VideoStudio :: Not Enough Space On DVD - How To Make 2 Parts

Jul 7, 2011

Small problem with Vdeo Studio x4.

After creating my project and adding clips and effects and all , when trying to create the DVD or the DVD folders, there is not enough space on a 4.7 GB DVD... It will create the ISO file or the folders [I think] but how do I split it in 2 parts when I want to burn on DVD ...I mean, is it even possible? I need ~ 2 DVDs cause the output "DVD files" will take 7.9 GB in space ...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: (VBA) Identify Parts And Their Location In Space

Oct 30, 2013

Is it possible to access part/member properties in an Inventor File?  Where is this data located?  How would one go to access it?

My goal is to extract the locaton a member starts, the location a member ends, and the name of a member.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Sure That No Parts Are In One Another?

Jul 27, 2012

I have in my assembly many parts. Is there a quick way to make sure, that no parts are "in" one another?  That they are only touching each other?

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Photoshop :: How Do You Make Parts Of A Graphic Transparent?

Dec 15, 2005

I have a graphic which I want to overlay onto a video. I want to erase small bits of the graphic but not with any colour - but make it transparent so you can still see what's behind it when I overlay it.

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VideoStudio :: Deleting Parts Of A Video

Feb 6, 2012

I am looking at having to buy more hard drives if I can't figure out a way to do this:

I want to "physically", cut videos apart and delete unwanted parts from the hard drive itself. I probably have many gigabytes of video that has no use but taking up space. I am sitting at 6 terabytes of drives right now and I am getting short on space. Granted half is the originals and half is my backups, but I need to trim out some of the junk if I can.

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VideoStudio :: WMV Video Has No Sound In Parts?

Aug 27, 2013

I have a small ~180 MB wmv file and I am just trying to trim 10 seconds out of it. This file plays fine in Windows Media Player. When I bring the file into a trial version of VideoStudio X6 pro (evaluating whether to purchase) there are sections of silence appearing consistently in the area that I need. I can see the silence in the 'audio track'. This silence does not exist when playing the video in Media Player.

I also noticed (possibly related) that the video will simply stop playing at points. If I move the scrubber a few seconds after the 'stop point' and hit play it will play again for a bit and then stop suddenly again.

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VideoStudio :: Transparent Parts Are Black

Dec 7, 2012

I'm new to VideoStudio X5.

When I add pre-keyed clips (MOV files PNG coded) with alpha-channel (straight) in an VideoStudio X5 overlay track - the transparent parts show up black.

To make them transparent, I have to key-out the black with chroma key. I don't get this.

All of my transparent parts show up black, both in the video preview window as in the thumbnails of my video folder window.

Is there a setting I should apply to have the transparent parts show up transparent - as they should?

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VideoStudio :: Deleting Parts Of Clips

Feb 25, 2013

I have looked everywhere for this but although I mark in mark out, try inverting, try deleting etc. I cannot seem to cut out parts of clips that I don't want to appear. Is there step by step set of instructions I could consult?

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Photoshop :: Make Space On My Scratch Disk

Jun 17, 2008

I have the PhotoDelux home edition that came installed on my computer (using Windows XP). Now I can not open any more pictures with the program because it is telling me that the scratch disk is full. I have tried for hours to find an explanation somewhere on how to make space on the scratch disk, but the little bit that I found is over my head. I guess I know less about computers than I thought....

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VideoStudio :: Preventing Pro X6 From Using Space On C Drive

Jul 13, 2013

I'm currently evaluating Videostudio Pro X6. I've installed the program to drive F:. I've set my working directory within the program to drive G:. I have the Windows environment variables for the system temp folders set to G: as well. However, I've noticed that when the program is running it's using several hundred megabytes on drive C:. Upon exiting, the space is restored. Where are these temporary files being written to? Is there any way to prevent this behavior?

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VideoStudio :: X4 / Not Enough Working Folder Space?

Aug 19, 2013

I've just upgraded from Video Studio X2 to X4, and I've run into a problem. Unlike X2, which still quite happily makes my DVDs for me, X4 however refuses to attempt coding and shows a pop-up which says the following:

"The working folder (C:usersChipsDocumentsCorelVideoStudioPro14.0) may not have enough space. We will clean the converted cache file. You can also change the working folder path in preferences."

