VideoStudio :: Location Of Auto Backups

Sep 3, 2012

I just finished a project in Vx5 pro but was unable to save it. When I tried to save it I got a message "could not save data" and the program shut down. Usually after a computer crash etc when I open Video studio again I get a message "would I like to reload the previous project", however on this occasion it didn't give me that option.

I have it set to do auto backups every 5 minutes but can't find where they are stored. I can rebuild the project but would save heaps of time if I could find the backups.

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Lightroom :: How To Move Download Backups And Backups Folder To A New Location

Mar 3, 2013

I am using Lightroom 4.3 on a windows 7 64 windows computer with two hard drives.  One dedicated to running programs and the larger one for storage of all my other stuff.  Well my backups and download backups folders are on the smaller drive and I need to move them to the other larger drive. Can I do this without totally freaking Lightroom out?

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Lightroom :: Location Of Catalogue Backups And Info On External Editing?

Jul 23, 2013

i have not downloaded any images into lr5,as i am just finishing setting up all my preferences  fAlso how . My catalogue is located in my f drive in a second internal drive on my desktop computer.  Where is the best location for my catalogue backup? I figured i would backup the catalogue to this f drive,and also to my new 1tb external drive.   I will do this also for my images only on both drives. also how would i set up my external editing info.  the custom templates.  Can this info be set up later on.  Is there a good link as to what this setting is and how to set it up.?  also on metadata presets what categories are mandatory to fill out.  I am an amateur photographer and do not publish any photos so i do not need a copyright.  So I figured i would just fill out the creator section only. 

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Photoshop :: Auto Match Zoom/location

Apr 2, 2008

I was wondering if there was a method to automate in real-time of the match zoom/location function. I have four images open (all the same size, taken with the same camera), and if I drag one image around, I would like the other windows to change their focus location in a similar manner.

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Lightroom :: How To Auto-save Photo Files To Different Location

Apr 11, 2013

The photo files I import to Lightroom get saved under "Photos" and then under folders by date. I'd like to save them to the cloud (dropbox). How do I change their destination so they save there automatically?

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Lightroom :: Change Location For Auto-folders Created When Importing Photos

Dec 13, 2011

I'm experiencing a bit of an organization problem with Lightroom 3 which is probably rather easy to fix, but I just can't seen ti figure out how. When I import photos in Lightroom it automatically creates folders (2011-12-14 for example) and I would like to change the location on my computer for these folders, but I can't find where to do it. It now creates these folders in my regular Pictures folder which gets really messy due to this. How can I change this? And how do I relocate all the excisting folders on my laptop, without having to find all the missing photos afterwards.

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VideoStudio :: Location Of Temp Folders

Jun 3, 2013

Having just installed Video Studio Pro X6 on a Windows 8 laptop, I have what may be a basic question about the folders the software creates automatically on installation.

By default, installation of the VS Pro X6 software placed in my C drive's Documents folder a folder called Corel Video Studio Pro along with a sub folder called 16.0 (and, I believe, a sub folder called My Projects, though it's conceivable that I added the My Projects subfolder manually and just forgot); the 16.0 subfolder contains a subfolder called DMF_TEMP, which, in turn, contains additional subfolders. After creating just a few short movies, the DMF_TEMP folders and subfolders already contain almost 4GB of data, and I worry about the folders eventually overwhelming my internal hard drive capacity. So I have two questions:

First, will the software eventually remove the presumably temporary files stored under DMF_TEMP, thus also removing concern about taxing my internal drive's storage capacity?

Second, is it possible without loss of simple functionality to configure VS Pro X6 so that the entire Video Studio Pro folder, along with its 16.0 and other subfolders, resides on an external hard drive, with much larger capacity?

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VideoStudio :: Default Library Location

Dec 24, 2010

I would like to change the default drive path location of the items that are placed into the Library panel on the edit window. I have a second hard drive and would like the items from the Library panel edit window to default to a drive path location on the second drive. I know I can export a library but I want the main Library panel work screen to default directly to a drive path location on the second hard drive.

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VideoStudio :: Save Location During DVD Authoring Process

Oct 20, 2011

In making movies I sometimes need to pause the DVD authoring process (Share, create DVD, with various clips in the timeline), and be able to pickup the procedure from the point of pause later. Not infrequently, after I've shut down the computer and restarted after a day or more. If I close the process, there's a message box displayed that says "saving project" but it doesn't say where nor give the opportunity for specifying a file name.

If the authoring process is re-started without computer or program shutdown and no intervening different work, the authoring process re-starts where it left off. But if there's a shutdown or diversion to other work, getting back the paused activity seems to be a lost cause: in the opening authoring panel there doesn't seem to be a 'get saved project' option available despite the various add video files/project files/other media buttons'

So, I set up a special test file with a unique name, made sure all the preference boxes pointed to the same working file space and did a sample run, closing the author process before getting to the burn stage. The save project file box appeared briefly. But . . . one cannot find the saved file in the locations specified by the preference boxes either in the main menu or the author panel preferences icon. And even if it was found, re-loading it seems to be a problem (see remark above)

This situation exists in VS11+ and also in VS14, so it seems to have existed for some time.

