I have permanently lost the original offline photos (other computer got reformated) but thumbnails are valid. I would rather have the thumbnail than nothing.
Is there a way to extract selected thumbnails from the cache?
PS: I frequently use "Reconnect" to be confirm that I have all files but apparently offline files are ignored in that process. It used to be easy since the thumbnails were discrete but now . I learned to avoid offline files in early Photoshop Album days - but at least then I could find the thumbnails.
I have Photoshop Elements 10 that I am using with Windows XP Service Pack 3, a Pentium 4 CPU with 3 GHz, 2 GB of RAM and 48.6 GB of free disk space.
Yellow question marks continue to appear on the top left of some images in one of my catalogs even though these images have not actually been moved. The Organizer searches for the "missing file" and finds it quickly but why is it "missing"? I have gone through the albums in this catalog, completed the missing file searches on all the images so that no yellow question marks appear and when I go back to the catalog the next time I find the yellow question marks are there again! What is making the found file become lost again?
I have recently moved a catalog from a PC to a mac (after 5+ years using PSE on a PC). I transferred (using PSE11 restore catalog process) 25,000+ photos across using the instructions from adobe and had it all working perfectly for a couple of weeks.
Recently all the photos in my catalog have become 'missing files'. The catalog is located in a custom location on the internal drive being '/users/marcus/pictures/adobe/organizer/media/media/'
pse11 now thinks location is '/volumes/public/users/marcus/pictures/adobe/organizer/media/media/'
The /volumes/ directory contains references to files on network drives (and show up under 'Shared' in finder). I have no idea how PSE11 decided to think all the files in ther catalog were on a network drive.
When I reconnect the file manually, then the program returns the error "The file exists in the catalog."
This error appears to be the one referenced here: [URL] ... being kb404560 but these are mostly windows based solutions. I have tried the suggested solutions without success on the mac
I suspect the problem occurred due to OSX's stadard process of mounting virtual drives to install new programs but this is a guess as I am new to macs. I have unmounted all recent drives
I am running OS X 10.8.4 on a late 2012 27 inch iMac 3.4GHz i7 mac with 8 GB of memory.
Trying to burn album and PE won't do it. It keeps going in a search mode looking for lost or misplaced files. What can I do to get around this problem?
How do I delete from the list of 'off line' drives a drive that is no longer used? All files that were on it are either in the main catalog or no long necessary & have been deleted. I had reconnected all pictures but when I select all thumbnails & ask that the pictures date be written to file this old drive still appears even though its empty.
I recently imported photos from my camera to my laptop and Photoshop Elements 11. Why do each of the images have an icon that says they are offline? And when I try to enlarge them, they are blurry?
I need to store my catalog offline on an external hard drive. I am using PSE 8 and running under Windows XP. My attempts so far indicate a link back from PSE 8 to My Documents - Pictures in Windows.
I have a red circle in the left hand upper corner of my photos. I position my mouse on the circle and it says OFFLINE. I go to print them and get the following message in a box: Find offline volumes. Print one or more selected item are located on removable volumes. I notice they are on volume K. I have no K volume. I only have drive C & D.
If I buy the PSE 12 upgrade download from Adobe, does the download include all of the files that I need to burn to a DVD so I can do an off-line installation on another computer? I am concerned that the download will just be an installer that requires an Internet connection to perform the installation.
Keep getting this message on lots of my photos. I move the majority of my photos to an external hard drive for volume reasons. Even when I have the external hard drive attached I get this message. Seems I can only access photos that are on my computer hard drive. I read through all the suggestions and followed guidelines for clicking on "find in explorer." This does indeed take me to files and tells me where it thinks the file is located. And yes, I can then go to the external hard drive and find the photo. However, all it does is pull it up and does not import it into my LR program. So I still cannot work on the photo or have access to it. I am frustrated as I need to access photos for printing and uploading to stock sites. Lots of good work is sitting in my files and I cannot get to them. And on top of that, if this is the way to access the photo, then I have to do this one photo at the time.
I recently edited about 1000 travel shots, organized them into collections, accessed those collections many times during the vacation, had no problems. Now, returning home LR suddenly says the files are off-line or missing. I've tried to re-import the originals to repeat the edits, but am told that the pix are already in the catalogue.
I installed Lightroom 4 on my laptop a couple of months ago. Since then I’ve had to replace laptops so my computer support person backed up what I’d done on Lightroom and reinstalled the software on my new laptop (which I just received yesterday).
