3ds Max :: Mental Ray Maps Error / Warning Messages / Icons Are Black Circles
May 10, 2013
I set mental ray render. When i first time open material/map browser and icons from maps are loading i have this error/warn message. Icons are black circles.
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Sep 28, 2012
I just installed a 2 TB hard drive and now my Photoshop 7 will not open. A warning comes up that the scratch disks are full .
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Dec 17, 2012
Shortkey to turn off the warning and pop up messages? for instance, "one object has been changed to a frozen or turned off layer".
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Feb 25, 2008
I am getting a Could not open due to unexpected end of file error messages on a bunch of jpg's I am receiving via email. The files open in Microsoft Office Picture Manager.
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Jul 25, 2013
I am wondering if there is any way to disable the big white on black messages that appear for 'Pending Render', 'Unlinked Media' etc
I find it best to work with my prefs on 'Show Selected Item' & it's a little annoying that these are so big & ugly, and also so peak white & black (worried for my plasma)
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Aug 30, 2011
I am rendering an interior animation of a church for a client and after rendering a few frames with backburner on my offices network, I noticed that a lot of the frames have black faces that appear on the walls, then disappear in other frames. In particular the central column in the first attached image, the second image is how it should look. I've created both photon maps for GI and Final gather maps for most of the animation.
I'm running 3DS Max Design 2011
on a Dell Precision T5500
Intel Xeon CPU E5520 @2.27 GHz
2.26 GHz, 12 G Ram
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Oct 14, 2013
When I open Photoshop CC I get an error messaage that the above dll is missing. I can get rid of the error message and PS opens normally. I understand this might be a .dll associated with Apple products such as iTunes, which I don't have on my machine. Is this .dll necessary and, if not, how do I get rid of the error messages.
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Mar 7, 2012
I use photoshop CS5 Extended version 12.1 x64 at work when designing banners. The process involves me using pre-existing photoshop templates that are used over and over again. These templates have been created God knows when and as such there are layers with fonts that are missing but they are hidden and unimportant for my task. Everytime i open the templates I get an Font Missing error message that reads as such:
"Some text layers contain fonts that are missing. These layers will need to have the missing fonts replaced before they can be used for vector based output."
I am aware of this and I would prefer not be reminded every time I open a template, having to confirm that I understand the issue, especially when I'm opening 10-20 templates at a time. So my question is, is there a way to set settings in such a way that this error message stops appearing. I will note thate e also use a Universal Type client for Fonts, which replaces the need for photoshop fonts.
If I can find a solution to deactivate this error message, it would definitely speed up the process of opening files.
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Oct 17, 2012
Photoshop :: Get error messages when it loads. What's the problem?
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May 16, 2012
I keep on getting the fatal error messages like FATAL ERROR: unhandled Access Violation Reading 0xffffffff Exception at 1a89fc50h, when doing simple commands such as move, copy or selecting objects. It has also occurred when I've tried to save. They can occur up to 4 times a day .
I have tried emptying my temp folders and I've ensured my copy of AutoCAD 2011 LT is up to date but these are only temporary solutions as a few days later they will appear again.
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May 25, 2011
How is it possible for Mental Ray to give me an out of memory error on a Windows 7 professional 64-bit machine using the 64-bit Max Design? I have 4GB of physical memory, but whenever a program needs more memory Windows allocates virtual memory to it, so theoretically my memory limit should be my hard drive space. However, when I try to render my scene with a little less than 200k polys with a displacement map on it (trying to get grass), the task manager shows 3dsmax.exe using up to 4.3GB of commit memory (4gb working memory), then it crashes.
I've set Windows to use up to 16gb for my pagefile, so it seems like mental ray isn't actually 64-bit since it crashes right at the 4gb limit of a 32-bit program.
Win7 64bit
4GB ram
500gb 10k rpm hdd
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014
Civil 3D 2014 x64
Windows 7 64-bit
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Jun 2, 2013
I keep getting dynamic link messages when trying to open video in Photoshop
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Feb 19, 2014
Previously, my LR5 worked seamlessly with both the most current versions of Photomatix Pro and HDR Efex Pro 2. Then neither program worked. Photomatix would accept images from LR5 would process them sometimes but wouldn't send them back to LR5. Sometimes Photomatix would allert me that some of the exported images had the same data - not true. Sometimes 2+,1+, 0, 2- & 1- brackets were interpreted as having a 3+ image. With the Nik software I'd get messages like "Launching external application failed" or "The command 'HDR Efex Pro 2' is not currently available. I contacted Google and we determined that the Nik software worked when opened in Photoshop CS5. It appears that LR5 may be the culprit. I uninstalled and reinstalled LR5. Nothing changed. The Photomatix and Efex Pro 2 plugins reappeared without me doing anything so I wasn't sure I got a clean reinstall.
