Is it possible to get export media to respect the in / out of a clip thats been set in the library? My work around of chopping up shots or chopping off slates and saving those out to the library seems a clunky.
I get this prompt while copying sequences between projects with gateway-linked footage, and I'm not sure what it means.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIP MGT: Unmanaged media contained in selection. Store media on Wire? ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Is it asking me if I want to store a local copy or stonifize the media?
I'm attempting to import a clip that runs 2:25 into the library of Video Studio 12 and, although it runs full length when viewed outside of the program, it is limited to 1:11 once I import it into the clip library. It cuts off the second half of the video. The file is a .3gpp from a mobile device and plays fine in Video Studio, it just won't load the full video for some reason.
I have several AVCHD folders I've copied to my HD in the last year from my Panasonic HDCSD20. Now I'm ready to edit them in VSX4. Is there any advantage to using "file/import media file to library" (which makes a copy in the working folder) vs just clicking on the folder icon and adding them? I've looked at the file size on both the original clip and the imported one and they are identical. It does seem as though VS extracts the original date and time shot and uses that as the imported file name,
I wonder how many of you would love to have that back. Cant find a poll option here. So guess just reply. Not that its gonna change anything. But atleast we would know how many wish to see it as it used to be. May be AD might have second thoughts.
Currently dancing between Flame Premium 2013x2sp3/2013Sp4 nd Smoke on mac 2013Ext1
The Thumbnail in the media library are not useable. They need to be larger. I know the desktop is also an option, but for quick scanning, they don't serve there purpose.
Is there anyway to turn off sorting alphabetically in the media library? I really dont need this feature and in the versions of the past I was free to organize however I wanted.
Most every time I open a project I'm working on I get a Recovered Media folder in my default library. What is this media that's in this folder? Should I get rid of it or leave it?
When downloading photos from I photo I mistakingly downloaded every image on my hard drive including numbers, symbols and things which I never saw before. How do I delete those images so that when I use illustrator I see only my photographs? There must be thousands of unwanted images.
I am trying to select a song for a slide show. The song is in the library of Windows Media Player. When I am in LR Slideshow I click on "select music" The Select Music window does not show the Windows Media Player.
This is on a PC laptop with Window Vista Home.
How can I get to the library in the Windows Media Player to select a song?
I paid a lot of money for this software which was supposed to come with a library of clipart, photos, etc. I have exactly ZERO and I cannot get any support on why that is.
I've created a Video Studio 8 project with numerous subtitles that line up with their related videos.
Foolishly, I waited until the end to create a main title still image and title wording that now need to be inserted at the beginning of the time line.
Is there a way to insert the image and title at the beginning so that all the subsequent subtitles will automatically shift to stay aligned with their related videos, or do I have to do that manually?
How do I get VSX4 stop auto saving a project to its own My Projects folder and save it to My Projects folder in my media hard drive G:What are the pros and cons with these two methods?
I have recently upgraded to VS Pro X5 from VS Pro X2, and have a question about the import from digital media feature. I've ripped my DVD folder to my HD and select Import from digital media. The title and chapter thumbnails appear, but it takes a while for the graphics to appear. Also, when I try to play an associated thumbnail to determine exactly what I want to import, VS Pro X5 enters a non responding state for some time, depending on the size of the video. It does eventually continue and plays the title or chapter. When I select the title or chapter for importing, it does in fact import, it's just the delay in playing the clip that I'm questioning. But when I run the same process on the same computer in VS Po X2, the process is almost instantaneous. Since both programs are still installed, I realize that I cam simply use VS Pro X2 whenever I need to use import from digital media. It's just odd that the earlier version of the program would perform this function better than the more recent version.
I am trying to capture video from our camcorder dvd (Canon DC210). When we use VS11, it gives us the option of importing each title (time splitting) or all as one title. I can not find out how to do the same thing with VS X3, it only gives us the single title, all clips joined as one.
my Corel VideoStudio Pro X6 . I am trying to import from digital media,but it won't read file formats on DVD. I know that those are VOB files,and it worked well,and now it won't read it. I changed the file format from .VOB to .MPG and in that case I can add that chapters as a regular clip. I can't o it from Import from Digital media. The error that pop up's says:
1. The file formats of some selected files are not supported.
Does VSP X4 have SmartRender for HDV like Media Studio Pro? Apparently MSP is history, and the only app I see available here is VSP. I would like to use an editor that doesn't re-render HDV footage that isn't processed in any way on the timeline.
