Revit :: Error / This File Is Already Open For Editing By Another User
Aug 11, 2011
Often when I open a project I ahve been woking on alone I get the following message:
"This file is already open for editing by another user. You will be unable to save any changes before that user closes the file."
Since I am working on the project alone there are no other users who could have the file open. I don't know why I'm getting this message.
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Feb 17, 2014
Using Revit 2014 LT. Trying to open a file created by another user/seat of Revit 2014 LT (trial version for now).
Error Message reads "The file is open for editing by another user. If you open the file, you cannot save changes until the user closes is. In this case, your changes will overwrite the user's changes. What do you want to do?"
The file is NOT open by another user though.
I realize LT does not allow worksharing, but I assumed that was multiple users working on the same file at the same time. We need to open files one at a time, but by different users.
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Feb 2, 2012
We are working in revit server with two clients . recently we installed one more Lacal server and i checked the speed and all but whenever i try to open heavy file ( 300 Mb file ) from revit server it giving error after some time that server not responding and not open the file . but i checked 15 to 30 mb file it working in same server . Is their any size limitation in revit server . My internet speed is ok that time . So i think its related to revit server
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Jan 26, 2009
Recently the user had crashed his system. So I had to role out a new system for this user, CS3 is part of the image, but Photoshop can not open PSD files unless I run as Administrator(s).
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Mar 12, 2014
I have a friend that is having a hard time saving files as .eps in InDesign, Illistrator and PhotoShop when using a Mac. She is able to create the file and save it so she should have full ownership and read/write rights to the file. Yet when she opens the file, edits it and saves it again, she gets a pop-up stating "Cannot save the illustration. You do not have enough access privileges - ID 5000". The user is the owner of the file. How would she not have access privileges? When she saves the file as an .ai, pdf, or jpg, there is no problem. She also has no problem saving the file on a Windows PC.
Software version : CS6
Device: iMac, 3.75 Ghz Intel Core Duo with 8 gigs RAM
OS: OS X 10.8 with all of the latest updates
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Jul 10, 2012
There are four of us in our office who all installed Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2013. One of us cannot see thumbnail previews in the file open dialog box or in the preview area of Windows explorer. She's using Windows 7, 64-bit.
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Feb 25, 2008
I am getting a Could not open due to unexpected end of file error messages on a bunch of jpg's I am receiving via email. The files open in Microsoft Office Picture Manager.
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Apr 1, 2009
I have been re-saving many of my PSD files using CS3 image prosesssor with compatibility mode turned off. They have simply been saved again as PSD files into a different folder - no changes to the original PSD files. This has worked well and reduced file sizes by up to 50% (I had compatibility mode turned on previously).
of the 60 files I have processed, 3 will no longer open , I get a message that says "file will not open due to a program error."
these files have only ever been used in CS3. , they are quite large
from just under 1GB to 1.5GB, however other similar large files have processed successfully. I have re-tried without success.
I still have the original files so no data loss is involved.
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Feb 27, 2013
is it possible to write a plug in that runs when a user does something.example. you start inventor and open a assembly file the user selects a part and the plugin automatically pussing buttons, no quick key, it just runs.
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Aug 8, 2013
Yesterday while I was editing a project in After Effects I used the command-E within AE to open the selected filein my AE project in Illustrator. Everything was fine, I was able to move things across all exisint layers without changing the file layer organization structure. When I went to save the file, everything seemed to go fine and the asterisk went away indicating it saved the file. When I went back into After Effects, AE told instantly gave me an error: "After Effects error: File exists but couldn't be open for reading: "/Volumes/media/CRISP/Motion/_AIs/dining"/ (3 :: 0)". But when I go into that exact volume destination, the file is missing and I can't find it anywhere. The volume is a server on the network I use here at my job. The server has never had issues with deleted files or not being able to save files onto it. It is always on and connected.
Despite AE telling me it exists still but it can't open it, I can't find the illustrator file anywhere on my Mac or media server. I've done advanced searches with hidden files being visible and I've even looked in a couple hidden folders ".ExampleHiddenFolder" and I still can't find the file with a matching name or extension. I've even tried use the command-option-shift-open within Illustrator to see if I could open any visible file. I just can't find it anywhere and I don't know why Illustrator would just go and delete my file. Yesterday the Recent Files within Illustror would indicate that I had recently opened a dining file but when I would click on it to open it to try and recover it, AI said it couldn't locate the file. Now today the file history doesn't even show up in my recent files anymore (it is still the last file I opened in AI).
