Lightroom :: 3 Tethered Shooting File Backups?

Feb 14, 2012

Is there a way to get LR 3 to drop a second copy of files being captured on a backup drive?

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Lightroom :: Make File Backups While Shooting Tethered?

Oct 4, 2013

I agree with others who have posted that LR needs to add the option of copying files to an external drive whens shooting tethered.
I use NIkon and the camera does not keep a copy in the camera when shooting tethered in LR.
Just makes so much obvious sense for LR to have a save as a copy option as files are brought in during tethered shooting. Why hasn't Adobe implemented this? It's been requested since LR 3, I believe.

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Lightroom :: Keep Copy Of Image File On Memory Card When Using Tethered Shooting With Nikon D800?

Nov 26, 2013

I love tethered Shooting but as default (at least for Nikon) Lightroom does only save the file on the computer, not on the memory card.
Now I want to have a backup of the image file on the memory card additionally to downloading it. The tethering software digiCamControl can do this with my camera, so it is technically possible.
So how can I achieve this using Lightroom tethering?

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Lightroom :: 4.1 Tethered Shooting With 5d MK III?

Apr 2, 2012

4.1 Tethered Shooting with 5d MK III?When will this be available?

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Lightroom :: Tethered Shooting With 5D Mk1 And OSX Lion?

Nov 6, 2011

I have OSX 10.7.2 loaded on my MacBook Pro. All was well prior to Lion , but now I find that my 5D will not shoot tethered on the MBP
The software recognises the camera  but will not fire it remotly or download image files when the canera is fired from the camera release. My 1Dslll works just fine
My iMac still has 10.6.8 and that works fine with the 5D.
Lightroom is Version 3.5
If I can't get it to work with the 5D I'll just have to reinstall Snowy.

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Lightroom :: Tethered Shooting Not Working?

Feb 27, 2013

We shooted tethered into LR 4.3 using EOS Utility.  Every attempt to shoot tethered FROM LR 4.3 has met with failure.  I reread all the threads concerning this issue and found none included a solution.  Is there one or has this functionality been dismissed?  LR 4.3 is running on Macs with OS 10.8.2 and 10.7.5. 
What we are trying to do is shoot with 5D Mark IIs tethered with EOS Utility and 5D Mark IIIs tethered with Lightroom at the same time.  We have not been succesful getting the Mark IIIs to tether at all.  We are trying to avoid using Sneakerware through CF cards and readers.  Workflow time is critical.

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Lightroom :: Tethered Shooting Not Working On 4.3

Feb 18, 2013

I am trying to get tethered shooting to work on Lightroom 4.3, but I keep getting the "no camera detected" message. The OS detects the camera fine and I can even import images from the camera using lightroom, but tethered shooting just refuses to work. It used to work in Lightroom 3 but has stopped working since I upgraded.
Here are the details:

Computer: Windows 8, x64, i7, 16GB, all updates installed
Lightroom: v4.3 all updates installed
Camera: Canon 5DMII, latest firmware installed (v2.1.2)
USB cable etc is fine since the computer can see the camera just fine.
Canon's EOS utility lets me tether just fine
Have tried restarting computer, camera, lightroom, etc. 

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Lightroom :: 3 Tethered Shooting Failure On Mac?

Jan 15, 2012

I am attempting to use LR (latest version) on a MacBook Pro (literally brand new) for tethered shooting from a Nikon D3s.  I can get it all working but mid shoot I will get an error message about no camera connected.  I have read the faq here and yes if I do restart everything I can start capturing again but thats a major disruption.  I also observe (but I am new to mac so I may not be understanding what I am seeing) what appears to be another picture program attempting to start up.  I shut it off and get back to LR but again I will find that the capture will stop for no apparent reason.
Is there some way to insure that there is no other picture program getting in the way of LR?  Is there something else I am not doing or need to do to insure LR can reliably work in a session without constant restarts?

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Lightroom :: Tethered Shooting With Olympus?

Feb 9, 2014

Is it possible to use Lightroom for tethered shooting with Olympus E series (particularly E-600)?  If not, is it in the future plans to include support for Olympus cameras?

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Lightroom :: 5 Tethered Shooting Not Working?

Jul 5, 2013

I use a brandnew macbook pro with lightroom 5 and a Canon 60D. I used have a windows pc with lightroom 4 and tethered shooting was working ok with this camera. Now I can start tethered capturing and use the button to make a picture. But than the process stops. Lightroom starts importing but can't finish this process. The cables are not the problem since I can use the remote capture function of Canon's software. I tried all usb ports. Than as an alternative I tried to make a watched import folder. The camera puts the pictures correctly in the folder and the auto import is turned on, but failes to move the pictures from the watched folder. I don't know why but I have the feeling these two problems are connected.

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Lightroom :: Imports Duplicates When Shooting Tethered?

