VideoStudio :: 3 Frame Pause At Beginning Of Every Clip
Apr 11, 2011
I get this strange thing when editing clips in VS x3 - each clip has 3 frames the same at the beginning. It's a real pain, as it mean I have to cut each clip at the start. I always assumed it was something to do with the footage from my Canon HG20 camcorder. It's a HDD camcorder, and though I don't shoot in HD (I shoot in SP - 7 sbps), I never used to get the problem when editing mini DV clips. I recently downloaded the Pinnacle Studio 15 trial, however, and noticed that it didn't happen in that editor. I prefer VS X3, and also like the trial of VSX4, though the problem persists in that version, as well.
I shoot vacation video with out tripod and at the beginning of each clip, I have shaky video because of pressing the record button.Same apply to end of the clip when I stop the recording.
How can I trim beginning and end of the clip for first one second length?
I have Video Studio X5 and the video format is AVCHD (Canon HF S200).
I am using Corel videostudio pro x4 I have lot of frames in my video. I need to make each frame to pause before the anther frame starts. When i adjust the speed of frames audio is affecting.
I am really new to video Studio Pro X4. How can I isolate a single cell (frame) of a video clip and export it or save it as JPG or BMP or some other graphics format for use as a pic in another application. i.e. photosho, paint shop, Corel Draw, etc.
It used to be that photo merge would take the top image in a stack of files and make it the left side of a panorama. How do I do this in PS6? It seems to want to make the middle of the stack the left end of the panorama.
I have just started to play with painting creator and would love to use it but I have two issues. Firstly, I always want to use the pencil with brush size 8. It appears that every time I launch painting creator, everything is reset and I have to select the pencil and change the size. Second, my biggest issue is that when I draw something, I would like it to stay on the screen for a few seconds once the drawing has finished. It seems to disappear immediately the drawing finishes.
I will be importing a bunch of video clips without audio in X4 and also importing MP3 files. For a majority of the clips I will be recording a Narration Audio and the goal is to synch the audio with what is happening in the videos and as such I need functioanlity where I can pause/freeze the video while narraating. I have been unable to find this feature in X4.
I am also open to importing the video clips and audio clips into X4 and then making them synch somehow, but I may still need to pause the video at some stage to make the audio synch.
I just tried creating my first video using VideoStudio X6 ultimate. I have multiple video clips, a jpg, an audio and a couple of music tracks. I've created it without problems and it plays great in the program during preview. My problem was when I tried to burn it to a DVD+RW disc. When I play the disc in my player, each time a video clip ends, there is a split second pause before the next clip starts. It also appears this way during the preview in the DVD creating utility. I submitted a ticket to Corel Support, and they told me to install the SP1. But I had trouble installing that service pack, but looking at my version, I see that I have So maybe I already had installed it?
I've been making great progress in learning and using videostudio... but I still can not figure out what the orange tabs are that are called "pause duration". during a clip review I can move them and nothing appears to happen... what would I use them for?
I'm trying to add a title to the beginning of my video but when I drag my video clip down to the timeline I can't get it to start after the beginning title. How do I add deadspace to the video timeline so my title text shows at the beginning? I can't figure this out. It seems so simple. I just want text at the beginning and then after 10 seconds I want my home video to start.
When creating a menu for a DVD, the first chapter defaults to 00:00:00:00, the beginning of the DVD. I don't want to have that be the first chapter. I want to either remove that chapter or change the time location.
The option to remove the chapter is grayed out and I cannot find a way to change the time say 00:00:10:00 for example. How can I change the time or delete the 00:00:00:00 chapter?
I'm running X4. I have 3 minutes of photos with text and audio narrative at the beginning of my project. When I try to add the first video clip to let's say 3:01 of the project, the video track pins itself to 0:00...I don't see how to set it free...
I'm trying to add a title at the end of the movie which I'd like to appear as movie credits and I want the final 3 lines to stay on the screen (not exit).
My text starts moving and when it reaches a certain point, pauses for a few seconds and then it continues to move and then disappears. I want to change the pause point of the text but I can't figure out how to do it and also I want the paused text to stay on the screen until the end of the movie.