Under the folder section when I view my Galapagos photos, on each photo there is a statement saying “The file named ‘May 2012, Galapagos, Jude (photo #).JPG’ is offline or missing.” This statement is also on the photos in the collection section. As I’ve spent many hours in the development module I don’t want to lose what I’ve done.
I did have a '?' on the impacted folder but that's not there anymore. I had right-clicked on the '?' and attempted to locate the missing folder. The folder name is now lightroom and I can't rename it!
When I downloaded my photos into Lightroom today I used today's date on the folder, but got the year wrong, 2013. After I completed editing my entire photo session, and tried to export some of the images, I realized I had the date wrong on the folder. I used my Mac's "Finder" to locate the file and change the name to 2014, with the rest of the folder name. I see now that this was a mistake and I should have probably changed the file name IN lightroom instead. Now I cannot export because I am getting the message about the files being offline or missing. I have tried to correct this by changing the folder name back to the original incorrect name (year), but this did not solve it. I clicked on the question marks and tried to "find" the folder, but that did not work either. It would be nice to be able to save my work in editing, rather than to have to start over again. In addition, Lightroom now shows several extra folders with the same folder names have been created that I didn't plan or create, purposely at least :
I had an internal hard drive installed in my macbook pro 15 inch in place of my optical drive in order to give me more storage space. Per apple's instructions I then copied and moved Lightroom v3.6 to the new 1 TB drive. I then deleted Lightroom from the older smaller internal drive. Now when I open Lightroom in the new drive all the photos say file is "offline or missing' and can not be used. How I can use the files in Lightroom. 99% of them were raw files from either a 12 or 18 MP camera.
We have Win 7 clients connecting to a SBS 2003 server. When using files marked as "make available offline" the computer status shows as being offline when the file listed as needing to be synced. This is when the laptops are connected to the network. This makes the file unavailable to other users. They do not even appear in a directory listing. If they do a Save As, that file appears immediately. This is only happening with the Autocad files. MS Office files work just fine. How can I make the laptops realize that they are online and connected to the server? I read about transparent caching but that seems to be available only on server 2008.
I was working with a group of 12 photos in my cataalog, and it went away. I tried to revive, no luck. So I tried to import the items again -- the screen would not allow it because they were already in the catalog. How can I recover???
Lost pictures in JPEG. pictures in raw files ok. Never moved pictures to revel. JPEG shows broken file. Search on computer shows old file with no pitures. Did not move pictures since I never put anywhere but on my computer I didnt think I had to. Elements 8.
I have experienced this issue on previous versions of elements. I have elements 10 and when I started it yesterday all the familiar icons on the tool bar were missing. I don’t remember doing anything that would turn them off but I cannot find how to restore them. How would I restore the tool bar at the top of my page?
I am in the process of upgrading from Elements 2.0 to Elements 11.0 AND setting up a new computer. How do I make sure I don't lose any of my photos and in which order should I do this? Do I need to install 2.0 on new computer?
I have 1500 photos that were placed in revel, that now I can't find or reconnect and it has made it impossible to backup My Catalog. I don't know how to proceed
I restarted Windows 7 while elements 12 was open and now almost half of my pictures folders and their contents are gone. Not on the hard drive or in the recycle bin. I got to get them back.
Restored files from trash bin,developed 2 in LR and clicked file to NEW CATALOG and closed LR and reopened to see new catalog i thought would be with all the other folders. ALL FOLDERS GONE!!. I was promoted to import pics and having trouble noting that. Flikr account was closed too. Prompted me to registered.
I just downloaded Elements 11 for the first time and spent considerable time editing photos. I then received a message that the program had stopped working. When I tried to go back in, the photo bin was empty. Have I lost all my edited photos or can I recover?
Today, after moving some folders that were incorrectly located (based on year/month/date) back to their proper location, I optimized the catelog. I then discovered that all my keyword tags were missing, but the image caption and description ("Notes") were not lost. This amounts to approximately 10 years worth of images.
Why did did I lose all the keyword tags? How can I recover them? I have not closed or restarted the Elements Organizer, nor have I tried to Repair the catalogs for fear of overwriting something that cannot be corrected. When should the repair catelog be used?
I am using a Dell desktop computer with Windows XP. We have an external HD for backup that is supposed to be constantly syncing for backup.
I've tried to convert several files using "Process multiple files" in Photoshop Elements 10. Input files are CMYK psd files with one layer and transparent background. They should be resized and converted to PNG. It works excepting the transparency in the PNG files is missing - the background is white instead. The conversion works however if I open a single file, convert it to RGB after prompt and save it as PNG. The background is transparent as it should.
So why my pngs are not transparent when using batch conversion?