A problem with recording narration has just started with my Pro X4. On playback the recording is not complete and the nearest description is that it is stuttering. I have tried recording several different phrases in different parts of the video and using two different mics but each time get this stuttering.
My version is VideoStudio X6. Since the update to Windows 8.1 I have been having this error message every time I tried to record the screen. The message shows "An error occurred on your audio device." and it can't record. The drives're up-to-date, I've checked on the devices they all work fine. I need to record system sounds, however I tried to switch to another device but the error kept appearing. I also wondered if there's an error why would the app not showing the detail of the error but just describe it as "an error" because it's so vague it can be anything.
I make gaming Youtube videos, and recently bought a new computer and needed a new recording software. So I started looking into Video Studio. I am currently using the trial, but will really soon get the full version. So I was gonna record and noticed you can change what audio will be recorded. Cool! So I enabled both of them, but it doesn't work. If I enable System Audio, microphone audio will be disabled, and vice-versa.
Is there any way I can record my game AND my voice without recording the my voice afterwards (I wanna record it live)? I quickly tried to record two video at the same time, each recording having a different audio, but it just recorded one. I don't wanna have to buy $37 Fraps or some other "just-for-recording" software.
I want to use an external audio recording device to record the sound. I want to disable the audio track from the camera and sync the audio track from my external device with the video from the camera. All of this in editing.
I bought the new Olympus TG-1 camera, and want to edit movies that I shoot so I downloaded trial of latest Video Studio Pro X5 to try it out. But I'm not satisfied with the quality of the rendered file. The result is not smooth. For example, I shot a short movie clip out of the window of a slow moving train. When I play the original file everything is nice and smooth, but when I import the file to Video Studio and render it (without doing anything to it, no effects or anything) the result is a stuttering movie - kind of like some frames are missing, or maybe duplicated... (Sound is just as it should, no problem there.)
Source file is .MOV (quick time) 24bits 1920x1080, 29.970 frames/sec according to file properties in Video Studio. Using GSpot i get the following: codec avc1, name H.264, 19641 kbps, 29.971 frames/sec
I've tried every format under "create video file" in Video Studio but the result is the same every time no matter what I do, although the option "Same as first video clip" is not available (it's dimmed when using clip shot with this camera). My system is PAL and I know that 29.97 fps is not PAL standard, but I also tried rendering custom format where the result was a 720x576 clip with 29.971fps (but kpbs is only 1024) but still the same stuttering movie.
I just installed VideoStudio Pro x5. After creating a few clips, I go to play the project and the preview video image studders, and plays a clip here and there, but my music plays smooth.
I have all the hardware acceleration box's checked ( there's 3 of them ). I don't know what to do, I read this is the least demanding video editing program. I also meed the minimum system requirements?
When I play video clips back in the playback window, they shake and stutter and give an "after-effect" look to each clip. Looks like mouse trails if you select that in your setup. I am running the program in Windows 8 64 bit, if that matters, but don 't see why it should. When I play the clips in Windows Media player, just to check to see if it is the clips, none of this behavior occurs. Never ran into this one before and I have been with VS since the good old days of version 4.
I rendered a few clips that were doing that into the final MPG format I want and the shakiness is not there once rendered. It can only mean that I have something ticked or un-ticked in my setup of VS Pro 16 Ultimate. It makes it difficult to stitch together the final clips with pinpoint accuracy.
I just installed VS X3 and I'm very impressed with the improved AVCHD editing capabilities. Unfortunately, I'm having a problem with the output. When I import a single AVCHD 1920 clip from my Canon HF100 to my VS X3 project, perform a simple trimming operation, and then save back to the same format as the original clip (no re-rendering), the output file is virtually unplayable. It will usually start playing okay, but after 5-10 seconds start stuttering and even stop playing altogether for 10-15 seconds at a time. I've tried several different players. This problem affects ONLY the output from VS X3. The original footage in the same format plays just fine in any player.
