3ds Max :: Mental Ray Fatal Error When Rendering
May 24, 2013Mental Ray Fatal error when rendering
View 3 RepliesMental Ray Fatal error when rendering
View 3 Repliesi have ATI firepro v5900.. How can i enable mental ray gpu rendering in 3ds max.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwe're currently doing an animation of a walkthrough of an airport where we're getting these strange artifacts when rendering after creating the final gather pass.
We're using only mr daylight system to light the scene, to get an all white soft-shadow render. Only three types material, diffuse white, glossy white and glass (all mr A&D). The glossy material gets blown out and we receive strange red and green artifacts here and there in the model.
We use mr Photographic Exposure Control.
I saw something about being able to render faster using network rendering for mental ray, but I'm not sure where I've seen it, nor do I know how it works.
If this is possible it would be great, since a scene I tried rendering had an ETA of about 51 hours. So I turned off ray traced shadows, seems to have lowered the rendering time quite a bit, but I'm still gonna end up with about 26 hours of rendering. If network rendering could bring that time down, that would be great.
I've got this scene of a roman temple like structure, with the floor being slightly reflective. It is covered in a Volume light completely. When rendered it gives a really nice effect to it, however takes ages to render. And I need it to render faster.
Am rendering it with mental ray, and with the Volume Light deactivated, it takes about 30 seconds to render the whole frame. When activating it rendering less then 1/4th of the frame takes 4:30 minutes.
Now this is not gonna work well when I'm gonna render a movieclip, so I'm gonna ask the following: Is there a good, fast alternative for that volume light?
I have an issue that every time I render a scene with photometric lights and have the exposure control set to Mr. Photographic exposure, outdoor night time, I get flicker. It appears to be an interlacing problem, but looks like the lights are flickering bright and dim. I am rendering as a .jpg sequence.
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I thought I had this all working. And it did to an extent. When I plug a single displacement map into my standard lambert shader slot in maya, all works fine and dandy. However, as soon as I try to use multiple displacement maps, I am getting the problem that I had in the previous post, which is that the negative values are lost. I sort of understand why this is happening - that is when using a layered shader it uses alpha as luminance, and therefore the values don't go below zero, but I don't know what to do about it!? I have tried a network with set range etc but it just makes a mess. Any straightforward method of using multiple .exr files in a single shader for mental ray in maya?
I'm using mental ray rendering photometric lights with a lot of reflective surfaces. I keep getting little white specks showing up on certain surfaces.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow is it possible for Mental Ray to give me an out of memory error on a Windows 7 professional 64-bit machine using the 64-bit Max Design? I have 4GB of physical memory, but whenever a program needs more memory Windows allocates virtual memory to it, so theoretically my memory limit should be my hard drive space. However, when I try to render my scene with a little less than 200k polys with a displacement map on it (trying to get grass), the task manager shows 3dsmax.exe using up to 4.3GB of commit memory (4gb working memory), then it crashes.
I've set Windows to use up to 16gb for my pagefile, so it seems like mental ray isn't actually 64-bit since it crashes right at the 4gb limit of a 32-bit program.
Win7 64bit
4GB ram
500gb 10k rpm hdd
Infrastructure Design Suite Premium 2014
Civil 3D 2014 x64
Windows 7 64-bit
Ive been trying to install Adobe Photoshop CS4 trial for the past 3 days. The only reason I want to try it is because of its ability to create textures directly on models. But whenever I try to install, I get this error"Adobe Drive CS4Error:Error 1603. Fatal error during installation." Dispite it not saying that Adobe Photoshop CS4 having an error, I still get this screen ....
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am getting Error 1603. Fatal error during installation while installing photoshop Cs 6.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI set mental ray render. When i first time open material/map browser and icons from maps are loading i have this error/warn message. Icons are black circles.
I try to upload photo's from my i-Phone with the adobe photodownloader I get a fatal error and it needs to be closederror code c0000005adres 7c9109f9what can I do?it worked before and I don't think I changed anything besides updating i-tunes, i-phone software and firewall, virusscan etc.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have made two attempts to download CS3 on a trial basis, each time at the end of the download I get a "fatal error " message. Why is this ?