So, the questions:
1. under what name does the author panel save a partially completed work?
2. where does it save it?
3. how does one re-load a saved, partially authored work?

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VideoStudio :: Auto Music Greyed Out

Dec 17, 2012

Just upgraded from X4 to X5, and it seems something is wrong. When I click the Auto Music icon, all options are greyed out.

Okay, it's been over six months since I last used VSX4, but I don't remember having to do anything special to use Auto Music.

Computer is: Dell XPS 8300
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Motherboard - Dell Inc. 0Y2MRG
Graphics - AMD Radeon HD 6450
OS - Windows 8 Pro

I have uninstalled/reinstalled several times, and have installed VSX5 SP1.

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VideoStudio :: Auto Add Random Transition In X5?

Aug 9, 2013

long slide show to change via pref. to have the transitions auto added.But it has not worked?

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VideoStudio :: X5 Video Auto Stutter?

Jun 20, 2012

Working on the trial x5 and have a random problem. Imported videos, 1280x720, randomly display a stutter in the audio track when playing in project mode. Play fine in clip mode. Play fine before import. Video plays fine. Also weirdly, if I stop and restart the video at the point of stutter, the stutter goes away. By random, I mean 4 out of 5 videos imported in the same format work fine and the place the stutter start seems random between clips that display the problem.

I am using the default settings of the download trial, though I have messed with the proxy, edit format, and other settings to no avail. I have installed the recent service pack.

System: Toshiba Laptop, Windows 7 Home Premium, dual core pentium 2.0 Hz, 3 gig installed memory.

Vidoes are captured with an android phone and properties are H,264, 24 bit, 1280 x720, MPG4, Interestingly the frame rate seems to vary between 19 and 26 fps., Audio is 44100Hz 16 bit stereo 96Kbps bitrate.

I've use x2 on a multimedia tower no problem but I've gone mobile. This problem makes the software almost unusable for me. Three or four out of five imports with same parameters (except the variable frame rate) work fine.

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VideoStudio :: Turn Off Auto Music

Nov 2, 2013

I hit Automusic in X5 pro. It came on and now I can't get it to go away. Didn't mean to get it going but there seems to be no way to turn it off and get rid of the trak. Do I have to reedit this whole video starting again. There must be a way, but I just can't seem to find how to turn it off.

I even uninstalled automusic from the computer - no luck. there is a little brown line begins at 3 seconds and runs just over the video track. Is this automusic or something else?

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VideoStudio :: Auto Detect Chapters

Jan 10, 2013

I have a few questions i just downloaded the demo version

1) how do i set it up to auto detect chapters in corel video studio x5
2) i am trying to burn dvd from a sony ccd - trv43 camcorder what are the best setting to use to burn the dvd .

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VideoStudio :: Auto And Pan Zoom Error

May 12, 2012

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:vstudio.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:4ec5d8d8
Fault Module Name:libiomp5md.dll_unloaded
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:4a811f19
Exception c0000005
Exception Offset:0e7119c8
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:3081
Additional Information 1:0a9e
Additional Information 2:0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3:0a9e
Additional Information 4:0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

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VideoStudio :: Auto Date Stamp In The Menu

Oct 18, 2012

when using the dv to DVD wizard to create my movie i cannot figure why, when the wizard compiles and burns my movie(regardless what menu template i choose) ,the DVD menu always has the date the movie was created in bold letters imprinted on the left side of the can i disable this?

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VideoStudio :: Auto Fade Out First Play To Menu

Apr 20, 2013

I'm just experimenting putting a project together and I have come across this option under the Project Settings under the Share Tab.

I cannot work out what it does? I have ticked/un-ticked the box but it seems to make no difference. How this works?

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Photoshop :: Auto Smart Fix, Auto Levels, Auto...

May 18, 2009

I have photoshop cs4 and I cannot find the Auto smart fix, auto levels, and auto contrast nor the adjustment for each that I had with photoshop elements.

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Auto Music Error / Program Crashes Instantly

Oct 30, 2012

I have reinstalled this program 3 times arlready and the Auto Music feature still does not work? Every time i make a project and want to add some music off the Auto Music feature the whole program crashes instantly? I keep getting over and over again, Unspecified Error? Everything thing else works in the program except the Auto Music.

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VideoStudio :: Why Can't Batch Edit Photos And Video For Auto Filters

Aug 25, 2012

I would like to take my many photos and videos and be able to batch edit a folder's worth at a time after they have been added to my timeline. I have several that have the same lighting problems and that would save me allot of time.

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Navigation Controls Are Set To Auto Repeat When Playback Ends

Apr 1, 2011

Navigation controls are set to “Auto repeat when playback ends”

I change this to “Continue to play next clip” which plays the disc and returns to menu.

The next time I come to use Video Studio it has reverted to the default option.

Earlier versions always retained the options set by the user.

How to check their version to see if you can duplicate this, or is it something to do with my settings?

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Lightroom :: Keep Old Backups?