Dec 4, 2012

Yesterday I did a tethered portrait shoot into LR and at one point LR failed to capture some images. Therefore, after the shoot, I imported the CF-card using my card reader and ticked the "don't import suspected duplicates". Still LR imported all images and whenever it found a duplicate, instead of ignoring it, LR just renamed the file with "-2" at the end of the file name. This doesn't look right to me.
Is this a bug, should LR function like this or is there something that I've missed? Shouldn't LR at least ask me if I want to rename, overwrite or ignore?What can I do to avoid this issue in the future?  System Windows 7 Professional 64-bitLightroom 4.2 Canon EOS 5D Mark III firmware 1.1.3USB 2 card readerDell Preecision M4700 (Core i7 2.6GHz, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, 128GB SSD, 750 GB 7200rpm HD, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Nvidia Quadro K1000M)Freshly re-installed system on clean system drive a week ago, with all the latest drivers, as far as I'm aware. 

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Lightroom :: What Are Three Top Hardware Bottlenecks For LR4 Tethered Shooting

Sep 10, 2012

First, I would like to limit this thread to hardware bottlenecks and not program efficiencies and bugs.
Background: I will be purchasing a Nikon D800 in the coming weeks and like to shoot tethered. When using tethererd shooting with my D7000 over USB2, I find the lag from taking the photo to getting it on screen as I shoot agrivating and would like to know if this slowness is solvable in hardware upgrades. The D7000 supports USB2.0 and I know the D800 has USB 3.0.
I assume that USB 2.0 is the major bottleneck in general for most camera models doing tethered shooting, so as an initial experiment I am going to try a USB 3.0 adapter in my ExpressCard slot to see what the USB difference is with my D800. The rest of my laptop is a Dell M2400 with 8 Gigs of ram, Core2 Duo T9550, and which also has a Nvidia Quadro FX370M which may not be latest and greatest, but should not be too shabby either as its a workstation platform. As for sharing the USB pathway, I am jusing a eSata external drive for image backup upon import so the USB controler is only used for the camera while connected.
What would you say the top 3 (laptop) hardware bottlenecks are for LR4 tethered shooting to imporove the time to get an image from camera to the current image displayed in LR4?

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Lightroom :: 3.2 Tethered Shooting With Nikon D7100?

Jan 29, 2014

I have a laptop Windows Vista which will not allow me to upgrade Lightroom 3.2 to 5.3. I have bought a Nikon D7100. Is it possible to enable the older version of LIghtroom 3.2 to recognise the Nikon D7100 for tethered shooting?

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Lightroom :: No Camera Detected When Try Tethered Shooting?

Jan 5, 2011

Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bits
Lightroom 3.3(just updated to the latest version)
Nikon D700 / D3s (supported according to this)
When I connect any of my cameras (D700 / D3s) to my computer and fire up LightRoom and try to do a Tethered shooting, I get a "No Camera Detected" on the tethered shooting bar.
- The cable works and the Windows driver works as my cameras are detected by Windows, show up in the devices list and I can browse the CF card content from the computer, so it is not a cable problem. It might be a driver issue with lightroom...
- USB Mode: the D700 and D3 series only have PTP mode, no USB Mass storage (MSC Mode), so suggestions to turn on USB Mass Storage mode are just not going to work.
- Both the D700 and D3 are listed as compatible cameras for tethered shooting in Adobe release notes

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Lightroom :: Auto Resize When Tethered Shooting?

Mar 11, 2013

Is it possible to have lightoom automatically resize an image when you are tethered capturing?

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Lightroom :: Is D7100 Supported For Tethered Shooting

Apr 8, 2013

Is D7100 supported for tethered shooting? I can't get mine to work. It's quite essential tool for studio photography.Everything is working fine with my D7000, but as soon as i change to D7100 'No Camera Detected' is all I get.

All necessary services are running and troubleshooting is done by Adobe instructions found for LR 4.3. Yes, the raw's import fine from D7100 via 'Import Photos and Video...' dialog. Lightroom version is 4.4. Computer running on Win 7 64bit.
So is the D7100 support only support for it's NEF's and not for tethered shooting? 

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Lightroom :: Tethered Shooting With Live View?

Nov 24, 2012

Tethered shooting with Nikon - does the actual Lightroom version support LiveView or do I need additional  extern Software like Nikon Camera Control?

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Lightroom :: Tethered Shooting With Nikon D7100 And 5?

Jun 15, 2013

4.4 didn't do it.Any plans to add this studio devil support for tethered shooting?

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Lightroom :: How To Do Tethered Shooting And Transfer JPG Only To Laptop

Mar 6, 2014

The subject of this thread says it all.  Using the EOS Utility (and a Canon camera, of course), I have options to shoot RAW+JPG and transfer both, or JPG Only to the computer.

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Lightroom :: Tethered Shooting In Creative Cloud?