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Aug 1, 2011
I am trying to create a custom pattern by editing the PAT file but I can't seam to get it right The pattern is for a ceiling tile in which the pattern is 4 tiles (24''x96) follow by 1 Tile (4''x96)
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Oct 23, 2012
I just updated my computer with the latest and greatest parts and was excited to open Revit 2013 and try it out. I installed it last night and tried to open it. The splash screen appears for a second and then closes. On the first try, a yellow triangle with an exclamation popped up, it hasn't happened since. I fixed the registry with MS fix it, uninstalled it, and reinstalled it.
I read that it was not compatible with hyperthreading 8 core CPUs. I don't think this is the issue, because I do not have a 8 core CPU. I have a i7 3.5 Quad Core with Hyperthreading, 16 gigs RAM, 1 gig Graphics Card, and a Solid State Drive.
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Mar 27, 2013
I need to edit a Photoshop PSD file that has layers.
I believe vector lines can be edited in Photoshop but I only have PS Elements and can only edit the text.
I do have Illustrator CS6 but when I open the PSD file it will not open to separate layers, even if I choose this in the open options.
Maybe Illustrator cannot do this?
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Feb 20, 2013
Get this error when I try to open more than one file. Happens on different files, but especially on jobs that have side panels on packaging. The files have placed .psd images. Happens on different computers (10.6 & 10.8.2).
Can get the file open usually by closing the othere open file, but then is hard to copy and paste between files. Sometimes I get this when trying to open one file, but restarting Illustrator usually fixes this.
Have tried working directly from the hard drive, and still get this problem. Does to follow an exact pattern, can try to open file a, then b one day thsi will work another will fail. Seems like something is corrupting the memory, and usually happens with more complex files. Happens in CS5 & CS6, though I mostly work in CS5.
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Jan 11, 2011
I'm trying to utilize Revit ability to link an IES file as a lighting source in a lighting family. I'm running Revit Architecturer 2009. The ies files i downloaded from the manufacturer website produce an image inconsistent with what i would expect a light source to provide, instead of the "white" light, i get a red/green/black/blue image. I can link any of the ies files that are provide with Revit, and they work fine. it's only this Manufacturer provide file that's causing the error.
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Apr 11, 2013
When I open Photoshop Elements 10 Editor to edit a text layer on a 511KB 412x292 psd photo the text layer is not shown. How do I open the text layer? How do I edit the text layer? How do I save the finished work product? The background layer is locked. I can't unlock it. I have tried any number of approaches none of which open the text layer for editing.
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Feb 8, 2011
I have a .rfa file, but I don't have Revit on the setup I'm using right now, is there any way to convert the .rfa file into a 3D DWG file that I can open in AutoCAD 2011?
The file is attached, any way to let me get a 3D DWG out of it.
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Feb 16, 2012
I have a scene which on one machine will cause error (and crash max) when trying to open it (last time I did that -2 days ago - it was OK) but on a different PC with less mwmory - it will open nicely.
Also - I tried opening backup file from the same folder - error and crash.Files from other projects open nicely as well.
I even thought about memory issues (PC is 4 months old and does not cause any problem)I tried merging it - crash..I tried merging some objects - in some cases it was OK but mostly - crash.
Again - When I opened it on a different PC - it causes no issues.
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Apr 14, 2011
After a system crash, I was unable to open any of the autoback files. I get a "File Open Failed" error.
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Nov 18, 2013
When I try to open a AI, ID, PS file from windows explorer the file will not open and all I keep getting is an error message 5 telling me i need to uninstall and reinstall the software, but i have tried that with AI and it didn't work. But when I launch AI or another program and open the file it opens.
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Oct 7, 2013
With the AutoCAD Revit 2014 I am unable to open DWG file. It gives me a failed to open error. I have attached screen shot below. We did download DWG TruView 2014.
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Oct 9, 2012
I had to work in Revit architect 2012 and today i have to open this file again. The program is show message is
Autodesk Revit Architect 2012
Buil : 20110916_2132(x64)
License unavailable. A license is required to run Autodesk Revit Architect 2012 on this computer.
But this file i have to tried to open in another machine is can open. Do i need to recovery my Revit program or re-install.