In the finalized DVD the menu page appears only for a maximum of 30 seconds before continuing to play the movie. Is it possible to introduce a 'Pause until play is selected' option?
That is to say no automatic playing of the movie until the user decides.
Just got on here and love Video Studio x4 with one exception. When I capture video from my DV8 tapes, sony player, it will miss half of the beginning of the capture. This has happened with more than one tape. If I use Windows Live Movie Maker, no problems.
I'm looking for (specifically) for Victorian border clip art, frames with tops, bottoms, and sides, in color. So far after scanning zillions of sites from a Google search, nothing of quality.
I'm not averse to buying the CDs, just that I don't often use Victorian...
Every time that I open a new drawing which has clipped XRefs, the X clip frame is set to the number 2, and I set it back to number "0", but then when I finish that drawing and open another drawing, then the new drawing reverts back to X clip frame 2.
How or where I can change the setting to the default is always "0"?
I have a single frame clip in my library, i want to put this clip into my timeline and i want it to be 10 seconds. I can just easily in/out in timeline and 'overwrite'. i don't like where i'm repeating a single frame and then still need to render it as 10 seconds clip.
This should be done like 'repeat' in the desktop tools. So in timeline when doing 'overwrite' , Smoke has to be smart to detect 1 frame edit so it just need to 'repeat' it not to 'timewarp' it.
And the another BAD thing , i can't have 'repeat' tool inside cfx . why ? so have to repeat the clip outside the cfx and go back into cfx.
Displays but does not plot the PDF underlay frame.
frame 2
Displays but does not plot the frame.and this last one is the override for all frames but...on the printout a few thin lines of the clip (not all) but noting in the preview
I've got a 30 second piece of video in which a logo on a wall needs to be erased. I used the patch tool and it did a wonderful job, but only on the first frame of the clip.
I just downloaded the videostudio X6 trial version. For some reasons, some sequences from mpg clips I added to my project seems to be repeating itself for no reason. The bug occurs within a unique sequence and might change the "restart" position while the timeline cursor.
Ex: Original video = Cow cross the road, a car hit the cow then the car explode and finaly a generic
After importing the original video = Cow cross the road, a car hit the cow then the car explode, then the car hit the cow a second time
If I move the cursor right to left a couple of time, it might end up missing the first part of the clip where the cow is suppose to cross the road (replaced by a second car exploding)
It's a single clip and the final display is changing even if I don'T touch anything. I use to be a Ulead video studio user and I never had such problem.
I've been doing a project using two different cameras, I've done some of it and saved as a .mpg without a problem.Now for some reason I cannot use the split clip tool it is greyed out all the time no mater how I have the clip in the timeline be it set to clip or project.
I made one cut to align two clips now nothing..As I say I've completed three parts of the project without a problem using the split clip tool.
Working with a 1080p/60fps mp4 file from my GoPro 3. Trying to save a trimmed clip using "same as first video clip" option. Everything seems to work fine but the saved clip plays for a second and then the video freezes but the audio continues. This happens playing the clip with WMP and VSx6. The original untrimmed mp4 plays fine.
How can I make a white colour clip the same shade as the white vignette filter.I want to place overlayed images with a vignette onto a white clip on the main video track so that they blend seemlessly in X5.
certainly the topic has already been covered but with the hundreds of responses I struggle to find it, then propose it a new:
how do I put in the time line already been settled for good, a video clip so that the whole time line moves?
Note: I added the other video clips in many 4-track, not using the main track, which is empty.So should I insert a video clip that I had forgotten about 20 minutes before the end, so you have to move automatically all the work (including effects, subtitles, etc), so it all coincides, without having to move the whole hand. ...
I've been using Videostudio Pro X4 for a few days now and I've seem to have run into the problem of losing the audio of clips after I have muli-trimmed them. It doesn't matter where I multi-trim them in the timeline, after I have confirmed the trim I lose the audio for the clip?
Let me be clear: the audio for the clips work perfectly before any editing ie. trimming and they are placed in the main video track. The clip formats are mainly AVI, MP4 and DivX AVI and have varying lengths.