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May 24, 2013
Mental Ray Fatal error when rendering
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Jan 8, 2013
I use a Windows 7 64 bit Dell at home and at work. Both have Photoshop CS6 (not extended). This week when I saved files at home using file compatiblity (since co-workers in my office are on CS 5.1) and FTPed them from home to the work network I ran into all sorts of issues.
5.1 users reported getting all sorts of errors including...The document contains unknown data which will be discarded to keep layers editable... and another one about missing "color books"
I read about cross version problems with shapes with the new CS6 vector strokes applied. Sure enough, when I sent CS 5.1 co-workers small test files by email they could open all of them but the one with the shape with CS6 vector stroke. So I went back to the larger PSDs and removed the strokes from any shapes, but the office still could not open the files.
I too, even though on the same CS6 product get an error "There was a problem reading the layer data. Read the composite data instead?" If I click to do so I get another error "Could not complete your request because the file is not compatible with this version of Photoshop" which is simply not true wince both are CS6
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Nov 3, 2013
I get this message when I start PS. " There is no disk in the drive. insert a disk into the drivedriveharddiskdr2"...When I accept this message PS continues to load as normal, However
If I try to save a file using "Save for Web and Devices" I get the same message as above but when I accept this message I get another message "The operation could not be completed. The System cannot find the path specified."All other functions of PS appear to work normally.
I have a Quad 4 processor with 8gb Ram with Windows 7
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Jun 2, 2013
In PS CS3, attempting to save an ASE file with a swatch selection that contains an illegal color (e.g., an HSB or PANTONE color) results in an error message. You must delete the offending color to save the swatch exchange file.
CS6 implies that the color's simply omitted from the ASE file. Is that true, or does the save process fail the way it does in CS3?
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Dec 18, 2012
Every time I start up photoshop I get the following dialog box showing up:
And the following comes up with any filter i try to use:
I have tried re-installing the softwear, unfortunately that didn't fix the issue.
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Jan 9, 2012
My co-worker and I have been getting Fatal Error messages a lot recently and there doesn't seem to be any consistent task that is causing them. We've been getting the error messages with multiple different commands and multiple softwares such as ACAD 2009, ACA 2012, and ACAD 2012. We can't seem to pin down anything specific that is causing the crashes. Fortunately with my crashes I can simply restart the software and everything is ok. However, there have been a couple of times that my co-worker's system crashed and he had to have ACAD 2009 re-installed (this is a major pain because we have to go through our IT department to get anything done on our systems). We have different computers. About the only common thing between us is that we are both running the same version of Windows XP on 32-bit systems.
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Aug 4, 2012
I use CS6, and today I followed a tutorial on how to make a robot on a picture and at first everything went ok but when I was almost done and tried to make a selection with the lasso tool I all of a sudden got an error message that says "Warning: No pixels are more than 50% selected. The selection edges will not be visible." And when I press OK my selection is not there. I had no problem when I started the project but now it won't work.
And now I get this error messages every time I try to make a selection and it doesn't matter if I use the pen, marque or whatever.
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Apr 25, 2013
I just recently started having problems with my PSP Photo XI program on my laptop. The other day it would start up and run normally, but the next day when I went to run the program, it wouldn't start. My computer would freeze up and show this error message: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000006). Click OK to terminate the applicaion."
I tried turning off my computer and running the program again, but the same thing came up. I tried to run the repair program on it, nothing. I even tried to uninstall PSP XI to no avail as I got a different error message: "Internal Error 2328 C:Program FilesCorelCorel Paint Shop Pro XICoreErrorCodesRC.dll"
I really don't know what to do, short of just completely resetting my laptop back to factory settings and starting fresh. But even then I don't know if that would fix the problem.