I have 3.91 GB of clips in a project file that I am ready to burn to a 4.7 GB DVD... unfortunately I am stuck in the 'Add Media' step 1 of 3, the 'Next' button is grayed out so I cannot proceed to the next 'Menu & Preview' step.
I have been using this program for a long time. Now, however, when clicking the dropdown to insert a media file, I am getting errors. Files that play fine in iTunes or WMP or other apps are being rejected. Example: Two different mp3 files, one downloaded from Amazon, another ripped from CD drive, one .avi file. Error messages: For mp3 "Unable to fine the file. Please check the name and location and try again. 16803:1:1." For avi "unable to open file. File reading error. 17101:1:42." Both files are well formed, play on other systems, easily discoverable and have file names/extensions that are well formed.
Much of my Archived video is on DVD as a direct copy of the raw footage. I wanted to download a section from the DVD and to get VSx5 to split it into scenes. This facility is available when capturing from a DV camera but I cannot find the equivalent when capturing from digital media.
I can use the "Split by Scene" option but this only works on the Timeline and does not generate a Library of shots.
I use Video Studio and have nearly 400 GB of video and photo data which I backup to DVD.track all my media files. For each file I would ideally like to track information such as: date/time taken, location, names of people, event, DVD volume lable. Thumbnails would be nice as well. I imagine some form of database which I can search for content and know which DVD/CD volume to load. Most product I have seen so far assume that the whole data library is on local disk, and doesn't handle the data being on removable media. If there is software does tracks media files but not on removeable media I will still be interested.
Media players are not compatible with DV.avi files. So I need to convert my DV.avi movies which I made/kept during several years to a media player compatible format. I want to keep as much as possible the original DV quality. I tried almost all conversion possibilities within VSX3.
MOV conversion looks as one of the best, but like I mentioned in another thread I only get progressive mode, which unfortunately results in judder when there is motion, line twitter because of the (poor?) VS deinterlacer, which also cause stair casing on slant structures (line doubling?). Up to now I keep it on an MPEG2 9800kb/s LFF conversion.
I'm using Video Studio Pro X4. I'm just trying to make a simple, first movie and failing. I have a Sony HD Handycam that produces .m2ts files. I just want to be able to create HD movies that I can play on generic software on my tv. So I assumed I could create an MPG file and play it using Windows Media Player 11. After rendering an MPG file, I get no audio output.
- I imported the .m2ts files into VS - Put two short clips in the timesline. - Basic transition. - Share -> Create Video File -> HDV (tried all options) - I create the MPG file and I get no sound on playback using Media Player
I would think this is the most basic thing I could possibly be doing and it doesn't work. I am using an underpowered XP laptop, but I would think that would just be a speed issue. I'll get a better desktop for editing, but if I can't perform the most basic of tasks now I'm thinking it's a software issue.
Loaded a MPEG-4 Media File 3Gb, went to setting, clicked on Smart Proxy cue manager, waited 40min and clicked ok. I check my Smart proxy file manger and it was there. My power went out, when I reload CV my files in Proxy manager were no longer there, and my file is back to being slow and jerky, that means I have redo this again.
does this mean I have to cue manger every time I wish to work with the same file?
I am having a very frustrating time trying to create a DVD from my project.
I am not using chapters or menus at all so they can be ignored. I am simply trying to create a DVD-R from a project that contains 137 video clips (downloaded from my AVCHD camcorder) and a couple of titles. As VideoStudio goes through its compilation of the clips it stops when it reaches the 99th clip and throws up a message stating that ‘a maximum of 99 video media files is allowed’. Which is a crazy imposition to place in an otherwise excellent product! Once that message appears, I can only hit OK to exit and nothing more happens. I cannot add the remaining 38 clips and on closing the program, it does an automatic save and drops out of the DVD creation process.
In an attempt to get round the problem I created a video file (2.5GB) and used Windows Explorer to burn the MPG file to a Phillips DVD-R. No problem there, it even ran automatically on the PC with no trouble, but when trying to play it on my 3-year old Sony DVD Player/Recorder (HXD870) a message displayed on the TV (a Sony Bravia) to the effect that it could not read this type on disc.