Mudbox :: Rendering Multi-tile Displacement In Mental Ray
Mar 8, 2012
I thought I had this all working. And it did to an extent. When I plug a single displacement map into my standard lambert shader slot in maya, all works fine and dandy. However, as soon as I try to use multiple displacement maps, I am getting the problem that I had in the previous post, which is that the negative values are lost. I sort of understand why this is happening - that is when using a layered shader it uses alpha as luminance, and therefore the values don't go below zero, but I don't know what to do about it!? I have tried a network with set range etc but it just makes a mess. Any straightforward method of using multiple .exr files in a single shader for mental ray in maya?
I've been trying out making an alien character in mudbox.
When I have textured a multi tile uv layout for the character and saved, I come back the next day to work on the file and the UV's look like the attached file - the image for uv 0,2 is the same as for 0,1 and 0,3, the tiling worked fine while I was painting though. Is this a bug or is it something I'm doing/incorrect setup/etc. I'm using the standard install with its default settings.
I would like to have a model with a high poly count to work on, my model is 2mil polys at the moment, if I try to divide to 8 mil the app really slows down, Is there a way to get mudbox to handle more polys smoothly, I'm running 64bit Mudbox 2013 with 6gig of RAM and a 1Gig video card (ATI Radeon HD 5700). In an ideal world I'd like to go to 32 mil polys to take advantage of the 4k maps I'll be outputting - am I aiming too high with this spec? I'd like to get some nice close ups of this char and render out at 1080p if possible
I modeled a female body and imported from 3DSMAX to mudbox to texture but now i'm having trouble on baking the displacement map in MUDBOX. I'm using tiff 32 bit floating,7 x 7k, with search distance of 4 (i believe it's a relative good number). My source model is step 0(with about 2 million faces) and the other is step 2(with aprox. 6 million faces). I'm using target to closest model, smoothing only the source and wht i get is this: a big black image with one or another gray dot.
I saw several tutorials about wht might be. I changed several times the search distance, and also tried to bake in max. Nothing seems to work. Mudbox keeps leving me with a blck image and max gives me something strange that works a little as a displacement map but it is totaly untileble.The two images attached are from mudbox. One as i get, and in the other i tried messing with levels in photoshop but it didn't work too.
I'm sculpting a portrait work and after generating the displacement map, the map itself automatically is displayed in the model. This is actually the second time I'm experienced this.
How can I disable this auto function without having to turn off the layer in the layer tab each and everytime mudbox generates the displacement map.
I extract a displacement map from Mudbox 2012 that has just a simple sphere. Then in Maya 2012, I create a file node and try to load the displacement map. Maya crash.....
Can a PTEX vector displacement map be used as a stencil or stamp? If not, what's the workflow for going from a PTEX sculpt to a vector displacement texture (e.g. TIFF) that can be used as a stencil / sculpt.
The problem I'm experiencing is that I sculpted a plane with PTEX and exported a PTEX vector displacement map, however, when I go to the Image Browser to attempt to use it as a stencil or stamp the PTEX file does not show up. The only files I can see in the browser are TIFF, PNG, etc. If I change the Output Options > Map Type to from PTEX to Texture I get an error: "At least on target model has been set up for PTEX. You must select PTEX format(*.ptx) for maps extracted using this target."
We're experiencing some artefacts near UV seams on our baked displacement maps. We have a clean, multiple UV-tile model which is subdivided, sculpted etc. Baking uses subdivision method, smooth target mesh and UVs on (we render with prman). Edge bleed is default 2, anti aliasing to x2.
Then test the map out by bringing the target model back in, subdivide up to the corresponding level, and sculpt using maps. The artefacts are not everywhere, just on some UV boundaries in some areas, very strange. The UV boundaries are clean quads, same spacing, good use of UV space. My concern is its in sporadic regions, and not globally over all seams.
I have a Multi-Material on an organic surface (see image below). The Bumps are created by a displacement-shader in an arch&design material. When I render it out, i get these artifacts. Of course I know where those are coming from and why. But i have no clue of how to get around them. I dont wanna use the Displacement Modifier because of polygoncount-reasons.
we're currently doing an animation of a walkthrough of an airport where we're getting these strange artifacts when rendering after creating the final gather pass.
We're using only mr daylight system to light the scene, to get an all white soft-shadow render. Only three types material, diffuse white, glossy white and glass (all mr A&D). The glossy material gets blown out and we receive strange red and green artifacts here and there in the model.
