When I import a AutoCad 2D file (include several layers) into Revit, how can I extrude layer by layer (for having mass )? I mean I need to have a chance for selecting my layers separately in Revit (like in AutoCad) and then create Mass by layers.
We just noticed that the imported cad geometry in a Mass family will not cut in a floor plan view which contains a plan region. Regardless of the location or height of the plan region.
I have a relatively simple mass modeled in Rhino that I imported to a Revit Mass Family (via .sat file). I then placed walls, roofs, structure on the face of this mass. However I would like to be able adjust this mass, either in Rhino or Revit and the walls and structure adjust accordingly. Now however, if I reload the mass into my Revit family, and then reload the family to my model, and then attempt to Update to Face, the error "Faces defining this Element cannot be reacquired." and my only option is to delete the offending wall/roof etc.
Is this just a limitation in Revit/Rhino, or am I totally doing it wrong?
I'm following a "Simple Mass Creation" exercise in a Revit book, which says to create a cube, a sphere, and a pyramid. It doesn't say how, though, it just goes on to the next step of dividing the masses into floors. After much research and trial and error, I figured out the cube and sphere, but how the heck do you create a pyramid? At first I was thinking of a blend, from a square to a point, but that's not an option. Then I tried to use void shapes to remove parts of a cube...and I'm getting an error message because my voids are overlapping and there's no solid to cut. There MUST be a faster and less complicated way to create such a basic form.
I have a colleague who has counciled me that sometimes it makes sense to create mass-elements for complicated gabled roof elements. Since I am pretty darn new to Revit, I am bringing in some old 2D dwg information (plans and elevations) and I'm trying to use this information to generate an in-place mass that is my roof. I'm essentially extruding gabled roof information from this geometry. So far so good. But when I try to rotate this information I find the program unwilling to do this. I have a suspicion this has something to do with the fact this in-place mass is either being hosted by the intitial horiontal working plane, or it is "pinned" to something I don't want it to be pinned to.
Is there any way to change the appearance of a mass imported into Revit? I simply want to change the dark grey that shows in the rendered view and/or the white that shows up in the shaded view so I can control how background buildings (imported through google earth/sketch up) look in my drawings.
I do not want to rebuild the masses with walls, ceilings, etc, because they are just background site elements. I have tried to do this through object styles. I have tried to do this through "Override by Element" and "Override by Category". I am importing the files as in-place masses and there is no way to edit materials because "Materials" doesn't even show up as one of the element properties.
I am creating a tunnel with a profile consisting of multiple radios. In the attached images can be displayed. The problem I have is that by selecting one of the two tunnels and create a void with the profile of the second tunnel and perform cutting geometry indicates that I can not and I get the error message.
If I perform the same exercise to select a tunnel and create a void with a square profile, rectangular or cylindrical deaja if I make the cut geometry. I select the void that did work and edit it to add the profile you require and at the end of the model throws me the error again.
We are working on four computers of the same features and the same version of Revit Building Design Suite 2013, has installed the update 2.
I assigned to each mass floor an usage, and my schedule functions well . That tool is wonderful, isn't it?
But I would want to display each usage in a different color, to show my client how I am organizing the building. Is this possible? Mass floors seems not to have a color or material property.
I am trying to create a mass surface that is being cut by a topo plane. What I am trying to achieve or show is a height setback set from the existing topo to a height of 35'. I've tried to cutting or joining the two geometries but this will not work. There is no way to snap t the intersection of were the mass and the Topo surface meet. Is there a way to change a Topo surface into a mass? Any other way to achive this instead of massing and topo surfaces?
I have created a schedule based off some OFCI ( Owner Furnished Contractor Installed) Items. Some of these items cannot be found online or in the revit library (such as a spectrophotometer). So I created a mass and identified type marks for these items. However, I cannot seem to get the mass items to show on the multi-category schedule. Is there a way to do this or another way to create a schedule that includes mass and equipment?
Is this a Revit Hard Code issue or am I overlooking something? I have created some In-Place Masses (with floor mass for each level) and I have created 2 Project Parameters for for the Mass Schedule. Parameters are Block and Sub Block as Text under Identity Data and in the Mass Category. When the Mass Heading is ticked all mass categories are ticked. So Im thinking, it should not matter what type of Mas schedule I setup. The Parameters should be available in the fields.
The Schedule is created as a Mass Schedule. and the Parameters show up in the field and data is populated as I expect.
I want to create a Mass Floor Schedule and the parameters are not showing up in the fields list. Also I can not Add Parameters from the Schedule dialogue window as those Parameters has already been created. When I select the Mass Floor in a 3D view the Identity Data fields in the Properties window are mostly greyed out. The Project Parameters do not appear as Identity Data fields and the Edit Type is greyed out (not that Edit Type maters but it adds to the thinking process)
I'm now working on my diploma work and I need to model a gridshell construction in Conceptual mass.I created the form and made adaptive component -a glass panel.I uploaded it in the family and now I need to load that family into the project space and I don't know what to do..I will have to remove the mass eventually before rendering but then the gridshell structure will disappear.I don't know how to make it real,I cannot use massing and site with this, I'm obviously missing some steps and i don't know which ones..
