Lightroom :: Retrieving Lost Files From Backups?
Jun 10, 2013
I deleted some RAW files from my hardrive and while they still appear in lightroom, it says they are missing or unsupported. I backed these files up through lightroom but when i try to access the backups catalog I only get blank screens. Is there a way for me to get some of these files back through the backups? I have a PC and am using Lightroom 4.3 I think.
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Mar 3, 2013
I am using Lightroom 4.3 on a windows 7 64 windows computer with two hard drives. One dedicated to running programs and the larger one for storage of all my other stuff. Well my backups and download backups folders are on the smaller drive and I need to move them to the other larger drive. Can I do this without totally freaking Lightroom out?
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Sep 9, 2012
I imported pictures to Adobe Lightroom and exported them to my memory card. Now my memory card is broke! Is there any way to retrieve those pictures from Lightroom. Right now they are saying missing.
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Feb 15, 2008
I have Photoshop 7. Does anyone know which files I could make copies of to replace later in order to keep my settings if I have to do a re-install, instead of having to backup the whole program?
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Dec 20, 2013
Restored files from trash bin,developed 2 in LR and clicked file to NEW CATALOG and closed LR and reopened to see new catalog i thought would be with all the other folders. ALL FOLDERS GONE!!. I was promoted to import pics and having trouble noting that. Flikr account was closed too. Prompted me to registered.
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Feb 2, 2014
I seem to have lost many original CR files after import > developing > export as jpg. I had made selects to develop and then output images as lower rez jpgs. When I went back to the original folders (on an external hd) those CR select files were missing / a gap in the photo sequence now exists and I cannot locate the originals regardless of searches.
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Jun 25, 2012
I just discovered that my Lightroom 3.6 has lost track of some files. The files exist on the hard drive, but Lighroom doesn't display them. When I try to re-import them, Lightroom reports that they already exist. When I search for them by file name in Lightroom, they aren't found.
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Jan 2, 2014
Two days ago, in attempt to clean up my computer, I transferred all of my files to an external hard drive, including my LR files with a document ending in, ".ircat".
When I tried to open LR yesterday, none of my files appeared. I put the file back on my computer (from the external hard drive). I reopened LR and only a few of my files are showing (my most recent import and some random files). However, the majority of my almost 5,000 files are gone. I can see the names of certain galleries, the color labels, and I can even see if I've edited the photo or sent it to quick collection. However, I cannot see the photo itself. There are question marks next to folders that are completely empty. Is there a way to get my files back or did I damage them in the transfer?
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Mar 18, 2012
Wnever I close Lightroom (3.6) I use the option to back up the catalog. So I have loads of backup files on my HD. Is there any reason to keep anything except the latest one?
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Nov 16, 2013
Today I upgraded LR from 5.2 to 5.3 and then began editing pictures. When I tried to delete a picture a message came up to the effect that the file could not be permanently deleted from the disk since it could not be found. It offered the possibility of erasing the file permanently still. I chose that and the picture disappeared and a small box flashed by which said that the file could not be found. The number of files in the folder didn't change. How do I reconnect to the picture files which are in a stand alone hard drive - And - will the editing I did today be lost of subsequently be connected to the appropriate picture files/
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Jul 18, 2013
I have backed up my files on my external hard drive, and then to make space I deleted some of them from my hard drive. Although I added the external files back into Lightroom (ver. 3) none of my Lightroom settings have remained, so all collection information and all development settings have gone. It there any way to get this information back? I have religiously done Lightroom backups but am afraid that if I use one of these back ups I will lose some of my more recent settings, work that I have done since I deleted the files from my hard drive. I am hoping there is some simple way of relinking to retrieve this information. I tried to use 'find missing photos' but couldn't get that to work.
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Oct 23, 2012
I want to backup my catalog. Specifically, I want to store 2 backups for each catalog.I know how to back them up. I know how to make them backup to a different drive from the catalog. But I'm getting stuck managing the backups.
Catalog backup structure is like this backup folder/date and time/catalog name.lrcat
Say I have a client called "Bob and Sue". I might edit the catalogue every day of the week and take a backup each time - giving me 5 backups. I also have a client called Dick and Jane that I edit on Monday and Wednesday and another called Wendy and Steve that I edit only on Monday.
