VideoStudio :: Slight Stutter Or Shake Editing MPG Files HD?
Jan 5, 2012
I have an HV 40 and take the video off with Hd Split.I put 30 minutes of video in the time line and then want to break it up to 8 -9 minute segments. I tried using the scissors to cut each segment and then delete what I don't want and share - output - mpg optimizer. That gave me five files. The first one is fantastic, what you would expect. The rest all have a jump or stutter at the beginning. Just for one second of play, the rest is great.
So I thought I must be doing something wrong, and then started over with multi-trim. I cut the five segments out using that and the same thing. I thought I would live with it. So then I converted all the clips to MP4 HD. Just to reduce file size and make easier to upload. Now the thing I was going to live with looks twice as bad. It went from being almost unnoticeable to a major glitch. Rest of video plays great and you can hardly tell any quality difference between it and the original.
So then I started playing around with cutting off the front 1.5 seconds of the clip and that seems to actually work. To get rid of it. But it is more work and I don't think professional.
Then I read something about fade ins so I tried that. I took the original first cut of the second segment and put it into the overlay track and used the little fade in slider in the preview window, to have a slight black fade into the clip. This covers up the jitter but the entire clip is now noticeably degraded. I mean it looks lousy!I went straight to mp4 this time, instead of making the fade and then using the optimizer to go to the same format and then convert.
So now I am a bit discouraged. I have a fast six core computer am using the latest corel x4 pro and it seems that things are not going to go very well. Simply cutting the video to make edits results in jitter at the start of each cut clip and messing with a fade in just ruins the quality. What to do?
BTW going from the mpg to the mp4 reduces the size by about half which makes up load reasonable, but still an all night affair.
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Apr 11, 2012
While using X3, on a Vista 32 bit, 2.1 ghz dual core, 3gb ram, a 7600GT card -- while editing HD video, I get a lot stuttering during playback in edit mode -- often the sound stumbles too, all of which makes it hard to see how my work is progressing.
Checking the task manager, the memory is only about 50% used and processor doesn't appear taxed, so question is, why is this happening and what can I do about it.
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Jun 20, 2012
Working on the trial x5 and have a random problem. Imported videos, 1280x720, randomly display a stutter in the audio track when playing in project mode. Play fine in clip mode. Play fine before import. Video plays fine. Also weirdly, if I stop and restart the video at the point of stutter, the stutter goes away. By random, I mean 4 out of 5 videos imported in the same format work fine and the place the stutter start seems random between clips that display the problem.
I am using the default settings of the download trial, though I have messed with the proxy, edit format, and other settings to no avail. I have installed the recent service pack.
System: Toshiba Laptop, Windows 7 Home Premium, dual core pentium 2.0 Hz, 3 gig installed memory.
Vidoes are captured with an android phone and properties are H,264, 24 bit, 1280 x720, MPG4, Interestingly the frame rate seems to vary between 19 and 26 fps., Audio is 44100Hz 16 bit stereo 96Kbps bitrate.
I've use x2 on a multimedia tower no problem but I've gone mobile. This problem makes the software almost unusable for me. Three or four out of five imports with same parameters (except the variable frame rate) work fine.
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Jul 7, 2011
I have created three projects and produced from them 3 perfect MPEGS (PAL DVD 16:9 Stereo) - I am now trying to put them together into one single MPEG, but the finished MPEG audio stutters occasionally. I am going to try and remove the additional link vids in between them and see if that makes a difference. Let me know if you need any more info.
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Aug 15, 2012
I have just put together a 20min video and have several times created an mpeg file on the hard drive as I edit different parts, so that I can see how it comes along on a main TV thats networked to my PC. The footage is from two Panasonic HD cameras and is filmed in AVCHD.
The last two copies I have rendered have 4 scenes with noticeable jumps/stutter. They are all taken from and are part of a clip 146, the music track dosent jump, just certain parts of the scene in the video. This jumping is intermittent in about 30 seconds and the rest of the 20min film is fine. No filters or adjustments have been made to these scenes and they were fine up until yesterday. I tried a second render but its the same.