View 8 Replies View Relatedi coded this simple utility that allows the user to edit some dbtext without using the mouse (after selection).
It works but sometimes, it seems randomly, i get a fatal error.
This is the code
public void Run(object param)
Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Editor ed = doc.Editor;
The run function it's called from a commandmethod with the CommandFlags.Session flag.
I keep on getting the fatal error messages like FATAL ERROR: unhandled Access Violation Reading 0xffffffff Exception at 1a89fc50h, when doing simple commands such as move, copy or selecting objects. It has also occurred when I've tried to save. They can occur up to 4 times a day .
I have tried emptying my temp folders and I've ensured my copy of AutoCAD 2011 LT is up to date but these are only temporary solutions as a few days later they will appear again.
I am trying to Install Adobe Photoshop CS4, but every time getting an error:
Adobe CSI CS4
Error 1603. Fatal error during installation.
If I see the Logs, here are few lines around searched pattern "1603".
5:5:21:968 -(Adobe)- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- BEGIN - Adobe_ProtectedContent -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
5:5:21:984 -(Adobe)- Requesting property: CustomActionData
5:5:21:984 -(Adobe)- Stream extraction to recordset
5:5:21:984 -(Adobe)- Number of Properties: 2
5:5:21:984 -(Adobe)- Name, Value: Count 0
5:5:21:984 -(Adobe)- Name, Value: Prop 3A4D8E3D83E0425FA8FBB04538CDC2A0
5:5:21:984 -(Adobe)- Acquired custom action data
5:5:21:984 -(Adobe)- GetMapProperty returned: Count = 0
5:5:21:984 -(Adobe)- No records to process
5:5:21:984 -(Adobe)- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- END - Adobe_ProtectedContent -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
[ 3584] Fri Mar 06 10:35:22 2009 INFO
5:5:22:437 -(Adobe)- -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- BEGIN - Adobe_FirewallAuthorize -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
5:5:22:453 -(Adobe)- Committing firewall data. Inverted: 0
5:5:22:453 -(Adobe)- Requesting property: CustomActionData
5:5:22:453 -(Adobe)- Stream extraction to recordset
5:5:22:453 -(Adobe)- Number of Properties: 4
5:5:22:453 -(Adobe)- Name, Value: ProductName Adobe CSI CS4
5:5:22:453 -(Adobe)- Name, Value: InstallPath0 C:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobeCS4ServiceManagerCS4ServiceManager.exe
5:5:22:453 -(Adobe)- Name, Value: EnablePort0 5353
5:5:22:453 -(Adobe)- Name, Value: EnablePortProto0 6
5:5:22:453 -(Adobe)- Firewall interfaces initialized
5:5:22:453 -(Adobe)- Testing key: EnablePort0 Root: EnablePort Index: 0
5:5:22:453 -(Adobe)- Adding entry: Adobe CSI CS4 for port: 5353 with protocol: 6
5:5:22:468 -(Adobe)- Return code from operation: 1603
5:5:22:468 -(Adobe)- #_AdobeError_# 1603 ...
I get a fatal error (attached) when I hover over an mpolygon in a dwg file (also attached).
Map 3D 2011, SP2, Win 7 pro 64 bit.
I have tried audit - it did not fix the problem.
I've loaded Max 2013 onto a render node. When I run backburner it starts to Launch 3ds Max 2013 the give me a DBXHost message ObjectDBX has reported a fatal error. Unable to load AcDB resource file.
The machine is running XP 64 with 8 gigs of Ram
Just installed Map 3D 2012 and Bluebeam Revu cad version. Restarted m'puter and Message pops up, then CAD closes. Very counter productive.
Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2014
Windows 7 Professional
Service Pack 1
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00 GHz
8.00 GB RAM
Due to a "FATAL ERROR: Unhandled c0000417h" my AutoCAD 2014 crashes every time I try to print a dwg to pdf.