I reverted back to VS X2, tried the same operation with the same clip, and the output is just fine. This must not be a widespread problem, because I searched the forum briefly and couldn't find similar reports. I can continue using VS X2 for the time being, but I really wish I could take advantage of the editing improvements in X3.
I am making a video tutorial on using a desktop publishing program. Everything is recording fine EXCEPT when I hover over a tooltip or click for a drop-down box. I can see the tooltips and drop-down boxes during the recording session, but (how odd!) VideoStudio doesn't record them.
When I play the wmv file, the cursor hovers over an invisible tooltip and the cursor moves down the invisible options in the invisible drop-down box.
I have used Camtasia for screen recording for a long time, however I purchased two 24 inch wide screen monitors with a resolution of 1920x1080. Camtasia recording will not record a full screen at this size.......in fact, they recommend 1280x720! So, I updated my VSP from x4 to x5 due to it now having screen capture. VSPX5 will not record full screen 1920x1080 at all (already mentioned in a previous post and currently under reveiw with Corel). It seems the limit is 1676x943 and even then, part of the screen is chopped off if one has a wide screen. Resolution has to be reduced. This is a PITA!
In order to do my screen recordings I either have to reduce the resolution which I do not like to do as it distorts everything on my screen, or reduce the size of the page to record and fit it within a custom size. Not the best, but it's a workaround.
I have a problem with Pro X4. With Studio 11 Pro, I was able to view the film during saving to file but I cannot with X4. I can't find a solution in the user guide.
I used the Screen recording feature to record a little tutorial that is about 4 minutes long. I was shocked, when I watched it afterward, to hear that the sound, although fine at the start, gradually becomes fainter, higher pitch, and overall totally unusable. I thought it was just a fluke but I tried it with 3 videos, and I always get the same problem. I used the settings by default, changing only the file name and location.
Is there more to set for the screen capture to work correctly?
I have recently upgraded my old VideoStudio 12.00 to VideoStudio Pro X4 and have only just started using the program again after a couple of years of absence so I am still on a learning curve.
Can I extract the audio from a video clip and if so how and how can I convert it, if necessary into an Audio Interchange File Format, so that I can export it to a program such as Audacity for removing background wind noise before importing the Audio back into the videoStudio project.
I have tried using all the audio filter functions in VS to remove the background noise, to no avail.
I'm trying to record from the pinacle 700-usb device in Corel VideoStudio, however it gives me an error saying: "Kan vastleggrafiek niet starten" (it's dutch). Meaning something like "Cannot start the recordinggraph" (or something like that). The error is shown below.
I can record and playback from my webcam. That works perfectly, so it is installed correctly i suppose?what causes this and how can i make VideoStudio record from my pinacle device?
Screen Capture is not recording menu items in FL Studio
I am recording a series of video tutorials for the audio production software FL Studio. I have duplicated the problem in two version of FL Studio, FL Studio 8 & FL Studio 9. I start a screen capture and everything is recording fine. Part of my tutorial includes selecting a menu item in FL Studio. After my recording is finished I am noticing that the menu (dropdown) is not displayed in the screen capture. I can see the mousing clicking the menu items but the menu is not displaying. All other aspects of screen capture are working perfect.
I am using Corel Video Studio X5. No updates to the program have been made, the computer I am using it on was only connected to the internet during activation.
I'm using a new iMac and Pegasus R6. If I put 1080 ProRes footage on the timeline it plays fine with the unrendered resize on it. Resize is only changing bit depth. The minute I render the clip, it will no longer play without dropping so many frames that it is unusable.