I saw something about being able to render faster using network rendering for mental ray, but I'm not sure where I've seen it, nor do I know how it works.
If this is possible it would be great, since a scene I tried rendering had an ETA of about 51 hours. So I turned off ray traced shadows, seems to have lowered the rendering time quite a bit, but I'm still gonna end up with about 26 hours of rendering. If network rendering could bring that time down, that would be great.
I'm trying to render a sequence consisting of some letters with a self-illumintating glossy plastic material.
The object consists of two objects, one with high gloss plastic with a slight transparency, another one within it, slightly inset, with a high value self-illuminating material.
I look-developed it using still mode rendering, but when I started to render as a sequence I noticed it looked different than expected. The difference is in the indirect diffuse pass, which is very noisy in the animated sequence. It also has some very pronounced highlights which are incorrect.
I've got this scene of a roman temple like structure, with the floor being slightly reflective. It is covered in a Volume light completely. When rendered it gives a really nice effect to it, however takes ages to render. And I need it to render faster.
Am rendering it with mental ray, and with the Volume Light deactivated, it takes about 30 seconds to render the whole frame. When activating it rendering less then 1/4th of the frame takes 4:30 minutes.
Now this is not gonna work well when I'm gonna render a movieclip, so I'm gonna ask the following: Is there a good, fast alternative for that volume light?
I have an issue that every time I render a scene with photometric lights and have the exposure control set to Mr. Photographic exposure, outdoor night time, I get flicker. It appears to be an interlacing problem, but looks like the lights are flickering bright and dim. I am rendering as a .jpg sequence.
I'm using mental ray rendering photometric lights with a lot of reflective surfaces. I keep getting little white specks showing up on certain surfaces.
Is it possible to selectively extract(apply disp to a mesh) tiles ala cyslice? If would be very useful to have.
In my new little experience with other use of mudbox other that sculpting I still find it somewhat limited compared to cyslice. Also the extraction progress UI is quite buggy to me (at least it looks like it on my machine) as it doesnt update the status...and therefore you would think that the extraction process isnt working, but then, checking the directiory where the files are supposed to be saved, MB is actually doing the job.
And about the transfer detail to a new topology, is it possible to do it selectively? I ve tried to freeze, hide, areas that I dont want to transfer the detail to but nothing..still the whole thing gets transferred.
is there a way to render a turntable sequence with the alpha channel in it? if i render a single frame, it does render with an alpha channel, but no luck with the turn around... (any plugin or and other kind of stuff?)
if not then can i change the colour of the background atleast? so that i can batch remove the background in photoshop (cant remove the black as my subject has a black texture on it)...i need to complete this project asap...
why i cannot change the color of the background when rendering? It is always black, and i cannot attached or make new material, if need to attach jpeg or new texture on my drawing, cannot create new material. what should i do? im currently using autocad for mac 2012.
Im running PS CS6 13 x64 on a MacBook Pro with Mountain Lion OS X 10.8.2. I want to load a displacement map but when I'm in the Displace dialogue box and I click OK I get 'Operation could not be completed'.
If there is a similar function to "Execute function and repeat" in order to make the displacement of various objects. For example I have 5 different objects and wanted to give them a displacement of 1.5 cm, how to do this automatically by Corel Draw ?
trouble with displacement mapping. I am trying to cover a very rugged cliff face with the Union jack (british flag). I am trying to get a sort of old faded spray painted on look, following the rock contours.
trouble applying a displacement filter to my flattened images. I think i know how to create the displacement map. I right click on any one colour channel; duplicate it; save as a new channel; and save this new b&w image as my disp. map.
But then i go back to the image that i want 'displaced', click on the appropriate layer, go to Filter>Distort>Displace, click OK on the little dialog box and then open the previously created disp. map. Then nothing happens.
I'm trying to use either the displacement or 3D rendering function in Photoshop CS to make a realistic looking tattoo on a face, but I can't get "distort" or "render" to come out of grey no matter what I do.
I need help in displacement mapping. My teacher wants us to take a unfurred animal and put fur on it. I have tried to follow the tutorial she gave us but involves text not objects.
I am a Maya user who is trying to see if there is an equivalent menu item to convert a procedural texture displacement into a polygon mesh that no longer needs the texture?