At the end of the week here is what my backup structure looks like. (I've dropped some times in to make things tidy)
backups/Monday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Monday 1115/WendyandSteve.lrcat
backups/Monday 1200/DickandJane.lrcat
backups/Tuesday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Monday 0900/DickandJane.lrcat
backups/Wednesday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Thursday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Friday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
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Dec 23, 2013
After working in Lightroom 5 (not cc), one is given the choice to take or to take not a backup of the catalogue. After a while you have a lot of catalogues. Is it possible to delete the earlier catalogues so to gain space on the external harddrive?
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Dec 13, 2012
I recently discovered a 'change' to my 'Source Panel' window when I try to Import new files from my CF cards. I have 4.2 installed. All that is available on the left hand side of this window is the 'Other Source' pull down box and never any file source like my hard drives or CF cards or anything that used to be there prior to about a month ago. I reinstalled this program twice without any changes. Have I shut something off by accident? My buddy has the same program and he cannot find any reason my should be any different than his but it is.
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Oct 13, 2013
Issue I have of 'As Shot' WB value being lost when I import images into LR 5.2
Set-up: Leica M9-P (firmware v1.194); Summicron f2 50mm; LR 5.2;
Image capture WB value set to 5000k; ISO 160; DNG file capture
Everytime I import the DNG files it sets the WB value to the last value I had the slider set to and not the value I have set on my camera.
I have tried reloading the firmware on the camera just in case it wasn't saving the value in the file but this has not worked.
I use LR on two separate MacBook Pro laptops using a common catalogue and image library stored on a single external hard drive. The problem occurs on both computers.
It's hugely frustrating. I want to be able to adjust the value on the camera depending on the local light situation at the time of taking the shot and have this setting transfer into LR5.2 at time of imort. At the moment I am having to keep a manual note of the image number and setting so that I can recreate it in LR once imported.
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Nov 24, 2012
Each time I try and make a backup of my catalog, LR4 corrupts it.
This all started when I got my first error message after LR4 crashing on me when I attempteped select "Always write changes into XMP" from off to on in the catalog settings window. I of course didn't freak too much because I knew I had a back up. When I went to open the back up I got the corrupt catalog error again. Not to freak just yet because I have my entire Photo drive being backed up each night to another drive via a backup program. This time I made a copy of the LR4 catalog from the backup drive and replace the corrupt one on my main Photo drive. It opens and I feel like a bad *** because all this backup obsession is being put to use and working. I do a bunch of work with new imports and some old projects the rest of my day. Once finished I decide to close LR4 and make a fresh backup of the catalog using LR4 backup feature. To my surprise, it goes corrupt again corrupting the backup and the main catalog. Now I have hours of work wasted because I haven't run the nightly backup yet. I researched methods for fixing a corrupt catalog and have been mostly successful.
This all being said, what is it that causing my catalog to continue to go corrupt when doing the LR4 backup procedure? One additional piece of the story is that after the initial LR4 crash I lost the Photo drive from the desktop. Meaning somehow it unmounted itself. I did a reboot and it was back.
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Jun 24, 2012
1. By default, where does LR store:
a. Catalogs (.lrcat)
b. Previews (.lrdata)
c. Backups of Catalogs and Previews
2. Can these locations be changed?
2a. If so, how does one specify where LR will store each of the above?
3. Is there a specific relationship of location the Catalog, the Preview, and the Backups, or any partial combination of those three, must remain in?
3a. If so, what is/are that/those relationships?
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Aug 8, 2013
When I converted from LR 4 to LR5 my catalog was and is still called: Lightroom 4 Catalog-2-2. I would prefer it be called Lightroom 5 Catalog. How do I do this?
Now as far as backups go, are they simply copies of my catalog? I have several Backups that I want removed but I am have to be sure I am removing a backup and not the catalog itself? I also prefer that the backup be stored in My Pictures/Lightroom Backups. How do i do this?
Can I remove all backups except for the most current, in this case, 2013-06-27-2100, modified on 08/05/2013?
Why are my backups going into a folder dated June? Shouldn't a backup be created that has the actual date of the backup?
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Feb 14, 2012
Is there a way to get LR 3 to drop a second copy of files being captured on a backup drive?
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Apr 25, 2013
Last day i made a massive rename operation at all my DNG files with Bridge in order to reflect the capture date and hour in the filename. Then when i synchronize the Lightroom catalog all the develop adjustments was whipped-out.
