I have been using VideoStudio software for many years, so am familiar with the way earlier versions work.
I have been working on a new major video project using VideoStudio Pro X4 Ultimate edition the past few days, and have been relatively happy, even with the ProDad. But I have just uploaded some Wav files from a Zoom H4 and although they all load OK and Play OK on the timelines in CLIP mode, when I click on PROJECT and play the same sound files they just provide extremely loud 'white-noise', in other words I'm unable to edit the sound files at all! I thought that possibly the Wav 48.000KHz 24 Bit, Stereo files were at fault, but if I clicked back to CLIP and then pressed play, all the sound is perfect! So it is NOT the sound files but something within X4 Pro.
To double check my sound files, I opened up the exact same Wav files in the Corel Ulead Videostudio 11 Plus software, and ALL the sound files play correctly in both CLIP and PROJECT! This is a VERY serious problem because I cannot edit many important sound files with VS PRo X4 Ultimate edition!
I've tried some 44KHz 16Bit stereo files and they seem to play OK in Project mode within Pro X4.
What a good start after just installing X4. I tried to add my avi files for editing and every single one fails with the catastrophic failure message. If I double click any avi file, the windows media player plays it fine.
I have edited these avi files many times with x2 before. I tried opening mpg files and they were ok. So im guessing its to do with an avi decoder? - but if so why does the avi file play fine in windows media player?
probably isn't an X4 issue exactly, but when i'm done editing a video file in X4, i'll close the file and insert the next video file to edit. when i go into windows explorer to delete the first file i just finished editing, it won't let me delete it because it says it's currently in use. How to delete it without having to close down X4 to do so?
I went from DV, to AVCHD earlier in the year. I had no luck at all getting one smooth render using AVCHD from my Panasonic camcorder. So when I bought my Canon 5D MKII I thought the HD files would be easier/better to work with. I have edited together some files just for tests with and without crossfades, but both have either resulted in shakey/jerky footage, or the program crashing saying 'send the dump file to Ulead for analysis.
Basically I perform smart proxy to shrink the files to make them smoother to edit, then when I try to render to .mov again, the footage is jerky, but then I can rerender to mpeg2. The problem is that the mpeg2 footage is only about 95% smooth. It will be flowing along then every 5-10 seconds there will be a jump. If I try to render straight to anything else - mpeg2, H.264, MPEG4, it just crashes after 3 seconds giving the same dump file message.
Sony Vaio laptop Intel Duo Core 2.2ghz Windows 7 home premium 64 bit 4GB Ram
Ulead version Pro X3
I have downloaded all the latest patches, and I downloaded the latest Directx (I'm not sure what this is, I just followed the link on the forum for the June 2010 one; is it an automatic thing?)
So I have a decent computer, and fantastic camera, and Ulead's top program - why can't I get a smooth end file??
I use proxy files for my AVCHD editing. One of the options in the compression settings relates to " quality vs speed". Imo Proxy files are working files which content is not used for the final rendering. what the meaning / consequence is of the quality vs speed choice?
If the Pro X3 Service Pack includes dealing with AVCHD Lite video files?
It says "...the update provides: Updated camera support – broadened MPEG-4 capabilities add support for additional cameras, including selected cameras from Flip, Canon and more "
Just bought a Panasonic Lumix DMC-Zs7 wich shoots AVCHS Lite HD video and a lesser quality .MOV files as well. I wanna know if Prox3 can deal with these before I upgrade!! I have Prox2 right now.
I have an HV 40 and take the video off with Hd Split.I put 30 minutes of video in the time line and then want to break it up to 8 -9 minute segments. I tried using the scissors to cut each segment and then delete what I don't want and share - output - mpg optimizer. That gave me five files. The first one is fantastic, what you would expect. The rest all have a jump or stutter at the beginning. Just for one second of play, the rest is great.
So I thought I must be doing something wrong, and then started over with multi-trim. I cut the five segments out using that and the same thing. I thought I would live with it. So then I converted all the clips to MP4 HD. Just to reduce file size and make easier to upload. Now the thing I was going to live with looks twice as bad. It went from being almost unnoticeable to a major glitch. Rest of video plays great and you can hardly tell any quality difference between it and the original.
So then I started playing around with cutting off the front 1.5 seconds of the clip and that seems to actually work. To get rid of it. But it is more work and I don't think professional.
Then I read something about fade ins so I tried that. I took the original first cut of the second segment and put it into the overlay track and used the little fade in slider in the preview window, to have a slight black fade into the clip. This covers up the jitter but the entire clip is now noticeably degraded. I mean it looks lousy!I went straight to mp4 this time, instead of making the fade and then using the optimizer to go to the same format and then convert.
So now I am a bit discouraged. I have a fast six core computer am using the latest corel x4 pro and it seems that things are not going to go very well. Simply cutting the video to make edits results in jitter at the start of each cut clip and messing with a fade in just ruins the quality. What to do?
BTW going from the mpg to the mp4 reduces the size by about half which makes up load reasonable, but still an all night affair.
Should I try and work with two different formats in my time line or should I convert both files to the same format first, I'm using dv-avi files and MTS (AVCHD) files. Project will be going to a standard dvd. Both files are filmed in 16:9 .
