Photoshop :: Error :: Could Not Open Due To Unexpected End Of File Error Messages
Feb 25, 2008
I am getting a Could not open due to unexpected end of file error messages on a bunch of jpg's I am receiving via email. The files open in Microsoft Office Picture Manager.
I cannot open LR4. I get an, "Unexpected error opening catalog. The catalog could not be opened due to an unexpected error." This occurred after a WIN7 update failed. It restored the system to an earlier version. In doing so, it also reverted LR4.2 to LR4.1. I have seen other threads to open a different catalog and/or create a new. The problem is that once I go to "Choose a different catalog", I get the Windows screen where I can select my backup. I select the backup catalog and click "Open". The window goes away, but the underlying LR "Select a Catalog" window still only shows 1 catalog to original catalog. The backup doesn't show up in the list. (The backup is not a network drive and it is not read-protected.)
I then try the "Create a new catalog", get the Windows screen, enter a new name and click "Save". The same thing happens. The Windows screen goes away and the LR "Select a Catalog" window still shows the orignal catalog in the list. Thus, I cannot create nor choose a different catalog.
why my Lightroom 4 program will not open? Yesterday it worked fine. Today I get a message that "an unexpected error occurred". If I try to repair the Lightroom 4 program in the control panel, I get the message "the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable". SO much of my work is sitting in those catalogs.
I have been re-saving many of my PSD files using CS3 image prosesssor with compatibility mode turned off. They have simply been saved again as PSD files into a different folder - no changes to the original PSD files. This has worked well and reduced file sizes by up to 50% (I had compatibility mode turned on previously).
of the 60 files I have processed, 3 will no longer open , I get a message that says "file will not open due to a program error."
these files have only ever been used in CS3. , they are quite large from just under 1GB to 1.5GB, however other similar large files have processed successfully. I have re-tried without success.
I still have the original files so no data loss is involved.
When I open Photoshop CC I get an error messaage that the above dll is missing. I can get rid of the error message and PS opens normally. I understand this might be a .dll associated with Apple products such as iTunes, which I don't have on my machine. Is this .dll necessary and, if not, how do I get rid of the error messages.
I use photoshop CS5 Extended version 12.1 x64 at work when designing banners. The process involves me using pre-existing photoshop templates that are used over and over again. These templates have been created God knows when and as such there are layers with fonts that are missing but they are hidden and unimportant for my task. Everytime i open the templates I get an Font Missing error message that reads as such:
"Some text layers contain fonts that are missing. These layers will need to have the missing fonts replaced before they can be used for vector based output."
I am aware of this and I would prefer not be reminded every time I open a template, having to confirm that I understand the issue, especially when I'm opening 10-20 templates at a time. So my question is, is there a way to set settings in such a way that this error message stops appearing. I will note thate e also use a Universal Type client for Fonts, which replaces the need for photoshop fonts.
If I can find a solution to deactivate this error message, it would definitely speed up the process of opening files.
When I create a project mit chapter and and want burn it in Blue-Ray disc, than comes error 5:0:0. Without chapter I can project burning perfect.Already destroyed many Blue-ray discs.
I use a Windows 7 64 bit Dell at home and at work. Both have Photoshop CS6 (not extended). This week when I saved files at home using file compatiblity (since co-workers in my office are on CS 5.1) and FTPed them from home to the work network I ran into all sorts of issues.
5.1 users reported getting all sorts of errors including...The document contains unknown data which will be discarded to keep layers editable... and another one about missing "color books"
I read about cross version problems with shapes with the new CS6 vector strokes applied. Sure enough, when I sent CS 5.1 co-workers small test files by email they could open all of them but the one with the shape with CS6 vector stroke. So I went back to the larger PSDs and removed the strokes from any shapes, but the office still could not open the files.
I too, even though on the same CS6 product get an error "There was a problem reading the layer data. Read the composite data instead?" If I click to do so I get another error "Could not complete your request because the file is not compatible with this version of Photoshop" which is simply not true wince both are CS6
I get this message when I start PS. " There is no disk in the drive. insert a disk into the drivedriveharddiskdr2"...When I accept this message PS continues to load as normal, However
If I try to save a file using "Save for Web and Devices" I get the same message as above but when I accept this message I get another message "The operation could not be completed. The System cannot find the path specified."All other functions of PS appear to work normally.
I have a Quad 4 processor with 8gb Ram with Windows 7
In PS CS3, attempting to save an ASE file with a swatch selection that contains an illegal color (e.g., an HSB or PANTONE color) results in an error message. You must delete the offending color to save the swatch exchange file.
CS6 implies that the color's simply omitted from the ASE file. Is that true, or does the save process fail the way it does in CS3?
I use CS6, and today I followed a tutorial on how to make a robot on a picture and at first everything went ok but when I was almost done and tried to make a selection with the lasso tool I all of a sudden got an error message that says "Warning: No pixels are more than 50% selected. The selection edges will not be visible." And when I press OK my selection is not there. I had no problem when I started the project but now it won't work.
And now I get this error messages every time I try to make a selection and it doesn't matter if I use the pen, marque or whatever.
When I try to import the sketchup file into max i get the error "X32 reader terminated unexpected" I have tried importing to 3ds max design 2013 and 2014 and used different sketchup versions and also files as simple as a box. everytime i get the same error.
LR 5, not 5.2, is giving me "Unexpected error opening catalog" with the suggestion I attempt to open another catalog. All my recent catalogs give me this error.
I'm using Windows 7 with fully adequate ram and storage. The program was working OK until today.
