ok but only on that track.
This is the normal operation of Smoke? He really will always treat the audio and video of same clip as separate things? Am I missing something? Because at least for me, that's came from Premiere, always be remembering to set all the tracks and always go to the menu and select Enable linked is what most complicates the editorial work in Smoke.
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Jul 9, 2013
It seams that when editing in After Effects (CS6) despite doing everything i've been told to do i get no audio when editing video clips imported from my digital camcorder. The only audio it seams i can hear in it is an actual song or audio file (MP3) and the worst part is when i render out the video after adding my effect even when i check the audio output box in the Output Module, i keep most render settings the way they are? but i have tried everything that i have seen suggested but nothing seams to work and no matter what i do i cannon manage to get any audio from my finished products unless there is an actual song in it.I must also add that in the Output Module i have tried many formats such as MPEG4, H.26, AVI, WAV, Windows Media and many others, none of them make a difference to the audio, only the quality of the video.
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