I am trying to edit .mts (from Panasonic HD video a camcorder) files as a project. Its very jerky and the sound does not synchronize the the video. I am using X4 pro on a Dell 420 XPS windows 7 64 bit with 6GB of ram.
Can it actually be done? If I so much as drop 3D file onto the timeline and tag it as 3D (SBS L-R in my case), I get the "... lost 3D attributes..." message when I try to create a 3D file. I tried tagging a 2D file as 3D for S&Gs and got the same result. In case it matters, the files are in .avi format (and even rendering a 2D version of these makes a jumpy video, but I digress...).
In X2, if I waited long enough once a video was loaded into memory, I could rewind/forward/clip to any point in the video on the timeline just about instantly. In X2, if I tried to forward/rewind/clip to a point in the timeline in the video without waiting, it would give me about 1 fps when moving the current point in the timeline, and it would also play the video at the same 1 fps--until I waited a while.
In X3, the video can play pretty smoothly just about right away, but no matter how long I wait, moving backwards in the timeline gives me about 1fps, and moving forward sometimes gives as much as 8fps--but it is never smooth. Was this behavior by design? It makes video editing a total nightmare--it takes forever to find cutpoints in the video. How screaming-fast of a machine must someone have to not get 1fps when moving backwards on the timeline in X3, and is there something I can change in settings that might offer a better framerate?
Should I re-install X2 so I can move in the timeline at a decent rate, then import it into X3 for the final output, or is there a better option?
I am trying to edit and render video that was shot in 1920 x 1080 in the best quality possible but the finished product ends up being 720 x 576. When I go to project settings, the highest frame size I can select is 720 x 576, the User-defined option is greyed out. I am using Pro X2.
I'm new to video editing and am using video studio Pro X3, everytime I edit some video or want to use a clip. The trimmed video always flashes the first frame at the start and finish of the trimmed clip. Also when I add a subtitle or text in the time line, that first frame flashes by at the beginning and end of of the text. This is very annoying and doesn't look very good in the project. How can I remove this first frame and how do I prevent it in the first place??
Why is there such a lack of stuff for sports editing. No scoreboard overlays, no score lower thirds, no lineup graphics. I've looked everywhere on the internet and there's nothing. I've created some of my own stuff but I spend more time creating the graphics than I do actually putting together the video. It's very frustrating the lack of stuff for sports. There should be a sports graphic pack released.
Or better yet. I'd love to see something like this for windows based systems.
I can't believe there's nothing out there as a package to make it easier to put together a sports video and make it look a little more professional at home without spending $4000 for a Tricaster.
I was working for a while with VideoStudio ProX5 and I'm trying the demo version of VideoStudio ProX6 and I've got some issue...
First, my video files are .MOV from my Nikon D3100. 1920X1080 24FPS H.264/MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding.
My computer: HP Laptop DV6 Intel Core i3 350M @ 2.27GHz. 8GB of memory. ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470. On Win7 Family Premium 64bits.
So it's a car video, cars are at street speed or lower and you can clearly see the sag of the cars. I've try different output (.avi, .mp4, .mts etc... ) from custom to the one included in the program and still sag like crazy.
My problem seems like it should have a simple answer yet I cannot find it anywhere and I even have the user manual printed out.
I have multiple tracks in my project and I want to insert something video at the front end (not the beginning but at the 30 sec mark of a 6 mon video) and have all contects of the other track move as well. I can make this happen when I am deleting "stuff" and everying will move to the left but when I go to insert things, I cannot get the other tracks to move to the right. I know this is a common occurence in video editing so this ability has to be in VS Pro 4 but for the life of me I cannot make it happen.
I know on the left side of track 1 there is down arrow that has an option to enable ripple editting and I do a select all tracks and enable ripple editing but when I try to do the insert, the rest of the track do not move.
I'm moving over from Pinnacle Studio 15, and so far I like what I'm seeing with VS. The preview pane is MUCH better for editing Hi Def video than what Pinnacle provides, so I may be a convert. But, in Pinnacle, it is easy to create a title, and change the background using stock photos, or your own photos for that matter. I'm having difficulty editing the titles in VS. Is there a way to change the background?
My main camera saves AVHCD files at 29.975 fps, secondary camera saves mov files at 25 fps, and third camera saves mpeg-4 at 30 fps.
I often wonder if I should just convert all the source clips from all three to one single format for editing, as perhaps it would be easier to ensure the audio and video stays in sync, and it just seems the right way to work.
What would the optimum format be for me if I started doing this? HDV? Actually I want two answers - best compressed format, and best uncompressed format.
We are giving Corel VideoStudio Pro X6 a trial. We recently attended a concert a client of ours performed. We video recorded this performance using an iphone 4s cell phone and then downloaded to a Toshiba laptop which operates using Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit . We video recorded one song that we wish to upload to YouTube. Our question is: how can we delete sections of the video portion of the recorded file without deleting the audio portion, and then add wanted video clips which have no audio ? Our goal is to replace sections of the video portion of the file with wanted "silent" video clips from other files without changing the original audio track and original timeline in any way. Can this be done using Corel VideoStudio Pro X6? We are hoping that Corel VideoStudio Pro X6 is the video editing software for us.