When capturing HDV clip with Premier Pro CC and playing it in the timeline, the video stutters. I play the same captured clip in Windows Media Player, and it look great. I am using Adobe Premiere Pro CC.-Version 7.2.1(4)
I have the following equipment:
Camera Canon XH-A1S (set to HDV 60i) Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz Memory: 32 GB System Type: 64-bit Operating System Rating: 7.8 Windows Experience Index Graphics Card GeForce GTX 760 Solid State Drive Samsung SSD 840 EVO 750G SCSI Disk Device Resolution 1920x1200, 59Hz BD-RW Pioneer BDR-208D ATA Device Monitor Dell U2412M
Clip properties: Type: MPEG Movie File Size: 1.1 GB Image Size: 1440 x 1080 Frame Rate: 29.97 Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - compressed - Stereo Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo Total Duration: 00;06;04;06 Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.3333
I have on .avi video file from friend, that I can play OK with sound in VLan player, I just installed X3 and tried to make DVD from it and got it without sound, same thing if I play this loaded .avi in X3, don't have any sound ? Is there any secret encoding I have to look for ? Somebody told me that X3 will eat any format.
I am having a problem with way slow audio in Ulead Videostudio 11.5 plus. I know it's an older version, but the format is similar or the same for some of the programs and maybe someone else has had that issue on even a new software version.
I managed to make some music videos with the software, after going to Youtube, as the manual for the software really isn't that great in all honesty. it simply doesn't tell you much detail on doing things. Putting in a music track to the video clips and then turning the sound on each clip all the way down wasn't a problem, but now that I want to do a normal video-I'm finding the sound in the virtual clip or whatever(which I recorded into my digital camera-mov. files), plays like Jabba the Hut off Starwars!
What do I do here to make it sound normal and be able to edit properly and share it in normal sound?I tried splitting the audio and then it sounded normal, BUT it still had that nasty slow sound on the audio. No matter if you mute it or pull the sound down in the video/audio clips in editing. How do I get rid of that slow sound or change it to make it right? Do I even need to split audio there?
So I go to edit some video and now all of a sudden there is no sound/audio playback in any of my clips. The files are fine. They play fine in other software, and in other editing software as well. But this is the my software of preference and I can't use it. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED. The same thing has also happened to my DVD Workshop 2 software. And the same thing happened to at least 3 previous versions of VideoStudio. Everything works great and then one day BAM, no audio. The data is there because if I go ahead and render it again and play the new file on something else the audio is still there. So the problem is only on Corel/Ulead products. As a matter of fact I just downloaded the VS X3 demo. I cannot find anything about it online anywhere. If I cannot figure this out I am NEVER going to buy another Corel/Ulead product again. And I am a longtime user, way back to version 3 or 4. And for some idiotic reason I keep buying the new versions.
Slideshow Creation: I'd like to make a slideshow DVD for Xmas to give out. I've made a lot of movies with VS but never a slide show and in fact i've never created a slideshow in any program.
Is this possible in VS10 or would it be better to use DVDLab Pro for this? If VS10 is sufficient to do this (just a fairly basic slideshow NOT HD). I really can't grasp it from the Manual since it really isn't covered in detail there (or did i miss it?) I'm looking to see what types of photos/graphics files and what resolution as well as a HOW TO. I'm clueless about slideshow creation.
Audio DVD Creation:
I do seem to recall that i did this once in VS10 - or was this a dream? Is there any tutorial on this as well?
When using the audio fade in and out to activate the fade should the bars be highlighted or dimmed? I don't seem to hear any difference between them. (Vid pro x4)
I got a new camera that outputs .avi files, and put together a video. When I click an individual clip in the timeline and play it, the audio plays... however, when I play the project, the audio does not play. It also does not play when I render it.
Moved Videostudio X4 from a Win 7 machine to a new Win 8 PC.
Again it seems, audio plays fine when playing a clip from the preview window but not when playing on the timeline. (I had a similar problem with X10 and reported it in an older thread.)
Am searching now for more patches (and yes, I'm aware X6 is now the current version) but nothing obvious at the moment. Have found the SP 1/2/3 downloads on Corel's pages, but as it already upgraded to SP3 just after install, I'm guessing SP 1 and 2 are already covered..