I would like to know what causes it so I can either avoid this happening again or avoid VS altogether as I have put in a lot of time and work into this 20min video and I don't want to have to do it again, I really want something I can rely on. I have had VS from the very earliest version and I have found that these bugs keep cropping up.
UPDATE:I have done further tests and it is ok if I "Create Video file" Same as Project Settings" BUT if I "Create Video file" DVD Video" it stutters/jumps. I have attached the properties of the scene now.
Most of the footage is Panasonic AVCHD and I use Two Pass Encode. Am I using the correct settings for this type of film. I want to film in the highest quality so that I can copy to blue ray and standard DVD.
My project settings are:
Two Pass Encode
PAL (25 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Upper Field First
(DVD-PAL), 16:9
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8264 kbps)
LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo
The DVD settings are:
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Upper Field First
(DVD-PAL), 16:9
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps)
Audio data rate: 384 kbps
Dolby Digital Audio, 48 KHz, 3/2(L,C,R,SL,SR)
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Apr 26, 2011
I use two cameras to capture video. I have been using my Sony DCR-SR47 Almost since the day I bought VSX3. I am still using both. However I am now having stuttering in the audio. I do not have to render the video. I can import the video and play a clip fine, once I trim it then do a playback without rendering it I get the stutter. It occurs at regular intervals.
Here is an example [URL]..........
The audio is also giving me a "reverb" effect. Like a barrel effect. This is the input format of the footage. This is the output footage
Here is another example, here I converted to AVI, yet same effect. [URL].......
Output: Using Windows XPSP3 with all current updates. And have all codex installed. I did switch from using CCCP codex package to K-Lite recently.
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Jan 24, 2012
I am currently trialling VideoStudio Pro and, after a great lot of trouble (my fault) have managed to import my video clips. I am having great difficulty using Anti-Shake. I found it after pressing the FX icon but this only allows me to apply Anti-Shake to a clip of colourful balloons (not my clip). How do I apply it to my clips? Is there a detailed manual for Videostudio 4?
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Nov 16, 2012
In Graphics Editing software like Photoshop you can rotate an image ever so slightly to the left or to the right. I'm trying to super-impose a png of a head onto something and I would like to match the angle of the original head.
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Apr 22, 2011
What a good start after just installing X4. I tried to add my avi files for editing and every single one fails with the catastrophic failure message. If I double click any avi file, the windows media player plays it fine.
I have edited these avi files many times with x2 before. I tried opening mpg files and they were ok. So im guessing its to do with an avi decoder? - but if so why does the avi file play fine in windows media player?
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Sep 29, 2011
I have been using VideoStudio software for many years, so am familiar with the way earlier versions work.
I have been working on a new major video project using VideoStudio Pro X4 Ultimate edition the past few days, and have been relatively happy, even with the ProDad. But I have just uploaded some Wav files from a Zoom H4 and although they all load OK and Play OK on the timelines in CLIP mode, when I click on PROJECT and play the same sound files they just provide extremely loud 'white-noise', in other words I'm unable to edit the sound files at all! I thought that possibly the Wav 48.000KHz 24 Bit, Stereo files were at fault, but if I clicked back to CLIP and then pressed play, all the sound is perfect! So it is NOT the sound files but something within X4 Pro.
To double check my sound files, I opened up the exact same Wav files in the Corel Ulead Videostudio 11 Plus software, and ALL the sound files play correctly in both CLIP and PROJECT! This is a VERY serious problem because I cannot edit many important sound files with VS PRo X4 Ultimate edition!
I've tried some 44KHz 16Bit stereo files and they seem to play OK in Project mode within Pro X4.
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Oct 17, 2012
When trying to Edit/Playback imported .MP4 files it keeps jumping, it's fine when I use .MOD files
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Sep 20, 2011
probably isn't an X4 issue exactly, but when i'm done editing a video file in X4, i'll close the file and insert the next video file to edit. when i go into windows explorer to delete the first file i just finished editing, it won't let me delete it because it says it's currently in use. How to delete it without having to close down X4 to do so?