Dec 30, 2013

i recently purchased creative cloud and found out that my camera is not supported in tethered shooting ... how do i add my camera model so i can shoot tethered

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Lightroom :: (Consolidation Locked) Windows 8 And 4.2 Tethered Shooting

Nov 20, 2012

I'm used to shoot tethered with my Canon 5D MarkII in Lightroom 4.2 under Windows 7. Recently I installed Windows 8, but now Lightroom can't detect my Canon 5D Mark II anymore. The problem is that Lightroom uses an older Framenetwork version (3.5) and in Windows 8 version (4.5) is build in. It's possible to download and install that older version (3.5) in Windows 8, but lightroom can still not detect my camera.

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Lightroom :: Shooting Tethered With Canon 5D Mark III In LR5 And Maverick 10.9.2

Mar 10, 2014

I have shot tethered through various versions of Lightroom with various cameras with mixed results. With each new version of LR, it seems that shooting tethered becomes more prone to crashes and in LR 5, I have found that the transfer of images is so slow as to be unusable. I recently had a shoot where I used LR 5 for the first time. The transfer of images was so slow that, after trying disk doctor to repair the disk and restarting the computer several times, I finally switched back to LR 4 and found that the transfer, while still prone to its odd temperaments, was much much faster than LR 5.

While LR 4 seems to be much better than LR 5 for shooting tethered, it is still so temperamental. If the camera sits for more than a few minutes without activity, LR no longer accepts images from the camera. I then have to shut down LR and restart it, making sure to have the camera off until LR is relaunched and tethering is turned on once again. If I do it in the wrong order, it doesn't work. During a shoot, it is maddening to have to constantly restart LR 4.
Looking for making LR 4 less temperamental and LR 5 functional when tethering?

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Lightroom :: Support Shooting Tethered With Phase One's IQ160

Jan 13, 2014

Does Lightroom support shooting tethered with Phase One's IQ160? LR isn't detecting my IQ160.

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Lightroom :: Camera Battery Drain When Shooting Tethered To 3.x

Dec 24, 2011

I've been experiencing very rapid battery drain in my Nikon D90 when shooting tethered into a laptop running LR3.x under Windows7 32-bit. Is this to be expected because of the constant transfer of images across the USB connection?

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Lightroom :: Tethered Shooting With Nikon Does Not Save On CF / SD Cards

Jun 10, 2013

Has Lightroom 5 now a solution for the tethered shooting with Nikon cameras where no save on the CF/SD cards takes place?
If not, will this covered in the future?

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Lightroom :: How To Move Download Backups And Backups Folder To A New Location

Mar 3, 2013

I am using Lightroom 4.3 on a windows 7 64 windows computer with two hard drives.  One dedicated to running programs and the larger one for storage of all my other stuff.  Well my backups and download backups folders are on the smaller drive and I need to move them to the other larger drive. Can I do this without totally freaking Lightroom out?

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Lightroom :: Import Only JPEG File When Shooting RAW And JPEG

Apr 26, 2013

I want to shoot tethered in studio, and shoot RAW + JPEG, but I want Lightroom to only import the JPEGS so as to improve the speed. I shoot a Canon 7D.

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Lightroom :: Keep Old Backups?

Mar 18, 2012

Wnever I close Lightroom (3.6) I use the option to back up the catalog. So I have loads of backup files on my HD. Is there any reason to keep anything except the latest one?

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Lightroom :: How To Manage Backups

Oct 23, 2012

I want to backup my catalog.  Specifically, I want to store 2 backups for each catalog.I know how to back them up.  I know how to make them backup to a different drive from the catalog.  But I'm getting stuck managing the backups.
Catalog backup structure is like this backup folder/date and time/catalog name.lrcat
Say I have a client called "Bob and Sue".  I might edit the catalogue every day of the week and take a backup each time - giving me 5 backups.  I also have a client called Dick and Jane that I edit on Monday and Wednesday and another called Wendy and Steve that I edit only on Monday.
At the end of the week here is what my backup structure looks like.  (I've dropped some times in to make things tidy)
backups/Monday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Monday 1115/WendyandSteve.lrcat
backups/Monday 1200/DickandJane.lrcat
backups/Tuesday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Monday 0900/DickandJane.lrcat
backups/Wednesday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Thursday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat
backups/Friday 1100/BobandSue.lrcat

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Lightroom :: Deleting Catalog Backups

Dec 23, 2013

After working in Lightroom 5 (not cc), one is given the choice to take or to take not a backup of the catalogue. After a while you have a lot of catalogues. Is it possible to delete the earlier catalogues so to gain space on the external harddrive?

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CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 :: File Got Corrupted Including Backups?

Jun 29, 2011

While i was working on a file the coreldraw got shutdown and the file got corrupted including the backup file now its showing only the coreldraw icon no priviews are there in the thumbnail

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