It seems to only occur if I print one of any number of files within a particular/specific folder.
Things I am still able to do:
I can publish the very same drawings to pdf.
I can print a dwg to pdf if it is within a different folder.
I am using AutoCad 2000 on Windows XP - and have had no problems for years. today - I went to print out a drawing, and when clicking on plot - or plot preview, it gave me: Fatal Error: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0000 Exception at 5e2c36h. I thought it was just this one file, but none of the existing drawings I open will print. And they have always printed.
View 9 Replies View RelatedTo be more precise: Fatal error unhandled access violation writing 0x0024 Exception at 7776e4b4h
I've set up a drop down menu with various page setups coming from another file (-psetupin).
If I initiate a page setup for our Plotter or Printer, everything works fine. If I initiate a page setup for the 'dwg to pdf.pc3', I get the error listed above. I don't understand why, it worked fine not too long ago. Also, if I manually create a page setup with the same 'dwg to pdf.pc3' it works fine...
ACA 2012
Windows 7
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU
3.4GHz - 8GB ram - 64 bit
i just recently migrated all the info on one macbook to my new macbook. everything works fine except that when i try to open a file in CS4. a message pops up saying "missing component - fatal error".uninstalling & reinstalling doesn't seem to fix it & so i am at loss as what to do. my lightroom 4 works just fine.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been using Ulead VideoStudio / Corel VideoStudio since the 4SE version and made all upgrades, up to X4.On April 1, 2012, I purchased then the UG from VS X4 Pro to VS X5 Pro and downloaded the software through the link provided by Corel.
I start the installation, enter the S/N of X5 and X4 (because I purchased an upgrade).But installation always stops with an error message at the following step: "Please wait while we configure Microsoft Visual C+++ 2005 Redistributable"
The error message is: "1: ALLUSERS property is not 1 - this MSM cannot be used for a per-user or fallback-to-per-user install".
What I already tried so far...I already uninstalled VS X4 and used the "VS_Cleanup", but the error persists. Meanwhile, I contacted Corel support, and they recommended to uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ and then to re-install it. I followed their instructions and uninstalled all instances of Microsoft Visual C++ and then re-installed the latest version, i.e. Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 (x64).However, the same problem persists.
Meanwhile, I tried many other approaches: I moved the installation file (.exe file) to the desktop and tried the installation from there, I tried the installation as another user (equally with administrator rights), I tried to install under Windows Safe Mode (this failed, since some necessary drivers or software was apparently not loaded), removed any remaining traces of VS X4 manually and made a registry clean up, etc.Note also that all latest updates of Windows and related software are made.
I also re-downloaded the installation file, in order to make sure there is no problem with a corrupt installation file.
Video standard: PAL/SECAM, manually selected during the installation process.
I have recently moved to 2014Lt.
When I open a second file both go super slow. I didnt have this problem with 2013.
It often then crashes the recent error no is d686468fh.
I started the drawing I have been working on for the last couple of days. I went to save it and this is what I got:
fatal error: unhandled access violation reading 0xbff247f8 exception at e47c7bd9h.
Every time I reload the program the numbers are different.
When I load a different drawing I don't have the problem.
I am getting Fatal error at the explode method in the following highlighed (red) code.
public class ExplodeDynamicBlocks
Also, if possible, how to combine two objectidcollection into one?
I have Autocad LT 2007 running on a PC with Windows 7.I am having problem with creating layers or just working with layers.I get this error message:
Fatal Error: Unhandled e06d7363h Exception at 7585c41fh
The second part of the message "at 7585c41fh" is different sometimes, but the first part is always the same.Then Autocad shuts down.
I am currently using ACAD Civil 3D 2014. When I am in paper space and try to plot I get a Fatal Error before I even get to the plot menu. This is only happening in 2 specific drawings and I've done a purge, audit and drawing recovery. With 8GB of Ram there should be more then enough to at least plot a 5MB drawing.
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