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Oct 7, 2010
I went from DV, to AVCHD earlier in the year. I had no luck at all getting one smooth render using AVCHD from my Panasonic camcorder. So when I bought my Canon 5D MKII I thought the HD files would be easier/better to work with. I have edited together some files just for tests with and without crossfades, but both have either resulted in shakey/jerky footage, or the program crashing saying 'send the dump file to Ulead for analysis.
Basically I perform smart proxy to shrink the files to make them smoother to edit, then when I try to render to .mov again, the footage is jerky, but then I can rerender to mpeg2. The problem is that the mpeg2 footage is only about 95% smooth. It will be flowing along then every 5-10 seconds there will be a jump. If I try to render straight to anything else - mpeg2, H.264, MPEG4, it just crashes after 3 seconds giving the same dump file message.
The files the camera produces are
1920x1080 quicktime (.mov)
48,000KHz, 16 bit, stereo
My hardware is
Sony Vaio laptop
Intel Duo Core 2.2ghz
Windows 7 home premium
64 bit
4GB Ram
Ulead version Pro X3
I have downloaded all the latest patches, and I downloaded the latest Directx (I'm not sure what this is, I just followed the link on the forum for the June 2010 one; is it an automatic thing?)
So I have a decent computer, and fantastic camera, and Ulead's top program - why can't I get a smooth end file??
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Oct 3, 2013
I use proxy files for my AVCHD editing. One of the options in the compression settings relates to " quality vs speed". Imo Proxy files are working files which content is not used for the final rendering. what the meaning / consequence is of the quality vs speed choice?
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Nov 29, 2010
If the Pro X3 Service Pack includes dealing with AVCHD Lite video files?
It says "...the update provides: Updated camera support – broadened MPEG-4 capabilities add support for additional cameras, including selected cameras from Flip, Canon and more "
Just bought a Panasonic Lumix DMC-Zs7 wich shoots AVCHS Lite HD video and a lesser quality .MOV files as well. I wanna know if Prox3 can deal with these before I upgrade!! I have Prox2 right now.
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Mar 1, 2013
I have been shooting RAW for a while and have notice that after I import the images and then start to view them in the Library Module I will see a slight color and quality shift - almost looks like a white balance shift but not quite. I was thinking that perhaps there was some automatic preset being applied but I don't have any presets at all.
I am shooting with a Canon 1DX as well as 7D. I have not checked to see if I get this situation with the 7D, but I know for sure that I get it with the 1DX.
Today I was reviewing some images in Bridge and decided to open one of them in Camera RAW. At that time I discovered that the camera's Image Style Settings were available, Faithful, Standard, Portrait, etc. I noticed that the images did not have one of the camera styles applied to them but rather the Adobe Standard Style. At that point from within RAW I selected one of the camera's styles and bingo thats the kind of shift I am seeing when I first view an image in LR4 Library.
So as far as I can tell the RAW images are getting the Adobe Standard style applied in LR. I have no idea if this is a default behavior of if I have done something to cause it. I'm also thinking that perhaps LR does not necessarily apply the Camera's Styles automatically even though the particular style has been set in the camera -- perhaps is not imported as part of the metadata during the import and thus defaults to the Adobe Standard.
1. Should I expect LR4 to apply the Style as set from the camera automatically or not at all?
2. Can I prevent LR from applying the Adobe Standard Style and apply no style?
3. Can I cause LR to apply the Style as set in the camera for the particular image to be appied automatically upon import?
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Mar 26, 2009
When working in Photoshop CS3 I get a lag on my cursor if I use the space bar to enable the hand tool and move around the canvas with my mouse.
The problem disappears as soon as I use control + space bar and zoom in or alt + space bar to zoom out. However the very next time that I use the space bar to move around, the delay comes back until I zoom in or out. This happens with my mouse or my Wacom tablet. It makes the Wacom tablet almost unusable.
Vista32 Ultimate
Intel Quad Core Q6600
4Gb Ram
nvidia 8800GT video card
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Jan 25, 2013
why my crosshairs stutter after I select an object? I first noticed it after the AutoCAD release that added vertex control options to plines. Crosshairs hang for a second or two after selecting an object that has vertices. Seems like CAD is evaluating the vertices.