I wish I knew why the program decided to just stop working one day, as I haven't downloaded anything and my anti-virus is up to date.My computer is a Dell XPS M1710, and it runs Windows XP SP3.
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Sep 4, 2013
moving my LR files to an external hard drive without the dreaded question mark or missing files message. I thought it would be easy.........I must be doing something wrong. I want to move some 30,000 photo files to external and work off external in the future. I purchased a Lacie 4 TB hard drive.
I would like step-by-step instructions.?
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Nov 16, 2012
Every time I export a C3D drawing to ACAD (command: _AecExportToAutoCAD20xx), I get this "error message"
There does not seem to be a real problem because I can open the exported drawing in vanilla AutoCAD OK, (although I do still get a proxy notice..?).
A few other older threads about this reveal no solution or confirmation that this dialog is a bug.
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May 28, 2012
I have made a block with consist of shape drawing and some attribute data that must specified when the block inserted. my question is, how to make "warning error input" appear if mistake input occurs?
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May 3, 2012
why I'd get this error when doing an Export to AutoCAD 2010/2007/2004...? It seems to be innocuous, and irrelevant, but it's disturbing none-the-less. I haven't been able to identify any reason why it appears, and all drawings seem to work normally, with no problems. AUDITs turn up no errors. So I've just been ignoring this message, but it's distracting. And it doesn't always appear... although I haven't been able yet to identify what causes it to appear in some drawings, and not others. I think it only ever happens when there's an XREF, but not sure... (Maybe when an XREF is in an older version of C3D/LDD/AutoCAD...?)
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Nov 21, 2011
I am copying objects to a new database and and cloning as an Entity type succesfully for all objects.When I save the database to a new file I get the attached error
'Warning: An error occurred during save....'
I have isolated this to Polylines and have tried to Process as Type PolyLine but still get the error.Here is the code I use for the polyline.(My entity processing code is identical except for object type).
Dim MyPolyLine As DatabaseServices.Polyline MyPolyLine = CType(myObjID.GetObject(DatabaseServices.OpenMode.ForRead), _ Database Services.Polyline)Dim NewEntity As DatabaseServices.Polyline = CType(MyPolyLine.Clone, _ DatabaseServices.Polyline)NewEntity. Set Database Defaults(NewDB) NewBTR.AppendEntity(NewEntity)NewTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(NewEntity, True)NewEntity.Layer = MyPolyLine.Layer NewEntity.Linetype = "ByLayer"NewEntity.Material = "ByLayer"
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Aug 2, 2011
in older versions there was a option to use the very useful symbol.ttf's quickly and accurate with a little roll up menu that showed all characters and one could select and drag drop it into the document. I tried in vain to enable that in X5 with the so called symbol manager. I told Draw where the symbol.ttf's are but in the symbol manager I just see the path to it and nothing to use. I'm talking about the stars, arrows, weather etc. files.
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Oct 2, 2013
I'm trying to breath life into an old Sheet Metal template.It starts with the Non-Empty VBA warning.From there, "Run-time error '13': type mismatch
Debugging, here's my screen (attached). I don't know enough about VB to know where there's a problem.
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Feb 28, 2011
I would like to know if I can import my AutoCAD 3d file into 3DS MAX, with the lighting maps and material maps intact. This is because I am doing my thesis on AutoCAD 2011 but I would like to use 3DS Max to do a walk through video.
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Feb 11, 2005
I'm trying to make a logo. Circular logo with an inner ring maybe 4 px wide and 15 px inside the rim of the outer circle.
Basically I want a blue circle with a yellow inside ring. What's the best way of doing this? The only thing i can think of is: creating a blue circle marquee, and then another (trying to estimate a new circle size and change the color) that is yellow, and then making another smaller blue circle inside the new one. That's just ugly.
I tried the edit/stroke but that just gave me a stroke around the outer circle; it didn't put a ring inside the circle 15 px down.
Also I tried to contract the original circle by selecting it, then Modify/contract. That's got me a selected ring, inside the circle. Now how in the world do I make that little ring yellow? It just remains selected and I can't seem to find a way to color it.
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Apr 23, 2013
I've installed my new windows CS6, all my .psd files have the 'generic icons' windows give to files they don't recognize. Everything else has normal icons (i.e. Illustrator files) but the Photoshop files are blank. This is true whether I'm on any type of viewer format, i.e. details, thumbnails.
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