Like I said, I tried X2 again and it's working okay. what's wrong with X4 for this to happen and how to correct it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make Some Parts Shaded In Drawing

Mar 20, 2013

I am now making drawings of complexed structures and would like to draw attention to some elements that are important for particular drawing.

What I would like best would be to be able to schade selected parts. But did not find a way to do that.

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AutoCad :: Make Part Command For Custom Parts?

Oct 31, 2011

I have made a large amount of custom parts in a systems furniture drawing I am doing. I made the mistake of putting them all on the same layer and am now realizing i need them to be on separate layers. I tried to just make new layers and then assign the new layers to my custom parts. It acts like it does it but then the parts behave as if they were still on the common layer that i originally created them on. Is there a way to get the custom parts to only be linked to the new layer and not act like they are still on the original layer? My other thought was if i made a new layer, then drew my custom symbol again using that layer... could I then somehow tell my custom part to now use this new symbol that is on the new layer instead of the current symbol that is on the bad layer? I am trying to avoid having to completely start over creating all my parts again because there are at least 30 and I had already put in all of the options, atriubtes, part numbers, pricing, etc... and it would be very time consuming to start that over.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make All Parts And Features Visible

Sep 26, 2012

I have a large assembly that I have been working with for about a month . I recently went in and changed some information and it seems that my work plane is way out of whack! How to get it back down to size. this makes it real difficult to use my space navigator because the center of gravity is off bigtime too. I also would like to know how to make all parts and features visible, is there a button somewhere?

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AutoCad :: Scripting To Make Paper Space Templates?

Apr 16, 2013

I am trying to utilize ACD-LT 2010 to auto fill paper space templates. Recently working with some co-workers with Inventor they have the ability to define drawing attributes which are designated in text at pre-defined points...

AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME if i can define attributes that would fill all paper space "Drafted By:" "Approved By:" "Project:" "Model:" .... so on and so forth...

how to utilize custom applied Attributes in a Text field, mtext doesn't matter..

Otherwise, I was playing with exporting, allot of programs will use such code like XML in the background that i can export to and build a script to auto generate code via Excel. Is there an alternate for export than WMF? Using excel to import large amounts of data?

I have used Excel to import a Parabola equation through line command which according to some ME's at the office was impossible when they researched doing it online but i dont know various commands to add text boxes, define quardinates, and text values.

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AutoCad :: How To Make Drawing Fill Paper Space

May 1, 2011

My drawings appear small in paper space than they do in model space. How do i get them to fill the paper space?

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AutoCad :: How To Make Drawings On Scale On Paper Space

Aug 3, 2013

How to make the drawings on scale on paper space.

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VideoStudio :: How To Remove Space Taken By Deleted Clips

Jan 24, 2012

I added a number of clips to a new project and then realized the result would be too long for a good quality DVD. I've edited the ones I want to retain and deleted the others. The deleted clips all followed the edited ones.

However the space taken by the deleted ones still appears on the timeline although the clips are not on the storyboard. The project duration window still shows the original length.

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VideoStudio :: Not Enough Space In Working Directory Error

Dec 16, 2012

I have been using Corel Video Studio Pro X4 for a while and never had this problem before. When I try to burn a clip to dvd I get the message:

The working folder C:documents and settingsxxxmy documentscorelvideostudio14.0 may not have enough space. We will clean up the converted cache file. You can also change the working folder in preferences.

The problem is I have already changed the working folder in preferences. When I click on ok to see if it will clean up the converted cache file nothing happens. Why is this coming up when I have the working folder in a different drive with well over 370 gig of space. How do I get this to work again. Another thing I was burning a clip and when it finished it came up with a error and did not work. That is when I tried to re burn the file and got this message. I have tried burning a different file and get the same message. As it is it is useless to me now.

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Create Space Between Clips

May 8, 2013

Using VS exclusively now, so here come all the questions.

I cant seem to "drag" a simple space between 2 clips on the same track. I wish to have a 5 second delay in between two clips.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Parts Disappear From Assemblies - 2013

Nov 27, 2012

How is it possible to have a part in an assembly and then remove it when it is not required?

I have a Skeletal assembly of a cabinet with hinges on the left hand side when facing the front.  When a customer requires the hinges to be on the right hand side, I need to make the lock keep disappear from the Right hand side panel sub-assembly and make it appear in the Left hand panel sub-assembly.