I back up daily and that always includes optimization. I did find an earlier catalog that comes in successfully.
The Lightroom program demands lots of hours of study and work and if errors like this are frequent I'll have to reconsider its usefulness for my photography.
I keep on getting the fatal error messages like FATAL ERROR: unhandled Access Violation Reading 0xffffffff Exception at 1a89fc50h, when doing simple commands such as move, copy or selecting objects. It has also occurred when I've tried to save. They can occur up to 4 times a day .
I have tried emptying my temp folders and I've ensured my copy of AutoCAD 2011 LT is up to date but these are only temporary solutions as a few days later they will appear again.
It's a large catalog, created in LR4, and it's always worked fine. It lives on an external hard drive (along with all the pictures in that catalog).
The other night, I set another hard drive down and touched the first drive, accidentally disconnecting it from the computer while LR was open (or possibly while LR was in the process of opening).
When I reconnected the drive and tried to open the catalog again, I received a message that the catalog couldn't be opened since it was open in another application. (Nothing else was open or using it, obviously.)
I researched the internet, found a suggestion, and removed the .lock file from the catalog folder. NOW I am getting the message "Unexpected error opening catalog. The catalog could not be opened due to an unexpected error."
---- IF I have to reload the software, do I lose anything? Do I lose my edits, my history, my preferences?
I want to preserve the history of all of the edited photographs, not just the "composite LR adjustment" or whatever you call it... some of the folders of pictures have matching .xmp files and some do not. I think this might be due to a preferences change a few months after I created the catalog - I guess it doesn't apply this change retroactively, or perhaps it would have had I opened those folders... not sure. I had backed up the original RAW files (which are still present on the external hard drive and seem just fine), but the catalog hasn't been backed up recently. I think I have to re-install LR4, and I just want to make sure I can keep all the work I've done.
i am getting "unexpected error opening catalog" message when opening a catalog that worked fine 2 days ago. Other catalogs open on the same drive Mac pro LR5.3 ..Lots of worked had gone into that catalog.
I've been running LR 4.1 for a few weeks without a hitch.
Just now I tried to open it and I got an 'Unexpected error opening catalog' message. Since there is only one catalog, I chose 'Choose a different catalog' and created a new one. LR opened fine then.
However, I could not open the existing catalog, even from within LR.
Holding down the Alt key before clicking the LR icon in the System Tray opens a window headed LR 4.1 64-bit Properties. There are various tabs in the window. I'm not sure what I should be doing with any of them. If I click on OK at the bottom of the window, nothing happens.
Finally, in C/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4/ the Master Catalog.ircat is visible. But, just below this, in /Lightroom 4.1, there is no Master Catalog.ircat. Is this normal?
Previously, my LR5 worked seamlessly with both the most current versions of Photomatix Pro and HDR Efex Pro 2. Then neither program worked. Photomatix would accept images from LR5 would process them sometimes but wouldn't send them back to LR5. Sometimes Photomatix would allert me that some of the exported images had the same data - not true. Sometimes 2+,1+, 0, 2- & 1- brackets were interpreted as having a 3+ image. With the Nik software I'd get messages like "Launching external application failed" or "The command 'HDR Efex Pro 2' is not currently available. I contacted Google and we determined that the Nik software worked when opened in Photoshop CS5. It appears that LR5 may be the culprit. I uninstalled and reinstalled LR5. Nothing changed. The Photomatix and Efex Pro 2 plugins reappeared without me doing anything so I wasn't sure I got a clean reinstall.
My co-worker and I have been getting Fatal Error messages a lot recently and there doesn't seem to be any consistent task that is causing them. We've been getting the error messages with multiple different commands and multiple softwares such as ACAD 2009, ACA 2012, and ACAD 2012. We can't seem to pin down anything specific that is causing the crashes. Fortunately with my crashes I can simply restart the software and everything is ok. However, there have been a couple of times that my co-worker's system crashed and he had to have ACAD 2009 re-installed (this is a major pain because we have to go through our IT department to get anything done on our systems). We have different computers. About the only common thing between us is that we are both running the same version of Windows XP on 32-bit systems.
I just bought Silver Efex pro 2 after uninstalling a pirated version my sister downloaded. When I try to edit a photo in Silver Efex 2 through Lightroom 4 a box comes up and says unexpected error performing command: bad argument #1 to lower (string expected, got nil). I am not good with computers.
Also is there any way to restore factory defaults all throughout Lightroom. Maybe doing that and reinstalling Silver Efex would work? Even when I deleted the pirated version of Silver Efex the Silver Efex still showed up in the Edit In box. I need to get that one to go away so the new Silver Efex will appear in Edit in box I guess.
I just recently started having problems with my PSP Photo XI program on my laptop. The other day it would start up and run normally, but the next day when I went to run the program, it wouldn't start. My computer would freeze up and show this error message: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006). Click OK to terminate the applicaion."
I tried turning off my computer and running the program again, but the same thing came up. I tried to run the repair program on it, nothing. I even tried to uninstall PSP XI to no avail as I got a different error message: "Internal Error 2328 C:Program FilesCorelCorel Paint Shop Pro XICoreErrorCodesRC.dll"
I really don't know what to do, short of just completely resetting my laptop back to factory settings and starting fresh. But even then I don't know if that would fix the problem.
I wish I knew why the program decided to just stop working one day, as I haven't downloaded anything and my anti-virus is up to date.My computer is a Dell XPS M1710, and it runs Windows XP SP3.
I set mental ray render. When i first time open material/map browser and icons from maps are loading i have this error/warn message. Icons are black circles.