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Oct 22, 2011
I need to open an older .rvt file I haven't opened for quite a while. Every time I try to open it I get a message that says "Data in the file "Crawford House 01.0030.rvt is corrupted and needs to be manually recovered. Please contacts Autodesk support." I have never had this issue.
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Mar 15, 2011
Now is the pattern problem in hands! I try to attach patterns to wall: Materials, Cut pattern, New, Drafting pattern, Custom, Import:
And path: C/Program files/Autodesk/Revit Architecture 2011/Data
And there: Revit.pat (or any other *.pat file that I have).
And there it comes: An error! Syntax error in line 2 or 12 or 10 ? What has happened? Before I was managed to attach patterns ok. To an other project I mean.
Where on earth is the problem? In the project? The whole program? In the pattern file?
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Jun 6, 2012
When we use Point Cloud Feature Extraction for Autodesk® Revit® 2012 in our machine in a central file with the pcg file then there is a Run time error shown in revit. But if we work in a single file then the problem does not occur. How we ovecome this situation?
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May 5, 2012
Running PSD 12.0.4 (Extended) on a Mac Pro, Mac OS 10.7.3. Plenty of ram; plenty of hard disk space.
I just finished installing a new 1TB drive in one of my bays; I now have (3) 1TB drives total. Initialized the new drive (Mac OS Extended/Journaled), partitioned for Lion, then installed the OS and migrated everything from my primary (boot) drive using Migration Assistant.
After finishing, PSD gives the following error on start: "Could not open a scratch file because the disk is not available". I can command+option on start, select the boot drive as scratch and set the rest to None; that configuration works (and sticks). However, if I try to set scratch volumes to either of my backup volumes, I get the same error. Additionally, Illustrator can't even see the other two volumes in the scratch disk selector (PSD sees them, but won't accept them).
Here's what I've done:
- using simple disk drive names (i.e. WD1, WD2, WD3)
- verified all drives with Disk Utility
- ran drive diagnostics on all drives using SMART Utility (no problems found)
- reset paramter ram (comand+option+p+r on Mac startup)
- repaired permissions (all volumes - no permission errors found)
- reset PSD prefs (command+option+shift on start)
- deactivated/uninstalled/reinstalled PSD
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Nov 11, 2013
I have been using CS6 for quite sometime with no much issues at all. All the sudden, today, without any changes being made in my computer (iMAC IOS 10.9) the software stopped opening files when I went FILE/OPEN and selecting the file to open (jpg). CS6 opens "finder" and then quickly the finder window disappears (so no time to make any selection,,this is not related to a type of file since...I can never get to even select one..) and the message "Could not complete your request because of a program error". The only option is to click OK and that is it.
I now need to go and open finder and then navigate through to the file and the right click and choose Open with CS6 (anf the file opens)..
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Jun 17, 2012
CS5 has suddenly fallen over with the following error message when trying to open a raw file (.CR2 / 5DII), which it could open previously:
"Could not complete request because of a problem with the file-format module interface".
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Dec 12, 2012
Working on a client job, I created a photoshop cs6 document. Now I can't open the document anymore. Program error message.I always make different versions when working on a job. When I have to make an important change I save a new version of my work. All the previous versions won't open either.
I still have my Photoshop cs5 installed on my computer. Tried that and it worked. All the files open in cs5 but won't open in cs6.I remember taking some work home where I have cs4 running on the laptop.
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Apr 19, 2012
I am not being able to open a .cdr file in Draw. Its about 1.16 gb, I know its big but I didnt realise it has become so big, it has 18 pages now. It was working fine till yesterday. but now when i am trying to open it a pop up comes showing error reading file. I am using x4 in a 32 bit windows 7 with 4 gb ram.I have tried opening in laptop with 64bit windows 7 4 gb ram, it opened till 80% adn then a different error came which said - invalid object. I need to retrieve the artwork, i have worked on it for more than 3 weeks. The back up file also shows the same.
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Sep 10, 2007
I recently upgraded to ps cs3.
Problem: Whenever I work on a file and try to save it as a psd file i get the following: "Cannot save as "C:lah.psd because the file is already in use or was left open."
Now this happens even if no file is open or I try to save the file with a different name. If i hit Ctrl+S to a psd file, it saves. If I try to save as a jpg file, it saves. But when I try to save as a psd file, then I get the above error message.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I even went back to cs2 but this problem continued to happen in cs2 as well.
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