There are any thing i can do to recover de adjustments?
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Apr 7, 2013
My Lightroom catalogue crashed, and i started a too old backup version. By importing new files, lightroom does show the older files in the importfield, are they still there? I desperately need them back,
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Aug 16, 2013
On completion of an image upload to Flickr using the Lightroom Flickr publish plugin I see in the progress bar at the top left state that "comments are being retrieved from Flickr". I never see any other mention of "comments" in Lightroom so what does this mean? I have many comments on my images on Flickr so are they retrieved and downloaded? I have LR4 and Mac OS.
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Oct 28, 2012
Recently changed file names and now need to revert back to the original file name created via camera. Can this be done in LR 4 or is this info deleted?
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Oct 2, 2012
Since transferring my photo files from my hard drive to an external drive(without telling lightroom) I have completely lost all connections between lightroom and the new destination (my external drive). There is no sign of anything at all in Lightroom. It shows 0 photos, my preferences seem gone, and it is as though I have just loaded up lightroom for the very first time. Do I need to start from scratch and reimport my photos or is there some way I can retreive/reconnect the photos so I have the edits I have already made?
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Oct 4, 2013
I agree with others who have posted that LR needs to add the option of copying files to an external drive whens shooting tethered.
I use NIkon and the camera does not keep a copy in the camera when shooting tethered in LR.
Just makes so much obvious sense for LR to have a save as a copy option as files are brought in during tethered shooting. Why hasn't Adobe implemented this? It's been requested since LR 3, I believe.
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Dec 3, 2011
How to try to retrieve a corrupt lrcat file. My lrcat file AND its backup are BOTH corrupt, and will not open. They are visible. I have an iMac, OS 10.6, LR 3.3, just upgraded to 3.5 today when I started having trouble accessing LR. I've been away for 6 weeks, but the rest of the computer works fine. There have been almost no changes/writes done to the HD since my last LR backup (and idiotic deletion of additional b.u. catalogs that were only a couple of months old. A trial version of Data Rescue II found erased files on my HD from years ago but it does not find those older LR b.u. erased files.)
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Jul 23, 2013
i have not downloaded any images into lr5,as i am just finishing setting up all my preferences fAlso how . My catalogue is located in my f drive in a second internal drive on my desktop computer. Where is the best location for my catalogue backup? I figured i would backup the catalogue to this f drive,and also to my new 1tb external drive. I will do this also for my images only on both drives. also how would i set up my external editing info. the custom templates. Can this info be set up later on. Is there a good link as to what this setting is and how to set it up.? also on metadata presets what categories are mandatory to fill out. I am an amateur photographer and do not publish any photos so i do not need a copyright. So I figured i would just fill out the creator section only.
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Jun 29, 2013
I recently had a senior moment, sigh. I ended up deleting my video 5 ultimate . I finally installed it back again, For some reason, x4 samplesvideoPo3 UVP files doesn't exist. Actually I had Studio prox5,prior to buying the ultimate program. I also have problems with my auto music, cant find those files. I didn't think that I had the files from pro X 5. still in my computer, Is it possible to reinstall the prox5 and the missing files will be back where they should be?
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May 21, 2013
I have permanently lost the original offline photos (other computer got reformated) but thumbnails are valid. I would rather have the thumbnail than nothing.
Is there a way to extract selected thumbnails from the cache?
PS: I frequently use "Reconnect" to be confirm that I have all files but apparently offline files are ignored in that process. It used to be easy since the thumbnails were discrete but now . I learned to avoid offline files in early Photoshop Album days - but at least then I could find the thumbnails.
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Jun 22, 2012
Our server went done and our IT people are trying to recover lost cad files.
We have tried in AutoCAD the recover command with no success.
How we can recover these files or recommend a software to recover these files?
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Nov 10, 2012
I have Photoshop Elements 10 that I am using with Windows XP Service Pack 3, a Pentium 4 CPU with 3 GHz, 2 GB of RAM and 48.6 GB of free disk space.
Yellow question marks continue to appear on the top left of some images in one of my catalogs even though these images have not actually been moved. The Organizer searches for the "missing file" and finds it quickly but why is it "missing"? I have gone through the albums in this catalog, completed the missing file searches on all the images so that no yellow question marks appear and when I go back to the catalog the next time I find the yellow question marks are there again! What is making the found file become lost again?
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