I thought about posting this in the X6 wishlist, but I thought I would post it here to see if there was any way to do this. Many times I will do a multicamera shoot with music and it all needs to sync up. lets use a music video as an example.
I set up three camera's start them recording, then I will clap my hands in plain view of all three cameras, I then start the music and shoot the video. when I am done, I will import the three videos into videostudio along with the music.
here's what I want from videostudio. I have three video tracks, I place each video into the three tracks. the currently selected video track is the one only one that is displayed. I find the same frame in all three tracks where my hands come together on the last clap, split them and remove the clip before the split. now all three tracks are in sync. now I place the music in the audio track and manually align it with one of the video tracks.
now you turn on a split mode, where when you split one video track, it splits all three video tracks at the same time. when you click on a split video track, it becomes highlited and is the one that is displayed. you go through and split the video all the way through. each edit will have one of the three video tracks highlighted and will be the one that is displayed. so what you have when you are done, is three video tracks, all split the same, one of the three video tracks is highlighted at each split and is the video that is displayed. basically you can quickly and easily edit the music video, all three tracks remain in sync and only the edits you want are displayed.
you can also drag the splits and it moves the splits in all three video tracks so they remain aligned.
I use cubase 6.5 to record my music and it has this function for audio. I have been wishing for the same thing with my video editing. can you do this somehow with videostudio X5?.
I am using Video Studio x2 and I am trying to edit video from my HD camcorder. The video that I am trying to edit is in MPEG4 format and at a rate of 30fps at 1280x720. I have tried to change the properties within Videostudio but when I try to watch it or do anything else, the programme crashes and I have to start again. In the past I have to down grade the format to DVD, and then it works, but at a cost. Does VSx2 support this format or do I have to upgrade the programme to support HD editing? I am using a Laptop with a intel core 2 prossessor and a 1024mb Nvidia Geforce graphic card, which I feel should be enough.
I have Video Studio 11 running on Vista However, I have just bought a new HD Camcorder that outputs files in AVI format encoded H.264. Unfortunately my version of Video Studio does not seem to support files in this format. I would like to continue to use the software that I am familiar with.
I upgraded to X3 and it will happily load 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC files from a Pan HDC-HS700 just fine (and reports the details correctly but as PAL HDMV). As I play these back in native form on my HTPC (and they look stunning) I just want to EDIT them, then smart render them out in the same format.
This is where I seem to come unstuck, as if I choose "Create Video FIle --> Same as First Video Clip", X3 wants to pump it out as PAL, MPEG 720 x 576 @25fps! I can also not find or create a template that matches the specs of the format.
So 1) Can X3 handle 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC out of the box 2) Is there a "tweak" like old versions where you can expose additional CODEC settings to handle 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC 3) ....if not what alternative software does work with 1920 x 1080 @ 50p x264/AVC (as Pana's bundled HD Writer is very limited)
I finally have my project done. I click Share, then try to change the bitrate lower it says I am 2.5gigs over. When I change it nothing happens on the left side, it still stays the same. Also it does not import my chapters that I have set in the editing mode?
I have saved it to a video file, in case it may be easier to do it that way? I have a difficult time finding it in the their programs library. X12 use to automatically import your chapters from the editing mode when they were set.
Either I am confused (which can be easy) or it is more difficult to figure things out in X3.
have a newly acquired Canon HF S21 video camera that captures footage in AVCHD. I plan on using Corel for capture and edit.
My question is for other AVCHD users. Do you use any tools to convert the files to .avi? And then edit those in VS X3 in order to aid the rendering process?
Someone refered me to Cineform Neoscene. It is a bit pricey, but here it is: [URL]
Is AVCHD really a problem in VS x3? If I convert to .avi, will I be able to render to a BD DVD later on and still retain the HD image as good as that on the original AVCHD footage?
I completed the editing of a multi- camera edit using two tracks. The second cameras footage on the second track was towards the end of the production.
I then proceeded to add the music and sound tracks at the beginning with full ripple editing activated and when doing this I tweaked and removed a few clips to match the music which reduced the production by about 40 seconds in all.
When I got to where the synced clips were, they had moved by about 15 seconds. I had dozens of these from the second camera on the second track that took hours to edit and cut into place. However I managed to move them all in one go by highlighting them all and re-syncing the first one which made all the others fall in line again.
just shot a interview using two cameras and now I am a little lost to edit them in Video Studio X6, how I can add a new track for video so I can mark and split those sources in the same way? I cant find a way to work with onbe source at Video track and another in the Overlay track... I need to sync both files and do the cuts for the show to work better.
I have just bought a High Def camcorder hoping to get a better picture result onto DVD. I have been using VideoStudio 12 (pro2) for some time now and have only transfered normal camcorder video onto DVD in the past. Do I need to do anything different in the editing/ DVD stage to gain the benifit of High Def ? and would using a Blu Ray disc change anything? Can I get recordable Blu Ray discs, and do I have to have a High Def / Blu Ray recorder on my laptop to get the result I need?