I have completed a few projects and would like to add some more videos to edit a new one. Is there a way to organize the library so that there aren't eventually hundreds of clips in there?
I have organized all my pictures into year>season (winter, spring etc)>event. I have been using photoshop to edit and output my pictures and then taking the edited ones and loading them into iphoto which makes them as "events" I have liked this a lot. As I switch to Lightroom (something I am very ready to do), I don't see a similar grouping feature. It seems you can make key words or collections, but I don't see an automatic grouping system that would nest photos from events (ie taken on the same day).
I have problem with .avi files. I can insert .avi video to library. That is not the problem, but when I want to insert it to the timeline, that show me error message, where is written: "The content of this file is unreadable." It's video from Google Earth recorded by Fraps.
In order to add mpeg video files to the library, I create in the library a new video folder for the current project.During adding the files I get sometimes the message: "No storage to load BB!!"
The Pro X3 help file says I can extract audio from a video file, but doesn't say how. What I would like to do is extract a segment of audio music from an MPEG2 video file using PRO X3 and add it to the Library for use in another PRO X3 project.
After using multi trim and the trimmed clips are now back in the sub library, I want to mark where they are so that I can easily locate them.I have tried to drag a colour clip from the timeline but this is not being allowed.
I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:
I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.
As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.
as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!
I have a LIVE show recorded and I want to add Video Filters in various places within a single 4 minute video. Do I need to cut up my video to segments to add filters too or can I apply them to different spots in a single video?
I've got two different softwares x2 and x4. I've been working on x4 a lot recently but would like to do some titles in x2 (I've noticed titles are handled better in x2 :O).
Anyhow, tried to do smart package from x4 to x2, but x2 wouldn't open the project
I added a plugin (Mercalli image stabilizer) in VSX3. It didn't work right away so I re-installed it. Now I have it two times in the FX library. I have it only once in the Corel program folder ( in the vft_plug folder). I would like to delete the extra one in the FX library. Where can I find the related buildup folder?
I am having using CVS Pro 4 for a few months. Now my hard drive is about filled up. But I cannot find where the libray is in my hard drive. where is the directory the library is located so I can back up my video files.
If I buy vs pro x5, will I be able to export my present library from pro x4 and import it into pro x5's default library? Will buying the boxed or downloadable version of x5 make any difference in achieving this end? Which is to say, if I download the new x5 version will I lose my present library or will I be able to move it from the old to the new?
Bought full version of VS Pro x4. But, it will not import saved library files (photos,video and audio categorized) from Pro X2. I get window saying, "Files cannot be imported, maybe number of files is not correct or files are invalidated." Is there any way of getting my saved library files from Pro X2 into the new X4 library? Also got 3 FX volumes of New Blue "Video Essentials" in Pro X2. Is there a trick to importing them into X4? What to do?
How can I rename clips in the library. For example, after I split or multi split a clip, I have multiple files with the same name? I cannot click or rightclick, and then rename the files to keep them separate.
While working on vspx2 it locked up. Rebooted and discovered that my main hard drive was not detected. My computer guy got it working again, but my hundreds of files (images, video clips, titles, audio clips) that I had stored in vspx2 library, so neatly organised, had disappeared. It became like it was when I first bought it. Everything was gone from the library, though they were still on hard drives. scattered everywhere.
Unlike Video Studio Pro X2 and Pro X3, it seems that the VS Pro X4 library will not allow us to list our media under sub-headings... only under major categories or folders, using some 30 or so folders given us. But, why give us folders if we cannot put sub-headings inside them. True, perhaps I'm overlooking something... for up to now I've been very happy with VS Pro X4. But try as I have, I find this new library "organizer" to be impossible when attempting to catagorize my photos, video clips, AND... MUSIC, NARRATION AND SOUND EFFECTS, under a limited list of categories, with no sub-headings. The organizer in Pro X2 and X3 gave us all the sub-headings we needed to categorize our photos, clips, and especially our music, separating it under its various types and forms where we could easily find what we needed. And... it was so easy to use. So I'm confused... why did they replace it with this, which is practically useless???
Cant find a way to import about 400 jpeg images on a DVD(not protected) into the library of VSX5.I have tried various options from the DVD or a folder on the hard drive that also contains the images. I hope to get them showing on the project as a slideshow at the end. If and when I do import them into the project they will need to be resized in the overlay track by dragging to keep the aspect ratio. There are landscape and portrait pics.Can I group them together in ie landscape order and then apply attributes to all to avoid having to do this individually, if so how
I am using VS 12 and when I was deleting old thumbprints from the library so I can load a new project. about 10 blank thumbprints appear and when I try to delete them a message says `load from stream error` and whatever I do I cannot get rid of it. I can`t even sort out the thumbprints in order of date without the messages appearing. I have to close the programme down through the task manager. Is there some way of getting rid of this the blank thumbprints?
I have updated Video Studio to 1, 2 and Microsoft X. My current version is When I load a series of images some of thumbnails are just black. In my source foulder they are all OK. I delete and try again and others come up black. All of the pictures are standard .jpg. When I check the properties of the correct images they have 'Camera Information' and 'IPTC/NAA' property categories. The black thumbnails do not have these categories at all. I am using Windows 7 on a 64 bit Dell.
I would like to change the default drive path location of the items that are placed into the Library panel on the edit window. I have a second hard drive and would like the items from the Library panel edit window to default to a drive path location on the second drive. I know I can export a library but I want the main Library panel work screen to default directly to a drive path location on the second hard drive.
I have today UPGRADED TODAY from X4 to X5, and applied the latest patches. Before UPGRADING I went into X4 and EXPORTED my Libraries, assuming that I would be able to IMPORT them back into X5.
Having loaded X5, I try to IMPORT the LIBRARIES that I had exported from X4, and VS X5 says "cannot recognise files" or something similar, meaning I look like having to manually reload all my Library materials which will take me probably DAYS !!!
Have I missed something - there ARE a load of what look like correct files in the folder that I used to EXPORT to from X4 - but when I point X5 at this folder it doesn't want to know ???
SURELY it must be possible to bring forward your Work In Progress foundation Libraries (Titles, Music, Intros etc) to new releases.
For the Upgrade I used the BOXED set discs from Corel - not a download process.
I am using VideoStudioPro X3 and I am having a problem with my Library folders and I am thinking the problem is a limit in the number of video library folders I can have. Here's what's going on.
1. I create a new library folder. Lets call it Test1 2. I copy my raw video from my camcorder to Test1. 3. When I pull down the list of Folders I see Test1. 4. When I select Test1, it brings me to the Images folder not the folder Test1.
I was thinking about upgrading to X4, if there is no limit on the number of folders I can have. If that is indeed the problem I am facing.
I really like using the folders in the Library Manager as it works to keep my videos organized instead of just dumping all of them in the Video Folder.
How to delete thumbnails from the libraries.When I right click on the thumbnail, DELETE is greyed out, when I select the thumbnail and hit DELETE on the key board, also does not work. Just recently upgraded to X3.
I'm going back to a project that has been dormant for almost a year. My project files are fine, but when I load them there are no thumbnails any more, just the default thumbnail library.
Are there library files associated with my project files I can search for and what kind of file is that?
I've just purchased VS Pro X4 and installed it successfully (I think). My question is; the "Bonus Content" has been placed in the My Documents folder. If I remember correctly, (memory was affected quite seriously), I then import these into the library. What I'm not sure of is how to set things up to keep the subfolders in the library structure ie: There are three categories,Audio, Image and Video, then each of these has sub categories to organise the clips into subject. Is there any way to import and keep the structure intact.