Mar 18, 2012

Wnever I close Lightroom (3.6) I use the option to back up the catalog. So I have loads of backup files on my HD. Is there any reason to keep anything except the latest one?

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Lightroom :: How To Manage Backups

Oct 23, 2012

I want to backup my catalog.  Specifically, I want to store 2 backups for each catalog.I know how to back them up.  I know how to make them backup to a different drive from the catalog.  But I'm getting stuck managing the backups.
Catalog backup structure is like this backup folder/date and time/catalog name.lrcat
Say I have a client called "Bob and Sue".  I might edit the catalogue every day of the week and take a backup each time - giving me 5 backups.  I also have a client called Dick and Jane that I edit on Monday and Wednesday and another called Wendy and Steve that I edit only on Monday.
At the end of the week here is what my backup structure looks like.  (I've dropped some times in to make things tidy)
backups/Monday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Monday 1115/WendyandSteve.lrcat
backups/Monday 1200/DickandJane.lrcat
backups/Tuesday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Monday 0900/DickandJane.lrcat
backups/Wednesday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Thursday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Friday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat

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Photoshop :: Make Backups Of Which Files In

Feb 15, 2008

I have Photoshop 7. Does anyone know which files I could make copies of to replace later in order to keep my settings if I have to do a re-install, instead of having to backup the whole program?

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Photoshop Elements :: Merging Two Different Backups Possible?

Apr 7, 2013

I've managed to make two different backups and none of them have got all of my photos, are there any ways two merge them?

I'm considering writing one of them over the other, but I'm not sure what happens. One of the other solutions I can come up with is to upload the pictures to Revel, delelig all photos, import the other backup and try to sync with revel again. Will this work?

To make it extra complicated, I want to move all my pictures to a new system.

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Lightroom :: Deleting Catalog Backups

Dec 23, 2013

After working in Lightroom 5 (not cc), one is given the choice to take or to take not a backup of the catalogue. After a while you have a lot of catalogues. Is it possible to delete the earlier catalogues so to gain space on the external harddrive?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Backups Are Not Working As Set

Jun 18, 2013

I have set the automatic backups to end up in a specific folder on an external hard drive, which is always on. However, none of the auto backups end up there. They end up in the same folder as the actual file on my regular HD - which absolutely defies the purpose of having a backup on a different medium. I wish I could attach a screenshot of the setting page to prove my point, but Corel has not advanced to that level yet as it seems. Not even in "Support", which, unless you own the latest version of a Corel software, is non-existing anyway.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Change Time Between Backups

Apr 12, 2010

Over the past year we have had a problem arise on three projects and I can't seem to track down the cause. The first job it only happened once, the second it happened a few times and now on this third project it has happened twice in three days.

The issue is the dst file becomes corrupt and all of our sheet set info is lost. The backup of the dst file is overwritten every few minutes it seems and by the time we notice a problem, the backup has been overwritten by the corrupt file.

A few questions:

1) What is causing the problem? In reading other posts it seems to have something to do with more than one user writing to the file at the same time (but, this last time it happened, only one person in the office was working on the job).

2) Can we change the time between backups?

3) Is there an easier way to rebuild the sheet set?

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Revit :: How To Extend List Of Restorable Backups

Apr 11, 2013

when I look in the Folder "name_backup", there are rws-Files with dates of today and yesterday. But when I open this folder with the backup/restore function, the latest recoverable backup is only a few hours old.
Is this correct or is there a way to extend the list of restorable backups?

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Lightroom :: 4 Continues To Corrupt Catalog Backups?

Nov 24, 2012

Each time I try and make a backup of my catalog, LR4 corrupts it.
This all started when I got my first error message after LR4 crashing on me when I attempteped select "Always write changes into XMP" from off to on in the catalog settings window. I of course didn't freak too much because I knew I had a back up. When I went to open the back up I got the corrupt catalog error again. Not to freak just yet because I have my entire Photo drive being backed up each night to another drive via a backup program. This time I made a copy of the LR4 catalog from the backup drive and replace the corrupt one on my main Photo drive. It opens and I feel like a bad *** because all this backup obsession is being put to use and working. I do a bunch of work with new imports and some old projects the rest of my day. Once finished I decide to close LR4 and make a fresh backup of the catalog using LR4 backup feature. To my surprise, it goes corrupt again corrupting the backup and the main catalog. Now I have hours of work wasted because I haven't run the nightly backup yet. I researched methods for fixing a corrupt catalog and have been mostly successful.
This all being said, what is it that causing my catalog to continue to go corrupt when doing the LR4 backup procedure? One additional piece of the story is that after the initial LR4 crash I lost the Photo drive from the desktop. Meaning somehow it unmounted itself. I did a reboot and it was back.

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Lightroom :: Retrieving Lost Files From Backups?

Jun 10, 2013

I deleted some RAW files from my hardrive and while they still appear in lightroom, it says they are missing or unsupported.  I backed these files up through lightroom but when i try to access the backups catalog I only get blank screens.  Is there a way for me to get some of these files back through the backups?  I have a PC and am using Lightroom 4.3 I think.

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