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Apr 17, 2011
What give that waddle and shake to skin. Which tools do I use.
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Dec 7, 2013
. I have CS6 Pro and my video is very choppy. I used to edit in Sony Vegas and my videos play fine there. I wanted to step up and edit with a more advanced editor and it doesn't work!!! Here is what I do. Shoot with GoPro 3, take the video to GoPro Studio and make a MOV. file to remove fisheye. Take the MOV. file and edit it with Premiere. It plays smooth for 3-5sec then starts to stutter. My specs on my computer are:
i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
8GB Ram
Windows 7 Pro SP1
7200RPM HD
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M w/2GB
Again my Sony Vages $70 program can edit without any problems but I am stuck with CS6!!!!
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Jan 15, 2014
I've now had this happen with two completely separate projects today where I preview my edit, everything looks and sounds good, but then when I export there's a clear audio stutter wherever I used a constant power audio tansition.
NOTE: I experienced the Constant Power bug that happen last month that sounded like a super loud buzz. This is different.
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May 23, 2013
I just finished downloading the most recent PS CS6 updates from the cloud.
I currently have 13.1.2 x 64. I do not have Shake Reduction in Filter > Sharpen. How to get Shake Reduction to show.
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Jun 12, 2013
I have recently downloaded Photoshop CC, which I think is very good, but I can't find the much vaunted ' Camera shake filter', has it been released yet or do I need to reinstall Photoshop?
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Jun 18, 2013
Every time I try to use shake reduction, it works on the photo but then immediately crashes Photoshop CC and I have to reboot the computer to get it to open again. I suspect it has something to do with RAM. Mine is set for 1192MB. Is that enough? The images I tried were about 2000 x 3000 at 72ppi.
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May 29, 2013
I have the latest version of Photoshop updated from the Creative Cloud. I have a full membership and pay monthly so updates come up accordingly using the Adobe Install/Update Manager.
I really want to use the Shake Reduction tool but it is not appearing in my filters list even though I have Photoshop CC all updated? What to do to gain this amazing filter.
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Jun 3, 2012
I have 8 gig of ram and a nvidia NX8600Gt vid card - never had problems in CS5.5 and expected CS6 to be better, but it is not.
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Nov 19, 2008
Using Photoshop CS4 on Vista with a dell monitor.
I have the standard dell color profile set in windows for the monitor.
Whenever I save "for web and devices" I get a color difference between the actual webpage colour and the colours in the picture. So I searched about color profiles and I gather (I find this profiling thing very confusing) that I should set my photoshop profile also to the dell profile. So I did, but there now still is a slight difference.
For example, the color I use in photoshop is #12141A and once saved it shows up as #13151B
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Jan 4, 2005
i have pictures due on the 7th this month. The only thing that bothers me in my picture is that I have a slight shadow out of my face (on my right). I have never used Ohotoshop so I dont know how to remove it. I have photoshop 7. I am attaching my pic and I would GREATLY appreciate if someone could list the steps i need to do to fix the picture. My girlfriend's picture is the same .. so Ill need to know the steps
Also if I could maybe lighten up the background ...
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Jul 30, 2013
I have dowloaded the Trial version of Photoshop CC in Spanish and everything is fine with one exception: the camera shake filter option does not appear on the list of options.
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Sep 13, 2013
Wanted to use this new, cool tool, but got the error message "No more virtual tiles can be allocated". ???
This is not a scratch disk error, as I have two-2TB drives as my scratch disks (nothing on either yet). 16GB memory (RAM), 14680MB available memory to PS, 2030 available VRAM. Running nVida GeForce GTX 670 on a Intel Core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz.
Is this a GPU function that may not be available to some graphic cards? Is my image too big (4000x3000px)?
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Jul 7, 2013
I have Photoshop CS6 extended. When I look for the camera shake tool on the drop down sharpen menu, it's not there. I have tried reinstalling but no change.
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