I am trying to create a sloped wall by creating a mass in-place. First I draw a line on a surface at a pre-determined level that I've set up in elevation. Then I offset this line in the vertical plane. My next step is to offset this second line so that it is not directly above the original line, but offset in the horizontal plane. How do I change from a vertical to a horizontal offset? I’ve tried different work planes, but they all offset vertically.
Is there a work around to extruding a profile that is not parallel to the plane on the path. Im new to revit and want to create a component the way I did in AutoCAD when I could just Extrude a closed poly with a path and it did not care it it was perpendicular to the path.
I'm using the animated gif extension that allows one to edit gifs that are in the .agif format and I was wondering if there was any way to quickly add in a certain layer into each "frame" of the gif. This is mostly for overlaying text onto a gif and it gets tedious duplicating, moving and merging all the layers one by one.
When I apply a curtain system to a mass, the curtain panels flip inside to outside as shown in the attached image, when applied to a curved mass surface. Additionally, if these systems are applied independently the system justification (beginning and end) is reversed.
In "Categories" of the filters window, it can be selected things which composes its mass, such as Mass Exterior Wall, Mass Glazing, Mass Roof. And these things can be clicked only after its mass become energy model.
I set up a filter rule of Mass Roof and applied it to V/G Filters of a view, but it did not displayed in Analyze Mass Model, the same as Mass Exterior Wall, Mass Glazing.
I'm trying to Repousse a layer mask of this semi complex shape But when I try to Repousse, it fills in the interior, and only extrudes the outline portion (See how it fills the inside with the gray material)
I would like to know whether it is possible (and how) to trim a wall that was generated from mass face to a roof (also generated from face mass) or/and make a horizontal hole in it. The wall itself is not straight or curved, it shifts outwards from the building from base to top (still in an elevation it looks like rectangle).
I've been looking for a solution to remove the unit string ie Lbs, g, kg from the value given from a 'Mass' value in a text string.
As you may all know, creating text and having a 'physical property - mass' value...the unit string is there...
Lots of people on here have the problem...no-one has got a solution.
Until now...
Basically...open the part you need to get the mass property of in your text string.
Follow the instructions on this webpage...this is the first part...
Basically, this creates a Mass property value in the parameters table that you can call on as a text parameter.
It's similar to the custom iproperty model - mass but NOT the same.
Once you have done this, you can go to the drawing of the part and create a text string in the drawing and call it up as shown in this procedure. BUT it still has the unit string.
Here's the best bit that you want to know...
To get RID of the unit string...open up the part again from the drawing...click on the parameter icon...find the user parameter...in the Nominal value column, right click on the value and you get a pop-up that gives you 3 options...
Custom Property Format, Make Multi Value & Delete Parameter.
Click on Custom Property Format.
The pop-up window comes up...showing you the property type...in my case...the 4 left columns read Text, g (grams), Format & Precision...
On the right hand side I have a Preview of the text...then 3 check boxes...Units string, Leading Zero's, Trailing Zero's.
Units string is checked.
Uncheck it.
Close it...Save your part...go back to the drawing and hey presto!...the text now shows the weight you require as a straight value...no units!
I want to turn my in-place mass walls (sloped or helical) to structural walls but i don't know how to do it. I'm able to do the walls but when i switch it to the analytical view the wall doesn't appear because it's not structural. It's there a way to do in-place mass structural walls.
If i choose a generic wall, and spilt it into layers, and let say the middle layer is going to be insulation, when i click on the material button nothing happens?, I can't load a material, it's a huge problem, and i have tried to repair revit, and uninstall in then reinstall, didn't work.
I was wondering if there was a way in the DWG export layer dialog to change the layers like the "existing" and "demo" to a prefix, instead of a suffix.
Currently, for existing phases, when i export to DWG, let's say the topography, is said to be SITE-TOPO-EXIS, but I want to make it EX-SITE-TOPO.
It is set up as "-EXIS" which will add EXIS to all the layers in the existing phase towards the end.
If i changed it to "EX-" that just adds EX- at the end of the layer name in the phase.
Anyway so i can put that in the beginning of all the layer name for the phase?
I don't want to go into AutoCAD and use the _RENAME command if there is a lot of file to change.
We build our models in Sketchup. Export a 3d DWG and import that into Revit 2014 (through Conceptual mass). That way we can export sections etc from Revit.
The problem is that Revit sees the 3D DWG as a Mass, and therefore don export the layers we want to AutoCad.
Is there a way to "explode" the 3D DWG in Revit so it gets divided in to the layers we had before it was transformed into a Mass. So the layers follows the DWG export to Autocad?