At the moment, I have the lock keep, the BOM structure in the file is Normal, this is overidden in the assembly to being Reference for the first instance, the lock keep is fully constrained in both sub assemblies and both are in an array of only 1. I increase the value of the array from 1 to 2 and by a distance of zero(0), the newly added part would have  a BOM structure of Normal, consequently it would then appear on the BOM.  This method was something I last used when using IV2009, it was a method I used to control both visibility of parts in assembly drawings and on BOMs.

I'm now using 2013 and arraying a part with a overidden BOM structure of Reference makes the new part a reference part aswell even though the file itself is BOM structure of Normal.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Referenced Components From Parts And Assemblies?

Oct 4, 2012

How do I make referenced components from parts and assemblies? (I searched the web and it said that that you can change it in the iProperties by selecting the Reference tick box under the occurance tab - but no such thing exists in Inventor 2011!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Wrap Parts List And Make It Independent

Aug 21, 2013

After I wrap a parts list. Can I make them independent?

I would like to move each of them around.

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Photoshop Elements :: Make Parts Of Imported Image Transparent?

Jun 1, 2013

I recently started using Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, and it looks really great, but I cannot figure out how to make certain parts of an image transparent. I pasted an image in, and there is white around the sides, and I wanted to get rid of them, by making them transparent. How I would be able to do that

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GIMP :: Make Image Set On Top Of Tool Palettes To Get More Screen Space

Dec 8, 2012

IProblem 1: Tool Palettes on top of image.
I'm using a 15" thinkpad laptop, with I think 1024 x whatever highest resolution. When I use Gimp, my screen real estate is being eaten up by the tool palettes more so than the image I'm trying to work on. I like the tool palettes - I'd like them to stay open - BUT what I'd really like is for the image to lay over top of the palettes, rather than the palettes lying over top of my image.

Problem 2: Zooming and scrolling in the image.
I'm not too sure what was different about photoshop in this regard, but I'm having a bear of a time getting my images to zoom and scroll in the manner I was used to in photoshop. What can I change in the Gimp settings to make it behave more like photoshop in that regard? I found one setting to increase window size as the image zooms, but that was worse.

I like a lot of the aspects of Gimp, but these two things are preventing me from getting to use it very much presently.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Make Label In Model Space For Assembly Name?

Jul 20, 2010

Is there a way to make a label in model space for an assembly's name?  To keep track of which assembly is which, I have been creating a MTEXT object and just type it in below my assembly.  I would like to know if there's a way to make a label just show up with the name so I don't have to create all these text items manually.  This would be just for reference only, not used for any final plans.
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014
Civil 3D 2014 x64
Windows 7 64-bit

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VideoStudio :: 340GB - Insufficient Space For 82 Minute Project

Aug 12, 2011

Using VS 9 to create an 82 minute project I'm trying to export it as an AVI file. At the end of the rendering process I get the message "insufficient space". I've tried twice, once on C drive which shows 340GB unused and also on an external drive that shows 196GB unused.

I've noticed that on the timeline the clips total 1hr 22min but there is then a long empty portion that goes to 3hr 10min.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Selection Of Parts Directly Invisible Instead Of First Visible

Dec 19, 2013

Is there a way to make parts invisible directly independent to the selection you made (selection can contain visible, invisible or both parts)?

Most of the time, i make a selection in the model browser and want to put a list of parts directly invisible. Sometimes i also select already invisble parts.

Now what inventor wants to do is make them all first visible before i can make them invisible. As far as i know, there is no other option to do this.

Is there maybe a combination with holding shift or something to directly toggle them invisible?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make All Imported Parts To Be Opened As Purchased By Default

Dec 9, 2011

How to make all imported parts to be opened as Purchased by default?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Derived Part Into IPart Without Creating More Parts?

Feb 8, 2013

I have a part that was derived from an assembly.  However now I need to make this part have different center dimensions.  Is there a way to make a derived part into an iPart without creating more parts? see attachment.

I am using Inventor 2012.  BTW the part is more detailed than I am showing in the attachment.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Make Few Assemblies In Separable For Parts List In Drawing

Mar 13, 2013

I'm trying to make a few assemblies inseparable for a parts list in a Drawing, but I can't seem to make it work.

I know I have to do this in the Bill of Materials menu, but for some reason the part I want to make inseparable is greyed out whiles the one that is just one part isn't.

My only option right now is to make it a weldment which works but not ideal, because now the material isn't correct.

I'm trying this on the assembly in the picture.

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